/Detailed Lost In The Wood - Out of Character

PrincessSara14 said:
Rin nodded as she looked up at the sky, it wasn't going to be long before the sun set, how long were they out? Rin sighed as she clutched her backpack tightly as she started to help Zane, she didn't really have anything useful except a flashlight like everyone else. "Would it be a good idea to be going down that death trap of a path overnight though? I highly doubt we'll get out of the forest before it gets dark."
Just a reminder,the Forest is always plunge into the darkness ^-^.
Freemankiller said:
Umm that with the documents,to be honest if that whold be so the asylum whold be from Outlast xD
EXACTLY WHY IT SHOULD HAPPEN xD MWAHAHAHA sorry I like games though outlast never scared me..
I hate to do this, but I'm going to have to tap out. I just don't have the time to do this rp.
Freemankiller said:
Umm what will happend now?Shold i wait until an respond?Because i mean i will go offline in ca. 1 and an half hour soo...
I'm waiting for more people to answer back,otherwise they will get in trouble to get back in the RP.
Freemankiller said:
But umm if i go offline but you guys are carrying on,what will happen to me...?
Do not worry about that,we can wait for you to answer back or even so control your character (With your permission for sure) because if the RP went too fast,i know some people will leave the RP because they will not understand anything.I went to keep a normal path from now on,hope you understand !
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I'll be able to post a bit more starting tomorrow, so hopefully it isn't too much of a wait to keep up all together.
I hate to be the stickler in a group, but I'd like to remind everyone that:

NickTonCutter said:
5 : Try to avoid one liners,just don't abuse it.
and that the group is labeled as Casual, with the title also adding /Detailed. I'd hate to discourage the group from posting, but I do want us all to try a bit harder. At least a paragraph a post, but that should have been a minimum with the requirements and rules set in place. The last few pages, aside from the posts by a small few have been 1-2 lines.

Many groups I've been in have a tendency to die by miscommunication by the group, and by something as simple as how detailed the posts should be. I plan on staying, but I'll be honest here. I often lose interest in groups that don't follow the RP type, but I want to try and keep this one up. I'm lucky to not be the only one who writes longer posts, it is what keeps me want to keep this up. And the fact that I've been waiting for this to start for quite a bit of time.
AceOfSpades0210 said:
I hate to be the stickler in a group, but I'd like to remind everyone that:
and that the group is labeled as Casual, with the title also adding /Detailed. I'd hate to discourage the group from posting, but I do want us all to try a bit harder. At least a paragraph a post, but that should have been a minimum with the requirements and rules set in place. The last few pages, aside from the posts by a small few have been 1-2 lines.

Many groups I've been in have a tendency to die by miscommunication by the group, and by something as simple as how detailed the posts should be. I plan on staying, but I'll be honest here. I often lose interest in groups that don't follow the RP type, but I want to try and keep this one up. I'm lucky to not be the only one who writes longer posts, it is what keeps me want to keep this up. And the fact that I've been waiting for this to start for quite a bit of time.
I totally understand it,sorry.I'm gonna slow down my post.
(Ohhh Kay)

A forest... an driving school bus...a weird thing...running away...it comes closer.... it strikes

''HUZZAH!'' ''AHH!'' A young boy voice can be heard in the Forest. A boy wakes up from a Nightmare... or was it?

''Ugh...that nightmare...'' he says ''But...where am i?!'' He slowley remebers. ''Im in a forest... i think i missed something like.... a bus? And then..'' He remebers who he is and what happend. ''Ohhh! But... how did i fall assleep? Am i realy dreaming now? Or is this real?'' He hurts himself after that. ''This IS real! Oh no... it is getting dark (/''it is dark!'')! And... what is this path?'' He finds a note next to himself. ''GO'' it says. ''Huh'' he says. ''But what way? this path has 2 ways...to the left or to the right.'' He goes the left, because the right looks scarier. (Left way is again the way to the survivors)

We are in OOC here
@Otakubeats You know I don't think I actually stabbed you yet, but I'm fine with it if that's how you want it. Just a little heads up in case there was any confusion, not godmodding here. :P

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