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Fantasy Dead Like Me

Deadly Darkness

All things lost in the shadows
So just as an opening note, before I get bombarded with pms, I know that this is based on a tv show, but as far as I've gathered with others this show wasn't that well known. Therefore I'm putting it in fantasy rather than fandom. Besides I don't plan on following it word for word, I may take some creative liberty. So to all you die-hard fans, I'm sorry.

Life is full of uncertainties, but of all of these uncertainties the one that commonly plagues human minds is what happens after we die. Is there a god? Is there a heaven? A hell? Or are we forever stuck wondering the earth as lost, spiteful spirits? Well we aren't here to answer those questions. Who are we? We are grim reapers. We help guide the souls, after they have been "released" from their bodies, into their final resting places. If you're reading this, you've recently died. So welcome to the team.

CS: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/dead-like-me-character-sign-up.350541/
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