Dead in Thay [5e one-shot][CLOSED]

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One Thousand Club
Title: Dead in Thay
Game: D&D 5e, done through Discord
Playercount: 4-5
Description: We've all seen the posts about "start a game but no one knows what they are!" and it always sounds interesting. Well, I've got a lot of time on my hands, and while I have 0 intentions to make this a full campaign, I am looking at a pretty good one-shot that would line up with it. We'd be using the Dead in Thay one-shot from Yawning Portal supplement book, and you will each have blank sheets to start with. As you roll, and attempt things, you'll figure out who you are, who you might have been, and what you might become.

Char Creation: Dead in Thay is a higher level one-shot, meant for 9-11th, but I figure you will be 12th level. Lower levels don't leave much to be figured out, plus it gives the excuse of having shinies to really make you wonder what you've lost. Please mark preferences for race or class, along with gender and subclasses so I can keep that in mind while generating the party and who's who.

House Rules: Mostly my standard -- don't roll before being asked, don't assume things, and please don't read up on the quest before!

Feel free to ask questions if I've forgotten anything!
This sounds exciting! I would live to throw my hat in here. That is, if my character would even own a hat?

I have no preference to race, class, etc.
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I volunteer as tribute to the gods of dice! Make me your random character, I kneel before the might of avrae. May she be just and merciful!

(Seriously, I want in and am good with everything. The dice can decide gender, class, etc)
I'll throw my hat into the lottery with Ash's encouragement. (Just really curious about how this would play out. Always wanted to potentially run one of these but not confident in how to go about it's execution.)
there are already a ton of people in here, which makes sense, because it sounds very interesting, but doesn't look closed yet, and just in case it happens that this game's roster is drawn out of a hat, I'll throw my name into the goblet of fire.

I'm not especially against anything, but I don't play very many male characters, so throw one of those at me.

if this does go to lottery, good luck, everyone. :grinningteeth:
Nope, not closed yet -- we try to have listings sit for at least 24hrs before being closed so that people get a chance across timezones. I'll try to focus on people in less games so that it's not just the usual people in all the campaigns. Depending on how many slots that fills up, the last spots could just end up being lottery afterall!
Picked my people -- Yiggly, Arun, Garros, Zombwie, and Zilfer -- they were in the least games. If anyone drops I'll pull from this list once more!
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