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(Sorry I had to go eat xD )

Lucy tilted her head to the mysterious answer, and began thinking about it. It made sense, yeah, totally, but it sounded like he had seen someone getting hit before. Afraid of asking, she didn't.

"Are you alright?" she asked instead, as she saw him fumble with his hood, though he didn't take it off. Instead, she saw a fast glimpse of two, blue eyes.
((Its fine :3

Jack looked at her and nodded. He tilted his head a little bit as he looked at her. He got up again because he couldn't stay sitting down. He started pacing around the room. He had to keep walking or he would get uncomfortable. He stopped back at her bed and stared at her. He didn't blink when he stared at her. He finally looked away.
Lucy smiled at the restless man, as he looked at her. His gaze was piercing, as if he could see right through her, but she didn't feel uncomfortable at all. She kinda wanted him to look at her.

She wanted to comment on his hood, because she wanted to see his face, but she couldn't find the courage to do so. Not right now.

Instead she sighed loudly and studied his figure closely. Slender, yet masculine and tall. Arms crossed.

"Are you going somewhere? You seem restless..."
Jack shook his head. He pulled up his hood so you could see his face features but his hood still covered his horns on his head. He looked at her it was easy for him to see her. It was hard for him to see her because he had to look through the hood. He smiled at her he crossed his arms as he looked at her and he looked up at the hospitals ceiling.
Getting a closer look on his face, Lucy smiled. Now she could see the sharp features at his face, such as his jaw, nose and the piercing blue eyes that met hers, then looked away.

She slid out to the side of her bed, looking briefly at the bandages around her arms, then she let her bare feet hit the cold floor. She didn't stand, she just sat on the side of the bed, still looking at him with her green eyes.

"Why do you wear a hood?"
Jack looked at her. "I can't tell you that or you'll freak out..." He said sadly. He didn't want her to freak out then people would come after him and he would never get to come to earth again. He sighed and looked at her with a small smile. He sat down next to her on her bed. He held her hand as he did last time. It made him calm to hold her hand.
Lucy silently looked at his hand. She felt calm somehow, but she still wasn't satisfied with his answer, and her curiosity became bigger and bigger.

"You know, I'm used to a lot of things, so no matter how bad a hairday you have, it can't freak me out." she said, trying to lighten the mood a little and smiled at him, feeling the warmth of his hand.

"Of course, I don't want to force you." she sighed, and leaned her head lightly on his shoulder, which was a lot taller than hers.
Jack smiled. "It's not a bad hair day but are you sure you want to see it?" He said with nervousness in his voice. He smiled more when she leaned her head on his shoulder. He reached over his hand and touched her cheek. It was as cold as her hand. He decided to warm it up. She is very cold.. He thought to his self.
Surprised of the sudden touch, Lucy looked up at him, but smiled instead of backing away. In the meantime she was trying to decide how bad it could be, if he took his hood of.

What could possibly be wrong? He said it wasn't his hair, so what could it be? In the proces of serious thinking, Lucy felt the calming warmth from his touch, and she sighed tired of the evening's events.

"I'm not afraid, but if you don't want to show me, you can wait." she said and smiled.
Jack sighed he moved his hand to his hood. He took it off reveling two black horns on top of his head. He looked down. He didn't want to see her expression it was never good when he showed people they would always just freak out. He sighed as he looked up at her. "See..." He said with a nervous smile.
Lucy looked up at the black horns that Jack just had revealed. First, she couldn't do anything but look, trying to convince herself that they weren't real. Then she snapped out of it, and broke free from his hand.

She sat on top of the bed, and looked at the horns for a long time, then she poked one of them, deciding that it was a real horn.

"Wow..." she said, wonderstruck, and smiled widely. "That's actually really cool." she hoped she didn't sound like a freak, but that was amazing.
Jack was confused. "Cool? you think this is cool?" Jack was really confused he never met someone who actually thought like that. "You know these are real im a devil.." He said looking at her smile. He shook his head slowly. How could someone like these horns? He thought. He looked at the floor then looked at her.
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Lucy's eyes grew bigger, like a little child who was being told a story.

"How are these not cool?" she asked slowly, as she poked them again, hoping she wasn't unpolite. "Wait, does devils really exists?" she asked, leaning on one of his shoulders, as she touched the pitch black horn again.
"Of course they do!" Jack was confused he wasn't mad but he was terribly confused. Jack's eyes turned red and a pitchfork appeared beside him. Jack started calming down. "Sorry...i just always show someone my horns and they never like them they just scream and run away i thought you would be the same. Jack looked down he made his pitchfork disappear. He looked at her with a frown.
Lucy backed away when his eyes began glowing, surprised she intimidated by the pitchfork and the eyes, which had been blue, but now turned red.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be polite, I guess I just got carried away..." she apologized, and slowly sat down beside him. But it was weird, she had always thought that devils were mythical creatures, that did not exist in the real world. And to think they looked just like humans, that just shook her world a bit. But she wasn't scared, not at all, actually.

She just felt... amazed, and she wanted to know more.
Jack looked at her but didn't say a word. He looked at her with a worried face. "So..your not scared?" He asked and tilted his head. He was still confused. He had different thoughts in his mind. He reached for her hand and held it. He looked away as he did before. He still acted the same even though he was confused. He looked back at her and smiled a bit.
She tilted her head, "no...? Should I be afraid?" then she gasped, "wait, do you get hurt if I don't find you scary?" she asked, her eyes big and a smile playing on her lips.

Then she rested her head on his should again, "no, I'm not really afraid, just amazed..."
Jack chuckled a bit. He wrapped his arms around her in a hug. "Hmm..." He closed his eyes as he hugged her. Jack started blushing a dark blush. He moaned happily. He wanted to let go of her but at the same time he didn't he loved the coldness of her skin. He kept his eyes closed shut while his cheeks were getting darker.
Jack chuckled a bit. He wrapped his arms around her in a hug. "Hmm..." He closed his eyes as he hugged her. Jack started blushing a dark blush. He moaned happily. He wanted to let go of her but at the same time he didn't he loved the coldness of her skin. He kept his eyes closed shut while his cheeks were getting darker.
The sudden embrace took Lucy by surprise, and she smiled as she hugged him back, her cheeks burning red.

"Don't be such a sad devil, it's okay." she teased, and nuzzled her head into his chest. All she could feel was his warmth, and she liked the feeling.
Jack chuckled a little bit. He liked this position he was in. His blushing started to cool down a bit. Jack took one of his hands and stroked her hair. He thought it was really soft. He looked down at her. He knew he couldn't stay in this position forever though. He hugged her for a while then he slowly pulled away. He looked at her and smiled.
Lucy smiled back at him, when their gazes met after the long embrace. She felt warm to her core, and it was a new feeling, which she liked a lot.

"So... How come devils are on earth...?" she asked, her curiosity still pushing, and she couldn't hold all the questions back much longer.
Jack looked back at her with a smile. "Just to look around of where we once lived.." He said as he looked around the room then back at her. He pushed her playfully and smiled even more. He reached out his hand and started to play with her hair he had a evil smirk on his face when he was.
Lucy decided she would need some time before she actually realised what it all actually meant.

Devils also were on Earth..? They existed..? That was Weird, but she couldn't come up with any solition to it.

When Jack began playing around with her hair, she couldn't help herself from smiling a little.

In return, she lightly caressed his musculsr arm, and leaned on to him.
He stared at her for a while and smiled. He looked toward the wall for a bit to think then he looked back at her. He laid back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. He shifted around to get comfortable then did a sigh. He pointed up at the ceiling then started to draw something the in air. He looked at her with a smile.

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