Journal Diary of a Hopeless Romantic


da bomb diggity
Dear Diary,

Okay no that's cheesy...I promise I wont ever to that again. Anyways, this is the story of how I shot my one true love with a stapler. He isn't really my true love, but I just wanted to make it dramatic. Before I begin, I feel I should provide some background information. Just to make things simple

So this all began last semester in physics 1 lecture and physics 1 lab. I met this guy. Let's call him...Dave. So I met Dave. Dave is this tall, dirty blonde hair guy with blue eyes, a very sexy beard I'm a fan of facial hair and a great fashion sense. Yes I'm being legit. He isn't one of those made up RP characters or a figure of my least I hope he isn't

Conversations between Dave and I never went passed the typical "Have you finished the home work?" and "Did you get this question?" We were practically living in two different universes. Well, this semester, the universes decided to mesh and play a very ugly joke on me. This semester I have Dave for three classes, Physics 2 lecture, Physics 2 lab, and an Intro to Engineering class Yes I know, hot and smart. I must be dreaming! Anywho I sit next to him in both physics classes, but we don't really talk. I just stare at him like the crazy stalker I am.

Okay now to the actual story... So it's time for physics 2 lab and everyone is lining up to turn in their lab reports from the previous lab. He was in front of me wearing an pretty awesome denim button down. So hot! When it was my turn to turn in the report, I reached for the stapler, but, just my luck, it was out of staples. The teacher sent her assistant to get some staples, so I moved to the side to wait. Meanwhile I was staring at Dave who was back in his seat now.

When the assistant returned, I handed him the stapler so he can put the staples on. Before we continue, let me just say this was a weird stapler. The actual name is classic plier stapler so you can look it up to see what I mean. So the assistant is twisting and turning the stapler trying to find were to put the staples in. He hands it to the teacher saying he doesn't know how it works, but the teacher shakes her head and says, "I don't know either. Give it to her. She's an engineer. She'll figure it out."

I'm there standing with my loose sheets of paper staring at the teacher in disbelief. Are you freaking kidding me? She'll figure it out? You're suppose to be my teacher! So they hand me the stapler and I'm staring at it as if it was a foreign object. But now I have to fix it because I have to prove myself as an engineer. FML. Anywho, so I'm pulling and pushing and twisting and turning trying to figure out how to put staples in the stapler.

After what felt like hours, I finally manage to put the staples in by taking out the spring in the middle, putting the staples in the bar, and pushing them with the spring. Refer to a picture for referenceI was so excited that I started doing a happy dance in the middle of the class. When my celebration was done, I grabbed the stapler, pressed down the two levers together and released. Everything seems fine right? Wrong! The moment I released the levers the spring in the middle shoots out across the room and hits somebody in the face. So you might be thinking "Who is this somebody?". I'll tell you who. It was Dave.

Out of the forty something students in the lab, the spring had to be aimed in his direction and had to land on that beautiful scruffy face of his. He was sitting in a table full of boys, so, naturally, they all began cracking up. Jerks.I turned tomato red, as Dave held his hand against his face. My eyes shot wide open as I rushed over and blabbed a million and one apologies. It was so completely and utterly embarrassing. I just wanted to crawl into a hole. Dave kept smiling and saying he was fine that the spring didn't even hit him that much, but the reddening cheek said otherwise.

As the class began I tried avoiding him as much as humanly possible. I was sitting in the chair next to him, so it was a bit more difficult that it sounds Class was finally over and we all went our merry way. The following day in Physics 2 lecture, I was running late so by the time I got to class, Dave was already there. I start blushing like the pathetic girl I am, thinking about the accident from the previous day. As I walked up to my seat, I decided to play it off as if nothing had happened, but, of course, it had happened and the moment I reached over to pull out my seat, Dave flinched.

From that day on, I have traumatized him. Now when he sees me, he wont think of me as His future wife the girl in his classes. He'll think of me as the girl that shot him with a stapler. If I had any chances with him, they have completely vanished at this point, but I'm an optimist and believe in second chances. Hopefully he does too. For now, I'll just continue to stare and daydream about the two of us walking on the beach try and redeem myself. Looks like I'm back to step one.
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Wonderful. This was wonderful. I really hope you don't seriously believe you don't have another chance though (:*)
Thank yous so much!

Honestly I don't think I had a chance to begin with

But yeah I'm going to keep on trying until one of two things happen.

Either I

A) Get bored/discouraged


B)Find someone else to Harass crush on

Not so much as make my heart skip a beat, but I do get all jittery and nervous when I think about talking to him =P
The Day I Decided to Talk to My Lesbian Friend.

Okay so much has happened in my hopeless romantic life, but I completely forgot about this thread so I haven't been able to share Not that anyone cares really =3 I'm just venting my feelings on the internet like any good ole internet junkie =) Anywho...I found this again within my nostalgic search of things I've done in the past and decided to share a story that happened yesterday between me, my friend and her girlfriend. Just putting it out there, I'm not going to criticize the LGBTQ community. It just so happens that I was not aware of the situation and it really surprised me. Okay I'll get on to the story now!

I guess I can start with the name of my friend, let call her, "Cristina" Yes I'm keeping identities secret Cristina and I met about four years ago. We were both band nerds she played bass clarinet and I played clarinet. I don't know if you're familiar with musical stereotypes, but in my band, the clarinets were the witchy with a B drama queens who slept with everyone in the band and the bass clarinets were the social rejects. Again I don't mean to insult that's just how it was. I've never been one to fit a stereotype. Oddly enough I was even rejected by the social rejects at one point, but that's a different story I was too quite to be considered a witch, I wasn't dramatic as the rest of my section and I didn't sleep with everyone, true story. As for my friend, she was anything but a social reject. She was the girliest girl you can possibly imagine. I mean the big hazel puppy eyes, bright blonde hair, high pitched voice, awesome make-up skills Which she has yet to teach meand even sung like a Disney princess, not even exaggerating. She was that person everyone loved to be around, except for me. I couldn't deal with the perkiness. Back then I couldn't comprehend how a person could be so happy all the time. It was unnatural. But since she didn't fit in the her section and I didn't fit into mine, we were forced to hang out together. That and the band director assigned her as my fishy. Go figure!

Any who Cristina adopted me as her first best friend in high school and I couldn't shake her off. It was like gum stuck to a shoe. As time went by I grew to like her and her quirky personality. She was like a little child running around all over the place and I was like her mother. We parted ways when the year was over and then crossed paths again when we both joined the theater club. (Fun fact: I played a mother in the play so my motherly figure just grew and she started calling me "mama" instead of my actual name) Anywho...come theater club we grew really close. She confided in me and I listened. I pretty much knew everything that was going on in her life up to her last boyfriend who happened to be a really close friend of mine. Like sleep overs at his house With other people of course close. At first I was so excited that my little baby and my best guy friend were together, but then he cheated on her multiple times. I was forced to choose between the two Think I'd be used to it by now considering past friendships, but no... Though you might think the choice was pretty obvious "Go for the one you know the longest Nessie!" it wasn't. I knew my guy friend about the same time I did Cristina so it was hard to chose. So what did my bright little mind decide to do? Go to college! Yes, as soon as the school year was over I packed my bags and didn't talk to either of them again.

So that was the back story between Cristina and I. Now to the actual drama part xD

It'd been about two years since I last saw Cristina. I've changed so much since then and apparently so has she. Last thing I knew about her was that she broke up with my best friend after he left her for the girl he cheated on her with. (Fun Fact: The girl he cheated on was from a different school and also played Bass Clarinet. His previous girl friend also played the clarinet and we got really really close at one point, but I wasn't about the midget life. He was about a foot shorter than me xD But I started to see a pattern) Anywho...yesterday as you American's know was Fourth of July Happy Independence Day and my town decided to spend our tax money and throw a festival! You know instead of finishing the three bridges that have been under construction for the past three years or covering up the whole in front of my neighborhood that's slaughtered about five vehicle's tires already. I wasn't really up for going to the festival until they said their would be fireworks and I love me some fireworks! So I decided to go half across town to go see the pretty lights by myself hoping to find someone I knew. It's a small town, I was bound to find at least one person. And I did! I found Cristina! Although she wasn't a girly blonde anymore. She had a skirt on that was too short, hair too red to be natural and a shirt too revealing for my little baby. Seeing her was a shock! I was completely dumbfounded, but still I went up to her enthusiastically with open arms and a bright smile! Now I was the person too happy for my own good We talked for a while until a tomboyish girl approached us. She was giving me ugly faces and I just stared at her wondering what her problem was. Then I realized it.

"Nessie, This is Amber, my girlfriend!" I stared at Cristina in shock. Since when did she go for girls? My first instinct was to think my guy friend messed her up enough to make her turn to girls, but it doesn't work that way. Unless she is faking it. Anyway, after knowing the girl was Cristina's BAE i smiled and greeted her. I always love meeting my friends Special Someones. I feel like they become part of our little family. So the three of us stuck together for the rest of the night up until the fireworks when Cristina had to leave. We said our goodbyes and I was left with Amber alone. I could still sense her cold stare, but I said nothing. She was my friend's girlfriend and I would be supportive! When the show was finally over I stood up and told her goodbye, but she grabbed my arm and sat me back down. I was both confused and really scared at this point. I didn't know her well enough to feel comfortable with her pulling me anywhere. She turned to look at me with a stern face and began what was probably the funniest confrontation I've ever had in my life. "I know what your plan is. Don't think I'm blind. I saw you staring at my girl sicko. I worked hard to go our with her and I'm not going to let you take her away from me." I stared at her waiting for the "nah just kidding" but her face was serious. So serious I started laughing. I explained that we've been friends for a long time and she was like my own child I'd never see her in that way. She didn't buy it of course. "And you expect me to believe that you two never had history?" By now I was laughing so hard tears came out.

(Okay Pause I guess I forgot to mention, Cristina is really flirty. Her intention may not be to flirt with others, but she unintentionally does it. When we used to hang out we'd walk around she'd hold my hand or we'd make kissy faces. There wasn't any romance behind it though, that's just how close and comfortable we are with each other. Play.) I assure her and reassured her that there was absolutely nothing between Cristina and I. Nothing at all, but for some reason she still kept going at it. "You too are too close. You can't see Cristina anymore okay? I forbid you to see her." This made me mad. Who was she to tell me I wasn't going to see my friend anymore. I stood up and grabbed my phone. "Okay if you don't want me to see her anymore that's fine. I'll just call her and let her know you don't want me to see her." The girl freaked out and stood up as well screaming and yelling for me to stop. Did I mention I didn't have her phone number. I was bluffing xD "No! No! Don't tell her! I was just kidding. I just...I really liked you and I didn't want her to like you either." I smiled and put my phone away. "Cristina is like my child. I would never hit on her. That's just...egh." I started to way away. Mostly since people were staring now and pushing to get out. "Besides...I go for guys. Not girls." I yelled out. "What?!" Amber said. "I thought you were a lesbian!" Now I was confused, "Wait what?" Amber nodded, "Yeah. Your clothes, your hair, the way you stand. It reads lesbian." I was speechless. I knew that back in middle school people used to ask if me and my best friend at the time were a couple, but we'd pretend to be together to freak people out. Now I didn't even know there was a lesbian standing style. Well according to her. I stopped walking and just stared at her. "What do you mean I read lesbian?" Amber approached me and touched my hair. "Yeah. If I didn't have a girlfriend I'd totally go for you." And with that she winked and walked away. "Bye Nessie."

It was hard to go to sleep last night thinking about what she said. Is that why I scare guys away? Is there really a set style that LGBTQ people follow that I'm not aware of. I thought everyone was the same. For such a long time, I thought I was just creepy and guys ran away from me because of cooties or something and that I'd end up in the friendzone because I was too nice. Now it turns out I read lesbian? What does that even mean?! I don't go for girls Not that there's anything wrong with it. It's just not my cup of tea. but now my style says I do? What about jeans and a mint green shirt with a sun on it says "Hey girls! I'm into you!"? Maybe I should stop being too friendly with girls. Or just stop talking to girls all together. Anyway...after last night, I'm seriously going to consider a make-over. Probably something Taylor Swiftish, she's had a lot of guys in her life, or maybe for for the Selena Gomez look and attract a Canadian. Who knows. I'd have to consult that with the pillow. But as of now, I will continue on my search for the perfect one who doesn't think I'm a lesbian because I can image how much of a turn off that would be. Unless it's one of those guys into that stuff...gah!Oh well looks like its time for some life changing and wardrobe changing decisions!

This journal is meant for entertainment and some of the stuff mentioned here should not be taken too seriously.[/s][/s]
This actually happened to you, I assume. I found this interesting. I'd say there is a slight style in Lesbian dressing, but only for some. Lesbians can look all sorts of ways.
DemonKitten said:
This actually happened to you, I assume. I found this interesting. I'd say there is a slight style in Lesbian dressing, but only for some. Lesbians can look all sorts of ways.
Yeah it actually happened.

It used to happen a lot back then, but I figured it was since I used to be a scene kid and was always around my girl best friend.

Now that I've adopted, or tried to adopt, a more sophisticated and grown up look, it happens again.

I've never really thought about Lesbians having a certain look.

I've encountered tomboyish girls and automatically assumed they were Lesbians, but then it turns out they weren't.

And vice versa with girls that were very girly. They looked straight, but turned out lesbians. After several wrong assumptions I just stopped assuming and not really worrying about a person's sexuality.

I dunno but what ever it is, it got me thinking and me thinking can be dangerous =S
I doubt it was the clothes. I bet more so with how open you were and how you carried yourself. From your journal entries, I'm certain you have a little attitude, Nessie. Couple that with your openness level, which was enough to get super close and touchy feely with Christina, and I can see why her gf assumed you were.

I've been in that situation before and had to make sure someone knew I was not into my cousin. I drape myself over her a lot of the time when we see each other and she holds hands with me when we're out and about. We both carry ourselves in a self-assured way, so a lot of long looks often get sent in our direction.

Dress how you please. You don't want to tone down the openness, because that's a positive trait. As for that certain sure/masculine vibe you're probably giving off...up to you how you want to handle that. (' :| )
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[QUOTE="White Masquerade]I doubt it was the clothes. I bet more so with how open you were and how you carried yourself. From your journal entries, I'm certain you have a little attitude, Nessie. Couple that with your openness level, which was enough to get super close and touchy feely with Christina, and I can see why her gf assumed you were.
I've been in that situation before and had to make sure someone knew I was not into my cousin. I drape myself over her a lot of the time when we see each other and she holds hands with me when we're out and about. We both carry ourselves in a self-assured way, so a lot of long looks often get sent in our direction.

Dress how you please. You don't want to tone down the openness, because that's a positive trait. As for that certain sure/masculine vibe you're probably giving off...up to you how you want to handle that. (' :| )

See that's what I thought about at first.

That it was because I was being too friendly and I would have been okay with that, but the fact that Amber mentioned my outfit and hair as factors threw me off.

I guess I am open to a certain level. Most of the time I'm quiet and to myself, but when I'm with my friends, especially close friends, I'm a completely different person.

And the whole masculine vibe, I've never actually been the girliest girl around. Although it was never really a factor until they recently pointed it out.

Who knows...In a way let people think what they want to think. They don't know me, but in another way, I don't want to give off the wrong impression simply by looks and how I carry myself. Guess some actions are better left out of public locations.
NessieAlways said:
See that's what I thought about at first.
That it was because I was being too friendly and I would have been okay with that, but the fact that Amber mentioned my outfit and hair as factors threw me off.

I guess I am open to a certain level. Most of the time I'm quiet and to myself, but when I'm with my friends, especially close friends, I'm a completely different person.

And the whole masculine vibe, I've never actually been the girliest girl around. Although it was never really a factor until they recently pointed it out.

Who knows...In a way let people think what they want to think. They don't know me, but in another way, I don't want to give off the wrong impression simply by looks and how I carry myself. Guess some actions are better left out of public locations.
I see. When I say sure in yourself, it doesn't mean talkative or loud. Just that you're not passive, if you get what I mean. When Christina's gf told you to back away, you didn't go peacefully right =p?

I want to say a lot, but can't explain it properly. So I'll just say, be you Nessie <3 <3

You should be flattered anyway. So hot you got both sides going after you ( ;) )
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]I see. When I say sure in yourself, it doesn't mean talkative or loud. Just that you're not passive, if you get what I mean. When Christina's gf told you to back away, you didn't go peacefully right =p?
I want to say a lot, but can't explain it properly. So I'll just say, be you Nessie <3 <3

You should be flattered anyway. So hot you got both sides going after you ( ;) )

Yeah I know what you mean =)

And I actually am a bit Passive aggressive. I don't "lash out" often mostly because I'm not good debating and I'll start tearing up if someone yells at me Pathetic But idk the girl just irked me since I tried to be nice and she was being rude. I was probably a bit too comfortable since I was with my friend before. Idk, but yeah it wasn't so peaceful Now that I think about it, how embarrassing I made a scene! Gah!

I'm still trying to find Nessie, but I can show off as much of her as I have found xD Not really but you get the point

And thanks! The thought crossed my mind but I found it a bit unorthodox so I pressed mute for a while, but you're right. It's a compliment in a way =3
Always Dress as if You're Going to See Your Ex Glad Mine's Six Hours Away

I'll try to keep this short and simple, although back stories really lengthen things more than they should.

You know the saying above? "Always dress as if you're going to see your ex." Well don't! It's a complete waste. At least in my case. You spend precious hours of your day getting ready to go to out even if it's to the supermarket. What happens? You walk out the door and into a ghost town. No notices your efforts, you don't see that person you like, you don't run into your friends. The place is completely deserted Figuratively speaking of course. Then that one day when you just "don't feel like it" and just crawl out of bed into some jeans and step out of your house, everyone and their mothers decide to go to the same places you do and say hi. Makes me want to punch a wall!

Okay I guess it's time for back story now ^_^

So around April my local college was taking applications for a tutoring position in a kid's summer program. My little brother has been going to the program for three summers now this is his fourth, so my mom, being so smart and caring, thought "Nessie you should apply for the job! It pays you 11 dollars an hour for 32 hours a week. You don't have to work Fridays or weekend and it's only from 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. You'll have time to be with your friends. What friends ='( It's perfect!" Me being the procrastinating, lazy couch potato that I am, I just waved her away. (Now I know what you're thinking. You blew away an opportunity like that?! You're crazy?! I know...I know. I'm paying for it now.) So I took a look at the application and mentioned it to my current crush. (If you're actually keeping up with this no it's not Dave. Dave was just a fling. My crush has been my crush for the past four years now and I still haven't left the friendzone yay! *Cries internally*)

Where was I...oh yeah! I mentioned the position to my current crush, lets call him Elliot! Elliot took a look at it and said "Hey I'll apply too!" Now things got serious and I wanted that job more than ever! But I was all talk and no game, so time went by and the application was still sitting in my desk completely blank. By the time May rolled along Elliot called me. Yes I squealed and yelled like a little girl because our relationship was mostly text based After freaking out I parked, I answered the phone. "Good news!" he said, "I got the tutoring job!" At that moment I was so mad and so happy and so jealous and completely melting at the sound of his voice I was mad at myself for not having gotten the application in, happy that he got the job, and jealous that 1. he got the job and I didn't and 2. he was going to be around other girls. For some reason I thought that both of us in the job would mean I'd have him locked in a cage. Guess it doesn't work that way After a nice chat we hung up and I rushed to my house to fill out the application hoping that they'd still accept it. They did, but I never got called. Wah.

So this brings us to June, the summer program started. My brother went to his first day, he went to his first day, and I stayed home sulking over a lost cause. My mom would ask if I wanted to go with her to pick up my brother, but knowing that Elliot would be there, I declined every time until two weeks ago. Work got pretty hectic for my parents so they asked if I could please pick up my brother from the summer program, reluctantly I accepted. The following day once four o'clock rolled in, I dolled myself, up got in my car, and went to pick up my little brother. The entire fifteen minute drive I was striking poses that seemed cool and relaxed trying to rehearse how I'd react when he came up and said hi to me. I got really weird looks from cars. When I finally got to the place, I drove up to the curb and waited for my brother to appear and get in the car. Using my mirrors probably the only time that I actually use them I began looking for Elliot and what do you know, he was standing with my brother. I wanted to slap myself so hard and slap my brother for being with him. He knows I like Elliot so he was probably saying something embarrassing about me. Because you know everything has to be about me -_- ...that was sarcasm in case you didn't notice Then everything happened in a blink of an eye, my brother says goodbye to Elliot, I strike my pose waiting for him to turn around and wave at me, my brother starts walking towards the car, and Elliot walks away without turning my way. My face dropped in shock and I drove away.

As usual, my mind started racing trying to think why he didn't turn around to wave. Maybe he didn't recognize my car. Nope, I have a bright lime green car which is hard to miss. Maybe he thought it was somebody else? Nope, I live in a small city and I have yet to see another car like mine. Maybe he didn't know I was picking my brother up? Possibly, my mom always picks my brother up so maybe he thought it was her. Or maybe he just doesn't want to talk to me? No lets go for the one before. He didn't know it was me. This happened again for the rest of the week. I'd drive up all dressed up and ready to impress and he'd just turn around when I arrived, or just not look my way. It got so bad to a point where I stopped right next to him and he didn't even look. Now my car is bright. Really bright, it's hard not to notice it unless he's just that oblivious. But whatever the case he hasn't waved at me once for these past two weeks except of course today.

So like I've been mentioning, every day that I'd go pick up my little brother I'd dress up. Yes I dress up to sit in a car and drive hoping that my lovely Elliot will see me through the car window and wave. I'm pathetic, I know. It's been established already. I spend about an hour every day trying to look pretty for nothing so today I said "Screw it! He never notices me anyway. Why even try?" So I just tied my hair up in a bun, put on an old P!atD shirt, threw on some jeans and crocs. I didn't even bother putting on eyeliner or mascara. I looked ratchet, but I didn't care. I was just going to be in the car and no one would see me. But, as luck would have it, I drove up to the curb to wait for my brother and hear a banging in my window. I turn around and see Elliot's smiling face at the other side of the glass. I drowned in embarrassment. My checks flushed, my face turned hot and to top it all off, my fingers stumbled with the window buttons so it took me a good while to lower the window. "Hey Nessie! I saw your car and just wanted to come say hi! Nice shirt I love that band!" And where in the world were you yesterday or the day before or any of the other days I actually dressed up?! "Hey Elliot! It's good to see you! How are you?!" The conversation ended there just like it did over text messages. My brother showed up high fived him and got in the car. "Bye Nessie!" "Bye Elliot! See you tomorrow!" Only I wont see him tomorrow since there's no summer camp. Great job Nessie. Great job -_-

Why is it that the one day I decided to be lazy, he decides to say hi? It is pure coincidence or does he purposely wait for me to be off guard to taunt me? I don't get it karma? I haven't done anything wrong! Why you do this? Anywho, maybe in order to get him to talk to me I'll have to dress down instead, but then he'll never realize his' madly in love with me like me. Boys like pretty girls and if I look like poop every time I see him then I'll just stay in the friendzone forever. Gah! Then again, the person that will truly be mine will like me whether I'm wearing a thousand dollar gown or last night's pajamas. They had a hole in the armpit xD Well as of now, he'll be stuck with the image of me in a P!atD shirt and no makeup for this weekend. Better get my game on this Monday to leave him breathless! If he even notices I'm there! D'=

This went on way longer than it should have sorry =S[/s]
After you...or not.

If there's one thing I absolutely adore about a guy is chivalry. The cheesy, ooey gooey, sappy chivalry that leaves your heart aching for more. Whether it's a simple gesture as opening your car door, pulling your chair out in a restaurant, or even something bold as placing his jacket over a puddle which in my case, has only happened in movies chivalry is definitely a must have quality on my future husband. Of course that does contradict the feminist in me that urges me to do stuff for myself and show I can be self sufficient, yet in reality even the most feminist girl enjoys the occasional guy opening a door for you or at least I would imagine they do Then again, trust a spazz like me to completely obliterate such a warm and courteous gesture and completely embarrass herself in front of the cute blonde that's in all of my Tuesday/Thrusday classes

Not muh of a long story but still enough to leave an effect. At the beginning of the week my new roommates went through their horoscopes as part of a weekly routine. I sat in the kitchen table listening to their astrological predictions which I don't really believe as I ate a grilled cheese sandwich. As they came to my reading they caught me halfway between a bite of sandwich. "So Nessie, what's you're sign?" I gobbled down my way too big a bite and finally answered "Taurus" I struggle with the pronunciation, so if choking on a grilled cheese wasn't bad enough my Mexican coming out sure hit the target after a couple of seconds they began to laugh and "Ooh" out loud I stared at them curiously and finally gave in. "Okay I wanna know! What does it say?!"

The laughter died down and they began reading, "Your love life has been heating up, Taurus, and the hot streak continues this week!" To that I had to stop them and laugh. If my love life has been heating up I tottalu missed the memo They continued "The sun makes an opposition to dreamy Neptune on Monday, and could cause you to have romantic feelings about a friend or teammate." A couple of side remarks about me having any friends came into play. All of which I ignored since I don't really have any friends and am not part of any teams. "But if you don't know this person well, it could be more based on fantasy than reality, so move slowly." So now it's all in my head? "A conjunction between your ruler, peaceful Venus, and masculine Mars on Tuesday may cause you to reevaluate a situation at home. A powerful trine between the sun and intense Pluto on Saturday means this weekend will be full of fun and adventure!" And that had left me believing in the Astros Complete sarcasm...just saying

So I continued my week normally. Wake up late, rush to class, starve from lack of breakfast, fight falling asleep during lectures, go back home, take a 4hour nap, wake up, do homework until late night, and finally sleep at a crazy hour and start again. Yesterday was no exception. I woke up ten minutes before the bus arrived which meant I had five minutes to get ready and five minutes to walk over to the bus. Surprisingly I made it in time Although if I were you, I wouldnt ask about the hair. long story short I got to school and rushed towards class since my professor is a sadist that loves to torture people who walk in late to class. I'm not about that life and will burst into tears at the first scold I get I start counting the seconds before that minute hand hits the 12. I'm sweating like crazy because of the lovely southern humidity and I'm panting from my lack of physical condition. With 2 minutes left to spare I get stuck behind the one and only, Cute Blonde Guy I don't know his name but I'm willing to bet it's something white like Luke or Jake. Let me just point out, for having two minutes left, he was walking extremely slow! Fearing for my life, I rush past him almost rudely and launch myself to the door. I twist the door knob and pull. Door doesn't open. I twist the door knob and push, stil door won't budge. I twist and shake and can't get the stupid door open. Dropping my hand in exasperation I turn around and find Luke Jake standing behind me. He looks towards me with an annoyed look in his face.

"Is it really locked?"

My eyes narrow No I was just jiggling the door for fun! "Yeah it's locked"

"So is there no class?"

"There's not cancelation note"

"And we aren't late yet..."

As I walked to the side door to see if that one was unlocked Luke Jake took a step towards the front door and with a swift motion, he twisted the door knob and opened the door. I stared in disbelief as the door open with an ease of a knife cutting into butter. He smiled and winked "Guess it wasn't locked after all" I flushed embarrassed at my failure to open a door and his cocky smirk didn't help. Luke Jake held open the door for me and I walked in thanking him while I silently cursed myself. Just to make matters worse, we were late and the professor called us out for entering a minute late to his class. Lesson of the story, if you're an engineer who can't open doors, switch professions now!...or just let cute people open them for you from now on =)

Not too sure if it was the love action my horoscope was talking about, but considering the circumstances and the fact that I later got approached by another guy and asked for my number
I'll probably right about that later on I'm starting to believe that I should take horoscopes a bit more seriously now. Who know what the Astros are trying to tell me?
There's no place like a highway rest stop

It's been a while since I wrote on here, but to be honest nothing quite interesting has happened with my love life. The guy I've been crushing on since like ages ago doesn't text me back and there's no particular eye candy in my classes anymore. And if there is, they're all younger and that's a turn off for me. On the bright side two of my cousins are getting married next summer. Just another reason to curl up in bed with ice cream watching re-runs on MTV and cursing my love life. Kidding Sort of I'm so happy for them and I get to be a bridesmaid! Maybe it'll be like one of those movies where the bridesmaid get a man at the wedding and they live happily ever after Yeah freaking right!

Anywho, what brought me back to this forgotten thread was my encounter with one of the most magical and romantic places I've been to, a highway rest stop. No I'm not being sarcastic. No that wasn't sarcasm either... I guess to better understand this I have to go back five years in time. *Cue time travel music*

Five yeas ago, sometime in winter of 2010, I was crushing on this guy, Charlie. Yes, pseudo name Charlie and I met thanks to a common friend Aj. Aj and I met because we were in middle school band together. He was a year older than I was ended up dating one of my friends, and then transferred to the same high school I did. Long story short, I creeped on Aj so I wouldn't be alone my first year of high school and he happily accepted me to his weird group of friends which included Charlie.

At first Charlie and I weren't really familiar with each other. He talked to Aj. I talked to Aj, but we never really talked to each other. It was crazy weird, but during those conversations I realized we had several things in common. We were both from the same middle school. He was just two years older than I was. He was also in band. Played percussion We lived about five minutes away from each other. So we rode the same bus to school. And his mother had been one of my elementary school teachers. Go figure!

It wasn't until one afternoon when the bus was full that we finally spoke to each other. Aj had to stay after school for God knows what and I had one of the few bus seats that was still open. I wasn't planning on offering my seat since I'm selfish and like to have an entire bus seat to myself I was carrying my instrument with me and it took up the entire seat. No it didn't, but that's what I keep telling myself However, the fearful expression on his face that's he'd have to sit next to a stranger on the bus was too much and I offered for him to sit next to me.

The first few minutes was incredibly awkward! He didn't say anything and I didn't say anything. We were both inched away from each other. He was playing with his fingers leaning towards the isle, and I pressed myself against the window and looked out contemplating the world. I don't remember how exactly we started talking, but it had something to do with a deck of cards and magic tricks. From that bus ride on, we became friends. We'd both sit at the very end of the bus and he'd give me long lectures on the Green Lantern, his favorite superhero or he'd fall asleep and I'd wake him up when the bus got to his stop. Then as the year went on, conversations began getting more intimate. He'd talk to me about things of his past and girls he like. I guess I had started to like him a little bit, but I didn't see anything of it. It wasn't until the following year when I realized, I might actually have a tiny crush on him, but I was too late. See my best friend, Carly also liked him and the thing was, it was the first boy Carly had ever liked. How could I come between my best friend and her first crush Well first crush if you don't include any book/tv/movie characters So being a good friend I backed away and started finding ways to hook up Carly and Charlie. That was one of my biggest fails in high school.

So as the semester continued I tried to make Carly and Charlie talk, but Carly was highly uncooperative. After a while I just gave up on setting them up and focused on other things. Meanwhile Charlie and I were still close friends, and I'd give him relationship advice Relationship advice from a girl who'd never been in a relationship before. Good job.. I'd occasionally give Carly entail on how she could make a move, but the biggest move she ever made on him was nudging him awake when the bus got to his stop and I wasn't there. Yet no matter how many times I tried to hook up my best friend and Charlie, or how many times I heard Charlie say "I really like *insert female name here* I was still falling hard for him. Maybe it was his long messy rocker hair, or his carefree attitude, or the way he turned into a complete fanboy over DC and Doctor Who, but whatever it was, I was too far gone to be saved.

Again, time went by and we finally get to winter of 2010. The band was on a trip to somewhere for something. I have a great memory. *cue sarcasm* Since the buses were arranged by sections he and I weren't on the same bus, but we texted during the entire trip! On the way back home from...that one place...we made a quick thirty minute stop at some restrooms in the middle of the highway. I kid you not, those were the most beautiful restrooms I've ever seen! And no it's not my love bug talking. I got down of the bus just to stretch my legs and the first thing I noticed were rows and rows of large crooked trees. They formed all types of weird shapes and angles making them look so exotic and beautiful. The dim warm light from some of the light post shone down on them creating shadows and silhouettes from the leaves and branches. There was a short cobblestone path that led to the restrooms between the rows of trees making it look like the entrance to a castle. The scene was so unique, I have yet to see another like it. While I was mesmerized by the trees and dim lights, Charlie sneaked up behind me. He too had gotten down to stretch. He was freakishly tall so I would image he'd do that

We walked around the trees while everyone else pilled up in the restrooms until we got to one that was low enough to sit in and wide enough to withstand the weight of two people. We continued talking about...things. Hooray for vivid memories *Cue sarcasm once more* Somewhere in the midst of the conversation, our hands brushed against one another. I quickly apologized and blushed, but he just smiled and went for my hand. Forgive me while I still blush and squeal after five years. "Why are you sorry?" he said in a joking tone which made me blush even more. After that I don't really remember if the director called for us to get on the bus or if we continued talking because my mind went haywire. It was the second time a boy I liked had held my hand so I was blowing up inside. Butterflies in my stomach, mind spinning, everyone fading away, yeah all those cheesy things that happen in books and movies were happening to me! Gosh high school love was great *said no one ever*

After that day, I didn't think much of the place or what had happened, because I knew Charlie liked someone else and my best friend like Charlie. I knew that we were close enough in our friendship that holding hands meant nothing more than being just friends, so it was me going crazy over mushy feelings. I soon forgot where we had gone and only remembered us holding hands. It wasn't until he graduated, that I felt a gaping whole inside of me. Yes more cheese I remembered that night at the rest stop and felt that if I could go there again I'd feel close to him, but I didn't remember where it was. I kept my eyes peeled every roadtrip my parents and I took, yet the place was no where to be found. I finally gave up on finding it and let go of my feelings for the guy. Okay maybe it wasn't much of a me letting go, but a me finding someone else. Still I got over Charlie.

So five years passed, the place was long forgotten and I haven't talked to Charlie since he graduated. However this past Halloween, something happened. As I made my way to my aunts house from my college, I was driving down the high way, a highway I've driven on two, now three, times, and something caught my eye, a small building with rows and rows of exotic crooked trees around it. I had found the place although it looked a lot less romantic in daylight. I was shocked out of my mind when I saw it. I just had to get down and be there again. So I took a detour and stopped at my magical rest stop. It was just as I remembered it, the trees, the light posts, the path, that one tree that we sat on. It all came back to me, but what surprised me the most where the butterflies that suddenly came rushing in. After a few minutes I got back in my car and continued on the road to my aunt's house.

I wish I could have said that some amazing moment happened where he was there sitting on the tree remembering our night together and we said "I love you" to each other, or that he contacted me after many years and we got together for coffee realizing that we were meant to be, but that shit only happens in movies. What did happen though was a sense of closure I didn't know I needed. It felt like I'd finally finished the last chapter of a book I had left incomplete so many years ago. I'd finally put an end to the story of Charlie and I. Now, I'll probably never see him again and I'll probably forget about all this soon, but at least I know that I've found my romantic highway rest stop. And though I couldn't quite pin down it's exact location on a map because my phone GPS was being bogus, I'm okay with that. It'll stay hidden from me living up to the wonderful memory I have in that place and it wont be tarnished by what is actually is, a smelly old rest stop.
27 Dresses part dos


If I didn't have this tagged in my signature I would have probably forgotten about this xD

Can't believe it's almost been a year since I wrote in here! Can't believe I've been almost a whole year without a decent love story to share its you all

But fear no more 'cus I am back!

Last time as I was starting my story, I mentioned my cousin's wedding and me being a bridesmaid and all this excitement. Well I'm laying down in a hotel bed waiting for the sun to rise since today is the day my cousin gets married! Man does time fly!

The bridesmaid journey hasn't been as excited as I thought it would be to be honest. First of all... I got put on crafting duty. Yes, I know crafting and I are like two peas in a pod, but when you have to decorate 100 bottles of bubbles, a guestbook, and make little pastries in a limited time... Crafting really sucks!

I can't feel the tips of my fingers anymore because of the glue gun and my love for cakes and cookies is long gone. Maybe I'll finally lose those extra pounds I put on in college Aside from all manual labor I was also demoted from my very special place in the bridemaid love. So my cousin had special dresses made for her three bridesmaids, but a few weeks ago I find out there will be like 6 others! I though it'd just be my cousin's sister, her cousin from her fathers side and me, but no! Apparently the groom wanted his family involved too so he made her ask his 6 cousins to also be bridesmaids Im not special anymore Now instead of her having 3 pretty bridesmaids with the same dress she's having 9 bridesmaids with 6 of them wearing whatever they can find. But despite all this I love my cousin and I'm willing to get touched all over while the seamstress took my measurements. If you've ever gotten fitted before, you know the awkwardness of having someone so close to your body...

So with the measurements taken, and decorations to make I was off on my bridesmaid journey making sure my cousin had everything ready and everything went by great! But of course there's always disaster... When we all went to try on the dresses the measurement were all wrong! The length of the dresses was at least a foot too long. The waistband was underneath my chest. The hem was too long on the front and too short in the back. The shoulder line was down in my clavicle and my bosom was way too small to fill the dress... It was a complete mess! Plus the material looked cheap. My cousin nearly had a panic attack, but after major alterations we finally got something that looked okay. I still feel like a potato sack with my dress

So at the end of the day I had a terrible dress that was worth way less than what I paid. 6 other girls stealing the original bridesmaids' spotlight and a whole bunch of crafts I had yet to do. I suffered through going dress shopping with my mom and not being able to buy a better dress because I already had mine and also the terrors of shoe shopping. Alas... I got through most of is and by the end of today I will no longer have to worry about anything!

I'll be back to my selfish routines of worrying only about things I need and not about bratty wives who only boss people around and then don't even invite them to the civil ceremony. Yeah! She's having the civil wedding and the religious ceremony and I wasn't invited to the civil wedding! Oh but the other 6 girls are! They aren't even real family! If they were the groom's sisters then okay maybe... But they're his cousins! Why in the world would they be there! Ugh ( Tantrum moment sorry...)

Hopefully if I ever get married I don't become such a spoiled bride I mean I'm already spoiled but... I don't really have my dream wedding planned, but I do know the gist of what I want. Of course that includes me having a boyfriend and me sitting on my butt all day doesn't help... I did have a magical love story during my Europe trip, but that's a story for another day! And by magical I mean totally one sided to the point where the guy probably doesn't even remember my name anymore =( I was also talking to a guy before I left for Europe, but that ended as soon as I crosses over seas... What lack of communication does to people...

I apologize for the terrible writing...

I woke up at like 5 in the morning from a nightmare and wasn't able to go back to sleep. I started reading through this thread again and I felt like writing for a bit, but everything I'm doing is via mobile and with like an hour and a half of sleep. Got me relaxed though! I feel a lot better and I'm ready to go to sleep again!

Thank you all for hearing me out! Goodnight!
Aw. Don't let these things get to you. At least you were able to participate in something and the thought was given to having you as a bridesmaid. That is definitely worth something to appreciate and enjoy.

As for your love stories, don't stress out about it much. What you're going through now, take it to mean you're not ready yet. Don't view this as something that's good or bad, just view it as something that is. It's neither positive or negative. We're naturally gravitate to and succeed at what we're ready for. It's kind of cliche, but I would suggest for you to first fall in love with herself. To be really comfortable in your own skin. You say you picked up a few extra pounds. If you want to lose them, lose them! Work out and stretch to get your body tone. You don't even have to leave home for this. A few light dumbbells would be all you need to get started. Ever had a language you thought sounded sexy or wanted to learn? Get started. A job/hobby you always wanted to do? Go for it. Feel another style of clothing would fit you well? Hammer down what you like and toss everything else out.

When you feel good, and don't apologize, or feel ashamed about the person you are, that inner acceptance radiates outward. Everything that you do will be marked by a confidence and appreciation of who you are. Other people can feel this enthusiasm about sure and true you are. This, is a key component in love. Unless you're fine with an unhealthy and dependent relationship both people need to be able to stand on their own. You combine to do more than what you both would have been able to do alone, not to be a crutch for one that can't get by on their own.

So I would say to you, do some workouts. It's the biggest bang for your buck if you want great, boosting results in the shortest amount of time. Don't underestimate the power of feeling sexy. Not in fashion, but in body. There is almost nothing more empowering than putting work into a body that lets you feel are you capable of doing anything. (<--- Flexibility is key to this.)

Regardless. Good luck in your journeys.
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Aw. Don't let these things get to you. At least you were able to participate in something and the thought was given to having you as a bridesmaid. That is definitely worth something to appreciate and enjoy.
As for your love stories, don't stress out about it much. What you're going through now, take it to mean you're not ready yet. Don't view this as something that's good or bad, just view it as something that is. It's neither positive or negative. We're naturally gravitate to and succeed at what we're ready for. It's kind of cliche, but I would suggest for you to first fall in love with herself. To be really comfortable in your own skin. You say you picked up a few extra pounds. If you want to lose them, lose them! Work out and stretch to get your body tone. You don't even have to leave home for this. A few light dumbbells would be all you need to get started. Ever had a language you thought sounded sexy or wanted to learn? Get started. A job/hobby you always wanted to do? Go for it. Feel another style of clothing would fit you well? Hammer down what you like and toss everything else out.

When you feel good, and don't apologize, or feel ashamed about the person you are, that inner acceptance radiates outward. Everything that you do will be marked by a confidence and appreciation of who you are. Other people can feel this enthusiasm about sure and true you are. This, is a key component in love. Unless you're fine with an unhealthy and dependent relationship both people need to be able to stand on their own. You combine to do more than what you both would have been able to do alone, not to be a crutch for one that can't get by on their own.

So I would say to you, do some workouts. It's the biggest bang for your buck if you want great, boosting results in the shortest amount of time. Don't underestimate the power of feeling sexy. Not in fashion, but in body. There is almost nothing more empowering than putting work into a body that lets you feel are you capable of doing anything. (<--- Flexibility is key to this.)

Regardless. Good luck in your journeys.

Thank you for such kind and inspiring words =D

I really appreciate that you don't only take the time to read my stories but also comment on them!

I don't really know you since we don't talk much outside of your likes and comments here, but you seem like such a nice and incredible person!

Thank you so much or all the encouragement! It really means a lot =)

Sure, no problem. I wish I could speak with everyone, but I really try to limit that to people I'm in RPs with. When you have multiple places you're going to to chat, it can really take away time from your role-play. I GM, so falling behind and getting sidetracked is not an option for me. Maybe in the future we'll find a chance to talk more.
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Sure, no problem. I wish I could speak with everyone, but I really try to limit that to people I'm in RPs with. When you have multiple places you're going to to chat, it can really take away time from your role-play. I GM, so falling behind and getting sidetracked is not an option for me. Maybe in the future we'll find a chance to talk more.

I completely understand!

I have several Rps of my own, but I tend to keep them on the casual/lighter side so it's not completely overwhelming.

Hopefully we get to cross paths in the future though! Aside from this I mean =)

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