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Fantasy Death Inc. Employees


Jean Otus

Would-Be Prince

Age at Death:
Reason for Death:
Religion(If Applicable):

First Impression of Death Inc.:
Personality: (at least a paragraph)
Bio: (at least two paragraphs)
Uniform: (if not in appearance picture)
Reaper's Tool:
"I barely remember when I filled this out. How many years has it been now?"
Name: Matthias
Gender: Male
Age Upon Death: Mid-30s
Reason for Death: "I can't seem to recall, it was so cold, but I can't remember the rest."
Religion: "I couldn't have been terribly religious now that I'm here. I suppose it doesn't matter much at this point."

First Impressions: "I recall feeling a sense of dread when I saw how orderly death was, but once I learned how benign everything was I began to cherish my existence here."

Personality: A polite and reserved man, Matthias gives off an air of near absolute professionalism. He is only prevented from achieving this ideal by a highly inconsistent memory, an apparent defect of violent death. He enjoys the regimented nature of the corporation and how it keeps everyone busy, while still giving time for everyone to build a rapport of teamwork. Given that he has no memory of his life, he relies heavily on what other people think of him, and who he might be given the nature of his character. It is a vain hope, but one that keeps him moving forward. He is considered a junior amongst the managers, and as such he is used to being the butt of many jokes, pranks, and bouts of harassment from his superiors.

Bio: Matthias recalls nothing of his life on earth. Everything before his death is just a vague, freezing blur. Apparently, his end had been so brutal and violent that nothing but his first name survived his passage into the afterlife. From what he can gather he was a European man during a time of great conflict, who offers him very little to go off of to discover his true identity. He was reaped by his current superior, Ana, who suffers from a similar case of amnesia. This condition has had little effect on his work, and ultimately he argues that it has improved his focus. As this has consumed his existence, it is apt to finish out his biography explaining how the rankings of the office work.

When a new reaper starts out they begin as a collections agent, under the purview of a collections manager. After many years of successfully reaping souls, average reapers are promoted up to find new reapers, and after collecting a certain number of new partners for the company the rank and file reaper can finally become a manager. Within the management echelon, there are further levels though. Every locality is broken up into as small a sector as can be managed by reapers, with successively larger regions being made up of multiple sectors, and each level of regionality being under the purview of higher ranked managers. It is also possible to transfer out of collections into other departments, such as materials, communications, and so on. The most daring unit is the crisis unit, made up of only the most skilled reapers, who specialize in defusing the most dangerous situations.

Reaper's Tool: A curved cavalry saber
Alora May Nelson

Gender: Female

Age at Death: A little after 14 years of age

Reason for Death: Beaten and left to die on the train tracks

Religion(If Applicable): She doesn't follow a religion, but her mother use to speak about heaven and how her father was "hellspawn".

First Impression of Death Inc.: Nervous, but seems to be enjoying it. She seems to think most of this is a game of some sort.

Personality: Even though Alora had grown up in a broken and abusive household, she is very kind to others around her. She is young and full of energy, finding happiness in the little enjoyments of life- uh well... death. She will often try to help those who need it, even if she isn't much help to the situation. Due to her harsh past, Alora is very skittish of any males much taller than her and because of this, she tends to stick closer to females.

Bio: Alora's life even though short, was never easy. She can still remember the countless sleepless nights where she and her mother would hide in the attic to keep away from her father. From a very young age, Alora's mother had taught her that living with her father was a big 'game' of sorts. Of course, the games were never fun. Plus, it never ended when one person got bored or didn't want to play anymore. But her mother thought it was better to teach her daughter the 'games' to protect her rather than trying to explain what was truly going on in the family. It was so much easier to say that when you were caught that you just lost and the beatings were the punishments instead of trying to explain to her why her father acted in such a way, but because of this Alora learned to live in a constant state of fear at home. The games started when her father decided to come home and they ended when he left. Of course, the games never truly ended, her and her mother always had to stay alert and Alora spent most of the time trying to find more hiding spots when her father wasn't home.

But, life for Alora got even more difficult when one day her mother had suddenly disappeared from the house without a single trace. Alora had just woken up one morning and she was gone, no note or reason why she would just vanish. Scared and now on her own with no answers, (Because God knows she wasn't asking her father what happened.) Alora had been left with only what her mother had taught her. Feeling defenseless, Alora clung on to the one source of love she had left, an old and slightly torn rabbit that her mother had stitched for her when she was still an infant. It was her one source of comfort as she continued the day in and day out 'games' between her and her father. Of course, she had lost many times and the wear and tear were slowly getting to her.

The days continued and soon enough Alora had become too bruised and broken to outrun the drunken man. He had done his worst on the poor girl and one day had tied her in a bag, throwing her around till he was content or bored. Alora had sat in the bag silent, taking her 'punishment' as she clung to her stuffed rabbit for what little comfort it provided. After what seemed like hours it had gone silent and for a moment the pain stopped. It had gone quiet in the house, but being so broken Alora stayed motionless until she felt the bag be picked up and carried somewhere.

For the first time in her life, Alora heard something that calmed her screaming nerves. Birds... wind... the outside world. Something she only barely saw through boarded and bared up windows now sounded so close and for a moment she wondered if this was the heaven that her mother once spoke of. The harshness of the bag being dropped to what was believed was the ground was a clear no, but even then Alora had little strength left to fight back so she didn't fight back.

The sounds of her father's footsteps walking away let Alora breath easy for a few seconds before a very sudden wave of tired and calmness hit her. This was quickly followed by the sound of a train horn in the distance. As the horn got louder and louder Alora closed her eyes, feeling the ground start to shake around her before taking one last devastating hit and being taken away by death.


Reaper's Tool: A bladed Whip (She asked for a "Dangerous Jump rope" this was close enough for her liking)

Extra: Alora loves all sorts of games, but she fears to lose them because she has come to learn that losing a game means physically being beat.
Alora carries around her stuffed rabbit everywhere because it is the only thing she has left from her mother.
Renn Holverson
Age at Death:
Around 23
Reason for Death:
An accident involving a glider and a cliff. You can fill in the rest.
Religion(If Applicable):
She doesn’t really care about what happens after death, as long as her life had been worth living.
First Impression of Death Inc.:
It’s a respectable place. Not too many rules nor standards and she gets to pick what she wants to wear. Overall, she gives it 8/10 stars.
Renn is a carefree girl, always keeping herself on her toes. She has always been a thrill seeker, looking dor anything that could give her an adrenaline rush whether it be standing on the train tracks and jumping out of the way as late as possible or soloing a cliffside. Her attitude leaves much to be desired and not much time to achieve her goals, but she cares little about “rewards“, per say.

Renn is optimistic, and can be truly depended on to lighten a friend’s mood. She can make even the most hardened warrior laugh, though she can be seen as a little crazy. She isn’t too grounded, and often relies on a friend to keep her head straight.
Renn was born to a low middle class family in the suburbs of Minneapolis. She grew up in a respectable home, her parents close and not much of a struggle. She achieved mediocre grades in school, but was popular by her risky stunts. She held a youtube channel in which she documented climbing and jumping experiences. She eventually went to college at the university, and studied intently for her psychology major.

As her studies increased, her passion for adventure decreased. Soon enough, what was a passionate burn faded to a small flame. It was only when she graduated that she was reintroduced to the rush of danger. A young thrill seeker like her was not kept away for long. She got into climbing, more importantly, free climbing. She loved to dangle by her fingertips, chained to nothing and feeling wind whip through her hair. Unfortunately, her life was ended when she chose to take her leap of faith and her glider broke.
Her uniform is a risqué version of a business suit. Her long tailored overcoat has slits in the bottom, allowing her legs to peep out. The hat completes the look in a rather comical yet alluring fashion. She loves the idea of looking like a modern century witch.
Reaper's Tool:
Long silver rapier, the crossguard embedded with rubies.
Extra: TBA​
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Ezra Greenman
Gender: Male
Age at Death: 23
Reason for Death: Accidentally pushed in front of subway train by surging crowd.
Religion: None (Atheist because there was no reason to believe and evidence against any given deity)

First Impression of Death Inc.: "Dammit, I'm dead and I still have to work."
Personality: Ezra really doesn't like working. He'd rather spend his time reading or listening to music (or both). On the other hand he hates half-assing things and would rather do the best he can on any given task. As a result he tries to get his work done as quickly and efficiently as possible so he can get back to relaxing. When at work Ezra is by-the-book, precise, and sees no reason for anybody to do less than than him.
Biography: Ezra was born to an upper-middle class family, got average grades in school, graduated, and then joined the workforce in an office job without making much of an impact on those around him. His life was a grindstone of routines. Get up, get ready for work, go to work, work in the office, go home, clean up, spend what little time there is before bed relaxing, sleep, and then start over. He wasn't a good or a bad person, he just got by. Ezra had accepted he'd never make a big impact on the world, but he definitely wanted more out of life.

Ezra wasn't exactly unhappy, but he was living for the weekend. He just didn't know what to do with his life. Then one day the metro was especially crowded and the pushing crowd knocked Ezra onto the tracks just as the train arrived. His last thoughts were wondering how this would affect his arrival time at work before realizing he wouldn't be surviving this. After being Reaped Ezra was given a new job. He's still not sure what he thinks of this one.
Reaper's Tool: A Bardiche.
Name: Daejun Shin
Age When Died: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Daejun is a short, slender boy with dark hair and big blue-grey eyes. When he was 14, he suffered several serious burns. Those scars are still there along the back of his neck, the lower side of the left of his face, and his back. He's often seen wearing a dust mask and scarf to hide the marks.
Religion: Agnostic




First Impression of Death Inc.: "At least I'm not stuck in hell."


Personality: Daejun is described by most acquaintances as sweet and humble. He asks about people's days and remembers small details about them to bring up when the conversation is dying down. There's always a smile on his face, evident either when his mask is removed or by the crinkles around his eyes. His voice is pleasant to the ears although it's quiet and small.

This is all an act. Those who know him best could tell you that Daejun doesn't like most people. In fact, he prefers to stick to himself and ignore the rest of society entirely. He finds he works best alone, and that's how he intends to keep it. There are times, however, when he knows he needs assistance. Although even then he struggles to ask, finding it awkward. He should be able to handle everything on his own, after all.

Self-doubt and anxiety are common visitors to Daejun's door despite the smiles he wears. He's an excellent tactician with superb stealth skills, but when it comes to being under pressure, he slowly starts to crack. There's nothing he dislikes more than something that doesn't go the way he expected. That's what he's supposed to be good at, after all.


History: Daejun was orphaned before the age of three. He spent eleven years in an orphanage where the staff treated him like the scum of the Earth. In a fit of impulsivity and desperation, he planned an escape by setting a fire in the kitchen after curfew. The rest of the details are blurry in his memory, but he has burns on his body to prove he did it, that he made it despite the destruction he caused.

After the events of that night, Daejun wandered aimlessly about, lost and uncertain of where to go from there. He would steal at first, just pickpocketing a few people on the sidewalk. That escalated to shoplifting and eventually full-blown robbery, all of which he executed perfectly. There was no evidence to convict him nor was he found by the police. Rumors spread, though, about the things he was capable of just as a child.

Hours before his death, there was a hostage situation at a cafe near him. He saw the frightened faces of the people and knew that, with his skills, he could help in some way. The one time he tried to do good, he wound up shot by criminals on the scene after impulsively jumping in front of their guns. He's never let it go.


Uniform: Daejun wears a rather formal outfit along with a gas mask. The juxtaposition between the two is something he likes. He feels it reflects him better than anything else.




Reaper's Tool: A pair of butterfly swords



Name: Lola De'mont
Gender: Female
Age at Death: 27
Reason for Death: Blood loss and smoke inhalation.
Religion(If Applicable): Didn't really consider religion much, but did believe in a afterlife and karma.

First Impression of Death Inc.: "Hmm? It's alright I suppose. Though I wouldn't mind a bit more action."

Personality: Lola is a charismatic woman eager to try new things. During her first impression, she comes across slightly air-headed, however, she is in truth a very astute and analytical. Taking in every detail she analyzes it and expresses it through helping others. Lola is quite passionate and dedicated about her job, whether it was as pediatrician or currently at Death Inc. She isn't prone to anger, but rather takes everything as a chance to take action. Unafraid of doling out some punishment for anyone acting foolish.

Bio: Lola was born the third daughter into a upper class household. Although in a wealthy home, it wasn't as pleasant as it seemed. Her siblings were constantly competing for the wealth of their father and were able to do anything to reach the top. Lola wasn't interested in the inheritance of her father, but was pressured by her family to be successful. Very smart and having an interest in medicine she pursued becoming a doctor. Needing money for her education she entered into the rat race of her father's favor.

Doing so she did some cruel things, including dosing her siblings and manipulating them. One of these times lead to the death of her older sister's husband and children. Feeling the utmost guilt for what she did she swore to use her education to help others. Moving her focus out of research and testing, she decided to become a pediatrician. Graduating early she left her family and joined a practice. Spending her life taking care of children and watching them grow.

Reaper's Tool: Her special Umbrella

Name: Yui Minemizu
Gender: Female
Age at Death: 18
Reason for Death: 'Karōshi'. Death by exhaustion, grief, and loneliness.
Religion: Shinto to a lesser extent.

First Impression of Death Inc.: She'd rather join her ancestors in the afterlife, but will work hard if the authorities tell her to do so

Personality: Yui is a considerate, modest, and a bit of a shy girl. She is the mom-friend of all friend groups, but has a more youthful and playful side. In general, a nice person that emits a warm, amiable aura around her. She might be seen as a bit too eager to please, always patting herself on the back for being a good parent for everyone. One thing is for sure, she's very hardworking and determined, to the point that she could be described as a workaholic. Yui has a strong sense of duty and responsibility. Her motto could be 'If I'm not going to do it, then who is going to do it?'. She'll go to extremes to fix the places or people, that are broken or need repairing. Naive? Yes. Is she still going to try? Yes.

Bio: Yui was born to a rather normal family back in rural Japan. Albeit they were reasonably happy, the lack of business in the rural areas, and from that, lack of money, really affected the relationships between all members of the family (especially the one between her parents) and living situation. Her parents left to find work in the big cities when she was fourteen years old, leaving her to fend for herself. Sometimes, her grandmother would visit her to cook her breakfast and help her with farming, but most of the time, Yui was completely left alone.

Yui knew from early on, that education was the only way out of poverty. She would farm the land, take care of her grandmother, go to school, do the chores and go to sleep only to resume the cycle again. Even if it was hard and her parents only visited on national holidays, she felt like she was well off and studied very hard. Her elderly grandmother, unfortunately, died when Yui was in the middle of her high school exams. Stricken by grief, stress, and exhaustion, Yui succumbed to series of illness and eventually, a heart attack.
Uniform: x
Reaper's Tool: Two ax-like ends attached to a piece of cloth that she can flail around, like a pendulum

Appearance: pale clear skin, blonde hair, and amethyst purple eyes. Standing at five feet and seven inches. /yes, I know I’m using a faceclaim for him already but I wanted to give a worded description as well since it isn’t very apparent in the image. Specifically his purple eyes/

Eros Castellanos


Age at Death:

Reason for Death:
“..Being ashamed of my attraction to the same sex while trying to follow the ways of God and making my family proud of me for once..”

Religion(If Applicable):

First Impression of Death Inc.:
“Mostly relief in all honesty since I believed I was going to Hell, but I think due to the good acts I had made during my life, I ended up here. Now that I’ve grown used to the place, it isn’t all that bad actually.”

Cold, distant, and mostly uncaring are just few of the words that can be used to describe Eros Castellanos. Despite his name, the young man is virtually robotic with his monotonous voice and the rarity of his smile, but those that do know of his reputation can agree he has a spectacular work ethic. Being the kind of person to come in and get the job done without complaining or allowing himself to be bothered by the cases that may hit close to home, making him seem almost professional. But, Eros doesn’t normally work with others, which is why he’s usually a little awkward and mostly very quiet around his teammates. Causing him to leave directly after assignments to avoid conversation with the people he may work with, so maybe after a little push he might reconsider going home and actually try to socialize for once?

Eros Castellanos and his sister, Aphrodite had been born in New York City, otherwise known as ‘The a Big Apple’, but it’s the one place Eros had always been able to call home whenever he recalled the sweeter memories of his childhood, even if he did spent a majority of it in the LDS, or ‘The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints’. But, the church had quickly turned into his personal Hell hole by the time he was in junior high. Why you may ask? Simply because the young the young twelve year had found himself swooning over another boy in his class, something he had been taught was the most disgusting sin he could ever commit, leading to him feeling immense guilt when his prayers to remove his same sex attraction were never answered.
Instead, the poor young man had spent the rest of his school years ignoring the fluttering of his heart whenever he saw a cute boy in the hallway and chose to lie to his Bishop whenever he had a worthiness interview in regards to his sexuality, knowing his family wanted him to have a high position within the church and was rewarded with such when he had turned eighteen. Hoping that would be when God decided to rid of the awful sin that had ‘poisoned’ Eros’ every waking thought and turned his dreams into nightmares, but was quickly disappointed to find out that it hadn’t, worsening Eros’ depression and causing the boulder of shame, guilt, and disgust to grow and grow as three years had gone and went until he could no longer take it, ending his own life at twenty-one in hopes he could free himself from the emotional and mental pain he had suffered through most of his entire life.

Uniform: A simple white button up shirt, black dress pants, a black fitted suit jacket, and shiny black dress shoes

Reaper's Tool: Twin/Duo Rainbow Machetes

Eros’ favourite colours are violet, lavender, and red-violet
Even if he’s currently a reaper, Eros has the habit of ‘checking on’ his little sister

  • Kiyoteru.jpg
    Name: Souta Matsushita
    Gender: Male
    Age at Death: 26
    Reason for Death: Electrocution
    Religion: Believed in reincarnation, but otherwise Agnostic
    First Impressions: "So all along, I only had one chance...and I blew it."
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And here we are with a character sheet! Lemme know if anything needs changing.

  • View attachment 543303
    Name: Souta Matsushita
    Gender: Male
    Age at Death: 26
    Reason for Death: Electrocution
    Religion: Believed in reincarnation, but otherwise Agnostic
    First Impressions: "So all along, I only had one chance...and I blew it."
The uniforms are strictly formalwear, and the weapons are strictly a special type of enchanted silver.
Finally done! :D

Name: Okui Sugino

Gender: Male

Age at Death: 19

Reason for Death: Beaten half to death by a group of delinquents he antagonized after they made comments about his sister, then left to die in the cold after his sister ran to get help.

Religion(If Applicable): Agnostic

First Impression of Death Inc.: He would rather be alive, but hey, its better than being tortured for the rest of his life, right? He's content with his situation, and will work diligently to keep the sliver of humanity and life that he has left.

Personality: Okui was once a very polite and kind person when he was alive. He would always help others, but usually stayed in his own lane in order to keep his grades from staggering. After joining Death Inc., his personality switched to a more immature and carefree one. He is genuinely friendly, but he can be very smug, sarcastic and teasing towards enemies and friends alike. He appears to not be hostile, dishing out a fake politeness that's almost mocking, yet he'll provoke and annoy opponents into wanting to fight him. The majority of his amusement derives from the mental tormenting and teasing of others.

Despite seeming like such an irritating person, Okui does actually care about his co-workers a lot and can be very affectionate and protective towards them, and will do anything in his power to protect any and all of them at any time. Even if that means reasoning with somebody instead of instantly trying to fight them.

In life, Okui was a hardworking, smart student who stayed on the right path and had decent grades. Because of this, he was very quiet and aloof, staying in his own lane in order to keep his parents happy. He was frequently harassed by the same group of delinquents at school, who would often mock him for his intelligence (basically calling him a nerd) and making fun of him daily. He found the internet to be very fun, as he could be a completely different person online behind a persona. He always referred to his online personality as his "real" self, where he was a lot more open about his feelings. He also enjoyed provoking people and causing fights online, especially in games.

One day, as he and his younger sister were walking home from school, the same group of delinquents waited outside for him. However, this time they made (sexual) comments about his sister. Angry, but unable to properly express himself, Okui turned to his "real self", and began to degrade the delinquents. He made them feel terrible about themselves, and they were all livid by the time he finished talking. Instantly, they jumped him, as his sister ran away to get help. By the time they were done with him, half of his ribs were broken, and so was his leg. His lung was punctured, and he was bleeding badly from his head after being hit with a bat. His sister didn't make it back in time, and he died there on the ground, cold and critically injured.

Once being brought into Death Inc., Okui realized that being himself actually felt extremely good. He decided to use his second chance as a new opportunity to become the "real" him. His personality completely changed, and he now works diligently in hopes of keeping his position as a reaper.

Uniform: His old black school uniform, however, his blazer is now unbuttoned. Fitting, right?

Reaper's Tool: A single black glove with a bladed claw on each finger, and 10 razor-sharp silver threads.

Extra: Please let me know if I need to fix, or further explain anything! :)
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