Death By Romance

Amber was shocked by the fact that someone would do that. She had grass stains on her from rolling down the hill and she felt little pains all over her body from falling. She stood up and fell right back over. "Curse my tiny legs..." she found her balance againg and shook herself off. She pucker grass out of hair to. She looked at Matt. "Ya...Im fine. You?" She looked back up the hill. "I have no clue who that **** is..."
*The males eyes widened and it back up more before he could realize he too was trapped. Slamming into the ward, the male bent down in pain for a moment before he doesn't banging on it. Panic rose in his mind and everything was becoming hazy. Turning around, the male saw the girl on the ground and lift her up by the collar of the shirt. His grip was almost choking as he lift the girl of the ground.*"What did you!? "*The male growled at the girl as he wait for no answer, everything was vibrant for a moment, enlarged images swayed around him and he was seen by the others. Gritting his teeth, the male turned back to the girl who was struggling from his grasp.*
Electra gasped, she couldn't breathe,

she had put up the wrong spell. She realised

now, that she couldnt escape. But she couldn't

stay here, with him holding her up in the air.

She struggled, twisting and turning, but that only

made t worse. She sqeezed her eyes shut and

kicked out at his stomach. She opened her

eyes and hoped for the best...
Astred's attention snapped to what seemed to be a fight going on, she didnt even care now that she was being forced down a public landscape. Her natural instinct was to run to it and try to sort things out. "Nein!" her german accent was strong and it was only habit that she called out a german word. Astred rushed to her feet and ran to the two that were conflicting, unfortunatley not getting far due to the barriers. "Whats going on here?!" Her normal smile faded into more of a concerned look, though no madness seeped through her face or tone. Gilbert, of course, followed his older sister. His stare merely the opposite of his sibling's.
"I'm fine, just confused," Matt confessed while he scratched his head and looked towards the top of the hill. He watched as the young girl stood there afraid. Suddenly a guy walked over and picked her up by the collar. Matt's 'rescue the girl' instincts kicked in and he ran up the hill alongside another girl. Matt's came to a stop next to her outside the walls. "Do you know what just happened? What is this?" he asked as he reached a hand forward. Once he made contact he was immidiately kicked back. His body twisted and he landed on his chest. Errgg he groaned and sat back up. He rubbed his arm and stood. "Well, don't try to touch it." he grumbled and walked slowly back towards the guy and girl outside just to only stare at the guy and girl inside. I really should have just stayed to watch Princess and the Frog with my littlest sister, Ariel​, he thought.
*Twisting and resisting was the only answer the make got causing him to get angrier at her. Just as he was going to throw her to the ground, the male got distracted by the people outside the barrier. Eyes clenched hard and soon the male went into a panic mode. Adrenaline whisked out again and everything seemed to go slowly with him. However just as he turned back to the girl, he was landed by a kick in the ribs knocking his grip from the girls' collar. Stumbling backward for a moment, the male looked back at the girl with malicious intent.*"You..."*The males russian accent flowed out as he spoke one but deep meaning word toward the girl as he rose himself up.*
Electra ducked out of his reach, eyes wide with fear,

and ran towards the dark trees, she stumbled and fell

on the damp floor, bringing her run to a halt. Looking back to

the boy, she tried to get up but found her ankle was tangled

up with a vine.
*The male didn't like this, everyone was watching him and he was trapped. Turning back at the girl, the male went toward her in a steady speed but his expression quickly changed as he felt himself losing control. Finally leering over her small frail body, the male bent down and tried to calm himself but fear was changing him more and more. Breathing in a huff, the male spoke out in his accent again.*"Girl, you take this barrier down now. If not I will seriously hurt you, I should kill you but you are lucky enough that I haven't."*The male controlled his hands as he brought the girl to his face only inches away from hers as he growled quietly for only her to hear.*
Astred looked very worried what Electra, esspecially after narrowing down this males accent. It was definantly russian, she didnt like that. Russians were harsh and cruel, from what her mother told her at least. "Would you two stop fighting!? Boy do not dare hurt her!" It was rare to see her in more of a threatening mood then being her usual happy self. Gilbert widened his eyes at his sister, she barley even knew this person and she is risking her own life for her? Maybe it was just different since she was on the outside of the barrier. He spoke up to the male as well, "If you hurt her then when that barrier coms down I will give you the same amount of pain got it Russian!?" His german accent flowed out of his words like he had just moved and hardly knew the english language.
Electra grimaced away from him, she hadn't meant to trap herself up here. So, twisting herself

out of his grip, she stood up and started walking, "i'll take them down... but the others arn't going

to be happy with you.." she mumbled, only half to herself. Electra traced her hand in an

infinity sign and the wards instintly dissapeared. She walked slowly and casiously back to the

guy who had just tried to kill her. "done" she said,then started walking backdown the hill

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