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Fantasy Death of the Emperor - Character Sheets


Jumin's Bae
Anything with star (*) is optional.

[Appearance Image]

|| Name ||

|| Age ||

|| Gender ||

|| Sexuality ||

|| Blood Type* ||

|| Role (Leave out if you aren't royal or clan) ||

|| Backstory* ||

|| Personality ||

|| Weaknesses ||

|| Skills and Abilities (Magical. Only Fill If You're Clan Member) ||

|| Non Magical Skills and Abilities ||

|| Hobbies* ||

|| Likes* ||

|| Dislikes* ||

|| Theme* ||

|| Other* ||​
Hikama Shikaru

|| Name ||
Hikama Shikaru (He-kah-mah She-kah-roo)

|| Age ||

|| Gender ||

|| Sexuality ||

|| Blood Type ||

|| Role ||
Fire Clan

|| Personality ||
Normally a serious type character, he has been known to crack a few jokes and very often smiles. Like his element, he has a rather fiery attitude when fighting, training or doing anything competitive. He is protective of his clan and family, often going to the greatest lengths to keep them safe. He's often thought of as selfless, but this is not the case, at least not fully. He'll do anything for his family, but if you're not part of his family he won't really care what happens to you.

|| Weaknesses ||
Has Acrophobia (The fear of heights)

|| Skills and Abilities ||
Firestorm - He draws fire from his katana then sweeps it in a frontal cone. Like a frontal fire tornado.
Dragon's Bite - A combo attack, starts with a spartan kick to knock his opponent off balance then a powerful downward slash then flips backward and dashes forward and goes to stab the stomach area of the enemy while the blade is on fire.

|| Non Magical Skills and Abilities ||
Master with a Katana
Highly Agile

|| Hobbies ||
Origami, he is quite good at it too.
Leather working and tailoring

|| Likes ||

|| Dislikes ||

|| Theme ||

|| Other ||



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(click on image for full size)

真理 林
*It's Japan, so Hayashi Mari is how she'd introduce herself.

|| Age ||

|| Gender ||

|| Sexuality ||

|| Blood Type ||

|| Role ||
Earth Clan representative

|| Personality ||
Tomboyish, studious, and sociable, Mari is an independent woman... Which doesn't go over very well with many of her male superiors, especially after considering that she is a good fighter to boot. She's a bit prideful and strong-willed, and is a very harsh judge, but is overall a nice person and will return the treatment she is given in the ways she knows best.

|| Weaknesses ||
- Her heart isn't really in the mission
- A bit aloof, doesn't really initiate things
- Overthinks a lot of things
- Vindictive

|| Skills and Abilities (Magical. Only Fill If You're Clan Member) ||
- Ground shift: She stamps on the ground, shifting the floor under her enemy's feet to create a small opening or throw off an attack's aim. Must be in close combat already, doesn't work on wooden floor, doesn't work as well after the first time using it on someone because they'll learn to shift their weight and prepare to dodge when she stamps her foot.
- Needle hail: She draws a circle on the ground with her foot, infusing it with energy. When she triggers it, twenty stone needles fly from the spot at fast speeds in a pre-specified direction. Must focus to keep them from triggering early, can't infuse wood, needs to specify direction at time of infusion, and runs the risk of friendly fire. The needles easily go through flesh, cloth, and leather, but only barely pierce wood and steel, so it isn't very effective against opponents with heavy armor. Also, it should be noted that this isn't very good at dealing lethal blows to organs, being very hard to aim and time correctly.
- Earthen Spear: If Mari needs a weapon, the world is her weapon. She can mold the earth into a spear over ten seconds - the resulting spear can be a bit unwieldy, but it gets the stabbing done. Can also be used on stone walls to make them be not so in the way. Needs contact. Occasionally she'll take the metal from enemy weapons and make that into a spear. The spear doesn't break easily, being repaired immediately as cracks form or the blade chips. (she can make any weapon with this actually, but there was something about spears being the weapons of heroes...)

|| Non Magical Skills and Abilities ||
- Strong constitution: Mari is no wallflower, and can take more hits than many boys. She also has good stamina and strength.
- Randomly knowledgeable: What we know as trivia knowledge, she just knows a whole bunch of facts that would win her many jeopardy games
- Educated: She can read, write, and do advanced arithmetic.
- Barehanded combat: She knows the art of smacking a bitch well
- Acrobatic: She's an awesome parkour expert

|| Hobbies ||
Reading stories, Adventuring, Doing cool shit, Being extremely irresponsible as far as her superiors are concerned

|| Likes ||
- Pretty patterns
- The colors blue and red
- Beating the shit out of people
- Textures

|| Dislikes ||
- Getting told what to do
- 'Scratchy' textures
- The color yellow
- Getting treated as a weak girl

|| Themes ||

Mizuko Shikke
"Hurt me with the truth, but never comfort me with a lie."


|| Name ||
Mizuko Shikke
(Or "Shikke Mizuko")

|| Age ||

|| Gender ||

|| Sexuality ||

|| Blood Type* ||

|| Role (Leave out if you aren't royal or clan) ||
Water Clan Representative

|| Personality ||
Those who know Mizuko tend to describe her as a calm and collected person who doesn't really say much or display many emotions. She's known as someone who's kind and clever, but that's all empty without any emotions or sincerity. They describe her as a perfectionist and likes things neat and clean. Just like her element, she's beautiful, calm, and deep. She thinks about the negative side of things, and the deep side of things. She usually thinks outside the box. Mizuko is also brutally honest, and won't hesitate to tell the truth, even if it's hurtful. She's "straight to the point", and doesn't really believe in love. She's not really sociable, either. She's very innocent as well. She doesn't really know about anything "dirty".

|| Weaknesses ||
o Claustrophobic
o Socializing

|| Skills and Abilities (Magical. Only Fill If You're Clan Member) ||
o Hurricane
With this skill, she's able to create a hurricane and suck people in.
o Water Manipulation
o Water Mimicry

|| Non Magical Skills and Abilities ||
o Clever
o Agility
o Physical Combat

|| Hobbies* ||
o Singing
o Cleaning
o Eating

|| Likes* ||
o Singing
o Neat Stuff
o Chocolate

|| Dislikes* ||
o Fire
o Perverts
o Dirty Stuff

|| Theme* ||


|| Name ||
Kimika Akage (Kimika being the first name)

|| Age ||

|| Gender ||

|| Sexuality ||

|| Role (Leave out if you aren't royal or clan) ||
Air Clan representative

|| Personality ||
Kimika can have two sides. She can on the one hand be very lively, bubbly and has trouble to sit still. She is somewhat like a child, that plays and jokes around joyfully. That is how Kimika acts in all situations that do not have the seriousness of battle. That seriousness is what gets to her, what reveals the second part of her personality. She is calm, quiet, but observant and thoughtful. Furthermore, she is merciless. If you are her enemy or you make yourself be her enemy, she will not lose time to end you.

|| Weaknesses ||
Lack of physical strength

|| Skills and Abilities ||
Wind Manipulation, used mostly to influence the speed and direction of her thrown weapons.

Steel Tempest
Kimika can throw her chakram, which will create a whirlstorm as it flies. While the chakram will return to Kimika, the whirlstorm will continue to fly on a straight line from the turning point of the weapon, continuing its way for a few meters before slowly fading.

Kimika will emit a strong burst of wind, that knocks back people in her direct surrounding, meaning that stand in a range of a meter around her. While the knockback will not cause an injury, it can easily knock people caught off guard off their feet.

Kimika can create a small wall of air at a location directly in front of her. It will block all projectiles that hit it, as it persists for a few seconds, but people and non-physical objects (like lasers, e.g., whyever samurai would have those.) will be able to pass it without any notice.

Kimika is able to withdraw all her thrown blades, meaning her kunai and chakram, should those not be in her possesion, to herself. Those weapons, that are called to her, will immediatly take their usual place. Further, they still are flying blades. THey can easily hit an unsuspecting enemies back, should they stand between the blade and Kimika.

|| Non Magical Skills and Abilities ||
Eagle Eye
Kimika has a sharp eye and has a pretty good aim with her weapons
Artists would be envious
What she lacks in strength, she has in agility.
She is a genius at playing the flute

|| Theme* ||

Katsu Tengoku
"Just remember, that you're unique. Just like everybody else."


|| Name ||
Katsu Tengoku, or "Tengoku Katsu"

|| Age ||

|| Gender ||

|| Sexuality ||

|| Blood Type* ||

|| Role (Leave out if you aren't royal or clan) ||

|| Personality ||
Katsu is a sociable guy who's likable. He's an outgoing and friendly dude. He's a mischievous troublemaker that loves to cause trouble. He's a kind and determined individual. However, he's also brutally honest, and reckless. He acts before he thinks. He's cunning, but not so intelligent. He's a smartass when it comes to comebacks. He's a witty and very flirty guy who loves to flirt with women.

|| Weaknesses ||
o Girlz~
o Claustrophobic
o Acrophobic

|| Non Magical Skills and Abilities ||
o Flirting
o Cunning
o Swordsplay

|| Hobbies* ||
o Playing the Flute
o Causing Mischief
o Eating

|| Likes* ||
o Chocolate
o Music
o Mischief

|| Dislikes* ||
o Quiet
o Tight, dark spaces
o Coffee

|| Theme* ||

|| Other* ||


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