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Deadline Circus

Kat glanced up from the silence, blinking a few times to wipe the tirdness from her eyes. "Jack..?" She sat up quickly, glancing around "Crap- Jack are you in the kitchen?" She shouted, sliding off the couch to look around. Crap where is he..? She thought, fear filling her eyes. "Jack....." She whispered, quickly sprinting up the steps, bursting through the door to his room. "Oh crap" She whispered, tearing up slightly "He left didnt he..?" she sighed softly, wiping at her eyes No no he didn't he just went out to go get some food! Go back to the living room and wait.. He'll be back She thought, padding back down the steps, picking up a few things she had knocked down. Kat slid onto the couch once more, glancing around a few times He'll come back
Kat sighed softly, resting her chin on her knees. Cmon Jack.. It’s raining.. Hurry up.. She thought, shutting her eyes momentarily to calm herself down. “He’s good. He’s on his way now- I know it”
[QUOTE="Jack the wolf]He checked the plans looking them over. He sighed thinking about kat.

(( one time can I do a 1x1 with ya?))
Kat whimpered softly, glancing at the door "Jack..." She whined, running her fingers through her hair in frustration Kat got up, pacing the floor quickly. Cmon.. She thought, making her way to the front closet, grabbing her converse and jacket. She quickly slipped them on, yanking her hood up. Kat walked oustide, padding down the steps quickly. Shit I dunno which way he would have gone.. Kat glanced both ways before quickly deciding to take a left, jogging down the side walk. "Jack!?" She shouted, glancing each way in search of him
Kat swore softly to herself, sobbing slightly “Jack..? Jack where are you?” She whimpered, shoving her hands in her pockets to keep a bit warmer from the cool water droplets. The scarlet haired girl, stopped in front of a few shops, glancing into them to see if he was there. Kat spotted someone that looked similar to him in the coffee shop, quickly pushing the door open “Holy shit Ja-“ She stopped dead in her tracks, realizing it wasn't him from close up. “I- I am so sorry I thought you were someone else” He smile was strained tears rolling down her cheeks in a steady stream “S-sorry” She said again, backing out of the shop sheepishly.
[QUOTE="Jack the wolf]Jack came out from the dump. HHe grabbed the box and walked down the street.

(( I now have your every message you write xD ))
Kat turned around, noticing Jack making his way down the street. "Holy- Jack!" She shouted, yanking her hood up once more to keep herself sheilded from the rain, quickly sprinting up to him "Jack- What the hell are you doing?!" She whimpered, wiping at her eyes madly

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