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Determination A Survival RP



This RP is set in 15th century North America it will follow two people that are surviving in the wilderness after being kicked out of the Cherokee Native American Tribe, this is just a small RP between two "friends".
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Max stepped out of the lean to smelling the cold mountain air rushing through the valley covered in trees "Come on Alex we need to start hunting or we are not going to eat today" "Are you even up in there?"
Alex pokes her head out of a tree "Yes! Shhh! I think there's a herd of deer next to the river." Alex swiftly jumps to the next tree branch and crouches low, knocking an arrow onto the bow.
"Oh really" Max says crouching down and grabbing his bow inside of deer skin sheath before expertly jumping into the low hanging branches of an oak tree "where did you say that they were alex?"
"Next to the river at the foothills." Alex continues to parkour her way through the trees, not making a noise.
Max starts jumping through the treetops while the wind whipped his long hair back behind him before getting into position overlooking the river "Hey alex you see the small one on the left we need to go for that one so that we dont waste any of it there is nothing we can store it in and cant treat it" On my mark
Alex nods and assumes attack position. She takes a steady breath and aims the bow at a small bucks heart. On Max's mark..
Max whistles slightly catching the deers attention before releasing an arrow into its eye, at the same time Alex's arrow hits it in the heart "Come on lets go get it Alex"
Alex expertly jumps down from the tree and lands next to the dead buck. It's herd has already fled the scene. She bows before the deer and prays to the deer god (which is an actual religious figure) "We only kill what is needed for us, and we are sorry." She rips out her arrow and slides it back into its sheath.
Max bends down and pulls the deer up by its front legs dragging it over to a tree and hanging it from a low hanging branch by its front legs and pulls out an obsidian knife from a sheath at his waste cutting it from the neck to the butt "Come on lets get this gutted and lets pack all the meat and bone away in our packs then we need to go collect water from the river over there."
Alex waits for Max to finish cutting it before gutting it. She starts cutting the meat off and putting it in her empty pack. "You think we should make some jerky? It'll have to smoke for an hour or so." Alex says as she begins carving out it's horns. They'll make fine knives.
"Yea this meat isnt very fatty it will make great jerky we will have to wait around here though which really isnt something we can afford to do we need to follow the herd, what we can do is make a smoker where no animals can get to it and come back for the meat after it is smoked" Come on we have everything we need off of this lets go get some water" As Max says this he slings his bag over his shoulder and starts walking over to the river to fill his water skin.
"I'll go after the heard. C'mon Max, you know I'm a better shot. Not to brag, but you've lost your touch Max." Alex says as she pats Max's shoulder.
"Whatever Alex you go after the herd I will start smoking this meat it should only take around a day or so lets head back to camp first though i dont want you to leave unprepared so we are going to cook some of this so you can take it with you" "lets go" after max said this he jumped into the branches of a low hanging tree and started jumping from tree to tree heading back towards camp.
Alex followed feeling proud of herself. She has always wanted a chance to show her skill. This will be the first hunting trip Max has let her do alone. Maybe his heavy footfall won't startle the deer.
As Max and alex got back to camp they jumped down out of the trees next to the lean to they made the night before "Hey Alex hand me your pack and I can start a fire and start making this deer hopefully you wont starve to death on your trip" Max says looking back at Alex grinning slightly.
"You know I'm not entirely useless father. I know how to handle myself." Alex said as she hands her father her pack and begins sharpening her knife of a rock.
"I know you can handle yourself but you are still my child and I am still going to worry" "If you keep sharpening that knife it is going to chip and then we will have to make a new one here take the arrow you shot the deer with today the shaft is cracked you need to fit a new one to the arrowhead" as Max says this he bends over a small tender bundle and starts using flint and an obsidian rock to spark a fire.
Alex begings shaving a stick and fitting it for the arrowhead. "I'm almost 20 father. You can stop worrying. I know that times have been hard since we were kicked out of the village, but there are other villages out there." Alex says as she begins attacking the arrowhead to the shaft.
"We can never go back to another village we have talked about this before and the decision is final" "I am not going to be uprooted from the things I have come to know and trust in this world and you should feel the same now go practice with your bow this hunt will be tough for you dont under estimate it" as soon as Max said this he layed back and stared upwards at the sky
Alex sets the arrows beside her and hugs her knees to her chest. She stares out to the valley below. "I'll have to leave soon. It's about midday, the sun will set in a few hours. I need to leave today, that herd was large and moving fast. Most of them were does too. I'll make sure to rule out the pregnant ones." Alex takes out another bag and begins filling it up with supplies. "I'll be a gone a few days at most."
"Very well be careful and stay away from any villages they will not welcome you also to show your true talent and ability to be on your own I want you to bring me back a rib cage from the biggest buck in the herd I need to make a new bag this one is wearing down" "Go now my daughter and be safe i will be waiting here I have enough food here to last me a week by myself" At this Max got up and walked over to the lean to when he turned back Alex was gone only a small patch of flattened grass showed she had been there.
Almost a week had passed when Alex returned to the campsite to see her father sitting by a fire with a chunk of deer meat on it. "Did you get what I asked Alex you know how important it is to have our bags
Alex stepped closer to reveal a colossal rib cage and 15 deer hides mixed with more fox, squirrel, and rabbit pelts. She tossed them at his feet. "I ran into a second herd with larger deer. I followed them for a while, I also found herbs and ran into a merchant. I traded a doe for vegetables and tools." Alex eases her arms out of a large, bulging, leather pack.
"Alex I told you not to make contact with anyone but very well we needed the new tools anyway" Come with me we will go to the west side of our area there are some Iroqouis tribe members that need to be dealt with." "Oh and it is very nice to see you lets go" When Max said this he got up and sprang into a tree with his bow and started jumping from branch to branch.

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