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Your walking down the street and you see a driver

out of control he goes on the sidewalk and you think he runs you over.

You get pushed out of the way by a boy. The last thing you saw was his face.

You get sent to the hospital and there is a boy That has horns on one side and there is a girl that has pure white wings on the other side

Privet between myself and @LunaTsuki
Okay xD

Sorry for all the questions, this is the last one xD How old would you like them to be? :1
Yeah :3

Jack was leaning up against the wall. He had his hood covering his horns. He grunted as he seen all the people pass him. He looked around and saw people talking to each other. He would always go to town when he was trying to get away from somebody or if he was bored. He did a big yawn and rubbed his eye. He stared at the highway. He stared to think of people that died from cars. He grunted at the thought. He looked down at the ground and grunted even louder he was never happy.
Lucy yawned loudly as she walked down the street. Above her, she could see the beautiful stars. They shone like silver, and she smiled to herself, as she remembered all the times she had tried to count them.

Impossible, she thought and her smile grew even bigger.

Then she stopped, and began to count them all again out of nostalgia.

When she reached 25, she noticed someone leaning against a wall near her. It looked like a tall man with a hoodie on, and she got goosegump all over her body as she felt the mysterious aura from him.

She was about to continue her walk down the street, as she saw two big lights heading straight for her.
Jack noticed a bright light. He looked over and saw the car heading for the girl. Just about when the car was going to hit her jack pushed her out of the way. The car crashed into a shop. Jack looked down at the girl. He saw that some of the glass from the car cut into her skin. He sighed then picked her up. He looked at her and studied her for a moment. Jack looked back and saw the police were already investigating what happened. The person in the car was badly hurt. Jack looked at her again to see if she was ok.
Before the car could hit Lucy, the tall man with the hood leaped from his place against the wall, and jumped in front of her, redirecting the course of the car.

Splinters of glass flew in every direction, and Lucy tried to shield herself with her arms, and felt the piercing pain of shards of glass that cut through her skin. She bit her lip, trying to act tough, as the tall man picked her up and asked if she was okay.

Confused, Lucy stared at him for a long time, but then she heard the police sirens and the man asked her again.

"Y-yes... I'm fine... Thank you..." she muttered, still in chock.
Jack kept staring at her. He didn't think she was fine. "I'm going to take you to the hospital..because the shards of glass could hurt you even more if you don't get them out.." His voice was cold but calm. He had her in a tight grip as he started walking toward the hospital. He made no sound and tried not to talk to her because he wasn't use to talking to anybody. He sighed at the event that just happened. He grunted a bit but it wasn't loud as he did before.
Wanting to thank the mysterious man for taking her to the hospital, Lucy opened her mouth, but as he sighed, she shut it again. She felt uncomfortable, because she felt like she was in the way.

She looked down at her arms, and saw the many small shards of glass that had pierced through her skin. Small bloodstreams began to pour out of them, and she looked away, spooked by the crimson liquid.

"T-thanks for saving me..." she said and tried to get his attention, still feeling a bit uncomfortable in a stranger's arm. "My name is Lucy, by the way..." she said, trying to ease the awkward silence a bit.
Jack looked forward then looked back at her. "My name is Jack" He said as he kept looking at her for another second. "Your welcome.." He said calmly then quickly looked forward. Jack walked into the hospital. Jack talked to a nurse and then she gave her a room. Jack went up to her room and put her down on the bed. He sat in a chair and sighed. He looked at her then looked at the hospital floor. He kicked at his feet. "Why are you out so late?" He asked trying to start a conversation.
Discovering the name of the man, Jack, as he was called, Lucy tried to think of a new topic for conversation, but before she could find any, she was in a hospital bed. The nurses had already treated the worst of her wounds and pulled the shards of glass out.

Now it was just Jack and her.

"I guess I could ask you the same?" she said, as he asked her why she was out so late. "Actually I was on my way home from a night out with some of my friends, but I took detour because i wanted to look at the stars." she said embarrassed, and smiled awkwardly to him.

"And you? Any specific reason you were out this late?"
Jack looked at her with a frown. He started to relax in the chair. "I admire the night sky being alone in the darkness even though the stars light up the night sky.." His response was cold. He walked over to the window and looked at the sky. "It's beautiful.." He stared outside for a while then looked back at her. He didn't sit back in the chair he didn't feel like sitting at the moment. He put his hand in his pockets as he looked at her. His frown slowly changed into a smile.
Lucy listened interested in the dramatic, yet mysterious, respons to her question. She watched his tall figure as he looked outside the window. She wanted to know more about him, though she didn't really know why.

When the stern face changed in to a smile, Lucy felt something inside her jump. It was a great smile, such a shame he hid it so much, she thought and found herself smiling too.

"You have a nice smile." she blurted out, and felt her cheeks turn all red with regret and embarrasment.
Jack chuckled a little but kept his smile. He nodded as he looked at her. "You have a nice smile too.." He said happily. He went closer to her bed and looked down at her. He could see that she was embarrassed. He reached for her hand and held it. He studied her hand it was cold but his warm hand warmed it up. He looked up back at her and smiled more. He rubbed her hand with his thumb. He felt a dark blush cover his cheeks. He looked away but kept holding her hand.
Lucy felt her cheeks getting redder as he complimented her smile too, and even redder as he took her hand, warming it up with his own temperature.

She also felt a little spark of happiness as she saw that he was embarrassed too, and she looked down at his thumb, which was calmly rubbing her hand. Her smile grew wider, but she felt awkward as she didn't knew what to do, since she had only just met this guy, and hadn't even seen his face for real. She fought the urge to take of his hood while he was looking away, and ended up taking his hand, feeling the warmth.
Jack looked back at her. He cooled his blushing. He let go of her hand and went over to the chair and sat down. He yawned a little bit and rubbed his eye again. He looked over at her then looked behind him if he felt something behind him. He grunted and looked back at her. He rubbed his shoulder. His frown came back and started acting the way he acted in the first place. He felt pretty happy to be with someone who wasn't going to yell at him by doing something wrong.
When Jack let go of her hand, Lucy felt it as if all the warmth got sucked out of her, and she felt a bit disappointed. She wanted to hit herself for feeling that way, they had just met today! What did she expect?

Fighting and winning over the urge to hit herself, she looked at Jack. His smile had disappeared and he looked just as serious as before. She felt how her own smile also vanished.

The silence fell on them again, and Lucy desperatly tried to find a topic to talk about, but nothing came to her mind.

"Why did you save me?" came to her mind suddenly, and she looked puzzled at him after asking the question.
Jack closed his eyes. "Because i hate it when someone dies from cars.." He said as he had a flash back memory but he tried to ignore it. He opened his eyes. He put his hand on top of his head about to take it off but then came to his senses and didn't He sighed and looked at her with a side smile. He stared at her with his cold blue eyes. He stretched a little bit from sitting down. He didn't want to sit down but he knew that he needed to sit down at some point.

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