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Fantasy Discordibus Mundi | The Clash of Worlds

Reiner Fulke

Shiny, that was Reiner's first impression of the gleaming Paladins as they filed in through the gate. They were just so unnecessarily shiny. Sure, your average citizen would see it and think of nobility and grace, of chivalry and heroism, but Reiner was not your average citizen. To him it was just arrogant flashiness. All such polished armor would do is mark you for death on a battlefield by making you all the more visible. The second thing he noticed was the noise, though that was to be expected. Whenever you have lots of armored people, especially if they're mounted which the paladins most certainly are, they tend to generate a cacophony of noise that Reiner knew well. The last thing he noticed was their discipline. Despite the fact that they were all mounted and the space immediately inside the gate was crowded no one was hit or stepped on by a horse, a feat he found suitably impressive. Reiner might chafe at authority and discipline but that doesn't mean he can't recognize the importance of both and respect them. He simply doesn't work well with either is all.

He watched as a man stepped forward from the crowd to speak to one of the Paladins, presumably their commander. His name seemed to be Rigar... something. Reiner couldn't quite make it out over the crowd, or at least the Itaamarians, clamoring over the Paladins. As for the commander of the aforementioned holy warriors, Reiner could only make out that his name started with "Shield"... probably ended with "heart" or the like...

Reiner begins to make his way through the crowd to get closer to the two men so as to better hear their conversation. As he does he nearly brushes up against an armored woman in a tattered traveling cloak. As he does he happens to notice her armor as being the same as that of the other Paladins, if much less shiny.
Shit he thinks briefly as he begins to move more quickly though the crowd though he reckons it's probably moot at this point. She's likely already sensed him and he's yet to have a good experience when that happens.
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Ser Elise Rook

Elise was rather surprised upon seeing who was leading the column. None other then Ser Shieldheart, their noble leader himself. Elise thought back to the last time she saw the man. It was during the time she received her shield, dubbing her as Ser Elise Rook. Shieldheart still radiated the same amount of confidence and authority as back then and Elise couldn't help but look up to him, both physically and metaphorically. She watched as the column stopped and a slender man began to talk with Ser Shieldheart. Elise was starting to wonder who that man was when someone brushed up against her.

"Tsk... You could at least a..sk....?" She had it in her mind to berate him but she started feeling something. A feeling like someone stuck a pin into her head. That's when it hit her. Back during her training, the Paladins had talked about a useful ability granted to them by swearing loyalty to Afflatus: the ability to sense a cursed being. And that feeling was rather strong. Elise quickly looked around the crowd, her mind racing at the thought of a potential interloper within the army. A traitor who might undo this joint effort or worse, lead them all into a trap.

"I must look for them... Or else..." Elise muttered as she elbowed her way back into the crowd. She had to find the cursed being soon.... Before things go South.

The Apprentice Lindzi

Where: Tower of High Sorcery, Hovering Above the Crowd

How: Curious/worried

Who: Observing
@Quantum Leek @Mykinkaiser @Wandering Hollow

The crowd had gathered far faster than Lindzi had anticipated. People came running, some unsure of what the horns meant, and some knowing exactly whose arrival they were heralding. Shorter than most of the soldiers and clearly far less important, Lindzi found herself being jostled and shoved in an unacceptable manner. The fear of being trampled, especially as a woman and a horse pushed past and nearly sent her to the ground, crawled up her back and she unapologetically gripped the back of a passerby and used him as a handhold as she crawled first up his back and then over his shoulder to climb into the air. Surprisingly, he didn’t seem to notice and appeared to assume that it was just the movement of the masses.

She erupted from the crowd just as the bulk of the Paladins were filing in. They looked just as regal as the rumors had said. Lindzi had met Paladins in the past, but they had all been from her side of the river, and friendly. These Paladins, despite their shining visage, just made her uneasy. She felt as though she could sense the Paladin’s disapproval of the mages in the crowd, especially as the magic users were the ones most reluctant to get to close to the parade. Like the others, she stayed far enough back that she felt relatively safe, although she would have felt even better if Niko had been there for her to hide behind. Then again, she thought with a mental frown, perhaps it was best that Niko was missing the Paladins arrival. Niko was the darkest of dark mages after all, it was
definitely for the best of every involved that Niko stay away from them if at all possible.

Lindzi’s musings were interrupted however as she spotted unusual movement from below. From her vantage point, Lindzi was able to easily track several people as they made their way through the masses. First of course, was the Battlemaster; she was impressed at how easily he made his way through the throng to address the leader of the Paladins.
Ser Sheildheart… Lindzi made a mental note and took a moment to take in the others in mounted beside him; Niko may have been missing the event now, but she figured he may be interested in learning what had happened in his absence.

The second thing she noticed was a man moving in the opposite direction of anyone else. Like a fish headed upstream, he wasn’t make progress very quickly and the pixie was immediately curious as to why he seemed so determined to leave. He appeared to be human after all, and most of the human soldiers she could see were all fighting to get to the front of the crowd to get a better view of their new compatriots. In their imposing and impossibly loud armor, the Paladins all looked vaguely the same and Lindzi was confident that they wouldn’t go on a murderous rampage any time soon, especially since Rigarius seemed familiar with their leader. She therefore allowed her full attention to turn to the man desperately trying to get away from the mob, or perhaps the Paladins. It was a sentiment she could sympathize with, as she knew that Niko would definitely be the type to avoid the Holy Warriors as well. Then, even more interestingly a woman began to push through the crowd after the man. Then, during the woman’s own, shoving her cloak shifted revealed that she too was a Paladin, if her less than pristine by recognizable armor was anything to go by.

Lindzi’s head tilted to the left in confusion. There was something going on there…. She straightened her legs from the crisscrossed seated position she’d taken and walked, mid-air, to keep up with the curious pair.
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Location: Tower of High Sorcery: Personal Quarters

Feeling: Focused

Interacting With:Just chattin' with meself

Nikomis Crimsongaze

An uncomfortable silence filled the council chamber. Within it, Niko could nearly smell the unmistakable scent of success. He could see their thoughts and feelings projected clearly on each exposed face--yet another mistake they had made. Never enter a game of power with your hand exposed. Fear, confusion, shock, uncertainty; everything was there, plain as day. They feared Niko, but did they truly fear him more than the approaching demon army? The answer

had to be no

. The demon army spelled certain ruin. And while the victory that Niko brought was uncertain--a chance that he saved them all, a chance that he doomed them all--at least there was a


. If nothing was done, even that small hope would be robbed from them.

Outside he could hear the blast of a horn; he knew without knowing that it was the bulk of the paladins approaching. He didn't fear them, but he would have to be more cautious now. For any unknown spells to be cast, he would need to be


careful. The paladins would smell dark magic from a mile away; especially if someone was casting dangerous spells from within their very walls. Still, Niko did not fear that they would discover any unscrupulous goings-on; his shielding, if necessary, could be perfection--a flawless wall through which not even a breath of magic passed. Now that the Tower would be crawling with paladins... it would be necessary.

Finally, the Archmages stirred.

Master Lightstrike cleared his throat, shattering the silence, then spoke,

"We have yet to discuss the price of your spell, Master Crimsongaze..."

An awkward pause followed. Niko waited, still as a statue, not even seeming to breathe.

"The mana cost to build a Gate alone, not including summoning an entire demon army through it, is enormous. This sort of spell is not designed to be cast in one week on such a large scale by one man. Where do you intend to draw the power from?"

A sinister smile quirked the corners of Niko's mouth upward,

"I have my ways."

"You expect us to believe that you have the resources to cast this?"



"Given adequate supplies, and a certain time to prepare, I could cast the Gate and summon the bulk of their forces. But I must be given complete access to the Tower's component library."

The component library was an enormous storehouse full of spell casting components. Components were used to amplify a Mage's magical abilities, whether by making his spell more powerful or making it cost less of his mana. All spells could be cast without components, but any spell could be made easier with the addition of the correct components. Different magics used different components, different spells required specialized ingredients. Some where very rare or dangerous, some very difficult to obtain.

"You will, using only supplies within the Tower's stores, cast a spell that should, by rights, take ten Archmages a solid week to cast?"

"Using only supplies within the Tower's stores and those that I have already in my possession.... yes."

Eyes narrowed at his addition. There were dangerous components within the stores, but nothing unscrupulous. There were legal components that could be used in illegal ways, but nothing that would, directly, cause harm if handled properly. Niko watched as gears turned in eight brains; the Archmages were trying to decide if he might have something much more powerful and dangerous in his possession.

Niko waved a hand dismissively.

"There is nothing you have not seen or are not aware of. You are at liberty to search my quarters, of course, to see for yourself."

"Then we will search both your rooms, and your person."

Niko gave no indication of discomfort.

"Until further notice, you are dismissed, Nikomis Crimsongaze. The Council must deliberate."
S E R | E Y C I L | o f | L L Y N B E C K

Eycil's attention was brought back to the present as she heard her name. Her eyes snapped forward; she was already sitting straight-backed at attention, or her pose would have changed with the shift of attention.

"Ser Eycil, attend!" Ser Shieldheart had dismounted and was standing side-by-side with the Battlemaster. It had been difficult to hear what was said over the roar of the crowd, and Eycil had stopped trying. When their commander called her name, however, the other--still silent--paladins parted for her and she maneuvered her horse to stand before Thotlin. The big man motioned for her to dismount and she did so, sliding off her mount with the ease of an experienced rider.

"Ser." She stood at attention, face blank, waiting for orders. Ser Thotlin Shieldheart stood a full head and shoulders above her, and he was twice as broad across the shoulders--a veritable battering ram of a man, but she wasn't intimidated. Ser Shieldheart was their leader, and Eycil had worked under his command since she'd earned her shield and gained some notice. She was high enough ranking that being spoken to directly by the commander was not an uncommon occurrence.

"This is Ser Eycil of Llynbeck, one of my Captains,"
Ser Shieldheart introduced her to the Battlemaster. Eycil saluted with one fist against her chest; Rigarius nodded to her respectfully. "She will take the others to their place--to set up camp and get themselves situated."

Rigarius nodded once more before half-turning toward the crowd at his back. He cast his eyes over the faces and ranks, looking for a soldier to suit his purpose. His eyes lighted on a dark-haired woman with strong cheekbones. A cursory glance at the markings on her armor told him she was a Lieutenant. He regretted that he did not know her name, nor even whose company she was in, but she had the ranking to know where to put the paladins and to keep her head if given this assignment. Set Thotlin had the benefit of commanding a much smaller force than Rigarius did--he likely knew all those serving under him, if only in passing--then again, Ser Thotlin's force was also neatly organized in a mounted column, while Rigarius' force was mixed in a mob. Possibly not the best first impression.

"Lieutenant," Rigarius said, motioning to the dark-haired woman, "I need you to show Ser Eycil where the paladins will camp--there is empty space south of Third Company, they should fit there."

Eycil followed the Battlemaster's eyes to the soldier indicated as her guide; Ser Thotlin gave her a curt nod, indicating that she should make haste in leading the others away to get set up. Shieldheart, himself, would doubtless stay with the Battlemaster to talk strategy. Eycil returned the nod; she would, as always, do as she was told--but when the others were situated, there was a matter she needed to bring to his attention. For now, she gave her full attention to the Lieutenant, indicating that she should lead on.

@Lady Ravenshade
Master Shivali "Demonsbane"

In transit Tower of High Sorcery

By most accounts, they were late.

But then again, by most accounts, Shivali was a mage and ought to have been wearing robes, walking around with her nose stuck in a spellbook, throwing fireballs--or whatever it is those sorts did, these days. The point being that Shivali wasn't interested in other peoples' accounts, just her own. And by her own account they were
probably late, but it was for a perfectly legitimate reason and had been unavoidable, so to hell with it.

Chamis, the Prophet, had predicted war; the Mages now said that it would be death by demons. Under normal circumstances, Shivali would have been there early, on the front lines--it was the right place to be, the place she needed to be. But things were not normal, and they had not been for nearly six months, now.

She cast orange eyes to her side, toward the boy who walked beside her. It was nor normal for her to be accompanied at every step by an eleven year old boy; it wasn't normal for her to have taken a demon under her wing; it wasn't normal for her to have subsequently come to feel some sort of pity and empathy toward said demon; and it definitely wasn't normal for said demon-child to now be marching to war with her. Things had been strange, recently.

The Tower of High Sorcery loomed in the distance; Shivali and Kysuo had taken the train south from the school, as close to the Tower as it went. From there they had to walk--it wasn't a
far walk, really, but she was a little bit concerned about her companion. He was a small boy, and for all his tenacity he was still a child; he had been skin and bones when she found him and nearly killed him for the misfortune of his blood. Things had improved ever so slightly since then, but still she worried. The walk was longer when the legs were shorter.

Most Mages would have just teleported themselves and their charges to the Tower. In fact, Shivali had no doubt that this was what all the other Mages
had done. But she wasn't much of a mage, and she certainly wasn't going to try to cast a teleportation spell on herself, let alone a child--especially one who had unpredictable reactions to otherwise commonplace things. No, it truly was best to walk the rest of the way, short legs or not.

She glanced down at Kysuo again, keeping a wary eye on him.

"Are you alright? We're going there--" she pointed toward the Tower, shooting up above the horizon; it was surrounded by a deep wall, and beyond that sprawling buildings, tents, and milling people.

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"I am fine, Ms. Shivali, but, I feel some sort of pull from that tower, a chanting voice, it gets louder and louder as we get closer, I don't understand it, put it is pushing me, willing me to fight."

Kysuo takes a quick glance down, the dirtied stones meet his gaze in equal stead, unflinching. Looking up he is met with his masters inquisitive glare, 'She must wonder what I mean by the pull from the tower' is his first thought, 'No matter.'

Ksyuo thinks back on the past few months with Ms. Shivali, he had been so confused when they first met, thinking as she would have killed him, he was puzzled as why she took him to that academy. Even more confusing, was the fact he was assigned as her apprentice, as they were probably the most mismatched pair in all history of magic. She had forced him to learn, shoving him full with books until he felt like exploding, the only thing that kept him sane was an old man he called Grandpa Hide, he met Grandpa Hide while on an errand, and they quickly became friends. Grandpa Hide showed him how to fight with dual swords made out of shadow, he taught Ksyuo every spare moment he had, nevertheless, Kysuo had to learn him behind.

Snapping out of his stupor Kysuo realized they pair of apprentice and master had reached the base of the walls and the pulling was getting stronger by the second.

@Quantum Leek
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Master Shivali "Demonsbane"

In transit Tower of High Sorcery

'Ms'? If I've told you once, I've told you a hundred times, boy! Gods, that I should be cursed with a student who had manners!

"Just Shivali, Boy," She snapped. Call me Ms, and I shall call you Boy.

While her sharp tongue got the better of her, in spite of her recent resolution to be slightly less short with him, she did manage to bite off the curses before they came out of her mouth. Most people had the option of turning tail and running when she glared and snapped at them. Kysuo didn't have that freedom--he was stuck with her and her with him--so she had resigned herself to trying to be a little kinder to him. So far the resolution hadn't worked beyond preventing her from shouting unnecessary obscenities.

Anything else she might have said was cut off as his words caught up with her.

"What do you mean, a pull from the tower?"
Shivali raised an eyebrow at him.

Most people learned to ignore the strange things that children said. But anyone who worked with magically-gifted children or, in Shivali's case, children who happened to have demon blood in their veins, learned it was never a good idea to disregard the apparently unexplainable things that they said. To ignore an un-trained magic-user was to do so at one's own risk. Often they were highly sensitive to things that well-shielded Mages were oblivious to.

They were at the gates; there were guards there, but they weren't paying much attention. There was quite a crowd on the other side, though it seemed to be in the process of dispersing. From where they stood Shivali couldn't quite see what had caused the crowd to form.


"I don't know how to explain it Shivali, but their is a pull from the top of that tower, a connection, it is normal human magic either, it's origins are demonic, primal."

Kysuo gaze turns upwards, focused at the top of the tower, he sighs, and his gaze tilts to his fiery master, Shivali.

"Ms... I mean Shivali, do you not feel the demonic aura radiating from that tower, it is defiantly there, I feel it through my entire body."

He turns towards the crowd, gathered on the other side of the gate, it was ending, he assumed as he watched the humans walk away with no direction.

@Quantum Leek
Reiner Fulke

Reiner gritted his teeth in annoyance as he battled his way through the crowd. He had underestimated just how many people were going to show up and as such his efforts to move against the flood of humanity before weren't progressing as quickly as he would have liked. The only plus side to this was that the paladin lady following him was similarly hindered. Even so, progress was difficult to say the least, some of the crowd members were practically frantic in their fanatic push to get to the Paladins, not seeming to care about or even see those in front of them. It was only by roughly shoving these people aside had Reiner been able to make any headway at all and several times he had had to get considerably more violent as people tried to claw their way past him, desperate to get just that much closer to their beloved symbols of purity and righteousness and nearly trampling him in the process. Despite all of this Reiner finally, after several minutes of concerted effort, managed to break through the crowd and into a back alleyway. Looking back he noted, with suitable annoyance, that he had left a sort of path through the throngs that, while it was closing rapidly, would still undoubtedly be useful to the Paladin following him. Well, whatever, he'd planned to confront her anyways so this development wasn't too bad in the end.

As he continues into the alleyway he once more glances behind him to check the Paladin's progress but this time he notices what a appears to be a person in the sky. Not knowing their identity, abilities, or motives Reiner doesn't look for long, though they might have seen him notice them. If they did, nothing he can do about it. However, if they didn't, that meant that he had one advantage should they end up being hostile. If they were, he'd want as many advantages as he could get to counter their aerial maneuverability. He sighs briefly, this trip really was becoming troublesome. Maybe he shouldn't have come, but what's done is done and there's not much he can do about that given that he's already here.

Sighing once more Reiner keeps walking quickly through the alleyway, taking a few turns before emerging in a courtyard between some buildings. He briefly looks around, checking to see if there's anyone around which, to his satisfaction, there isn't. Thus figuring that the courtyard was as good a place as he was likely to find for his inevitable confrontation with the Paladin. He wonders for a moment if she'll talk to him or simply attack before he can say anything. Ideally it would be the former but in his experience the latter was far more likely. Still, there was no need to unnecessarily provoke her and as such Reiner sits down on a nearby bench to wait for her, in full view of where she would likely enter the courtyard and with no weapons drawn.

Might as well get this over with right?

@Wandering Hollow @DancesWithVulcans



Lieutenant soldier.


Ser Shieldheart, the lieutenant had heard plenty about the rugged man, the very example of a protector, of power. To be seeing the commander with her very own eyes was an honor. At least war was good for some things, if it weren't for the prophecy she would not have had such blessed an opportunity. Marcella's observes each stoic, line of bright knight to the next. It was then when the sea of paladin's parted in unison with the sudden clopping of hooves on the old gravel and clanging of armor. The woman keeps from coughing as a cloud of dust breaks from the movement that stirs the ground underneath their feet, she can almost sense the mighty motion reverberate against her bones as a lady paladin presents herself in front of the commanders.

Golden, the tall woman's flaxen locks were a reminder of light as she alighted from her horse with sturdy steps, there was a graceful air about her, or maybe it was just the armor. Kensington recalls the woman's name as Ser Eycil, she gave the impression of being rather obedient toward orders, certainly of a high rank and most likely competition in Mars' opinion.

The paladins stood hushed before the sprawling, loud crowd. The quietude of the knights was unsettling, Marcella's grip on Mint's reigns tighten as the Battle master's deep ocean gaze turns toward the throngs and comes to a halt at the lieutenant.

--Or was she only hopelessly imagining such had happened? Christ! Finally! There's an obvious clench of her fists that gives away her fervor for the occasion, with knuckles white and eyes a shifting olive green the soldier blinks for a few heartbeats before clomping through the mess of grubby, foul-smelling soldiers. A striking contrast compared to the paladins of Afflatus. She, Marcella, reaches a standstill before the commanders and Ser Eycil.

It takes some searching for the right words before she speaks, managing to slow down her words so as they do not tumble out in a string of babbling nonsense. The ebony-haired woman greets the three with a practical salute and then stretches her hand to shake, she was guilty of being unfamiliar with their particularly peculiar fist on chest action. Settling with simple words she speaks carefully if only a little flimsy at parts.
"Lieutenant Marcella Kensington at one's service, Battlemaster Rigarius sir." Mars winces; she’s had his fair share of run-ins with compromising introductions, this one was ranked rather high on the list but the woman had to make an impression of course, better one than none.

What was it with paladins and their stony faces and matter-a-fact head nodding. Kensington figured it'd be something the troops would have to get used to.
"Certainly, we'll be on our way post-haste. -I'm sure the the paladins could do with a good well-needed rest after the journey. They must be exhausted." The clumsy statement is directed at the Ser Thotlin Shieldheart. She keeps an eye steady on her horse and the other at the intimidating figures of the paladin battalion; though Marcella's gait is casual, her stance is wide, and she reaches for Mint's halter with deliberately telegraphed motion as if still unbelieving of the command issued to her, which she very surely was.

"Ah..this way then," Marcella gestures with a flourish towards the tight congregation of linen tents as the lieutenant prepares to haul herself up the pure white stallion. It is one sweeping move for her to use the step and stirrup to leap into place sidesaddle, wrapping the reins around her gloved hands.

Further onward and deeper into the maze of flapping makeshift tent canvas and crackling campfire smoke suggests that she was leading them into a quieter, closed off area of the camp. Mint has begun to openly tramp on the cobbles, shaking his head; Lieutenant Kensington pulls tightly on the reins as she speaks to the paladin over her shoulder.
"I know it looks unsightly but you get used to it after a week of two of stayin' here. 'S not terribly awful." The way she says it suggests that the soldier has been in worse conditions.

Marcella attempts to start a conversation.
"You've a handsome horse.." before trailing off weakly and casting her eyes upward before they settle on the paladins to-be resting area. She clears her throat. "Well then, here we are. Welcome to your home..for a while at least."

"If there is anything I can do to help or if you hold any queries do not hesitate to ask. Lieutenant Kensington at your service Ser Eycil."

@Quantum Leek

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S E R | E Y C I L | o f | L L Y N B E C K

The rave-haired Lieutenant had introduced herself as Mercella Kensington. Eycil had to admit to a certain lack of familiarity with this army's ranks, and the correct way to address each person. It was, however, always best to err on the side of caution, so she decided that 'Lieutenant' or 'Lieutenant Kensington' would likely be the best way to address the woman. When the Lieutenant mounted her own horse, Eycil pulled herself back into her saddle. She held up one hand, with her shoulder and elbow both making right angles, and made a brief motion with her hand. All the paladins were trained to understand these silent signals, and to watch their leaders for them. Without needing any more instruction than that, the paladin force began to mobilize, falling into rank behind Eycil, who steered her mount behind the Lieutenant.

The first few meters were difficult to get through. The crowd was still thick; people pushed each other out of the way as it became clear that the paladins were going to pass through the place where they were standing. They made progress slowly at first, but eventually the main hulk of the crowd fell away behind them and Eycil was able to pace her horse with the Lieutenant's. A few stragglers followed along with their progress, as if they had nothing better to do--or had conveniently forgotten that they had better things to do. The others began to disperse, in the manner that all large crowds disperse--painfully slowly. Nearly all the paladins were following behind Eycil and Lieutenant Kensington. The only ones that did not follow were Ser Thotlin and two of the other highest-ranking paladins in the force.

Eycil's guide was talking as they rode--now that the crowd had fallen away, talk didn't seem so unreasonable. Eycil listened politely, though she gave Kensington an evaluative glance from time to time. She seemed unrefined, but the King would have them believe that everyone in Lansimar was. That may or may not have been true--the Battlemaster certainly seemed on par with Ser Shieldheart--but it mattered very little. If a person could do the job they were assigned to, what difference did it make if they dropped some syllables in some words and were accustomed to sleeping in the mud? In fact, that latter was almost always a benefit in the realm of soldiers. Every paladin in their lot had experience sleeping in uncomfortable places. Even Eycil, who had primarily been stationed inside Naloma, had spent time with a small squad, scouring the countryside of Itaamar. There had been a great deal of mud and uncomfortable beds involved in that, and when they came back at the end their riding leathers had been stiff and cracked, their hair matted, and their bodies lean and hardened.

"You've a handsome horse.."

The Lieutenant's voice broke Eycil from her memories. She gave the other woman a pleasant smile, patting her mount's neck.
"They tell us they're the best in Itaamar. All our mounts are bred specifically for us; pounds of gold poured into training animals that won't bolt at the sight of magic, that will carry a fully-armored soldier into combat."

They reached their destination soon enough; it was a reasonably-sized open-space and should fit the tents of their full force, with a little planning. Eycil surveyed the space for a moment before nodding to herself and signalling wordlessly to the paladins. With a great clank of armor and a crunch of boots on earth, the force dismounted in an eerily uniform motion.

"Sergeant," She said, turning to a man standing nearby, "Get this space mapped and planned; Set Shieldheart will need to know where to find whom when he returns."

The man nodded curtly and turned to take control of several others behind him, Together they moved off through the space to determine how best to utilize it. When they were finished, the empty space would be a precise grid of tents, carefully labeled on a bit of parchment so that any commander could find someone specific without any needless bumbling around. The other paladins began to spread out, evidently having been instructed to be 'at ease'. Some of them pulled off helmets and wiped their brows, others pulled heavy packs from their horses backs as they waited to be told where to set themselves up, still others formed small groups chatting and laughing. For all their quiet dignity and stiff formality, they were still just people underneath.

Soldiers dealt with, Eycil turned her eyes back toward her guide.

"Would you be so kind as to show me the places of note? Where we can pull water from, and so on?"
Master Shivali "Demonsbane"

Tower of High Sorcery | Main GateSHi

Shivali's mind sifted through possibilities as her apprentice spoke. They were standing just on the inside of the main gate to the Tower, watching as a massive crowd of people slowly milled away, but she wasn't thinking about the people. Some sort of demonic pull? She had expected her apprentice to feel something once they arrived--there was an enormous force of demons congregating here, waiting to break through--but she what he described was not what she had predicted.

do you not feel the demonic aura radiating from that tower...?"

Her eyes fixed briefly on the boy, then unfocused, then shut completely. She focused her magic down and out, Feeling for this aura he spoke of. She could Feel the presence of countless mages, their auras intertwining, forming a colored mass of power. She could Feel the restless hearts and unease of soldiers. She could Feel a bright white power, emanating from a massive force of paladins. She could Feel demons.... but none within the tower walls--those that she could See were entirely outside the walls, focused around several large cracks forming in the earth. Those were their Gates--the cracks from which they would come pouring out when the time was right. But none of this explained what her apprentice felt. She opened her eyes again and looked at him, her brow furrowed with confusion.

"No... I don't feel a thing." Shivali tugged at her hood, thoughtful. There was a pull emanating from the Tower? A pull that she couldn't feel, but her part-demon apprentice could? Several possibilities crossed her mind. None of them were good. It could stand to be investigated--though she was reluctant to take Kysuo into the Tower to see if they could find the source, using him as a guide. Since she had no way at all to predict what would happen if he did find the source--for now it was best to find a place to set themselves up away from that Tower, and do some cautious poking around.

Another thought occurred to her,
"Is it uncomfortable?"

The chances were they would have to be staying here--demonic pull or not--for several days, possibly without resolution to this particular mystery. But she was reluctant to do that if her apprentice was constantly fighting against some compulsion.


"It isn't uncomfortable, simply warm, like a embrace."

Kysuo looks back up at the tower, gazing at the top.

"I wonder why that crowd is dispersing."

He glances back at his young master, she looked visibly confused, 'She must not feel it,' is his first thought, as he waits for her reply.

@Quantum Leek
Master Shivali "Demonsbane"

Tower of High Sorcery | Main Gate

Somehow, the fact that it was pleasant, rather than uncomfortable worried Shivali more. But her apprentice's second comment prevented her from following that train of thought, and instead her attention was brought back to the slowly dispersing crowd.

"No," Shivali said mildly, "That is not the right question. The right question is: what caused the crowd?"

There was an average flow in the southern direction and when she cast her eyes were the people moved she spotted a neatly-arranged column of mounted soldiers ahead of the crowd. The farther they moved the smaller their following became, but it seemed fairly clear that people were following them. Over their heads, Shivali could just barely make out banners flying the symbol of Afflatus. In her minds eye the soldiers were pearly white, swirling with magic. There was only one name for people bearing white magic and Afflatus' sign.

"There--" She pointed toward the rapidly disappearing column of paladins, so that Kysu could see what she had observed, "Paladins. We must have arrived in their wake. The crowd formed to greet them, and has dispersed now that they've moved on."

It was a simple enough answer, but it brought Shivali's mind back to the present--they were still standing just inside the gate, and the people had thinned out enough to be on their way. The first order of business was to find out where they were supposed to be. The second was to make sure whoever was in charge knew that they
were there. There were two reasons for this: firstly was that Shivali had been receiving urgent mail from the Tower ever since the chasms had cracked open, requesting her presence; secondly, she had just brought a demon into a camp that was preparing to exterminate demons--someone was going to notice him and she didn't want any trouble. Actually, that wasn't strictly accurate--a tiny piece of her was hoping someone would challenge her, just so she could flex her proverbial muscles in their general direction. If you want him, you go through me.

The best way to go about checking both items off her mental to-do list was to find the person in charge. Two birds, one stone. The gate guard should have the information she needed.

"You there," she cast her fiery gaze in the direction of the nearest soldier. The man looked her up and down dubiously, but stood at attention none the less. She looked as if she might be either someone very important or someone very insignificant--but nothing in between. The sharp commanding tone that she used suggested the former, but the fact that she didn't bother to address him by the rank clearly displayed on his armor suggested the latter. Better safe than sorry, anyway.

"Where can I find the Battlemaster?"

The guard considered her again, and again decided it was better to be safe.
"Straight down the main path--big tent with the flag."

Shivali nodded, more to herself than the guard, then motioned to Kysuo.
"Come along."


Ser Elise Rook

"E-excuse me..! P-pardon...!" Elise hissed as she struggled and elbowed her way through the thick crowd. She was determined to confront this cursed being and to question him his motives of blending in with this army. Was he a spy? A saboteur? Is he even in control of his own actions? And most importantly, is he even aware of the curse. In her training days, Elise has heard of many types of curses. Of course, she wished that she had payed more attention but she was more focused on perfecting her protection spells then to listen to an old veteran ramble on and on about the horrors he had seen. Luckily for her, the man's attempts at escaping has also carved out a path within a crowd, aiding her in her chase.

"Finally.... Out of the crowd..." Elise gasped as she managed to extract herself out of the crowd, finding herself facing a dark alleyway. She took deep breaths to steel herself for the incoming confrontation as she walked through the alleyway. With each step, the tingle in her head seemed to intensify until it became a slight headache. She soon emerged from the alleyway to find herself in a courtyard of sorts... And with her target sitting on a bench nearby as if he was waiting for her. He didn't have a weapon with him. A trick? Or maybe its a sign that he wasn't looking for a fight? Time to find out.

"G-greetings stranger...! I am Ser Elise Rook of the Itaamar Paladins and I was hoping that we c-can talk for a moment..." Elise said in a clear, authoritarive tone... before fidgiting uncomfortably. "I-if you don't mind I mean... d-dammit..."

Elise had underestimated the throbbing in her head. It hurts! Its like someone took a waster and bashed her head in. Not a good form to be in when interrogating someone. At least this confirms two things... The man before her is cursed and that she has more to learn about curse detection.

Reiner Fulke

Location: Courtyard off of a back alleyway

With: Ser Elise Rook (
@Wandering Hollow)

Perfect Reiner thinks, a grin spreading across his face. "You seem to be in pain there," he notes before continuing on, "Though that's likely my fault." He then stands up and makes a theatrical bow while continuing, "Reiner Fulke, resident curse bearer at your service. What is it that you'd like to talk about?" The truth is that he knows exactly what it is that she wants to talk about and he's not looking forwards to it. However, even if he does run or overpower her it will surely be noticed and he'd likely be hunted down or the like. Besides, he didn't want to leave just yet, he was here to have some fun and he'd be damned if he let some Paladins spoil that, though he was probably damned already to be completely honest given his curse and all. Furthermore, he had another reason for being here. He wanted to get to the bottom of an odd feeling he'd been having recently, as if someone was urging him to come to the tower. It wasn't hard to resist but it was always there in the back of his head, nagging him, and he didn't take kindly to that. If finding out what it was meant dealing with some Paladins then so be it.

Ser Elise Rook

F-focus Elise.... Inhale... Count to 4... Exhale... Focus. Elise thought to herself, slowly regaining her composure. Her left hand glowed slightly as she placed it on her head. As for now, Elise can confirm a few things. For starters, the curse sensing is painful for the first time as evident by the throbbing headache she's nursing now. Secondly, the man before her, this Reiner Fulke, is a curse bearer and he's more then well-aware about it. Lastly, he's... pretty jovial about it. No pleading or threats. But then again, it could be a trap.

"What do I w-want to talk about? Its simple Sir Fulke, I s-simply wish to know how long you had that curse. And what are the effects a-and circumstances behind it. My actions f-following that depends on y-your answer. So please, answer them t-truthfully," Elise said as calmly as she could. The small healing spell helped numb the pain a little and she can easily cast a light orb up into the sky as a signal flare in case of emergencies. Even so, she's feeling a little on edge with Reiner's showoff-y actions. That and she has no idea what's going to happen next.

Reiner Fulke

Location: Courtyard off of a back alleyway

With: Ser Elise Rook (
@Wandering Hollow)

"My curse eh? Well, I've had it for..." Reiner trails off, looking up in the way people do when they're thinking for a moment before continuing to speak, "Two-hundred and twenty... five years? Yeah, that's right, 225 years is how long I've been cursed." Reiner pauses again, a look of mild surprise on his face, "Guess that makes me 247 this year, damn I'm old..." he finishes to himself with a shrug. "As for my circumstances," he says, looking once more at the Paladin and spreading his arms slightly sheepishly., "Nicked a thing that ended up being cursed, what can you do? Next is abilities right? On that front I can suck the life and magic right out of people, use it boost my own abilities or heal myself, it's really rather nice. Though, I can't eat or drink so there's that... Eh, whatever. There's some other shit too but that can come later, once we know each other better."
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Kysuo follows along meekly, silently contemplating the feeling, the pull from the tower, it was like a endless void, pulling like a magnet, attracting metal born from the earth.

"Come along!"

Kysuo snaps up, confusion on his face, looking at his young master he nods lightly, and strides after her, the pull forgotten.

@Quantum Leek

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