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Minority of One

Interest CheckCharacter ThreadOOC Thread


While battling the interdimensional villain Relic a detachment of the Green Lantern Corps was lost to an anomaly—a point in spacetime that doesn't conform to the natural laws of the cosmos. Despite the significant danger of passing through one, the Corps members survived the anomaly and regained consciousness inside another universe. Not just any other universe, but the very one that predated their own. Unfortunately for the lanterns it was nearing its collapse. In a matter of Earth weeks (or less) all remaining matter would contract into a singularity. The Corps needed to discover a way out of the universe fast in order to not share its fate.


They searched their dying reality for an escape and discovered its last remaining planet, a sentient world named Perduron. The ancient (even by living planet standards) Perduron trudged stoically through space on gargantuan thrusters. Along its surface towered a megacity, dubbed Last City, where billions of interstellar refugees lived side by side. Two of its citizens lorded over the rest—Ausras and Dismas—forty foot tall angelic beings who positioned themselves as the city's guardians. The tired and disoriented Green Lantern Corps hoped for a warm welcome, but instead were attacked on sight.

Mistaking the Corps' arrival as an ambush Dismas charged the emerald strangers. His power proved to be overwhelming, and the lanterns were quickly put on their heels. Before any serious injuries were suffered Ausras soared into the fray and broke up the terrible melee. Once a dialogue was opened the Corps explained that they were a misplaced (and mistimed) universal police force. In short, they were no threat to the people of Last City. With the truth revealed the lanterns were rightly offered an apology.

Ausras and Dismas explained that they were the last surviving members of a godlike species called the amarantos. Their ancestors had likely migrated from an older dimension, for they predated even the celestial Perduron. The Corps—led by John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kilowog, and Simon Baz—explained that their ring scans determined the universe was on its deathbed. The amarantos agreed with the grim diagnosis and pledged to help the lanterns find a way home.

But help came at a price. Last City was under siege, and the amarantos and their most loyal followers were at their limits trying to hold it together. A sinister lich-like creature named Marniel was the source of all the chaos. Over the last century she had recruited and trained underground zealots, together known as The Paling, to usurp Ausras and Dismas. And while she had come up short against the winged giants at every ambush, corpses piled up all the same. In order for the amarantos to help the Corps, Marniel and her devotees needed to be contained. So Stewart, as acting commander, divided his forces: one half to search for a way home and the other half to tangle with The Paling.

A breakthrough came from bloodshed. After a brutal battle against Marniel's forces three of the lanterns were slain. Without a living wielder their rings zipped overtop Last City and eventually out into cold space. Simon Baz, interested in where they would end up, followed closely behind. The rings led the young lantern to a leaking fissure in spacetime— a late-stage symptom of their dying universe—where he watched them disappear through. He knew every lantern ring was programmed to connect with lifeforms of his universe. It was possible the artifacts had sniffed out a way back. With precious little time and no other known alternatives, Simon plunged into the fissure.


The leap of faith proved fruitful; Simon uncovered a way home. Positioned dangerously between the two realities he connected with lanterns from both sides. Hal Jordan answered the call in Simon's native universe, while Stewart remained his link in the cosmos collapsing on Last City. The Corps members had a door home but they couldn't leave the living refugee world behind. Willpower burned beautiful and bright, and with a colossal effort, a planet was pulled inch by inch through the tear in spacetime. Perduron was reborn beside Earth.

Terrified Earthlings stumbled out of their homes and gazed up at the alien world that invaded their sky. How did it get there? Did its people mean them harm? And who or what would protect them if they did? Needless to say, humanity wasn't prepared to have a neighbor.


Last City was saved from cosmic destruction but it remains a civilization in turmoil. Marniel and The Paling continue to move against the amarantos. Most of the Green Lanterns, having returned to their universe, have been summoned back to their base-world Oa for recovery and reassignment. To make matters worse, Perduron—the sentient planet that hosts Last City—was injured during its universe shift. Its celestial consciousness is essentially comatose, which leaves its titanic thrusters inoperational until it wakes.

Last City is on the precipice of civil war, and the stakes are greater than ever. If Marniel and The Paling win, Earth will likely be their next target. Hal Jordan, John Stewart, and Ausras and Dismas need help to ensure victory - they need Earth's greatest heroes.

A transmission has been broadcast via the Justice League Watch Tower for reinforcements. Marniel and her ilk have to be put down ASAP. An extradimensional war is about to begin, and once it does, every soul on Earth will have a front row seat.


1. Superman is dead. The events in the comic ALL-STAR SUPERMAN have played out, and it's been three years since he sacrificed himself to recharge Earth's cooling sun. Many continue to mourn the loss of the world's first and greatest superhero.

2. The sun isn't quite as yellow. Superman saved the solar system when he recharged the sun with his disintegrating body, but he failed to return it back to its precise state. It's nearly just as warm as before, but it releases less yellow light. The only practical consequence of this change is that other surviving Krytonians are a bit less powerful.

3. The Speed Force is out of sync. After the cosmic event of the planet Perduron being pulled through a fissure in spacetime, speedsters have experienced chaos in the Speed Force. Accessing its energy is now similar to a surfer catching a wave. It can drop quickly and unexpectedly. And there are occasional hour long "low tide" lulls in the Speed Force where it cannot be harnessed.

4. Martian Manhunter is unconscious. When the call to heroes was broadcast J'onn was the first to answer. He met Ausras and Dismas on arrival and later attempted to telepathically assess Perduron, the weakened sentient planet. That's when things went wrong. The Martian suffered crippling psychic feedback from trying to connect with the celestial and it knocked him comatose. He is currently being treated in Last City and checked on regularly by John Stewart & Hal Jordan.


1. MARNIEL (a.k.a. THE MATRON) - The last surviving member of a species that once lorded over multiple galaxies, she now commands a murderous cult from the shadows of Last City. Her base of operation, which is rumored to relocate often, is currently unknown. The scope of her powers also remain a mystery but a select few have been verified.

-magical projection that attacks living creature's spirits
-magical enchantment and reanimation (see hallows)
-Flight at will, roughly Hawkman's speed
-Perceives through absolute darkness
-Perceives magically concealed (invisible) characters
-Can survive and function underwater or in outer space
-Fearless and resistant to mind control
-Durability and regeneration similar to Hawkman
-Immune to bodily possession


2. THE PALING - a radical cult founded by Marniel who wish to destroy the amarantos and take control of Last City. They have managed to eluded the righteous wrath of Ausras and Dismas by nesting inside an underground maze of caverns and catacombs known as The Vaults. The Paling are divided into two casts - hallows and acolytes.

The ghostly shock troops of Marniel. Armed with shimmering Soul Glaives they fearlessly and mercilessly soar into battle against their Matron's enemies. Only the most formidable opponents can hope to oppose them, for they wield awesome power. While there's no official count to go by estimates put their numbers in the low thousands.



-Equipped with Soul Glaives - magical polearms that can cut through lantern constructs, deflect energy and magical projections (as a shield might), and physically stun super-durable & incorporeal opponents on contact. Soul Glaives lose their shimmer and supernatural abilities at the moment of death of their bound hallow.
-Flight at will, roughly Hawkman speed
-Strength levels on par with Killer Kroc
-Durability and regeneration similar to Hawkman
-Can see through absolute darkness
-Can perceive magically concealed (invisible) characters
-Can survive and function underwater or in outer space
-Fearless and resistant to mind control
-Immune to bodily possession
-Ability to self-destruct at will and release their soul from their bodies, which returns to Marniel for reuse.

*Physiology - A hallow's body is as solid as any mortal (they are not incorporeal), but there are several differences between the two. Hallows are bloodless, instead whispy essence ( bluish smoke) leaks from their wounds. Because of their regeneration they can regrow limbs, they can even replace their entire half below the waist should they need to. Only severe trauma (small arms fire would not qualify) to the chest, back, or head can destroy them. Whenever a hallow does expire their body and clothing disintegrates into essence and drifts away, leaving only a dull version of their polearm behind.

The mortal, typically non-powered wing of Marniel's cult. These devotees number in the tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) and perform a wide range of functions for their Matron. Their most common responsibility is conducting covert operations—primarily information gathering. Marniel's acolytes have likely infested most of the influential organizations that serve Last City, including some of which who report directly to the amarantos.

While spies and undercover agents make up the bulk of the acolytes, they also have full-time soldiers within their ranks. These cultist wear body armor underneath tattered cloaks (a common look in Last City) and arm themselves with pulse rifles and shock sticks.

An often recited pledge among acolytes is the following: Many worlds. One fight.

*The highest ranking acolyte, simply titled The First or First Acolyte, has been identified as a bone-faced alien named Dalkin.

3. THE AMARANTOS - Colossal winged celestials who are the guardians, as well as the supreme authorities, of Perduron and Last City. Many of their subjects (citizens) venerate them as walking gods, though they're not officialy worshiped. Others view them as their universe's version of superheroes - and powerful versions they undoubtably are. And The Paling ceaselessly slander them as silver-tongued tyrants not to be trusted. Ausras, the feminine angel, is generally more thoughtful and compassionate. In contrast, Dismas—the masculine angel—is generally more bold and judgmental. Both rule from safely inside the largest and most secure tower of Last City, The Citadel.

4. HAL JORDAN - The most senior human Green Lantern and the acting commander of Earth's superheroes serving in Last City. Hal played a critical role in pulling Perduron out of its dying universe. He currently has a direct line of communication with the amarantos and does his best to pass along useful information to his allies. *All characters begin the roleplay with Hal Jordan as a contact, as he personally briefs each new hero who arrives from Earth.*


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