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Futuristic Descent into the Abyss


Within the Depths of a Dream


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You can’t recall if you are awake or asleep, dreaming or perceiving reality. The sounds and sights that pass before your eyes, so vivid, yet...not. Its as if your mind is trying to retrieve what it had once an easy grasp on, but now so elusive. As you witness them, they seem..familiar. Some almost personal to where something is felt, but your barren and confused mind doesn’t know how to separate delight from dismay, or trust from terror.

After these events are played over and over, you get a bit of...understanding. The word then comes to you in a rush of profound realization.
Memories/. Now you know what you are this strong towards these scenes, yet you cannot identify all that you see. Not knowing if these people are related to you, places are important to you, or things that you hold high in value. But, as you try to dissect one, attempting to pull any useful information that may help you in this quite of knowledge, they begin to play faster until everything's a blur. The motion makes your head spin as you squeeze your eyes, trying to escape…

When you open them.

Coughing and spluttering awake, feeling as if you had been held underwater by the way your senses are muddled and you're fighting for your breath to return to your lungs. When digging through your mind to find those memories, they slip away, becoming painful to recollect as all you remember is the spinning. Oh how dizzy you felt.

Then no longer feeling out of sorts with an easier time breathing in the thick, musty air that hung in your throat and nose your throat. Sitting up slowly, as to not welcome back that ill dase, you squint through the flickering fluorescent lights above. The plastic cases ringing it's once pure luminescence glow to a dim aging yellow. You see others in beds, waking as you are, 5 to be exact. Examining your surroundings a bit more, you soon notice the dull grey walls made of a cracking concrete as well as an opening in the far end of the room. Above the opening was a less than modern sign with a message just about as unpleasant as this room:


no slide
no slide no slide

So this must be it, Yasuhiro thought to himself, as the hot, gritty sand scrapes against his face and elbows; his body completely without energy and his legs sore from walking. Not knowing if he is even willing to try and stay alive, his eyes closes slowly before his vision was completely filled with black; he feels himself float, lifting off the ground, floating higher and higher until he comes to a complete stop. Suddenly, he feels a small tap behind his back, plunging him down into a deep ocean creating a muffled splashed as he breaks the surface of the water. Yasuhiro gasps desperately for air, and desperately tries to float himself back towards the surface of the water with no avail, leaving him helplessly drifting towards the bottom of a vast, deep ocean.

Slowly, an uneven flickering light appears out of nowhere in front of Yasuhiro, sucking him in. After entering the strange flow, Yasuhiro feels that his body is now completely dry, his eyes shoots open as he loudly huffs for air, panting heavily. There, he awakens to an unfamiliar ceiling, upon an equally unfamiliar bed, the meager glow from the fluorescent tubes lights the room dimly and dyes the room an unappealing, yellow colour. The air still and heavy, as though there was no source of ventilation, although there is a sweet smell scent within the room, it is overpowered by the smell of dust and particles of concrete entering his nose.

Trying to control his breath, Yasuhiro finally sits up from the bed in which he was laying in - only to see that he is surrounded by 5 other people who are equally as confused as him. Their eyes darting around, examining the room, trying to work out where they are. Yasuhiro did the same, and after a while, he lays eyes upon an old red LED display which was covered in a small coat of dust. Though this makes it a little harder to read, it does not block the content of the display in anyway. He waits for the LED to scroll through the remaining parts of the sentence it is showing before the display repeats the same message, showing one small sentence:

"Welcome to the Abyss"

I- Christiane "Shh" Klurberg -I

Unknown Location. Confused.

She couldn't explain it
. Being pulled in opposite directions by an unknown force that threatened to split her into fragments. Within each limb, pulling from, there was something important; a broken cassette playing familiar sounds. But she refused to struggle against it, and as such, she felt them all drifting away. With each piece, a sense of self was lost, and the more numb she felt. Until eventually, she felt nothing.

Eyes struggled. Despite the cold sweat and primal panic, to anyone else, Christiane would look completely calm. Perhaps calm wasn't the best word to use; lethargic seemed to fit better. The cracked concrete walls and cold air were familiar to her, but the structure itself not. Flickering lights adds to the sense of confusion. 'This is not where I went to sleep last'. It felt like some sort of drug-den, initially. And seeing the others here, the blonde couldn't help but feel that this was ... she couldn't quite pin-point it. The memories had distanced themselves. But one thought stood out more than any other: 'We're going to die here'. Yet, it was not in fear or grief in which that thought was brought forward; but rather in complete compliance and acceptance.

A dry sigh escaped the woman as her half-closed, inattentive eyes pierced those around her. In a tired voice, she lowly muttered: "Anyone know this place ... ?" She did not expect much of an answer, but it was worth trying. A foreign-looking man of small stature seemed to focus on something on the wall, and Christiane's eyes followed. 'Welcome to the Abyss'. Her eyes narrowed, attempting to recollect anything relatable with the phrase, but she came up blank. In fact ... most things came up blank.​
Remy feels his arm being raised into the air as an ear to ear grin spreads across his face. He can hear the crowd's deafening cheers and the screaming. He was glad to have another W under his belt but his victory didn't come without a cost. He could feel the intense pain in his rib cage with every breath.

Remy's eyes shot wide open and immediately started looking around. He didn't recognize his surroundings and immediately started to panic, wondering where the hell he was. When he realized that he could move he lifted himself up into a sitting position and looked around. There were two people already awake and clearly just as confused as he was or at the very least pretending to be while three more remained asleep. He wanted to speak up and ask questions but his mouth was dry and he thought it was a better idea to take in his surroundings. The room was practically bare aside from the other bed and the people in them. He looked down at himself and noticed his simple attire. "Great, someone undressed me." He said out loud without realizing it and finally made the effort to get out of his bed and carefully walked over to the other two people just in time to hear the woman ask if either of them knew what this place was. "No clue..." He said speaking honestly just as his eyes followed theirs to the sign above the door.

Welcome to the Abyss

Remy couldn't help but laugh as he shook his head and crossed his arms. This had to be some kind of elaborate joke on his friends' part, no way in hell anything like this happened outside of horror movies. Despite his smile he had a feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach. What was really going on here? He remained quiet and just stared up at the sign as if it was going to provide answers for him but none came. He stood there for what seemed like hours but he was still just as clueless as before. "You guys know what's going on with them? Or with us for that matter?" He asked the younger people in front of him, finally speaking up. He doubted that either of them would have an answer but he hoped that talking about it would jog memories for one or all of them.

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