Del Martinez


The one true mistake

name: Del Martinez

Username: @StargazeR

age: 18

gender: Male

sexuality: Bisexual

ethnicity: Hispanic

height: 5'10

weight: 140 Lb

eyes: Brown

hair: Brown



clothing style



Stubborn, Blunt, Careless  


Loyal, Keen, Sarcastic, Modest 


V a p e r w a v e, Free running, Hoodies, Masks


Driving, Unnecessary killing, Jewelry, TV  


Being alone, Dogs


Born in a high class society, he was raised as an only child. Given nearly everything he asked for and then some. Yet Del did his best to try and help those in need, despite his parents telling him that they don't need help. Was taught to always speak his mind, but know when to hold back. He was athletic and made his parents proud with his athletic and academic awards.

Del was never one to take the easy road, rather he enjoyed it. He would think that it would make more of an experience for him. This also made for him to deal with other stubborn people, most often times turning into fights. Thus if anyone felt that they had an issue with Del he would offer them a chance to settle it in the ring or "piss off". He has only lost once, and he always says the same thing, "To be fair I did the best I could with a broken hand and fractured foot."

Although everything changed when he met her. After finding what he thought to be the love of his life, he ran off with her and spent his money trying to start a family. He saw a new side to himself, a kind and gentle side. But within the first week he caught her cheating on him. Heart broken, he left her to start a new life, without money he's forced to find any job that is offered. No matter how dirty or unsafe it might be. Thus we find Del in N/E/R/V/E.

reason why you are playing: 

After hearing how much money people made off of just doing dares, he decided to take up the opportunity. Although since he's a starter, he's got no name for himself. Thus he'll have to make one.

relationships: (tbd after acceptance)

watchers: 0
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