
Garen, the Might of Demacia

Silence. That was the disturbed him the most as the Might of Demacia wandered the walls near the massive breach. Not the voidling corpses, not destruction and death. It saddened him, but he was used to such horror at this point in his life. But walking the streets of the outer districts, seeing the life drained from his beloved city chilled him to the bone. Never had he felt such desperation and impending doom hang above a place. And to have it hang above his home, the glorious and righteous city of Demacia, cut all too deep. And instead of bringing the fight to the enemy here I am, waiting for the Void to swallow us whole.

Thankfully his gloomy train of thought was disrupted by a familiar and comforting voice, that of his unshakable second, Lieutenant Alrik. “Commander Crownguard, we have fortified the breach in the walls. Half of the Dauntless will be deployed there at all times per your orders.”

Garen nodded firmly as he walked closer to the breach, looking down upon the barricades. It was a solid fortification, would work quite well in a standard war. Unfortunately this wasn’t a standard war, and this paltry defense would crumble within moments of a full scale assault of Voidlings. Hell, not even the walls of Demacia, one of the most heavily fortified cities in Valoran crumbled against its ferocity, saved only by the actions of their Prince. S'pose we're even for that whole saving him from being executed incident. The memory nearly brought a smile to the grizzled commanders face. Almost. 

"Well done Alrik, I'll take first watch. These beasts will likely be eager to test our defenses in the dark, and I'm eager to pay them back for what they've done to our people." Alrik snickered as he snapped a crisp salute.

"Always keeping all the fun to yourself don't you? Heh, by your word commander. Demacia endures." With that the lieutenant went off to their temporary headquarters, close by the breach to enable them to react quickly to assault. As the sun crept closer to the horizon and Garen found himself alone once more, he pulled out a scroll, intricate in its design with clear Ionian persuasion. The old Garen might have not even bothered to read the missive, dismissing such an operation as abandoning his homeland. But after his recent experience in the League, and... Well, other experiences, Garen saw the importance of answering its call, especially after experiencing the cataclysmic battle that rocked Demacia to the core. Everything in his soul screamed at him to leave, to join his Prince in what might be their only chance to save Demacia. And possibly all of Valoran. But it wasn't his king that kept him, or the orders of any general. Were that the case he might be gone already. However when Jarvan IV gave him an order, Garen followed it to the letter. However this may have been the only order that he disagreed with with his entire being.

It wasn't just himself that was forced to stay however, as Shyvana and his own sister Luxanna was forced to remain behind as well. He had to admit he was impressed that those two listened. Lux wasn't one to ignore a world-spanning adventure, and he imagined she was slowly losing her mind as she stayed in the city, doing gods know what to keep herself preoccupied. As for Shyvana. Well, she didn't like to be separated from her liege, and she didn't have the temperament of a person who would be denied. And so three of Demacias greatest champions remained hiding behind the walls of their beloved city, while their Crown Prince and sole heir to their kingdom risked his life to save their land.

"Not sure how much longer I'll be able to accept that." Garen muttered to himself as a rather distant noise suddenly caught his attention, and distant horns blared out warning, Hefting his massive sword onto his shoulder, a smile finally broke out on his generally stoic face. "At least we won't be completely wasted here." Greatsword in hand, Garen turned from the battlements, making his way to the barricade where he would await the first of many raids to come.

OOC: Kind of a simple start, hopefully enough to get us going  :)  sorry if its not much, just been a long couple days
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Shyvana's blood was boiling. Stupid humans and their orders. As if she cared. She would've bitten his head off, if she wanted to! She grit her teeth again, shifting her weight from one leg to the other, trying to ease her rage by moving a bit. Naturally, it didn't help. Nothing ever did. She always had to struggle with her rage. Maybe one day she'll learn, but today was not that day.

She didn't really want to bite his head off, to be fair. But she was angry, no doubt about it. Truthfully, she didn't want to hurt Jarvan at all. The whole reason why she got mad about the stupid order was because of it. Her oath to protect him. Her fear of losing a friend.

It was mostly selfish, she had no doubt about it. It wasn't her fault, though. Demacians, like any humans she met, looked at her as if she was a monster. Sure, she was one. She made herself look like one. She even acted like one at times. Humans were a bit amusing to scare.. Though, over time fear became a lesser factor, as people have gotten used to her, she still didn't feel like she fully fit in. Garen still glared at her like the pest. "'Lack of discipline' he says. Well, he can shove his discipline up where the sun never shines." she thought with a huff, glaring at nothing in particular.

Shyvana was on good terms with Galio and some of Demacian Champions chatted her up, but if there was some drinking going on or any gathering, if Jarvan wouldn't invite her, then nobody would. He never left her out, though. "I wonder if he pitties me..."

The quiet before battle proved to be louder than any storm. Her own inner turmoil made it impossible to relax and focus. But it was fine, now. She used her rage to be on her best performance. And the Half-Dragon had enough anger to share today. The battle was almost here... she could smell it. Today, she'll protect the city like promised and  then go after Jarvan. And then tell him what a huge idiot he is for leaving her behind. 

Though Shy knew that Jarvan could take care of himself, to her, he remained a human. Not to mention how stubborn he could get. She couldn't put past him being a fool, making some heroic sacrifice, dying in the process. Her heart stung, with a sudden pang of pain. Who would tell her she's just fine the way she is then? The Half-Dragon would probably be banished from Demacia in the same second as well. Though she wouldn't admit it, she liked it here. Shyvana had no idea how home felt like, she was pretty sure that this is as close as she would ever get. If she lost that... everything she had... what was to be of her? She had  absolutely no goal otherwise. Most likely she'd just hunt down whoever dared to kill her friend and then... she wouldn't even have vengeance to seek.

The sorrowful thoughts turned into more fury and her teeth grit again. The dragonic woman shook her head lightly. "You'll be there in time to stop it." Shyvana made a promise to herself, one sheones willing to die to keep.

And then she heard the horn, signaling the attack. A wide, wicked grin curled on her face, her eyes gleaming just a bit. "Come, Void, get a taste of a dragon!" She yelled, laughing and without even looking if anyone followed her lead, she stormed into battle, tearing the Voidborn up like only she could.

OOC: ah. Nothing spectacular, but it's... something. Today's been rough, but I was itching to post it xD
The warning was well sounded, as guards began to stop their current actions to run to the breach in the wall. They had been clearing the city of bodies, stacking that of the void in a pile to be burned and scavenging for citizens as they prepared a mass funnel for the fallen. Of course this was paired with fixing the wall, which at the time took more precedence then the rest of the city. They needed to make sure the city was as secure as possible before another wave of attack, which appeared to be coming sooner then they had hoped.

Now the guards along the wall had begun to spot what appeared to be a voidling. A few miles out from the city in the tree line a voidling approached. It was large in size and was slithering around near the trees. Slithering because it had the tail like a serpent, at least twenty feet in length. On its torso it had a set of six arms, four of which appear human like it shape but the top pair were larger with mantis like blade at the ends. It's head appeared human like but seemed to be missing any eyes. A long tongue would lash out and taste the world around it as if it was using that to navigate. 

It was apparent from the sight of it why it made the guards uncomfortable. It was moving slowly in the direction of the city, lashing it's tongue as it went. It's pace giving the Demacian's time to prepare. 

Not to far from the city the thing froze and lashed around in the field for a second before facing the sky and releasing a terrible scream. Suddenly the beast wasn't so slow anymore, now it was speeding across the field towards the city like a streaking purple ribbon. But that wasn't the worst part, no, the problem was when it screamed others answered and from the forest emerged many more of these same beasts all crawling towards the fallen walls of the city. 

The first one stopped in front of the closest guards raising on its tail so that it towered over them before screaming and slicing the head off one with its large bladed arm. It quickly jumped, mouth stretched abnormally wide, into the fallen mans body devouring him hungrily in seconds before turning to more prey as it's friends raced to the feast.  

(If you haven't please post what starting ability you want in the ooc, twisted fate will assist before this battle starts. He will also give you each health and gold. This will be a practice of the battle system so don't worry about how it goes while learning.)



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Garen, the Might of Demacia

The resonating thunder of metal boots smashing against the ground, the sound of blades being unsheathed, arrows being knocked. True and familiar sounds of war, although the panic wasn't something he was used to seeing amongst Demacia's finest. But after seeing the beast that was encroaching upon their walls he couldn't rightly blame them. His blood boiled as he saw one of his one brutally slaughtered and eaten. No man deserved such a fate, especially one of his elite soldiers.

At this point Alrik had joined him on the battlement, cocking an eyebrow at the serpent like voidling that threatened to overtake the wall. "Well, that was a nice ten minutes of rest. More than I usually get with you commander."

Garen however was in no mood for jokes as he had witnessed another brave Demacian perish, however before he could give orders to bring this beast to heel he felt a rush of fiery air go past him. Garen let out an annoyed sigh, already knowing who had mindlessly charged at the creature. Jarvan would mount my head on a spike if I let the dragoness die.

"Alrik, gather the men and hold the battlements, seems I need to support our royal guardsman in her suicide attempt." Without waiting for his seconds response Garen charged at the great Voidling, charging at it with surprising speed for such a large and heavily armored warrior. Despite the current circumstances, it felt good to be charging at a foe once more, to feel the adrenaline that came with battle coursing through his veins. For so long he had lost that excitement and passion for battle, but now he reveled in it, in a true challenge. An dear rival had helped to instill that fire in him again.

Eventually he was able to catch up with the dragoness before she engaged the creature by herself, keeping his eyes fixated on the target as he addressed her. "Charging in by yourself Shyvana? Thought you'd at least stop by and invite me to join you?" Did I just make a joke? I've been in this bloody city for far to long...

Shyvana was a bit surprised by Garen's joking... or... well what she assumed was joking. She peeled her attention from the creature. A snort escaped her lips, her whole demeanor amused though rage still boiled her blood. "Invite you? Hah! Should I invite you to come with me, to chase after your foolish prince, too?" She said, laughing a bit, although her brain already berated her for telling him her plans.

It was disobeying royal orders. Almost treason. Garen was not a person who saw these things with ease. Not to mention he never liked the dragoness much. Her mind stuck a familiar thought... 'he just came here to stop me, in case I got killed.' That made her blood boil just a bit more. Of course, he'd not want to get in trouble himself. 'babysitting a dragon...' the thought made her snarl a bit.

Shyvana sighed, shaking her head, trying to clear her head, concentrate on the battle. Thinking about Jarvan's absence here was distracting. Not just here, in battle, but in everyday life. She felt foolish, almost like a child... This wasn't the first time Jarvan had left, no, but it was the first time she feared so much for his life. 'Just think of it as a rift. You've fought Kog'maw, Cho'gath, Kha'zix, each and everyone one of them. This is no different'  Shyvana thought and exhaled and raised her head again, her slit pupil's sharp and analyzing the Voidborn. 'It dies like the rest of them did and you'll dance in their ashes.' she continued to soothe herself and then glanced at Garen. "Let's take it down." she growled, though her intentions were to encourage the man, it probably had the opposite effect... not that she cared much. Her job wasn't to raise morale anyways. "i cannot wait to get on my way." She added, a bit calmer now, but her rage was still present.


OOC: I think even here, Burnout, her W would be the best choice to skill... but I guess that's just me xD

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