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✩ wishing star ✩
-throws candy everywhere-

-3- So... I'm thinking that there can either be one heroine, which may prove to be a problem if more than one of us want the character position, OR we can have three. Or two, depending on how many of us want to roleplay a heroine.
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*Pops out of the shadows.* Here I am! ^~^

I was out of the house, but I'm home now! Eek, I'm so excited!

About the topic of heroines, I'm not sure if mine would count as one or not - She's my baby, though ♥ Sketchy over there helped me out with her in a previous conversation > :D

I'll post her up in Character Sign Up so you can check her out and see if ya' like her or not! ^~^

If you want me to, anyway? o3o
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I wouldn't call her heroine either, she's more of an antagonist xD Though, since she's not human to begin with, we have to agree or not if races other than the usual human, vampire ones are allowed.
Plot twist: she's an antagonist turned heroine.


I'm kidding xD

Or am I? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I can already see her messing with the heroine to further her own interests

Ooh~ I am so excited for thisss


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Did we figure out who's playing the heroine yet? If not, I have like tons of OCs floating somewhere. I'm sure I have something xD
Eeee all these posts. xD

I kind of lost the question. Do you mean what I think of everything in general, or something specific?
Sorry, I should have been more specific ><

Could there be more than one heroine? At this point, there is one heroine which, by my understanding will be played by you, Frosty (Eee! I like the name, reminds me of Jack Frost~) and the unpredictable antagonistic-ish character of @KawaiiDemonQueen13 that might at some point become another heroine xD

I have no complaints so far, but we should also discuss if they're both going to be brides or not. Though, since Mika-chan's character is not human to begin with, I assume she won't be...? Correct me if I'm wrong, Mika-chan :3
Oh, I never mentioned that I would play the heroine, I just found that it would be a fun experience. ^^ But yeee, of course there can be many heroines. The sacrificial bride thing could have the vampires all desperate, which would explain why they needed to bring in more females.
Gomen, I assumed that since you said Yui would be your first pick at rp-ing xD

Yesss, I like the idea~ Was there mentioned in the anime/game that the wax figurines Kanato has, are of former brides given to them? I can't remember. But if it's true, with the amount of them 'failing' at awakening, so to speak (more like being murdered before having the chance ><) I wouldn't be surprised they're getting desperate.

Should we decide whether we're going to play canon or OC characters? :3
Lol, it's fine~

Ohh, yes. Kanato suggested that he would make Yui into one of those wax figures, too.

I think OC would bring in a more original touch, but we should leave the plot about the same. ^^ Besides, KawaiiDemonQueen13 already made her OC, and she seems very excited about it!

Ahh, I'm literally extremely obsessed. I've been reading scanlations/manga, re-watching the show three times, and looking at the game reviews.

I really wish I had a copy of the game~desu <3
Levy won't be a human, nah x3

Also yuppity that Kanato mentioned making them inyo wax figures! Ahhh, I'm so excited ♡♡♡♡
I wish I knew Japanese xD But the Diabolik Lovers wikia has some information/walkthroughs of some of the game routes, though I haven't seen any for More Blood. So far, I know it has Kanato and Subaru's complete routes for the first game, but I'm not so sure about the others.

@EtherealFrost OMG Yes I have! I have been listening to the full song for the past week :3

Also, what are we going to do about the inevitable torture scenes? They are psychos after all xD

Yosh, I want to play Kanato or Laito! Or both kyaa~ xD


I mean hot damn, look at that face. If he wasn't such a deranged person I would totally throw myself at him xD

xD Well, obviously, we'll have to fade in with only screaming heard. If it isn't that bad, say they burn her with tea *cough* Kanato *cough*, then that would be rped.

You know what would be a good twist? Since KawaiiDemonQueen13 has a female antagonist (I'm assuming she's a vamp, since you said she was not human), we could have a male sacrificial groom brought along into it. I'm only considering this idea, since it may be a little awkward for the other vampire guys. x3


HEYYYY thanks for joining bae~!

Also, I hope you guys don't mind if I invited a friend to join. ^^
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I have this weird compulsive urge to cut off Laito's extra hair. It's bothering me, no matter how hot he appears to be. D: It's like flopping everywhere.


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@EtherealFrost Yup :3 Damn, narrating Laito's inner monologue could be hard, with all the perverted thoughts he has.. ><

Actually...she's a sorceress xD More like an enchanter. We played around with the idea of the medieval church and how they burned witches because they believed they were consorting with the devil, and since Vampires are believed to be demons in their own right, Mika-chan's character was born. Though she won't have any powers that would make her more powerful than the vamps because that wouldn't be fun~ I will let Mika-chan explain :3

OMG Nooo I love his hairr! I am actually a little irked by Kanato's because it's so uneven, gah! ><
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Okay, I'll sort out our characters that we have so far: Feel free to tell me to add on.

--> [ if you want to use an OC or the exact character, both are fine ^^ ]


  • OC antagonist (heroine #1)


  • Shu [ will be an OC / same personality ]
  • OC ( heroine #2 )


  • tba


Also, which type of characters are you interested in? We're doing an OC plot, but the personalities would be similar.

Oh, I know, I know! But it's this urge I have. xD It's not really my own desire, I just FEEL like snipping off those long strands. Kanato's hair in the anime is slightly bothersome, yes, but I prefer his manga/game version.
I'll put Levy up for you to see when I have time, I'm at school xD

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