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of the moon.
First, here is my character brief over and then I'll start:

Name: Ezra

Age: looks 18

Background: He is the son of the ruler of a far off planet. He came to Earth because his planet is in need of resources. His father, a ruthless ruler, has decided to just take Earth instead of cooperate. Little by little his fathers "robots" and creatures that can possess human bodies creep into Earth to take over. As a ploy, Ezra zones in and finds the girl who has the root to take over Earth. To make his father proud, he gets closer to her and gets close to her in order to find out how to take control of the power she possess.

Height/Weight: 6'2" | 145

Extra: He is strong. The gravity is much different than Earths, leaving his strength incredible and his speed unbelievable.


Here's my characters brief over:

Name: Pandora James

Age: 17

Background: Pandora was born to a loving family, her mother, being a regular mortal, while her father being a magical being.. a warlock you could say. When Pandora was born, she was born with an unusual power. She held the power of light and darkness, which gave great amounts of fear to her parents. Being disowned at a very young age, Pandora was adopted into a different family and does not know anything of her past nor power, although she does have the slightest idea that something is odd with herself. She lives the usual life of a teenager, going to high school, and all, but is much more intelligent then of her peers.

Height/ Weight: 5'4/ 101


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