Death Note, the America chronicles

Roger Greyson

I can Smell you
Roger Greyson submitted a new role play. @Roger Greyson, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Faction (kira or world police):





For security purposes, the leadeing Kira will not reveal his name or biography until all Kiras prove themselves as loyal to himself
Name: Kisa Shatoma


Age: 16

Faction (kira or world police): Kira

Skills: Kisa is extremely intelligent, there is nothing in the world she can not figure out, she can pool the wool over anybody's eyes basically she is like Light because Light was her hero. Kisa has made it her life to be just like Kira/Light but smarter. When she found out about him being captured she figured out how he could have avoided it. Thats how smart she is.

Personality: Kisa is popular with the guys and is always nice and kind, she sometimes gets out of hand though.

Bio: When Kisa was a baby the Kira epidemic was just ending, her parents were big fans of Kira actually to be frank, her mom was one of Kiras top followers. So because they thought it would be suspicious if they named there daughter Kira they named her Kisa. Ever since she found out where her name came from she has been obsessed with Kira.

Other: She has already found her death note, it looks like your typical everyday Death Note. The Shini-Gami that came with it is now one of Kisa's best friends. Kisa is also Bi-Sextual and has a major crush on .... Not Telling!!

Info on Shini Gami: Her name is Ruby, she loves Kira and is willign to break the rules for her. For instanceKisa has the shini gami eyes but it did not cost her a thing. Ruby had amde it so it would cost some other person for her shini gami eyes, basically in a way Ruby is in love with Kisa.

Ruby is smart always up to no good and is always at Kisa's command. Instead of loving Apples like most other Shini-Gamis Ruby likes Cinamon hearts.

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Name: Akira Honda


Age: 19

Faction (kira or world police): kira

Skills: Fast thinker, Calm under pressure, & athletic past

Personality:His personality is often contradictory - ranging from acting like an idiot to being a deadly serious intelligent leader. This dichotomy may be attributed to an assumed persona, a façade to put the enemy off, or to suppress his true personality and repress his past.

Bio: Akira is a college student that research kira during his sophomore year of highschool for assignment. Even after the assignment ended he continued his research. He found that he was similar to kira. He could even see himself becoming kira. A better kira. A kira that would not stop like the original kira but, he does not have that power that the original kira had until now...

Other: when he needs to brain storm, he eats pocky or fruits.

death note


shinigami: Eurysthenes

Man without strong moral compass; focuses on logic

Name: Shin Akise

Age: 17

Faction (kira or world police): World Police

Skills: cold deductability. His wild imagination allows him to pinpoint how unwitnessed events will or did play out. This is why he is on the lead investigative team against Kira.

Personality: Shin has spent most of his life socially distant from the society around him, closely observing the actions of those around him. His social and life skills therefore are pitiful, as he rarely is able to make friends. Despite this, he tends to mystify people with his ideas and inventions rather than his elogance or grace. Lastly, he is a man without a strong moral compass. His reason for fighting against Kira has nothing to do with whether or not he thinks Kira is right, but rather whether or not the Kira individuals are intelligent. Furthermore, he is quite curious as to what drives the Kiras to fight, and wishes to understand more about why they believe so strongly in Kiras' cause.

Bio: Shin as a child surrounded himself with novels of all types, which he would read as he would play a multitude of strategy video games. His parents would often nag him to get out more or experience the world, but he had often found more pleasure in honing his deductability and intelligence. It was not until about age 16 when he really began to ask questions about how the world works, and how humanity can effect the course of history. he started then to study psychology and how the human brain worked. It was around this same time that the World Police had noticed his brilliance and offered him a position as an understudy in exchange for knowledge of the world that remained confidential to everyone.

About a year later, Shin was scanning through confidential police files in search for a new interesting crime to research. It was then that he stumbled upon the old Kira case and all of it's details, as well as the information reguarding the rise of the new Kira. He then decided at all costs, he would have to take this case, not only to expand his knowledge on other humans, but to rival the regime of Kira, hoping do discover something about himself in the process.

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  • N a m e

    Connor Echardson

    (The name printed on his birth certificate, is Valckroy, because he was adopted)

    (The WP refer to him as "CAVE")

    (Wisconsin, or Con for his friends.)

    (Side note: Likes to be called "Agent Cave")

    A g e


    G e n d e r


    S e x u a l i t y


    F a c t i o n

    World police

    S k i l l s

    ~Analytical problem solver~

    ~Great cook~

    ~Musically inclined~

    ~Persuasive and manipulative~

    ~Good actor~

    ~Strong sense of what's righteous, and what is justifiable~



"Inтellecтυαlѕ ѕolve proвleмѕ. Genιυѕeѕ prevenт тнeм."


Basic Information

Name: [仁佃] - Hitoshi [Even-tempered] Tsukuda [Moon-pond]

Nickname: Lawful Justice | Toshi | Tsuku-Kun | Hitsuku

Age: Nineteen [19]

Date of Birth: August 22 - Leo

- Male

Appearance: Hitoshi has the appearance of a very young, feminine body. He is often mistaken for a female.

Hitoshi stands five by three inches tall, and weighs 129lbs total.

Aside from his formal wear on occasion, Hitoshi's general common wardrobe is put together of simple worn-out leather jeans, night-black elastic sweat shirt for heat and mobility, and to complete his look, a fine-made black leather thin jacket.

Hitoshi has a very uncommon and unique appearance. His skin is as pale as snow nearly, and as cold as a corpse's. His eyes are a deep, glossy metallic Indigo color, that generally adds to the sad look that is constantly within his eyes, even before the death of his unknown father.

Hitoshi's hair is a pure snow-white color, that has been such since birth. There are few with his color of hair at such a young age, when he was younger he was constantly teased for being 'different' in this department. Some say his constant sadness is caused by passed abuse and harassment, others say he is simply stronger than others due to it. No one can truly say as of yet..

Personality: Hitoshi's personally is common, yet rare at the same time. Generally, he is a calm, well-collected silent boy who sits off to the side and hardly speaks a word. Some claim him to be shy, others say he is simply collecting data for a new book, or song. Very few know his true reasoning for his actions.

Aside from his distant and lone-wolf like personality, Hitoshi is quite a friendly, heart-warming person when he finds someone to open up to and with. Though this fact is obvious to some people, most simply take him for what he appears to be and avoid making contact with him, over fear of being disappointed in what he really is over what they believe he is.

Faction: Police force [Taking place of his deceased father whom was apart of the Kira investigation prior]


• Reading

• Playing Piano/Violin

• Meditating

• Writing

• Solving difficult problems/equations

• Studying the impossible/scientifically unheard of

• Rice [White rice , Fried rice , Smoked rice , Boiled rice , etc. . .]


• Sweets

• Violence

• Weapons

• Alcohol

• Drugs [including cigarettes - Tobacco]



• Situation Awareness

• Advanced Mathematics

• Fortune

• Computer Programming

History: Hitoshi Tsukuda was born in Tokyo Japan on August 22nd. His mother, Juyana Tsukuda was his only living parent that was to his knowledge throughout most his childhood.

In his earlier ages, Hitoshi asked many questions of his mother about his unknown father. As his mother described him; --
"Your father was a very.. troubled man.. he drank a lot.. and smoked too. He always at bars until late hours of the night you see, and wouldn't come home until later into the night. Sometimes he wouldn't at all, simply would pass out at the bar yes he would.." -- This knowledge led Hitoshi to believe his father was somewhat of a poor man, one who had some sort of sorrowful past that no one understood, or could predict he had. Luckily, he was not led to believe his father was all that horrible of a human being. -- "Though your father was always quite.. well, a problem maker.. He was also a problem solver... Your father was a detective you see.. always taking on some of the more harsh and sometimes dangerous jobs. He was a natural at solving things that didn't make sense to others. He was always the plan B to his team, but plan B always pulled through for them..." --

A grand detective? Hitoshi was both shocked and confused. How can a man who drinks, smokes, and causes problems be someone so amazing? But at the same time, Hitoshi was inspired to discover how to become like his father. Minus the nights of drinking and smoking himself under the table.

Throughout his schooling life, he was a brilliant boy. For most of his junior years of school, he was the boy-genius who was capable of solving everything that was thrown his way. At certain times he was even asked to take the place of a teacher for a day or two as a substitute, due to illness or other situations. Being this the case, he was always treated differently among the other students. Many verbally abused him for his intelligence, and his respect he was claiming from the teachers of his school.

For quite some time, Hitoshi took much offence to the many insults he was being given.
"Nerd" , "Teacher's pet" , "Outcast" , all of these names being the few that he had suffered being called on a daily basis. However, after awhile, Kitoshi came to the conclusion that they were simply ignorant, and "nit-witted baboons who wouldn't make it far in life..."

Near the end of his junior school years, Hitoshi took up piano lessons, as well as violin. Two extremely difficult instruments that few have respect for, all of which he mastered in a year.

For the beginning of his musical talent, Hitoshi simply took to playing alone, and without proper audience. Though his mother for the longest time insisted that he play for an audience, he simply refused, believing himself not good enough, and yet still fear of disappointing people for being who he is, and not what they believe him to be.

After his junior years of school and advancing into his high school years, Hitoshi began to play his musical talent on street sides in attempt to raise money. His mother had come down ill and for treatment he required money to pay off the hospital. Many people ignored his talent, others stopped to listen but gave nothing, few were generous enough to give him money. For the longest time, this was his job. To raise money using his music to get the cure for his mother. The cure was exactly 5,000 yen total. Money in which he did not have.

One day, his school was hosting a musical festival contest, in which the winner would receive a 10,000 yen cash prize. Noticing this opportunity, Hitoshi had intentions of signing on without second thought. But his fear struck him; --
"What if people do not appreciate my talent...? What if I am to only waste my time here, to not win the prize.. and let mother down.. as well as everyone else here...?" -- These thoughts plagued his mind. He could not be-rid of them.

Finally, Hitoshi was able to set aside his fears, knowing that there was more at stake if he did not enter and win, than if he didn't enter and was left wondering what could have been. So, Hitoshi entered into the talent contest, with Piano and violin.

Opening hour had come in the contest, and Hitoshi was to be the fourth contestant onto the stage. The first three to step up were a one-man band, flute player, and a drummer, all of which were quite good, and earned the respect of their audience.

Hitoshi's hour had come, he slowly made his way to the stage with his instruments. After setting up, the spotlight instantly shined down upon him, his eyes slowly adjusting to the sudden beating light, after he looked briefly upon his audience, he spoke to them a quote; --
"No matter how much we look back at the past, we never go back. We can not change what has already happened.." -- They were all confused by his quote, yet understood his meaning. And then, Hitoshi began to play..

After his performance had ended, the entire audience was silent for a few brief moments, Hitoshi automatically jumped to assuming he was not good enough. He had not won.. But the audience then suddenly erupted into a loud, ear busting shouts of approval and joy, waves of clapping and applauding began to fill the air, Hitoshi's face broke with a smile and his eyes clouding with tears. He felt accepted, and complete. He had hope of winning.

After the rest of his competitors took the stage and gave off their performance, the judges had cased their votes. The conductor of the festival took the stage and dramatically prepared the audience for the winning name. --
"Thank you all for coming! That was our final showing of tonight's grand high school musical competitions festival. I hope you all enjoyed the show! Now.. lets see who our winner of the grand cash prize of 10,000 yen is!" -- The conductor shouted in joy and excitement, the crowd shouting back in excitement and clapping. Thus the conductor slowly pulled an envelope from his pocket, slowly opening it as he drew a card from within into his hand, his eyes began to scan the card. Tension had begun to build up in the back stage among the competitors. And then, a name was given.

"And tonight's winner iiiiiiiis...! Hhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiitooooshi Tsukudaaaaaaa!" -- The man shouted as he pointed toward Hitoshi, who was standing utterly shell-shocked as some of the other competitors began smiling and clapping for him, one of which laughed as he shoved Hitoshi onto the stage to claim his prize. Hitoshi was instantly struck by the spotlight once again as he stepped onto the stage. He slowly made his way toward the conductor who had just been handed a rather large check. Looking upon it, it had the title of the school, the name of the company supplying the money, and across the amount was listed 10,000 yen exactly.

Hitoshi took the check, and after the interviews and pictures were taken. He quickly rushed to the hospital to where his mother was held. Entering in, carrying the large check, he rushed his way to his mother's assigned doctor.

"Doctor..! Look, look..! I.. I have the money for my m-mother..!" -- Hitoshi scrambled to say, his lungs fighting for air after his long sprint there.

The Doctor gazed at the boy, sorrow filled his eyes as he slowly knelt down before him, and rested a single hand upon his shoulder.

"I'm sorry son... but, your mother passed away this morning.. We attempted to give her the cure three days ago in fact, and would simply bill you.. but.. it did not work.. there was only a 36% chance of succession.. I'm sorry.." --

Hitoshi stood there. His eyes wide and a small open-mouthed smirk upon his face that was still there from his excitement from getting the money. He simply stood there, staring blankly, his heart beating a rather slow rhythm, it took him several moments to process the news. And like any normal person.. Hitoshi was devastated...

Several years later now, Hitoshi had taken his mother's advice and did something with his music. After his glorious performance at the festival, the company who hosts the festival around the world agreed to sponsor and commercial him under their company. After making more and more music, he began getting into the writing industry. Writing books both based on his life, and ones that are on that of music.

His most famous seller, however, was a book he wrote based on his father, or what he knew of him. Putting together what he knew of his father, and what he would like to see and believe his father was like.

In the following years, he had decided to take to traveling to the United States, where not only his research had brought him, but as well his own personal interest in the recent rumors of Kira once more..

Other Info.

Some of Hitoshi's Quotes:

• "Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people."

• "For you to insult me, I must first value your opinion."

• "Intellectuals solve problems. Geniuses prevent them..."

• "Genius is knowing to stay silent as others demonstrate their ignorance."

• "Knowledge is often mistaken for intelligence. This is like mistaking a cup of milk for a cow."

Name: Joan

(This is what people refer to her as. It's a reference to the short-lived but influential Joan of Arc.) Darla A. Pennington is on her passport and I.D--her fake documents are courtesy of the CIA. Her real name is Sarah L. Walkins.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/joan-.jpg.1b96e5f80192a3f87a84f5803512af1b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20568" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/joan-.jpg.1b96e5f80192a3f87a84f5803512af1b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 18 but she's mistaken for younger. Allowing her to go undercover as a high school student if needed.

Faction: World Police


-- Joan has a memory castle. She remembers and stores the most trivial of information in case it's useful later.

-- A talented sketch artist.

--Getting what she wants in a tactful way that doesn't tick other people off.

--Picks up new skills quickly

Personality: Joan has obsessive tendencies. She quits her relationships and other responsibilities if it looks like she's about of make a break in an investigation or get new information. (Even otherwise irrelevant Intel except that it piques her curiosity.) Joan has no lasting relationships except for her contacts and lives on her own. She doesn't even own a dog. A part of her detachment toward other people is due to her incredible paranoia. She approaches new people with the knowledge that they might try to kill her. Even those with no involvement in the Kira case. People decide to kill each other all the time.

The other thing is, to be a truly unbiased observer like she strives to be, Joan has to pick and choose when she has emotions. Friends make that harder. Joan has many associates however because of her job, but these people are a means to and end and not her friends. When she has to be around others however, Joan is pleasant and friendly. She doesn't want to make unnecessary enemies. This even applies to the new Kiras. Joan's sense of self-preservation is only trumped by her desire to find someone who can mentally challenge her. She would risk her life for that.

Bio: Joan comes from a nothing town in North Carolina. Both parents, of slightly above average intelligence, are still living and together along with Joan's baby sister, Darla. They are under the impression she works as a cashier at an overpriced store chain living two states away and is too self-absorbed to call. Joan loves her family but she isn't like them. She followed the original Kira case to its conclusion like everybody else. Part of being unbiased is understanding your opponents instead of taking sides. Joan got Light Yagami's point of view, but she is naturally opposed to anyone having the godlike power to kill on a whim because it endangers her personally.

The CIA hired Joan during the first Kira crisis a few years ago. She wrote them an essay criticizing their handling of the original Kira case--by ostracizing the Japanese Task Force instead of supporting them. Despite only having a high school diploma, the CIA immediately wrote back asking for her resume. Joan scored higher than anyone on record on the CIA's psychological evolution (totally lied), interview, and I.Q test. From there, her name was put in for the WP.

Other: Despite her cover name, Joan isn't at all religious.



  • joan-.jpg
    66.7 KB · Views: 84
"An isolated genius is completely powerless"

"To defeat evil, I shall become greater evil!"

Alias: Sato Takano

Age: 18


- can keep her calm in hectic situations

- is extremely sociable and has a large network of "friends"

- is undeniably intelligent, and loves a challenge

- can easily see through lies, no matter how good they may be

Personality: Sato is a determined woman who believes she can help make the world a better place with all her heart. Knowing she'll get nowhere without the proper connections, Sato is kind to everyone she meets. She has earned the admiration and respect of countless teachers and classmates. She's a wonderful listener and she does her best to understand people and make them feel accepted. Despite her sunny personality, Sato is extremely lonely. None of her friendships are very close ones, and ever since her mother's death she's been desperate for love.

Bio: Sato was raised by her single mother, Lily. Though Sato was an unwanted child and constant reminder of the horrible night when Lily's innocence was so violently taken, Lily loved Sato all the same. Sato grew up in a.. dangerous part of town where no privileged person ever feels safe walking. Where any kind of crime is a common occurrence. Lily hated the fact that she was raising her child in such a hellhole, but sadly there was no real alternative. Instead, Lily motivated Sato to become successful and rise above people's expectations of such a deprived child. She enrolled Sato in a local public school at the early age of 4. Sato was a bright girl, capable of learning new skills faster than most other kids that were a year older than her.

Thanks to her mother's guidance and support, Sato finished elementary and junior high with stellar grades and notable achievements. She was accepted into a prestigious high school with a full scholarship. To nobody's surprise, four years later Sato graduated as the valedictorian of her class.

But, something uncalled for occurred on Sato's graduation night. Lily and Sato were at the store getting celebratory pocky when it happened. A man dressed in black took the lives of Lily and two others, along with all the money in the cash register. It was watching her mother die for such a shallow cause that put Sato over the edge. All these years, she had simply accepted the fact that the world was a cruel place. But no, now Sato was convinced it could change. Somehow, Sato would make it so. That same night, Sato's opportunity fell from the sky. Literally.

At first, she had passed off the Death Note as some prank. But, after meeting a strange creature in her room that only she could see and hear, she decided to look into it. Through vigorous research she found the Kira case and finally realized that it was no coincidence that she had this notebook. She saw Light as a martyr and dedicated herself to his cause. She knows that if she puts her mind to it, she can rid the world of some of the evil that plagues it. She is currently in college, living in one of the dorms.

Shinigami: Zellogi.

One of the few shinigami that show an interest in humans.
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Hawkeye (A Code name -- Her real name is Kimbra Serre)



Faction (kira or world police):

World Police


Hawk is one of the world's leading Snipers -- Hence her name, Hawkeye

She has an impressive IQ, and is successful in most interrogations she holds

Hawk is as loyal as they come -- she will not back down or turn tail if she is told to stand her ground

Bravery -- She has learned to stand her ground unflinching in the most compromising of situations.

She is extremely skilled in skulking and sneaking around without being noticed.


Hawkeye has trained herself to detach from the world and the people around her. Instead of 'going with the wind' and letting life take control of certain aspects of her life, she has hardened herself so that even her own personality is of her own forgery. Hawk has taught herself to become extremely introverted, tending to her own thoughts and explanations. She mostly seen either sitting quietly, with her hands folded together, an extreme look of focus in her eyes, or fiddling with her .45 handgun.

Even in the work world, Hawk is detached. Although she has accomplices and allies, she does not have friends. In her thought process, friends are only a negative in life, and are a burden in the end. She does not trust anybody -- no one even knows her real name on the squad.


When Hawk was a very small girl, just old enough to understand books and literature, her mother read her The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes for the very first time. Soon, they had blasted through all twelve stories in the collection, and Hawk had wanted more. Throughout her entire childhood, Hawk grew up on the literature of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, taking their stories wherever she went. In school instead of using the things she had been taught in class, she would flip open the pages of Sherlock, thinking what would Holmes and Watson do? And applying their strategies to her life.

So when the threat of Kira, an unknown phantom killer, arose in the news, Hawk sought out any opportunity to help with investigations relating to him. It didn't stop her that she lived in America, and she was only about 15 -- Hawkeye had already decided that she wanted to be a detective. Once she grabbed a good position in a small investigation squad, she put her knowledge to use, and ended up contributing greatly. She trained in combat and found her accuracy skills and nimbleness, and was later officially named a Sniper of the Forces.





"I wιll noт ѕтαnd αnd clαιм ѕo αrrogαnт αѕ тнe lαтe Kιrα dιd тнαт I αм jυѕтιce, αnd тнαт I αм α God. Rαтнer, I вelιeve I αм ѕιмply тнe Dιvιne нαnd oғ Reтrιвυтιon.."

Basic Information

Name: [中空法] - Gabriel Maltheis

Nickname: Gabbal | Reggy

Age: Twenty-six [26]

Date of Birth: October 15 - Libra

- Male

Appearance: With a head of neatly arranged, slick charcoal black hair and a slim figure standing six feet three inches tall and weighing no more than one-hundred-thirty pounds, the man known as Gabriel is often known as an "Unintentional Womanizer", for women have countless times found themselves attracted to him for reasons unknown, beyond the fact that he is a "pretty boy", and a very odd bird.

Often times sporting a simple white t-shirt layered with a charcoal-grey button-up along with custom-fitted worn out back jeans, Gabriel styles a sharply contrasted green iris that sits behind a pair of thin-rimmed reading glasses that he often times has resting atop of his head, hidden somewhere within his collection of hair.

Personality: Gabriel fancies himself an "artist of unique design", while in all honesty, he is simply morbid and unnatural.. With what seems an obsession for the human body, Gabriel has been known to "evaluate" women who have fallen for his seemingly irresistible charms, often times painting portraits of them in that of blood. Many have called him a sadist, others call him a man of extreme craft. All he knows is that blood fascinates him on both a simplistic and scientific scale, and he insists upon using it as his method of craft, no matter where he is, or what it is he is capturing.

This considered, Gabriel is but a simple man otherwise; one who enjoys a good laugh and understands the balance between pleasure and desire, as well the similarities that lay with both.. Enjoy himself a night out frequently, often times returning with a woman in arm, while other times he doesn't return until the following day, or week. Your average man...

Faction: Kira


• Art

• Blood

• Cooking

• Jewelry

• Human Anatomy

• 'Methods' of Death

• Sweets


• Politics

• Children

• Firearms

• Spicy foods

• Drugs [including cigarettes - Tobacco]

• Cheesy one-liners


• Resourceful

• Creative/Artistic

• Charismatic

• Sadist (Uncrossed by pain)

History: Born and raised in Sweden, Gabriel was a very curious child that insisted upon exploring every inch of his home town with or without permission from his guardian, whom was neither a parent nor family member. The most memorable feature of Gabriel's childhood was the fact that he had somehow found a fascination in the dissecting of small insects; pulling them limb from limb and carefully separating their base structure..

As the boy began to develop through his junior schooling career and began to take into Art classes, Gabriel was transferred to a Correctional Facility after he was caught smearing the blood of a fellow classmate upon his painting, generating that of a horrific yet realistically talented image for a boy his age. After finishing his junior and higher education in this Facility receiving "mental" and "medial" assistance and finally released by the age of twenty, Gabriel simply exited the facility with a hefty breath of air and a smile that had only been recognized when he was busy killing insects.. Wasting no further time after taking a moment to enjoy the outside world once more, Gabriel made pace to his apartment, where all of his things were surprisingly still in good condition, well enough to where he wasted no time to begin painting once again.. Taking a knife to his hand, Gabriel had begun to draw an unusual scene in his blood, of which when presented to the outside world, had earned him a moderate growth in fortune, of which he dedicated toward flight into the United States, where he had began to generate an art gallery full of his unusual style of art...

A couple of years after his arrival in the U.S., Gabriel had begun to hear rumor of the Kira-case that was taking place in Japan, and the involvement of the American government for a time, only to be chased away by whoever "Kira" was. Fascinated and curious with Kira's method of killing and his justifications for doing so, Gabriel had begun to structure artistic designs based on the methods of killing that Kira had begun to enforce. Several of his pieces were obviously related to scenes of heart attacks, while others were accidents or "coincidental murder/manslaughter".

A few years later, Kira's killings had halted, and this resulted in the news that Kira had in fact been put to death. Upset by this development and the closing of the curtains upon such an entertaining "play", Gabriel simply proceeded as though life were normal --or at least for him-- once more. That is, until he stumbled upon that of the Death Note...

Other Info.

Gabriel's Quotes:

• "My art is my blood and my blood is my art."

• "They will never understand me.. I am simply too complex."

• "Such a divine sight, seeing the blood of an imbecile transformed into a perfect image.. "

Gabriel's Shinigami:



>Mila Dale<

“Yeah, that’s me."


  • Name:

    “A name is quite precious these days, isn’t it?"

    Mila Dale

    (Adobted, real last name: Samuels.)


    “18 years of experience."



    “The one who actually makes a difference in society.”



    - Hacking

    - Math

    - Technology in general

    - Cooking

Name: Nathan "N" Castle

Nicknames/Aliases: N, Night Crow.


Age: 16

Gender: Male

Faction: World Police

Background: Born to a middle-class family and was well-educated and informed. He learned to hunt and shoot from his father, a cop. When he was 12, his father became the DA and this is what has given Nathan his strong sense of justice. It is also why he thrives to become the DA one day too.

He understands Kira in a way, so to speak, but nevertheless wants him brought to justice. He is intelligent and athletic, as well as tactical and well-trained in combat. It was not hard for him to find a place in the World Police and, when he did, he became famous among the entire force.

Personality: Psychology and perception - Quick-thinking.

Self-discipline - Perfectionist and Decisive.

Lifestyle - Effective, Organised, Career focused.

Social attitude - Outgoing. Intimidating. Likes friends, yet takes some things seriously.

Honesty and honour - Helpful, fair and just.

Emotional capacity - Can be sentimental, though sees this as a weakness.

Skills: Marksman - Very conservative and accurate with his shots.

CQC Expert - Can disarm anyone and can pinpoint weak points and nerves.

Tactician - Very tactical, can think up great strategies, can break many defences.

Academic - Well-educated and very intelligent.

Athletic - Sporty, able to climb, run, free-run, swim etc.

Hardcore Interrogator and Master of Persuasion - Can break many who he questions, wishes to one day become the DA.

Other: Speciality = Guns - Rifles and pistols. Always carries a Desert Eagle.
Name: Mikael Obata

Age: 29

Faction (kira or world police): World Police

Skills: -Medical knowledge

-Skilled in ranged combat

-Excellent deducing skills

Personality: Brash young detective, quick to anger. Often times he overreacts a lot. Very arrogant. Sometimes reserved and quiet, other times very socially outgoing. Has strong hatred towards people who cause harm to others.

Bio: Mikael Obata never met his father Takeshi, however all his life he was told of his father's amazing artistic skills. Takeshi died one month before Mikael was born, hit and killed by a drunk driver. Mikael's oldest memory was of his mother, standing in the kitchen staring at her hand as droplets of blood ran down her wrist and dripped onto the floor. In her other hand she held a knife, and slumped in a corner was Mikael's older sister, her lifeless eyes staring at nothing as blood ran over them dripping onto the tile floor. Mikael was crying, for he was at that age where he could do nothing but. The memory got hazy after the tears, but at some point a man came in, possibly more than one man, and grabbed Mikael's mother. She dropped the knife and it hit the ground with a small thud. His mother was taken away, more men came, his sister was taken away, and then he was taken away. He doesn't remember much of what happened after that, except that he was taken in by one of the officers. A man named Kibishii Kakumei. Growing up with his adopted father, Mikael was always alone. When people at school would attempt to make friends with him he would run away, because he feared if he let them get too close they would end up dying like everyone else Mikael loved. When he began junior high, Mikael was beaten up a lot. He hated them. He hated everyone. He had pushed people away for so long he was no longer able to get close to the ones he wanted to get close to.

When Mikael was twelve Kibishii bought Mikael a bike. "Why would you buy me a bike? What am I going to do with that! I don't even want the stupid thing, God, what is wrong with you? You can take your stupid bike and shove it." "Mikael, watch your mouth." "No, you stupid old man, I HATE you. I never asked to be with you and I've never wanted you, I wish you had never taken me from my mother. You should've just let her kill me too!" Mikael ran to his room crying before Kibishii could respond. Kibishii had a late shift that night and had to quickly get to work. That night Kibishii would be killed. He would stop a car for a simple ticket, and end up being shot. The shooter was never found.

After Kibishii died, Mikael was sent to live in the states with his grandparents. Throughout his middle school years he spent a lot of time being a recluse much like his earlier life. When he became a high school student, Mikael's grandfather began forcing Mikael to work with him in his hospital. Mikael soon discovered that he had a love for helping people, and began convincing himself that he could ward off his death curse by helping the lives of strangers. Over the next four years he became skilled in medicine and began letting people into his life more and more.

When Mikael graduated high school he moved back to Japan to study medicine. For two years, Mikael studied to be a doctor. Then one day Mikael ran into Kibishii's old partner at the hospital he was interning in. "Hey, I know you! You're Kibishii's kid aren't you? Mi-Mika or something right?" "Yeah, Mikael, that's me. You were Kibishii's partner weren't you?" "Yeah! Wow.... You know, we found him. A few weeks ago." "Him? Who?" "The shooter, y'know?"

After this Mikael began to have a greater faith in the police station. Mikael wondered if police work would be something he might want to do. He had always been very perspective to small details and considered this very much. The only reason why he had become a doctor in the first place was because he loved helping people. Being an officer would help people just as much by putting away dangerous criminals.

After considering it for a ling time Mikael finally decided to go with it and transferred over to the Tokyo Police Academy. Mikael was quite the popular person in his class and made many friends while developing his social skills in the process. While there Mikael met a woman named Aya Miamoto. Mikael soon fell in love with Aya and they began dating. After three years in the police academy Mikael graduated and asked Aya to marry him. She said 'yes' and that fall they were married.

Mikael worked as a detective in Tokyo for six years before he had solved one of the most difficult detective cases Tokyo had ever had. After solving this case he was given a special kind of assignment, he was transferred to the World Police to help the world's greatest detectives work towards stopping those who find themselves in contact with Shinigami. Mikael relished this major promotion and vowed to stop any who would try to cause harm to others on such a global scale.

Other: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.d70914af97e7a0bce06fff26e9f41412.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20627" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.d70914af97e7a0bce06fff26e9f41412.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Tom Mikeal

nickname: to hide his identity he calls himself Pbtenchi.

Age: 18

Faction (kira or world police): kira

Skills: he was born with shinigami eyes (this has happened in death not universe before, not impossible)

Personality: tactical, but tends to be grumpy or depressed, he only really has fun when he's taking risks

Bio: he was a strong supporter of kira, but when he was alive he was to afraid to send him names with his eyes, once kira died he nearly went mad, his dream of a perfect world crushed in front of him, after months of depression, he stumbled out of this depression with, a resolution to avenge kira and create a perfect world, and he got his chance when he found a death note.

Other: he has blond hair, and wears 3d glasses because he is afraid of his eyes, he is rarely seen without something covering them, he always wears a green shirt, and smart trousers and shoes. his shinigami is dead because they were to lazy to go get the death note. 
so the rp is taking place via messages? how does that work? 
okay, well the problem is I don't know how to message you.

:N A M E:


(She is solely known as E, though her real name is Elionza H. Drakensong)

:A G E:


:F A C T I O N:

World Police

:SK I L L S:







~Emotional Strength~


~Social Skills~


~Other Attribute~

Deductive Skills 10/10

:PE R S O N A L I T Y:

E is extremely intelligent, or better: a genius. She's very secretive and enjoys a great puzzle; she's very observant yet childish. For a young girl, you'd expect girly stuff(Makeup, Dresses, ETC.) but she despises these things. She is secretive and calm in very tight positions; keeping herself calm is the easy part. She has developed a sweet tooth along her childhood and has no problem controlling it; she also enjoys stuffed animals, puzzles, and other childish things. Being very smart, she has strong deductive skills, this developed at a young age and brought her to be a great detective.

:B I O:

Revealed in RP

:O T H E R:

She has an awkward sitting position, much like the first

She was previously placed in "
Whammy's House", therefore making her an orphan.

:A P P E A R A N C E:


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