Didn't see you there..!


Your Friendly Neighborhood Cosmic Taco
Miraculous, MM, Cosmic Taco, whatever you wanna call me. Just don't call me names.

This site has made it to my 'totally-wasn't-bored-and-googled-roleplay-sites' list. I see that this place looks friendly and I hope to get along here.

Anyway, I should get going. I have an arm wrestle with The Terminator.
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Nice to meet you, MM! To be honest, I found this site the same way. Good luck with that arm wrestling!
Thank you! Too bad he cheated. He shot me in the foot while I was distracted and then slammed my arm down. Robots, am I right?
Oh, absolutely! We've asked the president to close the border time and time again, but no dice. Now, all those robots are crossing over and making common time-passers less fun. What next? Mega Man cheating at thumb wars? R2-D2 bending the rules in Solitaire?
I already saw a TV report about one of those Asian-made robots becoming a sore loser at chess. They're getting more aggressive!
Since we seem to be the only people disturbed about it, maybe it's up to us to out a stop to it. However, preperations will take quite some time, and we need training. Maybe, to start, we could roleplay our experiences fighting the robot menace?
Well, okie-flippin'-dokie. To the 1 x 1 forum, then?

Ah, scratch that, I have job to do. Will you be available tomorrow?

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