Details of Agent: Cyanide


drinks coffee and cries
[SIZE=10.5pt]PROJECT POISON- Group Initiative Program || Details of Agent [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Cyanide[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]Codename- Current:[/SIZE][SIZE=7.5pt] Cyanide[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]Age: [/SIZE][SIZE=7.5pt]17 (DOB:) Nov 8, 1999[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]Codename- Prior: [/SIZE][SIZE=7.5pt]Ocicat[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]Gender: [/SIZE][SIZE=7.5pt]Male[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]Legal Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=7.5pt]Ray Ahmad Carter[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]Pronouns: [/SIZE][SIZE=7.5pt]He/Him[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]Other Name(s):[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]Orientation: [/SIZE][SIZE=7.5pt]Pansexual Grey-Aromantic[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]


[SIZE=8.5pt]Personal History: [/SIZE][SIZE=7.5pt]For the Carters, DELVA is the only home they’ve ever really had. Born in New York City, New York to Mr. and Mrs. Carter (Agents Panther and Jaguar), their parents’ jobs as heads of {insert branch here} were never kept secret from the twins, and while they didn’t start training as early as they could have, for the sake of giving them a tiny bit more of a childhood, they officially began training at age 5. The siblings took to the training easily, starting missions within their first year of training. They worked solely within their family until the age of 10, at which point they began to be loaned to other senior members of the agency; this was the point when it became obvious that the siblings had little interest in anyone they were not related to. Still, while the twins stood off a bit from the other agents, they progressed quickly through the ranks, soon becoming some of the best agents in Junior Division B.[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8.5pt]Arsenal:[/SIZE][SIZE=8.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=8.5pt]Trained in both close combat (focus on offense) and an assortment of guns, Ray is more than capable of defending himself (or killing someone quickly and quietly if the job requires it). If given no directions on how to deal with a threat, he generally will choose to neutralize the threat through any means necessary, which can sometimes get a little messy, meaning he’s much more likely than his twin to get strict directions on how to deal with assailants. He vastly prefers guns to close combat, and is a perfect shot, although only with his favorite gun (a single-action semiautomatic pistol with a silencer). While he also knows how to use a range of other guns, they’re primarily smaller handguns, and his accuracy decreases on a noticeable level when he switches guns.[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=8.5pt]Psych Evaluation: [/SIZE] [SIZE=7.5pt]Ray is a flirt and a player, hitting on cute guys and girls alike, seemingly without caring whether or not they're in a relationship. In reality, he's very aware of who's dating who through the power of knowing literally everyone, and chooses to flirt mostly to piss people off. After all, he regards most people as nothing more than toys. This view also colors the incredibly cruel way he can act when not held in check, and his own preference for torture- if they’re just toys, you can easily discard them and replace them when you break them, after all. He's incredibly easygoing and calm, although obviously not nice, as his speech is peppered with snark and backhanded compliments. He doesn't seem to have any sense of fear, likely because he's bigger than ninety percent of the population. Ironically, despite flirting with everyone constantly, one of his few pressure points is flirting with his twin sister, and getting too near to her is a killing offense in his mind. He's an absolute peacock, he knows damn well that he's attractive and flaunts it in the easygoing "I dont care" way that he does basically everything. If he decides you might be useful, however, he becomes borderline nice, although it’s obvious that no one comes near the level of importance of him or his sister in his mind. Besides, it’s really not the effort to try and convince him you might be useful- he seems to think that he doesn’t need anyone other than himself and his family.[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=8.5pt]Best Field(s):[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]x[/SIZE][SIZE=7.5pt] Assassination[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]_ Surveillance[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]x[/SIZE][SIZE=7.5pt] Kidnapping[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]_ Information Retrieval[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]x[/SIZE][SIZE=7.5pt] Torture[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]_ Under-Cover Operations[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]_ Theft[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8.5pt]Appearance:[/SIZE][SIZE=7.5pt]  [/SIZE][SIZE=7.5pt]Ray is the textbook definition of easy on the eyes. He stands at 6’5, a height that would have been made awkward if not for the almost graceful way he holds himself and the muscle he’s built up over the years. Thick black waves of hair are almost always grown out to a shaggy length, falling into coffee colored eyes, covering his ears, and generally being in the way. Under this you can see caramel colored skin, a single golden piercing in his eyebrow (he wanted more, but was denied the request as they’d make him far too recognizable) and an ever-present smirk that shows just how amusing he thinks this all is. He has a tendency to forget to shave, and as a result, frequently bears the scruffy beginnings of a beard, although he’ll frequently shave this, as well as remove the piercing, whenever he has to go out in the field.[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=8.5pt]Additional Information: [/SIZE][SIZE=8.5pt]Despite his mom’s adamant rules against it, he’s picked up a smoking habit; he’s scared the hell out of several 18 year olds, who he makes buy the cigarettes for him.[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]






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