Dematerialize Light (A Spirit Charm question)


Two Thousand Club
Ok. Here's the thing. I want to make a spirit who can only be affected by Essence infused attacks. I don't want to use Dematerialize, because I want the spirit to be affected by more than just the Spirit Cutting charms. But I do want the spirit to be immune to "normal" attacks. So. Custom charm.

My question is, what do you think should be the minimum Essence for such a charm? Do you think modifying Material Tribulation Divestment - making it Essence 4, duration one scene, doesn't work for Essence infused attacks - would work and/or be fair?

I ask the noble personages on this board for their opinions.
IRC, there was a Fair Folk charm that could something very similar in 1E, not sure is it exists in 2E. I think it was called Bastion of Self and was essence 3.
I'd make it a use of Divine Dodge Subordination, with a limitation to only mundane attacks. That'd make it essence 5. Though, that also means it'd cost 5m, 1w per mundane attack, which may fall outside of what you're looking for.

Fortunately, spirit charms specifically break their own minimum essence rules. You can make an essence 1 spirit have this charm if you want.

I have a question that segues from this one, though. When does an attack qualify as essence-fueled? I ask because the use of Excellencies doesn't charge the attack w/ essence, it improves your ability. So, would your spirit get hit by somebody if they did nothing more than use an excellency? This question extends to the Dragon Blooded "Perfect" defense as well, as it has the same caveat.
IIRC, most of those effects refer to "attacks enhanced by Charms", not "essence-fueled attacks". To me, the reading is simple and clear: If a Charm was activated to make the attack, it counts.

This means that the DB "perfect" is awesome against mortals and otherwise blows.
That's the semi-perfect parry. Their semi-perfect Dodge is somewhat better.

But yeah, even spending motes on an excellency counts.
I meant "attacks enhanced by charms." So yes, excellencies would count....

Thanks, folks, for the feedback. I appreciate it. Particularly jeriausx, for that Fair Folk charm. That's pretty much what I'm looking for, except for the other options. I can use that as a springboard. Again, my thanks.
I'd make it a Conviction 4 essence 4 charm, with an obvious effect to give the players a hint of what to do.

Question: attacks with weapons made of magic materials ?

Being infused with essence, some charms/spell state that attacks made with artifacts weapon can affect the target.
That's one I've been wrestling with. Based on initial reactions, I'd say no, weapons of magic materials won't affect it unless a charm is used. But I have no logical explanation for this. So I'm on the fence.
Demon. Don't know if you watch Lost, but essentially I want to recreate the smoke monster.
Ugh a 2nd circle follower of the Ebon Dragon... real bad ass ! me likes !

Two options:

1- intangibility / permanent charm with MM and essence attacks as limit (ignores mundane weapons)

2- intangibility / scene long charm with essence attacks as limit (ignores mundane and artifact weapons)

Another question: essence cannon ?
Indeed, sir. I the second option is more in line with what I was thinking. And yes, essence cannons would certainly affect it.
Vanman said:
Indeed, sir. I the second option is more in line with what I was thinking. And yes, essence cannons would certainly affect it.
Though I think you're satisfied, another option is to mirror this infernal charm that lets you ignore attacks from creatures with essence X. This means that even mundane attacks from a higher essence character would hit, though.
Just a random note: a good number of the charms that protect against something "unless it is enhanced by charms" also say "or a stunt". This makes a big difference.
wordman said:
Just a random note: a good number of the charms that protect against something "unless it is enhanced by charms" also say "or a stunt". This makes a big difference.
Nice catch, I completely forgot this one.

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