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Fandom Warrior Cats; A New Beginning


Boink Bean

Welcome to the OOC Tab!

All questions, concerns, comments, ships, and other subjects of overall conversations involving the role-play shall be placed here. Please do not clutter the other tabs senselessly, we were gifted the OOC tab for a reason.

Thank you!

~ Foxy

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I shall make another character later when I get back from the awful world of work. Get better @Scarlet Fox

I am here if anyone needs me just @ me cause I will check the site, but only for notifications.
*squeals* this rppppppppppppppp ♥

imma make a character now~ So so do all of them have to start with the name 'paw' ? or can they be of a higher rank?
Sagitarius said:
*squeals* this rppppppppppppppp ♥
imma make a character now~ So so do all of them have to start with the name 'paw' ? or can they be of a higher rank?
They can be a warrior and have any suffix
you want to? maybe he can be her brother and she doesnt know. Cuz i was thinking there was a flood and they separated when they were just kittens. so she might not recognize him

Sagitarius said:
you want to? maybe he can be her brother and she doesnt know. Cuz i was thinking there was a flood and they separated when they were just kittens. so she might not recognize him
I like that idea. It goes well because I was thinking of him having a sister he didn't know about
indiedarling said:
is this still happening?
She was last in Friday so idk what is going on but if y'all want you are all welcome to come join Clans in the Australian wild
DemonKitten said:
She was last in Friday so idk what is going on but if y'all want you are all welcome to come join Clans in the Australian wild
I'm going to join that roleplay and I'm currently reading through everything. But, I have a few questions. If I used the names of my three cats here, would that be fine? And then do we copy and paste the bb code stuff you have on there and then edit it with our info? I'm still kind of new to bb codes.
indiedarling said:
I'm going to join that roleplay and I'm currently reading through everything. But, I have a few questions. If I used the names of my three cats here, would that be fine? And then do we copy and paste the bb code stuff you have on there and then edit it with our info? I'm still kind of new to bb codes.
Yeah that would work. I'll add you when I get home

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