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Fandom Death Note in our Reality: Death Awakens - OOC

So, I'm assuming, since there's a chance some people will have only a shinigami character, they're more able/willing to interact much more with the human world than in the anime/manga? Also, what if said person's shinigami character only had one death note? Would they just have to go around touching all the main characters with their own note?
MagicNewt MagicNewt

1. Yes, generally anyway.

2.+3. Yes. But I would like to stick to the rule that a Shinigami always must own at least one DN themselves. They can go around and touch the characters with their DN to get contact with them, but if they want to possess someone they'll have to have at least one other DN to hand out. How they got that other DN is completely up to the imagination of the creator of that Shinigami character.
MagicNewt MagicNewt

I will be gone from today to monday and I won't have any internet there, so I won't be able to respond and/or read anything until I come back. Nor do I have time to respond right now, I am sorry and thank you for your patience.
I understand people can be busy sometimes. I'm just glad I found someone who will actually try to make it known instead of those I hear about who will disappear. Anyways, I'll be working on a Shinigami for my character's location. I would have from the start but I wanted to get her into the world without finding a note in the first five sentences(Not trying to criticize your decisions, it's just how I prefer my character to be).
ALSO: In the DN movie, there's a Shinigami that's hinted at pretty hard to be a reincarnation of Light, and there are theories that humans who use the DN are reincarnated as Shinigami. Although it is stated that they simply go to "Nothingness," I'd like to ask if we were going by the reincarnation theory, because it would influence my Shinigami's backstory. I'll write it assuming DN users do reincarnate, but I'll change it otherwise; I have another story set aside just in case.

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