[Department of Defense against the Supernatural]Lobby

Piper Reed was not tardy and appeared in the lobby shortly after, scanning the people around her. Most of these were anxious people waiting to put in a report, usually about some stolen property or other trivial matter. Well -- trivial to the Department. She was able to pick out her target fairly quickly -- she had the look of an agent to her and a confidence to match, something some of her current agents lacked quite a bit of. She approached the young woman and called, "Cai-Zhi? I'm agent Piper Reed. Cornelius Greyston's not around today; he's out on a mission. I'll be here to show you around, help you get set up."

Hearing her name, the young woman turned around slowly, looking at the woman in front of her a brief second before bowing slightly, enough for someone a lot supperior in rank to her, but not low enough to give all her standing away either. She might be young, and her family might be exiled, but they still had their noble blood and honor intact.

"You can call me Cassie if you prefere, it's what most people call me N- Madame"

She was very polite and formal, yet there was something proud in her. She was able to give respect to the other woman without losing any standing, nor appearing to be groveling at her. Her eyes kept at the other woman's, without any threat, nor challenge, assessing the other, seemingly memorizing the other's behavior and personality.

"I am grateful for your welcome, and your guidance"

Her english was as perfect, if not more, as any native, but there was a little something asian in the way she addressed Agent Reed.

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Piper nodded to her. "Let's get started, shall we? Let's start with the work room. You'll have a designated place there. It's also where you'll be able to pick out field cases of you choose to do so. On most of those cases, you'll be assigned someone to work with. There's any number of things available to do here in HQ — we have apartments if you don't have one elsewhere, there's the gym where you can work out and meet some of the other agents, a break room where you can get coffees and teas, and a few other areas — for example the computer room. You can usually find Luke Cross there. Then there's the cell block downstairs. The prison guards are usually down there, as are our more dangerous criminals that we can't send to traditional prisons. If you need to go down there, look out for the poltergeist. Bael's his name. Messy black hair, greenest eyes you've ever seen — he's a mess and tends to flip out easily. We have some interns running around that you might run into."
Cassie listened with great attention, paying attention to every details, putting them to her memory as to not need reminder of what she had already been told once. Training since youth to memorize vast number of details, from plants to stars in order to learn her art, she usualy needed to be told things only once to know them and not forget.

"Is there an infirmary Madam? I am not a doctor, but my field of expertise would likely be of good help to any nurse or doctor you have, and if you have none, I can likely supply some healing to the field agents."
The recruter hadn't told her if there was any of that, only that her expertise would be a good addition to their department, be it in the HQ or even sometimes on the field when needed for particular cases.

"I also know a lot of suppliers for different herbs and teas that could help boost the health and magic of the different agents, if you would require such. My family as some relation on the est coast."

At the mention of the prison, she nodded, it did make more sens to keep the more dangerous prisoners here then send them in prisons where they would be more likely to escape, but she might also be of some help there as well. "I know a few...
drugs that can limit ones power for a certain time, a family recipe back from a time when someone in our family was in charge of Justice Court in China. I could make some research to see if it's possible to refine it even more so you can send a few more in regular prison as long as they get their regular dosage." She might usually be a kind person, but those that abused their powers to take advantage on the weaker she couldn't stand, and didn't mind using her own knowledge to suppress them.

"I was also wondering, if you do not mind me asking, but do you have a library? There is a lot of domain connected to my own I lack knowledge on, like
others physiology, it's not something they would teach us at the University, and I might need those information if I am to treat agent that aren't humans"

"We don't have an infirmary yet, but we're in the process of building one after the incident from earlier this month. I don't know if you heard, but there was an attack by a monster that completely leveled downtown DC and Death had to stop it. Turned the thing into a fish. Anyway, after all the injuries we decided it best to add an infirmary since we've unexpectedly gained property to build on." Ms. Reed paused for the second question. "Our library was also damaged, but most of the books can probably be found in the break room. We have several book shelves in there and if you can't find what you need, you can send someone to the library to fetch you some books. It's under construction, too, so we're minimizing traffic." She paused again. "Chances are the intern you'll be seeing in the break room will be a young man named Aidan. He's a púka, so he's always got a chain bracelet on him. He can get you whatever you need. I'll have to put in a word with someone about the physiology issue; it seems pretty unacceptable to be lacking in that particular field. And Bael — we've got a girl who does a decent just b keeping him under control. He follows her around a lot, actually, so he isn't here right at the moment. He's followed her off on a mission."

Piper paused again, considering Cassie's talents. "You might like her."
At that time, a car parked in front of the Department's HQ. Two figures came out of it and entered the lobby. One of them was Freyr and the other was a tall middle-aged man with silver eyes and black messy hair. The man was a government official, and he entered he building before Freyr. The young half-crusnik, just walked behind him, with a neutral expression on his face. The other man seemed to recognize Piper somehow, because he went directly towards her. He started off by saluting her and presenting himself as The Visitor. "Is Greyston here?" he asked afterwards.

Piper watched the boy with interest, then looked at the Visitor. "Agent Greyston is currently out on a mission. I'm Piper Reed; you can answer to me until he returns," she told him. She wasn't unused to drop-ins from the government, but when they brought people in, it always promised to be an interesting day — and not always for the better.

Before Cassie could thank her, some government guy entered with what seemed, to her eyes, a teenager. Knowing it isn't her place to ask questions about their agent and having all of hers answered, she bowed to Piper again and thanked her before leaving to go to the workrooms and at least put her brushes and call a few places she knew in Washington to order what she would likely need in term of plants to work her magic or simply help the health of others, passing by the break room to get warm water for her personal tea.

Sanja stumbled and nearly fell when she appeared in the lobby. She hadn't been expecting Death's abrupt transport, and she was more than a little bit disoriented. Beside her was Bael, who had kept his balance as if he hadn't even realized what happened — likely easier for someone who could teleport at will. He looked at the others in the group, examined them carefully for a moment, then announced, "We got him. Where's Galleytrot? I have some thoughts to share with him, y'kno', and I don't care to waste 'em."

Piper turned sharply toward the poltergeist, a slight bit of concern creeping up on her. She prayed he would behave himself for the time being — in front of other government officials anyway. "You know how that is, Lake — I haven't seen him since your team went."

Bael frowned, bewildered for a just a moment, then obviously caught on to what it was Piper was doing. He grinned, glancing around the group, but stayed silent.

@Elias @Hel
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Greyston appeared with the others, rocking a touch but largely keeping his balance. It was nice that death had changed it's mind about throwing them through his trials, but something about the whole situation left him largely unnerved. Either way, it seemed it couldn't be helped- what was done was done. Alexander stumbled beside him, nearly falling into Sanja as he did but Greyston quickly caught the back of his shirt and kept him upright at the very least.

"Sanja, why don't you take Bael to... somewhere else?" He suggested, seeing the tension in Pipers face that occurred whenever she was nervous that someone would ruin appearances. He knew this look because it was most often directed at him, of course.

"I'll come with you," Alex said with a smile at Sanja, moving towards his friend and motioning for the temperamental poltergeist to follow.
Bael raised an eyebrow. He clearly wanted to cause a scene, but Sanja was on him in a moment. "Come on, Bael," she said with forced cheerfulness. She pulled him after Alex.

"We aren't done," he insisted under his breath as he passed behind Greyston. Piper turned sharply toward him, but didn't say anything about it.

She looked back at the government official, curiosity and concern edging her tone. "You needed to speak to me and Greyston?"
Before Greyston arrived...

The Visitor smiled at Piper and shifted his attention to Freyr. ''Is that ok, Mr. Freyr?'' he asked, calmly. Truthfully, he wasn't interested in Freyr's opinion in the least. That question was a signal. Whenever the Visitor asked that question, Freyr was supposed to use his Crimson Eyes of Truth Perception to determine whether or not the person in front of him (in this case, Piper) was trustworthy. The half-crusnik's eyes glowed as he stared at the woman, then he turned to the Visitor and simply said: ''Yes''.

The government official nodded. He wanted to say something to Piper, but at that time Greyston arrived.

After Greyston's arrival...

As soon as the head of the Department arrived, Piper asked the Visitor a question.

"You needed to speak to me and Greyston?"

The man smiled nonchantly yet again and simply said :"Indeed, I do". He then looked at Greyston and told him something the vampire would surely understand: ''It's about the Antithesis Weapon''. He was talking about Freyr and making Corin know that the red-eyed pseudo-youngster had crusnik DNA.

@Hel @Sleipnir
Justin recovered quickly from the surprise teleport that Death made them experience. Three lightheaded steps later, he was back on track and up at it again. Well, this was a rather interesting fun trip. Alex was ok, they got to see Death freaking himself, and a little bit of the Ethereal Realm which was interesting as hell. All of this, but he couldn't help but wonder, if Death hadn't let them off this easy. What if he decided they don't belong there, or decided not to give Alex away? But things work out in the end apparently, and Justin was grateful for that...
"Justin, it's good to have you all back. Why don't you head on up to the work room? I imagine there's more cases you can work on if you're ready. Maybe get my report from Liliana and William. I'd like to get a report from them. I haven't heard anything." Piper turned her attention back to the Visitor and Freyr. She eyed the boy curiously. "So you needed to tell us about... This young man, apparently?"

@Elias @Azure Sky
''Yes'' replied the Visitor, using a calm tone. He waited until the there weren't any other people around Piper and Greyston, then he snapped his fingers. A small field of sorts, invisible to the normal human eye, surrounded Piper, Greyston, Freyr, and himself. The Visitor was a man which could create illusions in all forms, or shapes, and this time he made a sound-type illusion. No matter what they talked about, other people would only hear a casual conversation.

''This here is Freyr Darklight. Within government grounds he's known as the Antithesis Weapon. He's the son of the very first crusnik and a human woman. Extremely few people know about crusniks, because they don't even show up anymore, or hide their nature. Apart from Freyr, other people with crusnik blood weren't found yet. Basically an antithesis of vampires. But Freyr is special. His abilities make him a perfect counter-force for more than just vampires. The higher-ups want him to join the Department'' said the Visitor. He then took out a folder which he kept hidden underneath his coat. ''These files will tell you everything you need to know about him. Good bye'' he added, as he deactivated the sound-illusion field and used his illusion-based powers to make it seem like he disappeared.

Freyr looked at the two people in front of him. ''Pleased to meet you'' he simply said, timidly.

@Hel @Sleipnir
Piper was a bit jarred by his abrupt exit, and turned her attention to Freyr. He seemed young to her, and she wasn't quite certain how she felt about putting the boy in the field. "And you, Freyr. I have to ask — What do you want to do here? There are a lot of jobs here after all."
Freyr looked at Piper and his eyes started to glow. Reading everything about her, including how she saw him at that moment, the pseudo-youngster replied: ''You are concerned, but there is no need. I am...older than I look. I do not know how I could be useful, but the data about my abilities and skills should determine that...I think. I'm willing to do anything''.

After he replied he simply looked at Piper in a shy manner. That was actually something the Visitor told him to say, in case such questions would come up.

Piper nodded at him. "I'll go ahead and show you around then. Let's start on your orientation. Do you have a place to stay, or will the Department supply an apartment for you?" She asked.

((If you want to skip the orientation since you already get how this goes, we can do the time skip.))
The door to the lounge open aggressively, even though the man definetly didn't mean it. With a suitcase in his hand, and a Cuban-like, but noticeablysmaller, cigar in his dry lips he made big steps towards the counter, only viewing the big department sign that was situated above the said counter. He seemed rough, and gave off the "lone wanderer" feeling, certainly making people step away.

He approached the counter, taking off his fedora, revealing short, messed as it can be, hair. The robot lifted it's head, and the man took another puff before pulling out his cigar to speak:

"Woodal. Thomas Woodal" his rough voice spoke with burden, as after six hours of nonstop driving, he wanted to rest...

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Siri was silent a moment. "I will alert Agent Reed to your presence," she assured him. "What is your order of business today, Mr. Woodal?"

Piper was down shortly. She wasn't a particularly tall woman, with moderately curly hair and a sense of authority to her. She studied Thomas for a moment before addressing him. "There'll be no smoking in the lobby, sir. Or anywhere else inside the building. My name is Piper Reed. I was told you're Thomas Woodal. What can we do for you?"
Thomas grinded his cigarette on the lobby desk, then disposed of it in the trash can not too far from him:

"I was sent here by DAPPA... For security reasons I can't explain those acronyms, nor anything else in the matter of fact... I was told you were informed of my arrival, so you should have something to prove my words." He took a sigh: "I've been sent to help you people, as an operative. I am a qualified and highly skilled agent, so any kind of training won't be needed."

He seemed stiff, and lifeless, like always. His stare towards the woman was strong, and it would certainly scare some people, whether he meant it or not.

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Piper tilted her head ever so slightly. Help them—? Operative? She didn't like the idea that some other part of government might be keeping tabs on them. But she kept her misgivings to herself. "Alright, agent Woodal. I assume you've dealt with scores of different supernatural entities then, and understand how to handle them? It isn't like dealing with other humans, I'm sure you're aware. You'll be supplied with equipment to help level the field when we deal with aggressive forces. After that, we'll be sending you off to deal with cases and other missions regarding dangerous and aggressive supernatural or extraterrestrial activity. With any hope, we'll be able to find something for you before the end of the day."
"Even though I've been assigned to a section dealing with the real monsters: Humans." Thomas replied to the woman, starting to get interested in the conversation: " I did encounter a few supernatural foes, Agent Reed... But I've never been able to capture them alive."

He didn't like the "level the field" idea. He's a highly skilled agent, best in his section... Why the hell should he clean up after someone else? He kept this thought to himself, mainly to avoid confotation with the woman who greeted him openly.

There would surely come a time where he would prove his skills.


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