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The one and only official thread for our Phantom roleplay.

The idea:

a christine who, after regecting the romantic advances of raoul, goes and tours with her voice around the opera houses of europe. erik is too nervous to make a move before hand, after all, he's been encouraging Christine to tour and be great. but he also has been refusing to leave his lair, because he's nervous. and then, after a few years that feel like forever to him and a whirlwind of fame to her, christine finaly returns to the paris opera house, and she's changed, a much less naive and weak-willed person. but maybe the solitude has changed erik as well. maybe he's fallen back into dangerous habits, maybe he's stagnated, unable to write any music without christine. or maybe, he's gotten more capable of being on his own, made some self-improvement habits. maybe he's got a pet, he practices self care.
Character Profile
Christine Daae was born to a Swedish Violinist and a mother she never knew. From when the age of five until sixteen, she traveled Europe with her father, she received singing lessons and would sometimes perform with him. Her fondest memories are when they would perform together. She'd always remember him as a kind man who gave to charities and told stories.

When he became sick in Paris, they settled there. She joined the Garnier Opera to help pay for the treatment at eighteen.

(Events we haven't discussed happened then)

Christine rejects Raoul, not wanting to enter his society, though it hurts her. As well as leaving her Maesto behind.

She has Madame Louisa Moreau as her manager, in the first two years, her husband had been manager. When he died, Louisa became that. She hand picked several members of her 'team'- she is sure to treat and pay them fairly.

As fate would have it, they stop in Paris as Louisa is beginning to have health struggles.

Appearance: (this is Emmy inspired, she's always been a low key crush)

Christine has soft, delicate features and big brown eyes with brown curls. She stands at 5'5" with a slight frame.


In the beginning, she was naive and everything centered around her father. She was always kind but never confident. Over time as her voice grew, she had to, for the world is harsh. Attacks from La Carlotta and unwanted attention from men.

At some point, she decided to make her father proud by performing everywhere. She learned to help manage her own affairs with Louisa's help, she also learned to be self reliant.

Christine is, and always will be shy, a private person who us more eager to help than express herself.
Paris welcomed Christine Daae from the train station with fanfare. Flowers from men in tall hats and reporters requesting interviews. Five years had passed since she stepped on the train, she remembered that it had rained, and she had glanced back to the direction of the Garnier Opera.

A good bye, as it turned out. And this was a hello. To what, she didn't know.

Madame Moreau coughed into her handkerchief as they entered the coach. And like that, history repeated. What else would repeat?

After a days rest, unrest on her end, Moreau and Christine entered the Garnier Opera. The white and black marble with golden women who guarded the stairs as if to keep out those who are not worthy.

"Thank you managers for," Moreau paused, as if searching for the words. "Pardon me. For this meeting. Christine, dear."

Christine looked away from the mural ceiling to the older woman, blinking as if she had not been there before.

"Feel free to become acquainted with your former home. I will talk with the managers." The older woman grasped her arm gently. "Do not let your mind wander too far."

Christine smiled. "Of course, I'll be in the auditorium."

As Christine wandered, so did her mind, to different times. And to him. Would she see him again? Most importantly, why did she still want as if she were that child?

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