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Fantasy Destined: Warring Seasons

I'm fine with whatever. You could always just interrupt the conversation since it isn't really going anywhere or you could wait. Siren doesn't care. You know this. ^_^
I embedded a you tube song into that post. did anyone see it lol? if not, whats the secret to getting a you tube video in there?
I see it, but it says an error has occurred when I try to click play. But, that happens sometimes with certain videos. Or maybe it's just my computer.

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there's probably a better way to add you tube videos than using the media button in the rich text editor.

some one enlighten me if there is,because i'll be doing it a lot IC :P
Hey everyone, I'm aware it's most likely finals week for most of you, and close to the holidays on top of that, but due to the recent slowdown it seems necessary to make sure you all intend to keep going with this rp. If not, no hard feelings, life happens. Just let me know whenever you can folks. :)
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