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Fantasy /Detailed] Gods Among Us: A Modern Fanasty Roleplay - Lore

If you have any inportant information from your character's bio or events from another roleplay you been in that can fit in the lore, please tell me and I can add it! I love bringing our roleplays worlds together!

Right now, it will just be about Fuzzie's roleplaying world.

In 1937, the government discovered Superhumans. They are people with powers beyond ours. The government decided to keep their existence a serect so people won't live in fear. However, they have tracked the most powerful and unstoppable superhumans.

One of these people is Fuzzie. Fuzzie was basically unkillable, as nothing seemed to hurt him. One day, they tracked him down and trained him as a weapon. They also gave him his metal limbs. Fuzzie escaped, however, and the military was in search again.

They managed to track Fuzzie down and capture him along with other superhumans. They tried to experiment on him, but they got out of there. They made a truce with the general and they called off the attack.

The next day was a disaster. Kraiser Matter, an alien overlord, came to Earth and almost killed the entire human race. Cities were destroyed like Woodfield, Berlin, and finally Tokyo. The overlord was killed, by the hands of Fuzzie and his friends.

This disaster revealed superhumans and aliens. In fact, an alien artifact was found and was called Demonite. It can hurt demons, angels, and demigods

With the major disaster revealed to the world, people got nervous and began to live in fear. These superhumans are uncontrollable beasts, and that's we our story begins...
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