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Demon's war

(Okay. Although,if you want to add...umm, yeah.


Demons and (no clue what race, cuz honestly my favorite race are dragons and elves follow behind) have been fighting for thousands of years. They have been fighting for their people. You see, the relationship between these two races is a very tense and hateful bond. They suffer many massacres and different attacks. The reason the war started, however, has nothing to do with these attacks. The reason for this war is a small stone that could wipe out the whole earth. Both sides want it for different reasons.

When a spy of the other race sneaks into the enemy camp and steals the stone, a series of events such as landslides, people disappearing and buildings turning to dust occur.

In an attempt to restore order and protect the world, one of the witnesses goes off on a journey to find the spy who stole the stone.

When found, the spy is not so easy to give up the Stone and the peace keeper journeys with the spy, in hopes that the pay will hand over the stone. )
(lets make it four, demons, werewolves, vampries, and angels, and if you want we can cross bread our chars)

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