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Fandom Descendants of the RED LOTUS vs NEW Team Avatar

Kenzo Raxon

One of a kind
The time is well past the events of KORRA the Avatar and things are relatively calm in the world..  Several generations have passed since the original Red Lotus group were formed and subsequently defeated.  Their descendants have gone about their lives and the new Avatar has yet to be discovered in this brave new world.  However the battle for true freedom never dies,  and things are about to heat up.....





This is where you may post your CS to join the RP.  Once I have liked it you may join!! 

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While it may be several hundred years later, Republic City has remained the same. Same crime, same buildings, same corruption, just a new set of people. It is honestly funny how things like this don't change. Speaking of crime, there were still these wonderful, little places that allowed brawls between benders. Rough, grimy places full of criminals and money. Make a bet on this person to get knocked the hell out. For some, it was disgusting, and illegal. For others, it is was a time to relax and maybe earn some money from betting. However, for a small portion, it was a way to get adrenaline flowing, and to have a good fight, with a little profit on the side.

This is exactly what Alisa loved to do. Fight. The money wasn't important, but the nightly fights were something she highly enjoyed. And with her winrate, people always bet on her. With a sword at her side, and masterful fire bending techniques, she disabled and beat down anyone who came against her. Whether it took seconds or minutes, she knocked the other out or left them on the ground crying. Over time, and the last few years of doing this, it made the girl seem cold, hard, like a machine. Only on the outside, that is.

Alisa was about to start a fight, however, something about tonight seemed different. She was going to meet someone tonight, wasn't she?

Republic City was a lot more interesting than Mu anticipated.  As the first REAL step on his journey of self discovery, he was hardly disappointed.  The incredible dark underbelly was something Mu lamented not being able to explore any more of.  When he'd heard there was an underground fighting ring, of course he had to come.  Initially, he planned on just observing, but when he'd heard of someone with a near perfect win rate, Mu had to challenge her.  If Mu were more cultured, he might be able to recite a quote regarding friction and diamonds, but in any case, Mu recognized the virtues of challenge.  Mu spent the last of his money booking a seat, so he'd hoped this would be worthwhile.

The two fighters were just about to fight, but Mu wasn't about to let that happen.  Mu stood up and clapped his hands together once.  "Excuse me!" he shouted.  Everyone turned towards him, and, all too late, Mu realized he didn't remember the fighter's name.  Already, he was receiving glares for interrupting the show, and he knew if he waited a second longer, he was going to be... escorted out.  "I would like to fight..."  and then Mu struggled to recall her name.  "The one with the higher win rate," he decided to say.  Already, this was a disaster, and all he could possibly hope for was a miracle, that perhaps, the referees would be intrigued, or maybe even the fighter he planned on fighting.

Alisa had her hand on the hilt of her Katana, about to draw and fight the random man in front of her. Said man looked rather worried that his opponent was this woman. However, everyone got distracted by Mu saying something. Even the firece female fighter got a confused expression and looked up. However after a few seconds of intrigued confusion, she gave off a smile, talking over everyone else in the arena. No one dared to speak over her after she started.

"You vant to fight me? Zat takes courage, please, come down here and face me. And ze name is Alisa. Remember it." Her voice was accented, yet still cold, and demanding of him. The person she was suppose to face looked relieved and quickly scampered off, leaving room for Mu to come down and fight her.

Mu had to thank every luck star he could think of that she seemed to be impressed by his courage rather than taking it as disrespect, or something worse.  Alisa.  He could remember that.  The first time was a temporary lapse.  Mu shuffled down, and, by the look of relief in the man she was supposed to fight, this was going to be painful, at best.  Still, he couldn't back down now, could he?  The looks he got from fellow spectators ranged from pity to confusion to amusement.  This did not bode well.

Getting down to the stage only took about a minute, but to Mu, it seemed to take hours.  He was already shaking.  He managed to calm himself enough to stand still by the time he got to the bottom, fortunately, but this was more adrenaline than he'd ever felt before, and he wasn't even fighting yet.  If Mu were a little smarter, he might have told Alisa that he couldn't bend, but he was not smarter.

Mu had finally gotten down to the actual stage, and he could barely bare to look at Alisa.  She didn't have a glare on her face, she looked only a little less than completely apathetic.  As if he were a different seasoning on her food rather than an opponent.  It chilled him.  "My name's Mu," he said with a smile, in spite of his fear.

Alisa waited paiently for her challenger to make his way down to the dance floor. However this was no club, this was the dance of death they were about to play. It rarely came to death, but it has happened, Alisa has seen it before, but never participated in said dance. As Mu made his way down to the arena, and onto the floor, he saw the woman in better light. She was wearing some normal, everyday clothes. The same as everyone else's, however, it did seem out of place for this woman. Like she would do much better in royal garb, being attended to, not fighting on the streets.

She kept her eyes on him the entire time, staring down her opponent and sizing him up. Though, she got hit by something she didn't expect. A friendly smile and a giving of his name. With a light chuckle she nodded at him, "Mu is it? Don't expect mercy." Her voice remained cold. But to be honest, Alisa was just keeping an act up. Playing the edgy girl really got people riled up for some reason. Brought in more money, nothing wrong with that. She made a mental note to talk to this 'Mu' person after she got away from combat for the night.

On her side, Mu could see her clutching a sheath that was attached to her side. Inside of it was a long sword, with a well made hilt. She had her right hand resting on the hilt, ready to draw when the fight did start.

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Zhen strolled purposefully through he streets of Republic City,  his ornate Northern WaterTribe clothing standing out a bit in he poorer districts he perused.  Ignoring the curious stares of the people around him he made his way to the small hole on the wall tea shop and took care not to touch the door with his hands,  instead pushing the rickety door open with his left foot before entering. He looked around a bit before continuing to the counter, hoping the Intel he'd squeezed from that unfortunate firebender on the outskirts of town was accurate.  He didn't want to spend too much time in his district for fear of being recognized. Again.

A short,  portly man dressed in gaudy , cheap clothing waddled over to him from the back of the shop and slapped a golden ringed hand down on the dirty bar top.

"You here for the fights or for drink?" He barked harshly,  spittle flying from his mouth.

"Neither.  I'm here for information old man." Zhen's voice was cold and calculated.

Before the man could react angrily to the meek insult Zhen withdrew a small but heavy sack of golden Earth Kingdom coins from his pocket and dropped it loudly onto he bar top.

"A little tuetleduck tells me you have information on a very old secret society.  One might say,  a scroll actually."

He locked an intense,  piercing gaze onto the man before him before continuing.

"The scroll of the Red Lotus."

At the mention of the extinct group the man dropped the small sack of gold he was drooling over and went pale.

"H-How did you hear that?? I've no idea what your talking about!" He spat.

"I've no time for games old man.  Take the gold and give me the scroll,  and no one will die in here tonight." Zhen's eyes narrowed at the last few words he spoke.

"Alright keep yer pants on will ya?  No need to scare off payin customers ya hear? Follow me."

He turned and motioned for Zhen to follow him into he back and without skipping a beat Zhen vaulted the counter swiflty,  glanced over his shoulder to be sure no one was paying too much attention, then followed him into the back.
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Mu and Alisa stood facing each other in the ring.  Mu obviously putting on a front of being confident, whereas Alisa was putting up no such front.  Alisa had a long sheath attached to her hip.  It was times like this that made Mu wish he'd studied more.  Still, he wasn't going to die today, and he was going to leave this city in less than a week, so there was no real reason to worry, presumably.  Presumably.  Just, use the talents he had against his opponents weaknesses.  He just wish he knew either of those.

"I'm warning you, before we begin, I've earned the nickname, uh, death dealer, back home."  Obviously, Mu was lying, but Alisa wouldn't know that.  If she didn't see through his extremely thin veneer of confidence, that is.  As he said this, he moved into an old earthbending stance.  Even without actually earthbending, it was a solid structure.  Mu wasn't actually sure if the fight started yet, but it would start any second.

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Thankfully for Mu, Alisa wasn't too sure what to make of the odd man in front of her, and therefore, could not fully see through his lies. However, she did notice his hesitation, and this was something she could exploit. The fight had started the moment Mu entered that arena, Alisa just hadn't struck yet. However, as he took the stance, Alisa's face sharpened, and she got into an aggressive stance, keeping her hand on the hilt of her blade.

"Death Dealer? I'm intrigued..." Muttered the woman. She was going to make the first strike. But Alisa was not going to go full out. She needed to test the waters in front of her. In a quick swipe as she drew her sword, a small slice of fire came at Mu. It was fast and furious. Depending on how he reacted would determine and on how she fought him.

Shoot.  Was he going to be out this early?  Time seemed frozen to Mu as he looked at the fire, and he had to come up with some way to avoid it in the next... two seconds.  He didn't have enough time to dodge out of the way, so, he followed his instincts.  With his feet still firmly planted, managed to limbo his way under the blade of fire.  The advantages of earth forms is that it was nearly impossible to make them lose their balance.  Mu himself was certainly more stunned than Alisa could possibly be, but got up immediately regardless.  This battle was going to be over soon, already, so he might as well speed it up.  Mu started to run towards her.  It was her move, and he doubted she would let him take his turn again.

Alisa frowned, instantly over-estimating what Mu could actually do. From his stance and the way he dodged, he could easily be a very skilled Earthbender. She kept herself at the ready, waiting for rocks to fly at her. However, you could guess her confusion when instead of fighting from a distance, he came at her, putting her in a position able to use her blade. With a light grin, she moved forward towards his rush, side-stepping him. In a quick move, she caught his foot with hers, tripping him as she jabbed his back with the hilt of her blade, not cutting him, but making his faceplant all the more painful. With that, she stood back, taking her hands off her sheath and crossing her arms at the man.

"Is zat it?"

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"Are you truly content living like this? Allowing yourself to be governed by those who think themselves higher?" A voice resounded from within the confines of a small crowd. The sound of his voice was obscured by cries of other voices showing their disapproval for his words. It was a crude mixture of boos and rude jeers.

"Just leave this city... you maniac..."

"Must be fun talking out of your rear instead of your mouth."

"If only things were that simple, idiot."

Still, the voice did not falter in tone in the slightest, the man who stood in the center of the crowd did not look the least bit deterred by their response. Their words of hate and disapproval failed to evoke a single emotion upon his facial features. After a brief moment of pause, he started up again. "The few should not control the many. The rich should not be allowed to bare all of the fruits of your labor. You are all but pigs to them, slaving away whilst the rich rest cozy in their ivory towers." The voice cried aloud, but it was almost entirely drowned out now by the crowd. A mixture of laughter and yelling drowned out the sound of Ren's voice to those who were not in close proximity. Regardless the man continued.

"It is pathetic. Families like the Hase family have been allowed to garnish a wealth so vast they can purchase everyone here on a whim. Yet somehow you are content barely scrapping by, only bolstering their fortune by buying their products and slaving away in their factories. It is simply unsightly." The man said, a mixture of disappointment and resentment were plainly visible on his face. The crowd grew larger as more grew curious about what was going on. The crowd became so thick that it had started to block ongoing traffic along the street.

"The few control the many and luckily we are the many. So, what is stopping us from marching up to their homes right now and dragging them from their bedrooms?" The anger of the crowd had intensified several fold by this comment. They were not buying what he was selling and he could not help but shake his head in disappointment.  Before he could continue a small group of officers had approached the crowd with stern looks on their faces."Clear the road, you folks are blocking oncoming traffic and I am not in a good mood." A female officer spoke up with a commanding boom in her voice. And with that people had already grown bored of this little shenanigan. Quickly the crowd that he worked so hard to gather had started to disperse. The man placed a hand on his chin in contemplation. This simply would not do. It would appear that his words were not enough to inspire the masses to take action. He needed to do something much more awe-striking to hold their attention for more than a few moments. Perhaps he would have to take action himself before anyone else would join him... Preparations would be in order. 
A minute passes, perhaps two or three. Then the rickety door to the tea shop creeks open once again. The half gloved hand falls from the door as Dimek strides through. His eyes glance over the establishment observantly, light brown eyes fixating on objects for only fractions of a second as he sweeps the room for anything of note. A grim realization pangs at the back of Dimek's mind as he takes a seat at one of the tables. Once he might have been here to finally shut this establishment down for good in its relations to the illegal fights he'd found plagued the streets. Now, he's here on his own. No jurisdiction to act upon, and no authority to claim his actions are right and just. But not that the City even cares about this little venture, else they would have done something about it a long time ago.

Dimek rests his elbows against the table, the metal of his armor making a soft clink as it connects with the surface. He may have the armor, but not the badge or power. He may as well be a wannabe bounty hunter. A soft click of his tongue departs his mouth as Dimek leans back, arms slipping from the table and back leaning against the wall. He'd better be right about this place, he'd called in one of his last favors at the department to get word that this would be the place to go. The comfort of knowing that at least one or two fellow officers still believed in his integrity is rather bittersweet. Opinions of two don't matter next to the scorn of the entire force. Perhaps the only silver lining is that the scandal was not made more publicly known. His anonymity, an asset most useful to him; can remain. Else this stakeout investigation, or whatever this is; would be impossible.

No waiter manning the shop. Curious. Dimek resides to waiting, assuming the mannerisms of another patient and laid back customer.
As Zhen followed the squat man through the anals of the fake business he reflected on what the hustler had said when he first 'greeted' him. Fights? That must be what the tea shop was a front for he thought, some kind of underground fighting scheme. He had heard of such places before but had never actually seen one. He made a mental note to check it out after he'd attained what he came for. They finally arrived in a small, dimly candle lit room full of illegal goods. Paintings, sculptures, scrolls, stuffed poached animals, etc. Zhen smirked to himself. One could actually misinterpret this man as cultured if one didn't know better.

"Who did you say ya were with again?" The short fat man inquired as he rummaged through some things to pull out a small, ancient looking padlocked and chained chest from the mess.

"I didn't. Do you have it or not." Zhen's tone was unfaltering and flat. His patience was wearing thin.

The business owner jammed a rather large key into the padlocks before yanking the chest open, plumes of dust rose from the inside from where he withdrew a golden and red scroll and held it up for Zhen to see. Zhen's eyes widened at the sight of it. It WAS here. After these past three, long years of searching, interrogating, travelling, killing even, -he'd finally found the lost scroll of the Red Lotus.

He snatched it from the man and carefully stashed it in his clothes before meeting the shop owners eyes. "Thank you. Now to tie up loose ends, cannot risk anyone knowing I have it now can I?" Before Zhen had finished his few final words the man had already pulled a shiny dagger from his own clothing and lunged at the tall WaterBender. Foolish man. Of course Zhen knew he would double cross him, men with vast illegal collections and wealth like this didn't get where they were by being honest businessmen. But his audacity still surprised Zhen who sidestepped the wild lunge, slightly lowered his center of gravity, snatched his weapon wielding wrist with one hand and smashed a clenched fist into the back of the mans neck. The impact on the mans nerve bundles in the upper spine sent his vision reeling as blinding pain brought him to his knees. Without letting go of the mans wrist Zhen sharply bent it backwards breaking it and causing the man to cry out in pain and of course drop the blade.

"Men like you are the part of the reason I chose the path I did. It sickens me that there are people who would boost themselves by stepping on the necks of others. You give no thought to the suffering you've caused, and perpetuate the current corrupt power structures of the world. You are a den of vipers, and will be vanquished as such."

With that Zhen placed a hand on the mans back, then clenched it into a fist bringing the mans heart to a stop with the forbidden taboo art of BloodBending. It wasn't something he normally resorted to unless he absolutely had to but he didn't want to draw any more attention to their location with a brawl, he also had no time to waste for he finally had the scroll and it was time to finish what his ancestor Ming Hua and her colleagues had started. He quietly laid the man down and closed his eyes with two fingers, then rose and quietly slipped from the room.
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Mu, in humiliation, took several seconds to answer or even move.  "Yeah.  I suppose that's it," Mu said as he stood up.  Mu feared that if he continued, she wouldn't continue being nonlethal.  He'd heard of the deaths here.  He'd never taken any pride in his fighting, so why would he bother risking more bodily harm for that?  Still, the shame was almost too much to bare.  Taken down in 10 seconds... he decided he was going to leave in two days, rather than a week.  He'd probably never see Alisa again, and he might be able to pretend to have self esteem.  Mu held out his hand, which he kind of doubted would be shaken.  "I may have lied about being given the nickname Death Dealer."
Alisa gave him a light smile. There was something about this man that interested her. What? She didn't really know what about him it was. She did want to learn about him though. What was the best way to do that...With a mischievous grin she took his hand, and shook it. "Yes yes, it vas obvious you 'ad so such nickname. Now, come vith me." She said, slightly demandingly as she started to drag him away. She had a rather firm grip, and didn't let go till they were getting to the exit of the arena, to a more private alley in which no one was. "Now zat we are alone, vhy ze 'ell were you in a place like zat? You don't seem ze type."

@CoolGuy (If this goes right Alisa will take Mu out for coffee and ask him about his life ;3)
"Ah, well, that's probably because I'm not the type," he said.  "I called out to you because," Mu began, but he couldn't really think of a reason.  Why had he called out to her?  Because she had a high win rate?  No, that was stupid.  "Because I wanted to fight you," he decided on.  Mu did intentionally avoid telling her that he went to the fighting ring specifically to fight her, but that didn't really matter, did it?  "Now, ah, could we perhaps go onto the street where there might be more, uh, witnesses?"  If there were one way to make him regret his decisions, it'd be to die immediately after leaving.

The girl laughed loudly and shook her head, "I see, I see, I am not gonna to kill you, no, to be honest I am interested in who exactly are you....hm, let me make it up to you for that fight, do you like coffee?" She asked. Why she wanted to know who this person was so much, Alisa did not know. But hey, she could get some coffee, figure out who he is, and then go back home for the night. Besides, she had a big thing with her father tomorrow. They were releasing their new line of safer automobils, and they were cheaper as well. Everyone was going to love them, but she had to be there, all prim and proper for the unveiling.

More minutes pass, and still no waiter. Dimek's resting place does not change, but his attention does over the other customers- both new and old. Some still sit drinking their scented tea in blissful ignorance, but others have also noticed the absence of staff. A few have simply got up and left, Dimek could tell by their clothes and the false swagger to their step that they were gang members. Likely worried the fixer'd just gotten busted for the fights or whatever else might be going on here. But such concern does reach Dimek slowly. It drives him upward out of his seat, and around the counter top. He pokes his head around back of the establishment, still nobody here.

It takes a minute of careful and methodical searching for Dimek to eventually chance upon the dingy back room and its ill gotten gains. Dimek would marvel somewhat at the sight of all these goods- the man must have organised half of the entire district's smuggling ring. Not that Dimek knew half of the value of these old scrolls and paintings; and he'd only contemplate these goods after he dealt with the first thing he saw- a dead body. On sight of the prone form of the old man his mind instinctively goes on alert- body poised and eyes flickering around for danger- assailants that might be lurking to strike down any potential witnesses. When none come, he rushes over to the body to check the man's pulse. There is none.

His mind immediately leaps to the assumption of murder- a logical one to make given the sight of the dagger dropped on the floor, the bruise on his neck, his broken wrist. Single blows, an effective assailant. But no wounds that would indicate a sign of death, no blood on this dagger. Dimek wraps a piece of cloth around the exposed tips of his fingers before picking up the dagger and glancing over it before looking back to the body. Deep in the back of his mind, this worries him. Not just the dead man in front of him, but the fact he was suddenly... happy. Back in his element, doing what he does best.

Dimek sets the dagger back down where it'd fallen. This is certainly a change from chasing down smuggling rings or triple threat triad extortionists. This was definitely an assault of some kind, such bruises could not be self inflicted. The portly man didn't stand a chance, could have died from the blow to the neck. A shame it's not a full moon, that might explain the cause of death much more easily. The disgraced detective pushes himself back up to his feet, finally getting around to examining the contents of the room. He finds the emptied box that had once held a most precious scroll that had been pulled from the mess. Without the time to look for a ledger, Dimek has to assume its contents was all that as taken. He picks up the box and shuts it, grabbing the key resting next to it and twists to leave.

Dimek thinks quickly on what to do next as he departs the room. Still no suspect- nothing to go on. The patrons of the tea shop wouldn't be of any help, they'll just keep their distance from such a mess. So who could have known about this place? Only those who knew the man's business, and what was in this chest. The fighting clubs might be a good place to start.
Mu was a little shocked by the complete 180 turn in personality in Alisa.  She seemed much friendlier now, even if she had just demonstrated how easily she could kill him.  He was sure he could schmooze out an entire meal from that, given that he'd already spent all the money he'd brought with him.  "Coffee?  I like coffee."  He'd had it every morning for two years back home.  In a lesser man, that might inspire a hatred, but not for Mu.  Perhaps this was why he wanted to fight her so badly.  To meet a lifelong companion!  No, probably not, but he was sure that'd be the plot in any of the novels he read back home.

Zhen deftly slid out of a back window of the tea shop just as he heard someone coming to the back, and made his way around to the front of the run down establishment. He clutched at the scroll beneath his clothes as if it might disappear at any moment. He could not believe he finally had the secrets to the ancient Red Lotus group within his grasp. He absolutely could not wait to get back to his vessel and pour through it, learn its secrets. As he rounded the front of the building he passed by a couple of unusual looking people, benders from the looks of it. Normally he would not take notice of randoms but something about this misfit couple struck him as odd..

One was an average looking if not dirty young man who couldn't have been any older than 18 or so, his brown hair pulled into a bun. The other was a pretty girl, very short with long, silky black hair. They made an odd pairing, that's for sure. Zhen decided not to focus too much in it but it still made him think twice. He walked right past them and made eye contact with the girl for but a second as he passed, then hurried to his small but top of the line WaterTribe ship he had docked nearby at a Republic City bay.

Once safely inside he locked himself in and withdrew the scroll, inspecting it carefully.

"Ming Hua, I've finally found it." He spoke to himself. He harbored a great respect for his late ancestor and wished to honor her memory in full. He carefully unraveled the scroll and began inspecting it. Zaheer's, Ghazan's, P'Li's, and even Ming Hua's signatures faded as they may be, were right there before him. He felt an overwhelming rush of excitement and intrigue as he continued reading their final testaments and aspirations for the ancient secret society and it's goals.
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When Alisa didn't have to keep up her persona in public, whether it was the edgy bladed girl in the arena, or the formal, dress wearing daughter of the Hase family, she was extremely nice, and kind to pretty much everyone. Now was no exception, and she was rather intrigued about Mu. However, she turned, seeing a man staring at them. She locked eyes with the man for just a second, before he moved, and walked on. She frowned lightly, and turned back to Mu, wondering who that man was. With a nod she took his hand, thinking nothing of it. "I know a cafe near 'ere we can go to...Vhile on ze way, I vant to know about your story..." While she talked, Alisa took him to a nearby building. It looked kind of run down, in the slums of the area, and it was near the arena they just exited. However, when they entered, Mu saw the place was actually pretty nice looking inside. She gestured towards a table.

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"My story?  That's a little personal don't you think?"  Mu said.  Still, for some reason, he found he really wanted to tell her, so he did, adjusting some points he didn't really want to tell.  "Well, my story begins about 500 years ago, when a great... musician... was born to my family line.  He's a very famous musician.  Every generation past his attempted to gain his same skill with music, but they all failed."  At this point, they'd already gotten to the building, so he quieted up.  He didn't want to get stabbed for saying the wrong thing.  The interior appeared to be an entirely different location from the exterior.  He wondered if this had anything to do with her being an exceptional fighter in the ring.  He was lead to a table.  A specific table?  "Ah, to abridge the rest of the story, I was born and had great talent as a musician but I didn't want to be a musician so I left home with no intent to ever b-, uh, play again when I turned 18."  Which was only a few days ago Mu thought, but he kept himself quiet.

Alisa gave him a sharp look, but behind said look was a caring listener. She nodded along, learning about him, and taking in all the information. It was funny, that story normally went with bending, not music. She smiled lightly as two coffees, with some creme and sugar were brought to their table, and sat in front of them. Alisa smiled. The waitstaff knew her well enough to go ahead and just bring some coffee over.

"I see, very interesting story...vone problem. Zat story is normally about bending, not music...And, showing as you didn't bend against me in ze fight, is it safe to assume your story is actually about bending? Hm?" The girl kept her voice low, just in case Mu was very touchy on the subject. She didn't want to make the man too uncomfortable, even though that would be very funny.

"Vell, I suppose I should talk about myself shouldn't I?"

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"'That story is normally about bending'?  How many people do you know with a similar story?"  Mu said nothing for a short while.  He didn't really mind other people knowing, he just didn't like telling them.  He picked up his coffee.  "I didn't order this," he said.  It wasn't a complaint, just a statement.  He poured some sugar in the coffee, mixed it up, and then took a deep drink.  It was quite good, surprisingly.  Though, it did burn his tongue.

Mu set the coffee down.  "Well, I am interested in your story, so please, don't let me stop you.  How'd you come to be a renowned underground fighter?"  This was probably a long, complex, maybe personal story.  People didn't just start fighting in criminal rings because they were bored.  It would be a far more interesting story, no doubt.


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