Devastating Destruction

(Hey this is Paradise:P I had to use my iPad because I can't find my laptop right now.. I might be slower at replying because its really hard to type on this thing xD )

"No.. Stay away from me.. You're just another illusion!" Victoria suddenly screamed at Rallen, beginning to back away from slowly. Her eyes were wide with fear and her hands shook uncontrollably. It looked like the horrific images she was seeing were beginning to get to her head..

She backed up until she ran into the bloody girl that stood behind her.

"You can't run forever, Victoria.." The girl said in a creepy tone, a grin appearing on her face. Her skin suddenly began melting until there was nothing but a skeleton left. The girl bust into a fit of insane laughter, collapsing to her bony knees.

Victoria gasped in horror at the girl, whipping around and running straight into Rallen.

"Please.. Don't hurt me.." She murmured in a shaky voice, glancing up at him with scared red eyes. She suddenly looked away as if she expected something horrific to happen..
(([MENTION=3647]xDeadlyButterflyx[/MENTION], kk))

Rallen watched as she screamed and ran into the creepy girl. Then as she ran into him he held her and looked into her eyes, "Why would I ever hurt you Victoria? I called you my leelan, I never do that for anyone. No one but you that is." Rallen kept a grip on her and pulled her into a hug. Kretan was watching from afar and looked at the skeleton girl, This woman still has a grip on her, quite a grip... but at least here they are separate... Just think of it as a game, you have to defeat the big baddie, Kretan said into Rallen's mind, an interested yet scared tone in his voice.
Tears flooded into Victoria's eyes when Rallen hugged her.

"I can't take this anymore, Rallen.. We have to get out of here.. I feel like I'm losing my mind." She whispered, her body still shaking slightly from the horrific images she had seen. She pulled away from him, looking straight into his eyes.

"Rallen.. I-" She paused for a moment, blinking a tear out of her eyes.

"I love you.. I know I haven't mentioned it before.. But.. I do." She murmured in a quiet tone, kissing him for a moment and than pulling away.

"I'm sorry about hurting you earlier.." She hugged him again, but a little tighter than before

"Victoriaa.. Come here, sweetie.."
The woman's voice suddenly called out eerily. A woman with pitch black eyes and hair appeared behind the two, a creepy grin on her face. She held a pale hand out to Victoria, as if expecting her to turn around.

"I will get you out of here, and you will be fine..." He said, though his heart nearly froze when she said she loved him and she kissed. "I... I love you too Victoria." Rallen jumped at the voice and clutched Victoria tightly, he turned them around to face the woman and laughed, speaking in a growl, "Hurt her and I kill you. Take her? I kill you. Leave her alone? You get to live. This isn't a threat, its just a fact." Rallen glared at the woman, holding Victoria tighter. "I don't have to hold back here. I am not bound by the physical plane here," Rallen said, the grin on his face widening, displaying his sharp teeth for all to see. In the blink of an eye, small hellish horns appeared on his head, tiny fires dancing around it. From his back sprouted large demon wings, and the whites of his eyes were black, the iris a blood red color, and the pupil a thin black strip like a cat's. Rallen looked at Victoria for a moment, speaking in a deep, truly terrifying demonic voice, "Do not be afraid of me leelan. I would never hurt you, no matter how I look." He looked back at the woman, "You, however.... I want to rip out any innards you have and make their colors known to the world. I could use your heart as the paintbrush, and your corpse as the canvas.... Or, maybe you don't have a heart... I could use more torturous means of breaking you... I know a few." Rallen laughed a dark laugh at the woman and waited for her response.
"Have you forgotten, demon?" The woman chuckled to Rallen with an amusing smile playing on her lips. Black angel wings appeared behind the woman, spreading out across the area. Each feather was made out of a thin needle that could easily cut someone's skin by the slightest touch.

"You're in my realm now. I could easily take Victoria from you, or even kill her if I wanted to." The woman laughed to herself evilly, flicking her fingers, and immediately Rallen and Victoria were forced away from each other. Black tentacles appeared out of the ground, wrapping around Victoria and lifting her up towards the sky.

She squirmed violently, stopping when the tentacles around her suddenly tightened.

"What is this?.. What are you doing?" Victoria gasped, raising her gaze to the woman, who was still grinning.

"You shouldn't ask questions you know the answer to, my dear. It isn't very polite."
The woman suddenly paused in her words, staring at the ground for a moment.

"Now.. Where were we? Oh yes."

Almost immediately, the woman appeared next to Rallen, pinning him against the wall tightly.

"You are quite a pest, boy. Why do you insist on helping this girl, hmm?"

"Well, girl," Rallen practically spat at the woman, "I help because I love her. And, it isn't your realm its hers. She just isn't understanding for some reason that she can take control of her own mind!" Rallen was yelling at Victoria by the end of the sentence. He turned back to the woman, a sly grin on his face. "Oh, and I am a demon too. Don't you think I can do possession if I wanted to? Besides, I really am tiring of this. Kretan?" Kretan glanced over at Rallen, a scared expression donning his face. Rallen continued, "Could you please stop pretending now? It is rather annoying really." Kretan grinned, the scared expression replaced by a bored one, "Oh... but Rallen, that is no fun." Rallen glared at Kretan, and Kretan sighed, "Oh fine..." Kretan disappeared and reappeared next to the woman. "Jezebeth, isn't it? Demoness of deception? You remember me, do you not? Ah, perhaps not in this form," Kretan spoke, his voice crisp and clear. He pointed a finger at her and flicked it away from Rallen. The woman flew backwards and Kretan stepped towards her again where she landed, "Do you remember now? Or shall I make it more clear to you?"
Almost as soon as Rallen began yelling at Victoria, her eyes became a very bright red color.

"How foolish.." She murmured to herself, the tentacles immediately uncoiled and slipped back into the concrete. She stood perfectly still for moment, staring at the ground. Than, all of a sudden, a black scythe appeared in her hands. Gripping it tightly, she flung it at the woman, accurately hitting her straight in the stomach. The woman winced, grinning and yanking it out as if it were nothing.

"Don't be stupid." She snapped to Victoria, flinging the scythe to the side.

Jezebeth turned back to Kretan, the same creepy grin on her face.

"Of course I remember you." She said in a rather calm tone, taking a step towards him.

"Do me a favor. Tell your demon to stay out of this. He can have Victoria.. For now.. But don't think I won't be back."

She spat to Rallen, flashing him a nasty glare.

As soon as she said that, Victoria vanished, and had reappeared back in the library.

"She gave up.. So easily. Why?" She asked herself quietly, trying to convince herself this wasn't some sort of trick.
(([MENTION=3647]xDeadlyButterflyx[/MENTION], like the name Jezebeth?))

Snapping back to reality, Rallen rubbed his head and quickly untied Victoria from the table he had tied her to. Kretan appeared soon after, sitting on the table, looking at Victoria. "Partly because I scared her, she hasn't seen me in millennia. Also because you realized the power of your own mind." Kretan looked at Rallen who was staring at Victoria with worry, his eyes still black in the whites, red, then cat slits. The horns, fire, and wings were all gone though. "I am so sorry," Rallen started, "I wasn't able to protect you well enough... You could have... you could have died..." Rallen's eyes shone, and for a moment he wondered if they bothered her.

Kretan stood up and stretched, "I, myself, am sorry for pulling the wool over your eyes for so long Victoria. This is not my original state, this is how I hide who I am." He paused and looked at Rallen, "Should I show her now? She has been through a lot..."
(Yeah it's a pretty name:P)

Victoria sat up, sliding off the table and standing next to Rallen. She noticed he was staring at her with worry in his eyes, and she wondered why. She hoped what Jezebeth had said didn't trouble him to much..

"Rallen.. You don't have to apologize.." She murmured to him, sliding a hand over his cheek and bringing him closer to her.

"Think about what would have happened if you and Kretan weren't there.. I would have been mad by now." She grinned a little bit at the thought of her going insane, than she continued.

"You did protect me, Rallen.. More than you think." She said softly, hugging him for a moment, than pulling away. She flashed him a small smile of reassurance, and than turned back to Kretan.

"You mean, this is not your original state?" She asked him, tilting her head a bit.
Ariah was watching Hazel closely and easily blocked the blow directed at her face. When Hazel attacked her shoulder, on the other hand, she wasn't quite fast enough to avoid it completely. The shoulder of her shirt cut and a line of blood showing but nothing that would've stopped her from blocking the last attack to her back. Ariah was used to pain so her shoulder didn't bug her when she swiped at Hazel's side with a thrust, knowing not to strike a blow that could potentially kill the girl. Before pulling the sword back so it was no longer outreached, she slide it father towards her side to cause more damage. She side stepped out of the blocked blow and swiped again at her side with a faint smile waiting for the blood.

Hazel smiled at the small cut on Ariah's shoulder, and hopped back out of the range of the thrust towards her side. She hopped back again to avoid the second attack. The third caught her side slightly and she winced, a good sized cut forming and bleeding. Hazel looked at the cut and giggled slightly before looking up at Ariah with a grin and her glowing eyes. Hazel dashed forward with lightning speed, faster than she had before, and slammed the broadside of her sword into Ariah's side. She stopped behind Ariah and then dashed forward again, only getting faster and hitting harder. The second swing was still with the broadside so as to not cut, and this time it was low, near her feet. Once again she passed her, and again she came back faster, coming up close, and bringing the blade up to Ariah's neck.


Kretan smiled at Victoria, "See Rallen? No need to be worried. She still likes you." Rallen rolled his eyes at Kretan, a slight blush on his cheeks, he was actually worried about that. He kissed the top of her head, then allowed her to question Kretan. At the question, Kretan grinned, "No, it isn't i'm afraid. My true form is hidden usually because, well, it attracts unwanted attention. But I suppose I will show you. I shouldn't hide it from my ward's future." Kretan backed away from them, into a large empty space in the room. Smoke billowed from him and eventually his true form could be seen. Large midnight black wings protruded from his back and stretched, their wingspan huge. Dark armor was protecting his well toned body, and though the armor was dark, it had an otherworldly glow to it. He had a smile on his face as his long dark hair blew about slightly. As the last bits of smoke vanished, glowing red eyes looked at Victoria. "This, is me. Jezebeth is... similar. But she is my lesser."

(What he looks like, similar, but without armor. He also has glowing red eyes.)

Victoria grinned a little bit when Rallen kissed the top of her head, than she turned to Kretan. Her eyes widened a little bit as she watched him transform into the form he really was. Once she smoke had cleared, her jaw practically dropped. She could see what he meant by 'unwanted attention'.

She quickly looked away, realizing she had been staring for quite a long time.

"Wow, Kretan.. I see what you mean now." She flashed him a mischievous smile and than glanced back at Rallen, hoping he wasn't mad for teasing Kretan a bit. She admired Kretan's wings, her eyes looking at every feather that covered them. She was quite fascinated about how Kretan looked so different in his true form.

Her red gaze looked back to Kretan, the smile still on her face.

"So.. This.. Jezebeth lady. She is like you?" She asked curiously, wanting to know exactly who that woman was in the first place. She had seen that woman before in a dream when she was little, but she had quickly forgotten about it, making it become nothing but a blurry memory.

"In... a way," Kretan said, smiling a bit at the protective glare he got from Rallen. Rallen walked away to look at some books as Kretan continued speaking, "She is similar, and I only know that because she fought with me a long, long time ago. I thought she was dead really." Kretan sighed, then smirked, deciding to have a bit of fun. He walked closer to Victoria, pulling his wings close, wrapping them around Victoria. With Victoria and Kretan now in a small 'O' shape, he grinned, "You like my wings? Ah, but anyways, to put it simply I am a fallen angel. She is... I think she is the daughter of a fallen angel and... something else."
Ariah was a bit surprised by Hazel's laugh but she kept her expression calm and wiated for the next attack. She wasn't ready for the hit to the side but she jumped over the second one knowing that she would have a large bruise soon. When Hazel brought her sword up for the final attack, Araih used one of her swords to push it upwards and slid underneath bringing her other sword across Hazel's neck. One move and she could kill her but she new when a fight was over. Hopefully, Hazel did too.
(([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] [MENTION=3558]Seiko-kun[/MENTION] - Yo, hey, people. I'm gonna be gone for a couple days, so I might not be able to respond to this (or any other) RP. Whenever you're done with the fight, just say some random messenger from the king came in and gave Wilhelmina a note. That'll be when we start the counter attack. I should be back online by Tuesday, Wednesday at the latest, and I might be able to get on before that. Happy RPing, and try not to miss me too much. ;) Kidding, kidding. ^_^ ''))
Victoria grinned, but it immediately vanished when Kretan wrapped his wings around her and pulled her a bit closer. Her eyes widened and she completely froze.

"Kretan.. You're a bit close, don't you think?" She asked in a soft voice, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks as she stared straight into his eyes. She glanced away, trying not to make eye contact with him again. Whenever someone got to close, especially a male, she got a bit skittish. She wasn't used to this kind of attention at all.

Than a playful grin appeared on her face when she realized he was just teasing her. She took a step towards them, making the space between them a lot smaller.

"You know, it's not nice to tease people, Kretan." She said, a teasing look on her face as she arched an eyebrow and stared into his eyes. She wasn't trying to make him nervous or anything, just a little bit uncomfortable. She just hoped Rallen wasn't seeing this, or else she was immediately going to stop.

Kretan smirked then backed up and folded his wings behind him, grinning at Rallen. Rallen glared at Kretan, he had seen the whole thing and was, at this point, trying very hard to not get protective. His eyes glowed a little as he walked to Victoria, and held her from behind. "Anyways," Rallen said, an annoyed hint to his voice, "He is a fallen angel. She is a fallen angel plus probably a demon or something." Kretan nodded and leaned against a bookshelf, sighing, "Yes. Probably a demon/fallen angel mix. Or perhaps some form of poltergeist mixed with fallen angel? Either way, she is half fallen angel. And I am her superior." Kretan thought for a moment, a finger against his lip in thought. "Though, don't think I am evil for being a fallen angel. No, I have quelled that side. Just, a bit dramatic and devious."

(([MENTION=3558]Seiko-kun[/MENTION], you can come up with the messenger's message if you wish.))

Hazel grinned widely and hopped back again, too fast for Ariah to stop her. She ran a hand against the small cut on her neck, and looked at the blood. "I may have found a friend... Though, your side probably hurts now.... What? Are you waiting for me to stop? It is not over yet!" Hazel said, her eyes still glowing brightly. With extreme speed she dashed towards her opponent, again faster than before. She was a blur of light as she moved, swinging the blade-side of her sword towards Ariah's neck, too fast for her to stop Hazel. The balcony door slammed open and Hazel froze, not more than five inches from Ariah's neck. Quickly she sheathed her sword and looked toward the source of the noise.
Ariah sighed. Well thank you for interrupting cause getting your neck chopped open is always so much fun... She thought sheathing her sword and looking to the messenger that had barged through the door. "A message for Wilhelmina from his majesty!" He looked like had run for hours and looked almost panicky.

I can't think of anything good...))
(Well, we will just have to wait for ShizukaAyame then >.>)

Hazel ran up the stairs, the glow in her eyes slowly disappearing. The note was handed to Wilhelmina and the messenger ran back out the door in a hurry, it seemed he had elsewhere to be. Once close to Wilhelmina she stared at the note in her hands, a bit worried. In the back of her mind though, she wondered what Mina thought of their duel, and she wiped a hand across her neck, wincing at the cut. She looked at the blood on her hand in horror, then looked back at Ariah, wondering how much damage was caused to her.
Ariah came up the stairs behind Hazel and watched as the messenger ran back out of the room. She called Ushui to her side and allowed her to jump up her arm. When Ushui got to her shoulder and stepped on her small cut, she winced slightly and moved her cat's feet so she was standing around it instead of on it.
"A message for Wilhelmina from his majesty!" a messenger shouted as he burst through the entrance of the training hall. Ranulf rose and growled at the man as he handed Wilhelmina the note, and the man hurried away. Oz bent down and wrapped an arm around his wolf's neck, stroking his fur with his free hand.

"Calm down, Ranulf," he murmured and turned to Wilhelmina with a curious gaze. "What does it say, Mina?" he inquired as Lauralelle, Hazel, and Ariah crowded around the matriarch. Her grim expression darkened with every line she scanned, and, for a moment after she finished the note, she remained silent.

"Maryland has killed a third commanding officer of the Light's army. The king wants the Knights to move out immediately and dispatch her," she murmured, her voice low and sullen. Lauralelle's eyes narrowed and Oz gasped at the revelation.

"What?! All of us?!" Oz asked, his voice shocked and his face dismayed. Ranulf whined and nudged Oz when he stopped petting him. "Oh, sorry," he muttered, his face still troubled as he resumed stroking his pet's fur.

"Who'd she get?" Lauralelle asked, straight faced as always. The body guard was more interested in who Victoria had managed to kill than she was worrying about heading to the battlefield. There were plenty of weak officials in the Light's army, but there were a couple of true warriors, too. If the vampire had managed to kill one of those guys, Lauralelle would know that she had to be more careful, more vigilant in her duties to protect her matriarch and, subsequently, her clan.

"A seer confirmed that Maryland killed Landon Black, Military Commander of our army," she announced, ignoring Oz for the moment. She closed her eyes and leaned against the banister, letting out a tired sigh as Oli rubbed against her arm. "What to do, what to do...," she murmured quietly, keeping her eyes closed as she thought about the course of action the Knights would take.

The duel between Ariah and Hazel had confirmed that both of them were strong, skilled swordsmen, and Wilhelmina was confident that they would be useful in a fight, but they had both just officially joined the clan - Wilhelmina had yet to oversee the training of either of them. 'We'll just have to learn on the road, I suppose,' she thought and opened her eyes having decided on a strategy. "Lauralelle, you will take Hazel and find Maryland. Do not engage the enemy unless you are found and provoked. I want you to contact me as soon as you find Maryland. Oswald, Ariah, and I are going to storm Dark's capital. There's someone there who I have left alone for too long, and it's about time we got him back. We could use his strength if we're going to be mounting a full-scale attack. Lauralelle, I want you to take Ilayda with you, too. I'm going to order the rest of the Knights to prepare for a counterstrike the second we return from our missions," Wilhelmina instructed, and Lauralelle smirked.

"It'd be a pleasure, Mina," she declared and turned towards Hazel. "It's an honor to be fightin' with ya, miss. I'm impressed with your skills, and I'll be counting on ya to watch my back. Ilayda's, too," she said, still smirking, though her eyes twinkled with a delighted spark. "Speaking of which, we should go get her," the body guard stated and turned towards the stairs, not watching to make sure Hazel was following, but hoping she was nonetheless.

Meanwhile, Wilhelmina motioned to her otter to come to her. "Oli, I want you to keep watch while we're gone. We're taking Ranulf with us, so we'll need you to hold down the fort, alright?" she asked as she picked up her pet. Oli squeaked and Wilhelmina smiled before nodding and setting the otter down, watching as he shot off up the stairs. Looking at Oz and Ariah, she kept her smile, but her eyes were hard. "Let's go," she ordered, and started up the stairs to instruct her other warriors to get ready.

Oz sighed and turned towards Ariah. "Good luck on your first mission, I guess. I hope we don't die," he mumbled nervously, his brows scrunched together with worry.

(([MENTION=3558]Seiko-kun[/MENTION] [MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] - Yo, hey, I'm making Ilayda's character sheet in a sec. If anything I wrote was too controlling, give me a shout and I'll change it. I was kinda rushing with this 'cause I really want to get the story rolling. Also, I had Ariah go with Mina and Oz 'cause Hazel's a little stronger, so I wanted to balance out power. Sorry if that seemed weird that Mina wasn't teamin' up with her future apprentice. :/ Oh, and sorry for takin' so long to reply.))
(([MENTION=3530]ShizukaAyame[/MENTION], love it! And its fine. Though I am a little sad Mina and Hazel aren't teamed up >.< Did you like our duel though?))

Hazel followed Lauralelle down the stairs. Once they were far enough away from the others, she looked at Elle, and spoke in a timid voice, "How did I... do? I usually don't let go that much... ever... I am surprised I did for Mina and Ariah." Hazel had a bright blush on her face as she walked, side by side with Elle. Ion followed happily, blissfully unaware of the turmoil around him.
(([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] - Thanks. ^w^ I thought it made more sense for Mina and Hazel to team up 'cause Hazel is Mina's apprentice, but I also wanted Hazel to get to know another Fairy Knight. And, since Oz is a weakling and has to be protected, I thought I'd use Lauralelle instead. And, yeah, I liked the duel between Ariah and Hazel. ;] Oh, and I'm just gonna warn you; I'm tired and I just wrote a mammoth of a post for another RP, so I probably won't be writing anything long or special for this post. :/ ))

"You were great. Both of you were," Lauralelle said with a faint smile before her expression became blank, as per usual. She had shown quite a bit of emotion - for her, that is - over the past few minutes due to all of the excitement, but she was putting her facade back into play. It was useful for missions, especially when she had to deal with Ilayda on said mission. And so, she fell silent for the next few minutes as she left the mansion and headed towards the backyard, specifically to the pond that was surrounded by permanently blooming cherry blossom trees. Stopping in front of the pond, she bent down and picked up a water smoothed stone from the water's edge and looked around the small body of water. Spotting her target, Lauralelle took aim and fired, sending the stone flying at the water, though it lost most of its power as it dropped below the water's surface with a loud plonk.

Regardless, the action had the desired effect, and a mess of wet green hair sprung from the water in a flurry of water droplets. "WHAT THE HELL, LAURALELLE?!! YOU SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH YOU INCONSIDERATE SHE-DEVIL!!!" the mess of hair, otherwise known as Ilayda, screamed, and Lauralelle rolled her eyes.

"Hazel, Ilayda. Ilayda, Hazel," Lauralelle stated as she motioned between the two Knights. "We've got a mission. Let's go," Lauralelle instructed and turned away from the pond and back towards the mansion. She had to pack a few things for the trip, after all.
(([MENTION=3530]ShizukaAyame[/MENTION], my posts are so short T.T yours are amazing))

Hazel was following Elle quietly and shyly, looking up to see what she was doing. Her eyes widened as the girl Ilayda yelled at Elle. Hazel blushed and looked at the girl, smiling sheepishly. "Hello," she said softly before turning and following Elle again. Hazel wondered silently how long they would be gone if she needed to pack.
(([MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] - Thanks. ^w^ And, your posts aren't that short. A lot of them are fairly long with multiple paragraphs and the like. Especially when you were RPing with The Magnificent Marley. Where'd they go, anyway?))

"Still, you didn't have to hit me with a rock," Ilayda muttered and jumped out of the pond to catch up with the other girls, shooting a glare at the back of Lauralelle's head as she did so. The assault didn't last long as Ilayda turned her attention towards the new kid on the block when she landed next to her. "So, Hazel, you're new around here, right? I don't think I've seen you before," Ilayda said, turning around so she was walking backwards and facing Hazel. "Like Elle said, I'm Ilayda. Ilayda Celik, to be precise. It's nice to meet you. Oh, hey, what are we doing on this mission, anyway? No one's filled me in yet," Ilayda said, her words a fast jumble. "Are we going on a long trip or a short one? Should I pack stuff or am I fine? How much water should I bring?" she asked, shooting off questions as she followed Lauralelle into the mansion and into the foyer to the grand staircase.

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