Devastating Destruction


Harlen flinched at the slam from behind them. He had been so deeply engulfed in his thoughts, that the sudden loud noise startled him. He was still replaying what Luci had said over and over. He knew it was stupid to listen to her, but he couldn't help but believe what she was saying. "Nikki, what if...What if Luci's right?" He practically whispered, looking at her. He wanted to make it official and all, he just had no clue how to word it. He would've done it much sooner, but he didn't. He continued to ask himself why. Could Nikki be upset about it? So many questions were racing through his head.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

"Right about what?" Nikki said, a little confused. "Right about you not being good enough to ask me out? No. You are more than good enough in my opinion, but if you don't want to you don't want to." The fact that Harlen hadn't bothered her a little, but she was too annoyed at Luci to mind. Nikki took a deep breath, calming herself about the comment Luci made. She looked at Harlen, gave him a small smile then hugged him softly, her head resting at about chest level on him.

Harlen hugged her back gently, wrapping his arms around her waist securely. "I do want to..." He said, then paused, "I'm not sure how to word this, and it isn't very romantic, but, will you go out with me?" He asked quietly, giving a sheepish grin towards her, "I wanted to ask sooner...But,I just had no clue ow to say it, I wanted to try to make it more special than this, but I just couldn't figure out how to."

Scarlet was walking along the streets quietly, humming to her self. She kicked a small rock and shoved her hands in her pockets, staring at the ground as she walked. It was quite empty, just how she liked it. The streets were bare, except for a few papers and some litter blowing or tumbling across the streets whenever a gust hit. It's almost as if the place had been abandoned. That's how it usually was,though, in the daytime here. During the day, unlike most people, was when Scarlet preferred to be out and about.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

Nikki smiled, her cheeks a little red, "Oh, I don't know, I will have to think about it..." She looked at him silently for a short while, giving him a moment to sweat, "Of course." Nikki squeezed Harlen tightly, a cute little smile on her face.

Drue was walking around, muttering to himself about things that had happened recently. He looked up and saw a young girl walking around. 'How interesting,' he thought, 'It is so bright outside right now too.' He walked up to her, "Hello," he said curiously.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION] ))

She nods lightly. at the most she didn't want him to go and she really didn't want him to kill her. She just don't like being alone. She drew her tongue across her fangs needing a bite to eat. She looked around and thought of a deal. "Listen.... you need someone immortal and i need a bite to eat. Ill find a immortal and have my bite and you can have your victim." She watched him closely eating for a reply.
Victoria sighed softly, leaning against the brick wall behind her and crossing her arms over her chest stubbornly. She was still in a bad mood from Lithium and Gray betraying her, but she's managed to get over it a little bit. Her bright red eyes scanned the street, watching a few people walk by.

Suddenly standing up straighter, she began walking off with her head down, but she suddenly bumped into somebody. She looked up, her eyes widening slightly.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." She said, about to go around the person, until something stopped her. She glanced towards the man's face, and rose an eyebrow.

"Hey.. Do I know you?" She asked suspiciously, staring at him for a moment.

(BTW Kinadra, she's talking to Rallen:P)
((@♥Lost_In_Paradise♥, ok))

"I don't know really, do you?" Rallen said, an annoyed look on his face. It isn't very polite to stare, he said in her mind, then began to walk off past her. "Random girl... she needs to look where she's going," He mumbled to himself quietly, running a hand through his bright red-orange.
(([MENTION=3558]Seiko-kun[/MENTION] - Sorry for the stupid post that will follow shortly. :/ ))

", why are you here?" Oswald asked, still not understanding why Ariah was standing on the front steps. "Did the king send you to learn under Wilhelmina or something?" he asked, going with the first plausible explanation he could come up with.

Lauralelle, on the other hand, was regarding Ariah with a scrutinizing gaze. "...Are you a Fairy Knight?" she asked suddenly, and Oswald whipped his head arround to give her an incredilous look. He looked back at Ariah and then back to Lauralelle, his eyes darkening with confusion.

Looking back at Ariah and settling his sights there, he questioned her. "Well...are you?"


Lithium examined Kendra quizzically, wondering if she had misinterpreted something he had said. "My dear Vampire, you were never on the menu. Your powers haven't nearly developed to my specific tastes yet," he said, a self-satisfied smirk playing across his features. "It would be such a shame to eat you before your powers peaked," he continued. 'Unlike another vampire I know,' he added silently, liking his lips at the thought of the white haired lady who had left only moments before. He pushed the thoughts away for the moment as he straightened, turning back towards Kendra's retreating figure.

He had only just caught her little bloodletting act through his daydreaming, and he snickered at the show. "What a lovely performance, my dear Vampire, but if you really want to give me a show to remember, why not try cutting off a finger or gouging out an eye? I'm sure the blood works would be so much more...enticing then," he drawled, a lopsided grin stretching his lips.


Wilhelmina sighed through her nose, trying not to get too worked up. There would be no good result from fighting with the girl she wished to train should someone have to lead in her stead. So, instead of snapping back at the girl like every fiber of her being wanted to, she forced her outwardly appearance to seem calm and continued on softly like she had earlier. "What would you do differently if you were the king, Hazel? How would you combat the Dark?" she asked, keeping her voice even and polite. She was honestly curious, too, which helped her maintain a pleasant tone. Upsetting her new recruit wasn't on the top of her "to-do" list, so she hoped the younger woman would let go of her irritation and answer her with a level head.

Harlen looked at her, confused for a moment, then was relieved once she answered surely. He hugged her tightly, although he was still worried about the whole 'Luci situation'. He didn't know what he'd do about that, and was quite stuck on the subject. He didn't want to bring it up right now, though.

Scarlet came to a sudden stop, the voice sounded familiar. She squinted to see the man better from the bright sunlight, then recognized who it was. "Drue?" She asked suddenly, her apathetic facial expression turned to an excited one. Without warning, she ran up and hugged him. "I missed you! Where have you been? Where's Nikki?" She began asking millions of questions, then let go of him and immediately shut up once she saw his facial expression. Was he mad at her for asking those questions? Maybe he didn't remember her. "S-Sorry, didn't mean to be so jumpy." she said quickly, giving a nervous smile.


Salem rubbed his chin thoughtfully, then grinned widely, "Well, that's sounds like it could work out." He suddenly paused and laughed at himself, "Oh, wait. How exactly do I go about killing an immortal person? I should've given this more thought...Hmm..." He was silent for a very long moment. "I'll just torture them till I find their weak spot, maybe." He continued talking to himself and mumbling things under his breath for a long while.
Ariah nodded and as though that wasn't enough she decided to add "Yes I am." to that. She had noted Oswald's surprise when Lauralelle asked her the seemingly simple question. Lauralelle seemed to be studying her and she felt uneasy under the gaze.

((Its short but its better then "Yes"))
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

Nikki laughed, relieved in all honesty, "So now what Harlen? We have a girl in the basement and a semi-crazy guy who is vying for my heart. What should we do?" Nikki pulled away slightly, putting her hands on his chest and looking into his eyes.

"Scarlet?" Drue said, both confused and surprised that he was now on the ground, "I... I hadn't recognized you at first. My Nikki-lo... Nikki is at a friend'shouse..." Drue frowned a little, thinking of his love with another.


Hazel looked down, all irritation gone, a frown adorned her mouth, "I don't know... I know his predicament isn't easy. I just get so frustrated, hoping for some peace instead of war..." Hazel got quiet, "Let's just go back to the house." Hazel started walking towards the house, Ion floating around her head, trying to cheer her up, but she was deep in thought.


I chuckle, and say to Lithium "As long as i'm not on the menu, i'd be happy to join, although for safe measures i'll keep my distance." With that, I ask "Which way shall we head my friend?" With a smile, I add "i'm not too picky so whichever you prefur, i'd be gleeful." I remain my distance, and stay where I am standing, watching him carefully with by observant eyes.



I smile, knowing that he has revealed himself full on. The trust between us has grown decently, and I knew I owe him the pleasure of knowing the other side of me. With a final glance at Ray, my very large wings unfolded, and revealed themselves, white and glorious. I look at Osuka, and with him knowing all of my secrets that I have hidden from him say "I haven't the slightest clue, but i'm sure that we'll find a place if we walk around town. Thank you for your generosity Osuka. It is appreciated." I say with a smile. His tails were brilliant, and when I snuck a quick glance. It intruiged me to see 5 of them, although it has not been the most unusual thing I have ever seen. That story shall be reserved for another time I think to myself.


I am shocked with Emma's trust, and let myself show completley, although I am not nearly as trusting, it feels great to have the wind slightly pressing you to take flight. With a nod, we begin walking, and I say back to my newly found friend "You coming?".


I walk slowly, and observe my surroundings, while Skylar is out hunting the beasts of the wilderness. Each place I glance seems foreign, and new although, I am not particularily surprised. My ears appear rounded under my crimson red hair that falls around my face. The steps I take are light, and I feal as if I am flying. With a deep breath I think The city seems deserted of all its wonderful glory and people. Curiously, I poke around a few shops, and snag a coffee, drinking the foreign liquid with a sigh. It seemed to calm my nerves enough to think about where I should go. Perhaps the main buildings where the leaders live. They may want to see me. Maybe even the training grounds to get some practice in, although I doubt i'll need it. With a glance at the forest I long to visit, I head into the depths of the town until I reach the practice ground. There are old dull swords to the side, and as fast as lightning, I begin to practice with the dummy, one strike after another ringing about the hollow, all death blows that would have killed a mortal. It was easy to parry with its arm that did not move, although I executed many complicated moves, I wish that I had a real opponent to practice against. The cacophony of noise is quite loud, and I am surprised no one has noticed, even inside their homes. Afterall, I am in the most popular part of the town.

Harlen sighed once the topic was brought up. He simply shrugged, "I really don't know." he stayed quiet for a long while, thinking, "Honestly, I would like to just...get rid of Luci." he said quietly. not knowing if she'd agree to that plan. Not that Harlen was agreeing with himself, though, either.

Scarlet, being empathic, could definitely feel Drue's pain. "So, by 'friend', I'm guessing you mean something else? Because that's what it seems like..." She nearly whispered, "What happened?" She asked, now worried. She didn't want to press him too much, but she was dying to know. She hated being anxious and worried about these things.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION], Pleaseeeee get rid of her, I give you permission to kill Luci. But I still have to play in charrie for Nikki >.<))

Nikki looked down, thinking, 'Get rid of her..? As in kill...? I...I hate her, a lot actually... but...' She sighed and clung to Harlen, unsure on what to say, so she said nothing.

Drue looked like he was about to cry, something he never does. "I...She is with Harlen right now... She doesn't remember me enough... so she doesn't love me anymore... She loves a damn reaper." Drue looked at the ground, his eyes going dark, and his fist clenched. "I want to kill that boy... so much. But I don't wish to hurt her..."
Victoria looked behind her at the man, rolling her eyes as he walked off in an annoyed huff. She walked around the corner, wondering who she had just ran into. She stopped under a street lamp, and looked behind her. She saw that the man had not followed her, and she chuckled quietly.

"Strange.." She murmured to herself, than began walking again.

Soon enough, she was by the hospital where she had seen Lithium and that other vampire girl. Her red eyes searched the clearing, and than stopped on two figures. Not to far away were Lithium and Kendra. She raised an eyebrow, hoping they wouldn't see her. She knew Lithium would definitely try to trick her into some kind of scheme.

A faint grin appeared on her face as she looked back to them.

(Sorry Kinadra.. I had no idea how to reply to him lol)
((@kinadra - Alright xD ))

Harlen sighed and kissed the top of her head, "Nikki...I kind of have to. Otherwise I'll die." He said, barely above whisper. The reaper sighed sadly, he was unsure of what to do, too. He didn't want to upset Nikki, but he had to. He had to kill Luci, he couldn't let anything stop him.

Scarlet frowned, she touched his cheek for a moment, then quickly drew her hand back, then said nothing for a long while. Finally, she spoke. "She doesn't remember?" Scarlet asked sadly. She doesn't remember enough. Scarlet repeated in her head. She probably forgot about me then, too. We were such good friends. Scarlet continued to say to herself, staring at the ground, deeply engulfed in her thoughts.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

Kaleo watched him closely smiling

as he spoke to himself. She walked

to the door and darted down the

stairs. She called back "If you want

one then you gotta keep up" her

mild russian accent slipping through

her teeth.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION], I have plans :3))

Nikki nodded slowly, cringing at the idea of him dying. "If you have to, then do it..." she said looking towards the basement door. She sighed and let go of Harlen, then she went to sit on the couch. Nikki pulled her knees up close to her and starting singing to herself in another language, trying to ignore what was going to happen.

Drue looked at Scarlet with a semi-defeated look, "Yes... not all of it. Apparently she remembers her parents death, me raising her, and a little bit of that Luci girl chasing us. She doesn't remember the relationship she and I had after she was old enough... I just... I need to make her love me again." 'Yes you do! Make her yours, kill the boy. Kill kill, make her know who to love!' Drue clenched a hand at his thoughts and shook his head. "I won't go back to how I was... I hurt my Nikki like that..." Drue muttered to himself, barely audible.


Rallen glanced behind him, the girl wasn't following. He turned, and followed her instead, keeping out of her sight. Rallen was bored, so he figured he might as well have something to do. Once they got to a stop, she looked at a couple people. He came up behind her silently and tapped her on the shoulder, speaking into her mind, ​What is the deal between you and them? You stopped so suddenly.
(([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] Plans are good. xD ))

Harlen sighed and then walked down to the basement, shutting the door behind him. He wasn't sure how he was going to go about doing this, but he'd surely figure out a way. The reaper took a small breath and flipped on the basement light, looking at Luci. He walked over to her and leaned down above her, raising an eyebrow, "Luci dear, your time is up." He said quietly.

Scarlet looked at the sky thoughtfully, "So his name is Harlen? Huh." She said to herself, then slowly stood up. She heard something rustling in the bushes and cringed, "Well, I gotta go! Bye!" She said quickly with a fake smile. She looked at the bush, worried, then ran off past Drue. ((Hmmmm. ;P))


"Hm." Salem grumbled and then ran after her. He was quite agile, despite his thin, slightly bony figure. Salem caught up with her immediately, and was now silent. This was how Salem was; his personality and mood never stopped changing.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

Nikki was singing, "Tha Mo Ghaol Air Aird a' Chuain", to herself, trying not to think about things that were troublesome.

Luci glared up at Harlen, "My time is up? So you plan to kill me? Only a coward would kill someone who has nothing to protect themselves with." She tried to look brave, but her fear broke through in her eyes. "Isn't there another way?" She said quietly, looking at Harlen again, but now with no anger in her eyes, only fear. "All I did was follow orders..."

Harlen glared suddenly, "I've told you plenty of other ways. It's your fault now. You just couldn't decide, could you?" He growled, backing up. He plopped down on a chair and sighed heavily, leaning back and just staring at her. I don't know what the hell to do with this girl...he said to himself, I bet she's putting on some sort of act?

Scarlet began running faster, "Damnit." She said to herself, before tripping and skidding on the pavement, her elbow and knee now bleeding. She struggled to get up, breathing fast, before a massive rush of air blew by and everything was silent. Scarlet took a relieved breath and pushed herself back so she was sitting against the brick wall of a building. She looked down the street, holding onto her elbow. She could still see Drue. "Well, damn. I was sure I could've run faster than that..." She muttered.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

Kaleo watched the as they walked

down the quiet street. out of the

corner of her eye she seen a girl

sitting in the ally way. Kaleo pulled

Salem to the ally and looked at the

girl. "Your different right?" Kaleo got

down to eye level with her and flashed

her her fangs. The small girl who had

to be around 18 nodded. Kaleo just

smiled and slamed her against the wall

and sunk her fangs into the girls neck.

Her warm sweet blood flowing into her

mouth. When she was done she let go

of the girl and looked at Salem and nodded.
(([MENTION=2978]The Magnificent Marley[/MENTION]))

"No, I decided to follow orders. To follow all I have ever known. It isn't right to kill a hostage though you know," Luci stared at Harlen, irritated and afraid at the same time. I worry, just like everyone at HQ does, about the well-being of the reapers. I only have a qualm with Nikki because she is a problem, I do not hate her personality though, Luci said to Harlen in his mind.

Drue watched Scarlet randomly run, trip, and run again. Drue looked at the bush curiously then he walked over to where she was slowly, and when he got there, asked, "What was that all about Scarlet? And don't run again." Drue fake coughed, trying to hide the small amount of crazy that eked out.
(([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] & [MENTION=3558]Seiko-kun[/MENTION]))

Wilhelmina said nothing to Hazel's response, sensing the girl wasn't much in the mood to talk, though her answer was troublesome. How could Wilhelmina entrust the future of her clan to a warrior that didn't want to fight? Though, she supposed she didn't want to fight, either, not exactly. The matriarch wanted to protect - the clan, the people of Light, the world, even - and she was happy to fight to do so, but that didn't mean she liked the war either.

The silence became less awkward for Wilhelmina as she realized where her possible apprentice was coming from, and so she left well enough alone and tried to enjoy her walk home instead. The buildings of the Light nation were splendid, after all, and she never took enough time to appreciate them like she used to when she was a child. Though content to simply observe the city, Wilhelmina was pulled from her musings as the pair approached the manor of the Fairy Knights, and she noticed someone new on their front steps. As she neared the mansion, she could pick up on the last part of the group's conversation.

"Seriously? Wow, that's two new Fairy Knights in one day," Oswald exclaimed, his eyebrows raised in surprise. "Um...Well, I guess you should come in, then," he added after the initial shock wore off, but Lauralelle elbowed him in the ribs and gave him a stern look. "Oomph," he wheezed and inched away from the senior Knight.

"I would ask you in, but that is Wilhelmina's call," Lauralelle started, a small frown upsetting her delicate, almost childlike features. Catching movement out of the corner of her eye, she looked up and saw Wilhelmina and Hazel approaching the manor and blinked. "Speak of the devil," she murmured as a half-smile took over her features.

Wilhelmina came up the stairs a few seconds later and stopped by Ariah, giving her an inquisitive look. "My name is Wilhelmina Flynn. What, might I ask, are you doing here?" she inquired, and Lauralelle tapped her on the shoulder.

As her leader turned towards her, Lauralelle shed light on the situation. "This is Ariah De Luka. She says she's a Fairy Knight and here to join the war efforts," Lauralelle murmured and Wilhelmina turned towards Ariah abruptly, shock evident in her expression.

"You are just in time, then. I was going to take Hazel to the training hall. We can test you both out at once," she said with a smile and turned around, walking into the house. "Follow me," she called as she headed towards the training hall. Lauralelle and Oswald shared a brief look before following their matriarch deeper into the mansion.

Meanwhile, in the Dark Capital...

Lithium cracked his neck loudly by giving it a swift twist, though not to the extent of breaking anything. It was an odd habit of his that he used to ward off irritation, or to keep himself from having a mental breakdown that resulted in a rage induced rampage. This time it was to prevent the latter, but even relieving the tension in his neck as he had done was not quite enough to calm him down. 'Friend, you say? Friend, friend, friend, such a damned awful word,' he thought and cracked his neck again, this time twisting his head the other way. 'Friend? I would never make a friend of a vampire, and for good reason,' his mind said venomously. Another crack, this time from pulling backwards. 'Kill her,' a voice whispered. 'Kill the girl who dares utter that word. Eat the vampire, the nasty vampire, the cruel, untrustworthy leech!' the voice said, ending in an enraged shriek. Lithium snapped his head forward, another crack resounding around the open space.

Breathing deeply, but not so noticeably that someone would suspect his inner turmoil, he raised his head and centered it again, fixing his crown's position as he did so as it had slipped. "Well, then, my dear Vampire," Lithium began, his voice strained in a quiet, suspenseful way, "let us be off. I know just the place." He finished with his typical toothy, lopsided grin, but a deep hatred burned in his eyes, a malice so intense he could hardly contain it, but his smile never faltered.

Turning around on his heel, he stomped off in the direction of the tavern he visited on occasion, the one that specialized in vampire cuisine. He typically went to the tavern to stake out prey, a vampire who was weak enough for the ghoul to take on, but strong enough to give Lithium an extra power boost at the end. Tonight, he thought that maybe he would try the alcohol laced blood beverages that the bar served. Perhaps they would take an edge off of his foul mood.

As he marched, he caught a familiar sent drifting in the air. "Something smells good," he murmured, his smile twisting into a vicious smirk. "Victoria, where are yoooouuuuu?" he sang, unable to pinpoint her exact location with Kendra's sent still clinging to the air around him. "Come join us for a drink, Victoriaaaaa!"

Harlen rolled his eyes, "I left the specific job of killing criminals and old people because I didn't want to forcefully just take the people's lives. Instead, I take orders secondhand rather than HQ. What I've been trying to tell you, Nikki has changed. You have to forgive her, Luci. It'd be a huge mistake if you killed Nikki." He said, shaking his head. She's important to a lot of people. It's not like you'd understand, though... He said in Luci's head.

Scarlet stayed on the ground and crossed her arms, not looking up at Drue, "Since when are you the kind of person to care?" She suddenly said, "Besides Nikki. If she's hurt in any way, you'd die over that girl. But nobody else. So it doesn't matter what I was doing. Typically, you'd only care if it involved Nikki." She huffed out a breath and stood up, placing her hand on her elbow and healing it, then doing the same for her knee. Yes, there was a certain reason Scarlet just snapped at Drue, but she wouldn't dare tell anybody that reason. "I hadn't intended to snap at you. I'm sorry." She let out a frustrated sigh, but she really wasn't sorry at all. In fact, she was glad that for once she actually got to say something like that.


Salem did a small clap, "Well, that seemed easy enough." He mumbled, kneeling down beside the corpse and poking at it childishly. "Ladada~ Now let's see..." He touched the blood on the girl's neck with his fingertips, studying it intently. Then he managed to pick up the girl and drape her over his shoulder, "Well, I must be on my way now- Unless you'd like to tag along! Guests are always fun!" He said cheerfully and began walking.

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