Deus Ex... With Demons?


New Member
My first RP scenario was called "The Devil's Cry." It was originally supposed to be a sort of tournament event inspired by the world of Devil May Cry, in which humans and demons (A demon being... well... any kind of monster, really, within reasonable limits, just with more reasoning ability) lived side-by-side. But as the story went on, we never made it to the tournament, instead it became a conspiracy/manhunt based on the back-story that I'd given my Demon protagonist. I was thinking I'd give that conspiracy a new shot, but in order to do it properly, I need to rewrite the whole thing from scratch.

What I'm thinking is that war is on the verge of breaking out on a global scale, but not between races, or even nations as one would expect, but rather corporations. Scientific facilities that are competing in the shadows trying to create a kind of supersoldier, something that's above human and demon both, similar to a biological equivalent of DX's J. C. Denton's cybernetics. Various methods are at play, including technologically and biologically based genetic splicing, selective breeding, etc.

What I need are details. Would anyone be willing to help me out so that I can get this show on the road?
Hmm...I have a few ideas based on the arcane side of things. Like blood transfusions. If you have the blood of a legendary bloodline,you have some traits attributed to the ones that made the bloodline famous...This includes getting a blood transfusion from a member of said bloodline. Descendant of Loki? Congratz! Chaos follows in your wake! Get a blood transfusion from that person? You are now a troll. AND chaos will follow in your wake (Extreme example,but it was the first example case I could think of)

On the tech side...I can't exactly help much. I usually base my tech in EXTREMELY hard real world physics and such. Example: Cybernetic arm,eh? So half of your torso got reinforced with steel to compensate,I'd presume. It didn't? Enjoy that flail chest,then.

As a whole,I LOVE the premise. Some reason I can see Aperture Science duking it out with Black Mesa,and it's glorious. And a shadow war would be refreshing. I'm in,and will probably drop huge amounds of GLaDOS and SHODAN references. For the lulz. Also,if you want any help with things in the RP,although I'm entirely unfamiliar with Deus Ex,I can educate myself with TV Tropes if needed,and you can always come to me for help with general things (like ideas,or viable physics).
I'm putting up the character sheet thread now for those of you who have expressed some advanced interest, but I fear that without the story in place, you may not have enough solid information to accurately create a history. And so, I will leave that off of the requirements for now, so that you can come up with one when more information presents itself.

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