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Fandom DBZ: The New Z Fighters CS

Name: Cadaba
Race: Maijin

Height: 5'2"

Appearance: Cadaba has a purple skin tone. she is small in stature with a slim build. Multiple antennas that mimic the look of a shoulder length bob parted in the middle. She is often seen covering her forehead using a black bandana. Her clothing consists of light brown puffy small short and a white chest armor that covers her torso. In addition, Cadabra wears a long red cape, black boots and black bracers on her forearms.

Battle Power: 4

body manipulation:
Cadabra uses her body's natural ability to bend and stretch in defense or offense. Manipulating her body to evade attacks and hid from her opponent.

mimicry: Cadabra is capable of mimicking any attack her opponent demonstrates. Though it can be a helpful trick up her sleeve. More than likely her attack will be a weaker form of the original attack.

Mouth beam: A Large beam of ki is erupted from her mouth wiping out anything standing in her path. It is considered to be her most powerful attack. But its use restricted due to the amount of time needed to charge it. She prefers to use it as a last ditch effort.

protective bubble: A defense technique, in which Cadaba conjures a protective bubble that surrounds her. Effectively protecting her from melee attacks in addition, mildly protecting her from strong ki attacks.

bubble gum blast: A chain of 4 medium sized balls of pink ki are emitted from the palm of her hands. It does not do much damage on its own, but being hit by a chain of her bubble gum blast can deal significant damage.

Child form: Cadaba's current form that gives her the appearance of a child. In this, she behaves like a bratty child. Pouting when she doesn't get her, arguing often and throwing temper tantrums. She is prone to being irrational and quick to anger in this form.

Master/Mentor: Self-taught, and it shows. Her techniques are described as being sloppy.

Personality: Cadaba's personalities are relevant to the form she currently has. Her current for the child form makes her irrational, stubborn and very childish. She is prone to have bouts of stubbornness. In addition she is naturally a curious creature when she visits the planet earth.

Backstory: Cadaba was created since the being of time, though she spent most of her time deeply sleeping on a planet in the south galaxy. She would continuously wake up on the planet she was currently on. Every time she woke up she would be astounded by the planets change in scenery. Though during her stay she had never once encountered anyone. Never had a reason to be irrationally mad or destructive. During one of her longest sleeping cycles the planet would begin to grow in ways, she wouldn't imagine. People began living on it, it became technologically advanced. When the evil wizard Bibidi called Buu from his slumber, Cadabra was indirectly awakened. Bibidi had no idea she even existed or that she was awakened by his summoning. She was surprised by the inhabitants of the planets and the technological growth.

During the fight with Goku and Kid Buu, other planets were hearing of the destructive threat that Kid Buu was. The non-threat that was Cadaba had been curiously roaming the lands of the planets. Figuring out they have a majin on their hands they find it is necessary to remove the possible threat to the planet. They end up baiting her to leave on a ship destined for the planet Earth. Where a supposedly strong warrior is capable of defeating such creatures. Being tricked into leaving did not sit well with her, she became angry. She had known if she tried to destroy the ship she was traveling in it would result in death. Instead, she deemed it necessary to sleep the rest of the way to her destination. Or she would destroy the ship out of a fit of rage. With the time it took to arrive from the South galaxy to the North Galaxy, Most of the Z fighters had been declared dead. Cadaba crashed in the lower mountainous regions of Mount Frappe. For the most part, she was left to her own accord. Due to the general consensus, she was probably somehow in ties with Buu.
She wandered around the earth as a tourist, surprised and enthralled by everything she saw. In her travels, she had discovered the world of martial arts. As such, she began watching the world martial arts tournaments from far distances. Copying whatever moves she witnessed, changing it drastically to suit her desires. As well as enhance her body's natural abilities. Though due to not having formal training her technique unrefined and sloppy.

My apologies for the wait, many things came up at once. I hope my cs is still valid for joining.
Name: Cadaba
Race: Maijin

Height: 5'2"

Appearance: Cadaba has a purple skin tone. she is small in stature with a slim build. Multiple antennas that mimic the look of a shoulder length bob parted in the middle. She is often seen covering her forehead using a black bandana. Her clothing consists of light brown puffy small short and a white chest armor that covers her torso. In addition, Cadabra wears a long red cape, black boots and black bracers on her forearms.

Battle Power: 4

body manipulation:
Cadabra uses her body's natural ability to bend and stretch in defense or offense. Manipulating her body to evade attacks and hid from her opponent.

mimicry: Cadabra is capable of mimicking any attack her opponent demonstrates. Though it can be a helpful trick up her sleeve. More than likely her attack will be a weaker form of the original attack.

Mouth beam: A Large beam of ki is erupted from her mouth wiping out anything standing in her path. It is considered to be her most powerful attack. But its use restricted due to the amount of time needed to charge it. She prefers to use it as a last ditch effort.

protective bubble: A defense technique, in which Cadaba conjures a protective bubble that surrounds her. Effectively protecting her from melee attacks in addition, mildly protecting her from strong ki attacks.

bubble gum blast: A chain of 4 medium sized balls of pink ki are emitted from the palm of her hands. It does not do much damage on its own, but being hit by a chain of her bubble gum blast can deal significant damage.

Child form: Cadaba's current form that gives her the appearance of a child. In this, she behaves like a bratty child. Pouting when she doesn't get her, arguing often and throwing temper tantrums. She is prone to being irrational and quick to anger in this form.

Master/Mentor: Self-taught, and it shows. Her techniques are described as being sloppy.

Personality: Cadaba's personalities are relevant to the form she currently has. Her current for the child form makes her irrational, stubborn and very childish. She is prone to have bouts of stubbornness. In addition she is naturally a curious creature when she visits the planet earth.

Backstory: Cadaba was created since the being of time, though she spent most of her time deeply sleeping on a planet in the south galaxy. She would continuously wake up on the planet she was currently on. Every time she woke up she would be astounded by the planets change in scenery. Though during her stay she had never once encountered anyone. Never had a reason to be irrationally mad or destructive. During one of her longest sleeping cycles the planet would begin to grow in ways, she wouldn't imagine. People began living on it, it became technologically advanced. When the evil wizard Bibidi called Buu from his slumber, Cadabra was indirectly awakened. Bibidi had no idea she even existed or that she was awakened by his summoning. She was surprised by the inhabitants of the planets and the technological growth.

During the fight with Goku and Kid Buu, other planets were hearing of the destructive threat that Kid Buu was. The non-threat that was Cadaba had been curiously roaming the lands of the planets. Figuring out they have a majin on their hands they find it is necessary to remove the possible threat to the planet. They end up baiting her to leave on a ship destined for the planet Earth. Where a supposedly strong warrior is capable of defeating such creatures. Being tricked into leaving did not sit well with her, she became angry. She had known if she tried to destroy the ship she was traveling in it would result in death. Instead, she deemed it necessary to sleep the rest of the way to her destination. Or she would destroy the ship out of a fit of rage. With the time it took to arrive from the South galaxy to the North Galaxy, Most of the Z fighters had been declared dead. Cadaba crashed in the lower mountainous regions of Mount Frappe. For the most part, she was left to her own accord. Due to the general consensus, she was probably somehow in ties with Buu.
She wandered around the earth as a tourist, surprised and enthralled by everything she saw. In her travels, she had discovered the world of martial arts. As such, she began watching the world martial arts tournaments from far distances. Copying whatever moves she witnessed, changing it drastically to suit her desires. As well as enhance her body's natural abilities. Though due to not having formal training her technique unrefined and sloppy.

My apologies for the wait, many things came up at once. I hope my cs is still valid for joining.
Totally! I actually want to apologise, as I forgot you were interested. Accepted!
Sullian || The Hybrid


Full Name: Sullian Braiks
Gender: Male
Nicknames: Sulli
Age: 12

Many years ago, due the death of Frieza and the coming of the monster known as Cell, a young aspiring scientist named Dr. Howard, found remnants of Dr. Jerros work. Howard was a happily married man, completely in love with his wife and wishing to make a child with her. But, he was always treated poorly as a child, for being bad, for being weak, oh so weak. He had enough, he refused to be subject to such poor treatment. And he grew obsessed with power, more and more, he needed to be stronger, to beat down everyone in his path. He took drugs, experiments, edited his biological structure, but no matter what he did, he would always remain weak. And his wife grew more and more terrified of what he was becoming, and what would come of her. But everything changed when he found the remnants of Jerros lab, all his information, the DNA of the other races, and the plans for cell.
He became obsessed, he had to recreate it, install it into his own body. Using some of the extra cells and information of the things Jerro had found, he made himself an experiment, with an injection he called "Experiment X". He injected it into himself, and it made him strong, insanely strong. He could destroy planets, stars, anything! Nothing could stop him. He grew confident, cocky, he began to slowly lose his humanity. He began to hurt those around him, including, abusing his own wife. Causing her to leave, without ever speaking a word to him. Soon, the power of Greed made Howard go crazy, and it consumed him, killing him.
But, it turned out, his wife was pregnant with their baby, having been pregnant with his child. She died giving birth to him on a small village close to where they lived. He was raised by the people in the village, but, he wasn't a normal child. He gained the genes of his father, corrupted by the cells of the other races, making him extremely powerful. But, like his father, it came with a price. Due to his fathers negative use and insanity, it formed in him something called Greed, a black entity of mass destruction with eyes and sharp teeth. It eats and eats, and will always be hungry for MORE. It appears on him as a black tattoo like a monster on his right arm, of which he likes to keep secret.

Height: 5'7"

Hair Color: Green and Black

Eye Color: Golden Brown

He's childish and weird, as in, a literal child.

Battle Power: 3.3

- Kamehameha: The Kamehameha is a technique known by almost all of those who have graduated from the Kame School of Martial Arts. First created by Master Roshi, and taught throughout the generations. He knows how to use the Kamehameha wave due to the cells from Goku.
- Galick Gun: A technique where he cups his hands around him, and releases a wave of purple Ki. Used by Vegeta, of which, he can use as well.
- Regeneration: He can regenerate any limb or body part, but at the cost of a LOT of Ki energy.

Forms: None Currently

Master/Mentor: None

Weapons: N/A

Adoptive Muscle Memory: He has lots of potential, a LOT of untapped energy and potential. He can master almost anything after practicing for only a little while, and can mimic and copy techniques and moves after seeing them only once. Then even being able to make a counter to them almost instantly.

Dark Ki and Greed: Dark Ki is a result of the Greed entity within him, causing a dark ki to emerge from him when he uses too much power. The greed can absorb anything it eats.




- Losing Control


Sullian || The Hybrid


Full Name: Sullian Braiks
Gender: Male
Nicknames: Sulli
Age: 12

Many years ago, due the death of Frieza and the coming of the monster known as Cell, a young aspiring scientist named Dr. Howard, found remnants of Dr. Jerros work. Howard was a happily married man, completely in love with his wife and wishing to make a child with her. But, he was always treated poorly as a child, for being bad, for being weak, oh so weak. He had enough, he refused to be subject to such poor treatment. And he grew obsessed with power, more and more, he needed to be stronger, to beat down everyone in his path. He took drugs, experiments, edited his biological structure, but no matter what he did, he would always remain weak. And his wife grew more and more terrified of what he was becoming, and what would come of her. But everything changed when he found the remnants of Jerros lab, all his information, the DNA of the other races, and the plans for cell.
He became obsessed, he had to recreate it, install it into his own body. Using some of the extra cells and information of the things Jerro had found, he made himself an experiment, with an injection he called "Experiment X". He injected it into himself, and it made him strong, insanely strong. He could destroy planets, stars, anything! Nothing could stop him. He grew confident, cocky, he began to slowly lose his humanity. He began to hurt those around him, including, abusing his own wife. Causing her to leave, without ever speaking a word to him. Soon, the power of Greed made Howard go crazy, and it consumed him, killing him.
But, it turned out, his wife was pregnant with their baby, having been pregnant with his child. She died giving birth to him on a small village close to where they lived. He was raised by the people in the village, but, he wasn't a normal child. He gained the genes of his father, corrupted by the cells of the other races, making him extremely powerful. But, like his father, it came with a price. Due to his fathers negative use and insanity, it formed in him something called Greed, a black entity of mass destruction with eyes and sharp teeth. It eats and eats, and will always be hungry for MORE. It appears on him as a black tattoo like a monster on his right arm, of which he likes to keep secret.

Height: 5'7"

Hair Color: Green and Black

Eye Color: Golden Brown

He's childish and weird, as in, a literal child.

Battle Power: 3.3

- Kamehameha: The Kamehameha is a technique known by almost all of those who have graduated from the Kame School of Martial Arts. First created by Master Roshi, and taught throughout the generations. He knows how to use the Kamehameha wave due to the cells from Goku.
- Galick Gun: A technique where he cups his hands around him, and releases a wave of purple Ki. Used by Vegeta, of which, he can use as well.
- Regeneration: He can regenerate any limb or body part, but at the cost of a LOT of Ki energy.

Forms: None Currently

Master/Mentor: None

Weapons: N/A

Adoptive Muscle Memory: He has lots of potential, a LOT of untapped energy and potential. He can master almost anything after practicing for only a little while, and can mimic and copy techniques and moves after seeing them only once. Then even being able to make a counter to them almost instantly.

Dark Ki and Greed: Dark Ki is a result of the Greed entity within him, causing a dark ki to emerge from him when he uses too much power. The greed can absorb anything it eats.




- Losing Control



Jikan Fuchuini Jikan.png

Race: Saiyan

Age: 16

Height: 5'6"

Battle Power: 6

Master/Mentor: Future Trunks

  • Learned
    • Finish Buster
    • Burning Attack
    • Shining Sword Attack
    • Masenko
    • Heat Dome Attack
    • Super Explosive Wave
  • Created
    • Sword Ambush
      • He throws the sword towards the enemy and rushes after it. Whether the sword hits the enemy or not, Jikan follows up with a 13 hit combo and finishes it with a Masenko.
Forms: Super Saiyan 1

Personality: Easygoing, A bit immature, intelligent, loyal, overprotective

Backstory: He was training under Future Trunks to become the next protector of the world, but a freak accident of a time machine exploding sent him years into the future.


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Jikan Fuchuini View attachment 348598

Race: Saiyan

Age: 16

Height: 5'6"

Battle Power: 6

Master/Mentor: Future Trunks

  • Learned
    • Finish Buster
    • Burning Attack
    • Shining Sword Attack
    • Masenko
    • Heat Dome Attack
    • Super Explosive Wave
  • Created
    • Sword Ambush
      • He throws the sword towards the enemy and rushes after it. Whether the sword hits the enemy or not, Jikan follows up with a 13 hit combo and finishes it with a Masenko.
Forms: Super Saiyan 1

Personality: Easygoing, A bit immature

Name: Cardice

Race: Frost Demon

Age: 103 yrs (was in stasis)

Height: 5'1 ft

Appearance: Has a greenish red aura. Glasses work as a more advanced form of scouter that won't get destroyed as easily as the old model and looks less noticeable.

Battle Power: 5

Regeneration- While Cardice can regenerate it does take a while and only works on limbs

Telekinesis- Can move things with his mind which helps if he needs to fix himself up after a fight or move terrain around him

Natural armor- Can grow armor
Can survive in the vacuum of space

Finger/Scatter Finger beam- A beam fired from the index finger or in the case of the latter all five fingers

Mystic Attack- Mainly used to extend tail reach to constrict opponents

Death Saucer- Has a red central disk, with a sharp "edge" of purple/pink ki around it. The Death Saucer can be created in pairs, and is able to lock onto the ki signature of a target. As long as the original user maintains their concentration, the Death Saucer will continue to follow the victim. Once concentration lapses, the attack can wind up anywhere.

Tri-form- is a technique that allows its user to split into three identical duplicates to fight as a group.

Quad Cannon- Cardice must be air borne to use this attack. Cardice will form a smaller ki ball in both hands as well as his feet, aiming them so that all the ki collide into a much larger blast with enough force to launch him back when used

Energy Blade- A blade of energy that encompasses the hand

Forms: None... yet

Master/Mentor: None currently out

Personality: It takes a while to get to know Cardice, but if there's anything you should know it's that he's independent and innovative. Of course he's also courteous, brutally honest, and sattirical, but he is often slightly tainted by offers of wealth or power though he'll deny it being a problem.
His independence is probably his best trait. Though he's mostly independent when he wants to go off on his own to achieve his own goals without ridicule.
Nobody's perfect (Unless you're Mr. Perfect Cell) and Cardice has plenty of rainy days too. His selfishness and arrogance sour the mood many a time, much to the annoyance of others. Mixed with a dash of cowardice or as he likes to call it 'Self preservation'
Fortunately his innovative nature shines brighter on most days.

Backstory: Due to the ways of the Cold family and most well known, the tyrant Frieza. Cardice wasn't really going to sympathize with the races under Frieza's rule seeing as some such as the brutal Saiyan's needed a tighter leash. But it was hard to find work when you weren't born into a business and most sentient life steered clear of you. So Cardice chose to become a member of the Galactic Frieza Army and seeing as if you joined willingly and survived long enough you might actually earn something. There was indeed a likely chance of being used as cannon fodder by the elites as much as there was to be vaporized by an enemy. With the training he endured through battles Cardice learned deadly new techniques to aid in his job. This allowed him to excel the ranks and become an elite prior to the destruction of planet Vegeta and the majority of the Saiyan race.
Years passed and Frieza became dangerously obsessed with immortality and the Dragon Balls. Cardice kept his mouth shut and his eyes forward despite such items being myths he had to go to Namek with a dozen other troops. But it turned out the Dragon Balls were quite real and in the care of Namekiana. When things started going down hill with the plan and he watched even the Ginyu force get taken down Cardice knew it was time to split. Being able to survive in the vacuum of space meant he could leave without a ship as he pleased.
After a while of travelling Cardice had to wonder why he wasn't dead and he heard it from another soldier that Frieza barely survived his encounter with a Saiyan with golden hair and had to have mechanical implants. So Cardice assumed that he was thought to be deceased, however he did wish to see if Frieza could regain his honor from losing. It was disgraceful to even think that one of the brutes were still alive and able to take out one like himself almost.
So Cardice managed to buy a ship and travel to Earth, if only the ship weren't so fragile he might have gotten to see what happened. As he ran into a solar storm he could almost see the blue and green speck, forcing the ship to go through. He had to get into a cryo-pod fitted for the ship, setting it for a few years. But with everything going haywire it did what it wanted as it hurtled towards the planet and disenrigrated the atmosphere only leaving the pod which was caught in some trees. The only reason might have woken up was due to the tree getting old and breaking down, flipping the pod out 100 or so years. Cardice was surprised at the friendliness of the native humans and odd animal people that walked about. Learning the name of the 'heroes' who defeated threats such as Majin Buu. Seeing how a planet like this was a magnet for odd events he decided to stay for the time being. Despite his past affiliations he was quick to have a change of heart and work for Capsule Corp seeing how much money was made in the industry attracted him like a moth to a flame. Since then his goals have been uncertain but he enjoys his less dangerous work and the things money can buy on Earth.
(Sorry if this is a mess I may be more than a bit rusty with backstories)
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Name: Cardice

Race: Frost Demon

Age: 103 yrs (was in stasis)

Height: 5'1 ft

Appearance: Has a greenish red aura. Glasses work as a more advanced form of scouter that won't get destroyed as easily as the old model and looks less noticeable.

Battle Power: 5

Regeneration- While Cardice can regenerate it does take a while and only works on limbs

Telekinesis- Can move things with his mind which helps if he needs to fix himself up after a fight or move terrain around him

Natural armor- Can grow armor
Can survive in the vacuum of space

Finger/Scatter Finger beam- A beam fired from the index finger or in the case of the latter all five fingers

Mystic Attack- Mainly used to extend tail reach to constrict opponents

Death Saucer- Has a red central disk, with a sharp "edge" of purple/pink ki around it. The Death Saucer can be created in pairs, and is able to lock onto the ki signature of a target. As long as the original user maintains their concentration, the Death Saucer will continue to follow the victim. Once concentration lapses, the attack can wind up anywhere.

Tri-form- is a technique that allows its user to split into three identical duplicates to fight as a group.

Quad Cannon- Cardice must be air borne to use this attack. Cardice will form a smaller ki ball in both hands as well as his feet, aiming them so that all the ki collide into a much larger blast with enough force to launch him back when used

Energy Blade- A blade of energy that encompasses the hand

Forms: None... yet

Master/Mentor: None currently out

Personality: It takes a while to get to know Cardice, but if there's anything you should know it's that he's independent and innovative. Of course he's also courteous, brutally honest, and sattirical, but he is often slightly tainted by offers of wealth or power though he'll deny it being a problem.
His independence is probably his best trait. Though he's mostly independent when he wants to go off on his own to achieve his own goals without ridicule.
Nobody's perfect (Unless you're Mr. Perfect Cell) and Cardice has plenty of rainy days too. His selfishness and arrogance sour the mood many a time, much to the annoyance of others. Mixed with a dash of cowardice or as he likes to call it 'Self preservation'
Fortunately his innovative nature shines brighter on most days.

Backstory: Due to the ways of the Cold family and most well known, the tyrant Frieza. Cardice wasn't really going to sympathize with the races under Frieza's rule seeing as some such as the brutal Saiyan's needed a tighter leash. But it was hard to find work when you weren't born into a business and most sentient life steered clear of you. So Cardice chose to become a member of the Galactic Frieza Army and seeing as if you joined willingly and survived long enough you might actually earn something. There was indeed a likely chance of being used as cannon fodder by the elites as much as there was to be vaporized by an enemy. With the training he endured through battles Cardice learned deadly new techniques to aid in his job. This allowed him to excel the ranks and become an elite prior to the destruction of planet Vegeta and the majority of the Saiyan race.
Years passed and Frieza became dangerously obsessed with immortality and the Dragon Balls. Cardice kept his mouth shut and his eyes forward despite such items being myths he had to go to Namek with a dozen other troops. But it turned out the Dragon Balls were quite real and in the care of Namekiana. When things started going down hill with the plan and he watched even the Ginyu force get taken down Cardice knew it was time to split. Being able to survive in the vacuum of space meant he could leave without a ship as he pleased.
After a while of travelling Cardice had to wonder why he wasn't dead and he heard it from another soldier that Frieza barely survived his encounter with a Saiyan with golden hair and had to have mechanical implants. So Cardice assumed that he was thought to be deceased, however he did wish to see if Frieza could regain his honor from losing. It was disgraceful to even think that one of the brutes were still alive and able to take out one like himself almost.
So Cardice managed to buy a ship and travel to Earth, if only the ship weren't so fragile he might have gotten to see what happened. As he ran into a solar storm he could almost see the blue and green speck, forcing the ship to go through. He had to get into a cryo-pod fitted for the ship, setting it for a few years. But with everything going haywire it did what it wanted as it hurtled towards the planet and disenrigrated the atmosphere only leaving the pod which was caught in some trees. The only reason might have woken up was due to the tree getting old and breaking down, flipping the pod out 100 or so years. Cardice was surprised at the friendliness of the native humans and odd animal people that walked about. Learning the name of the 'heroes' who defeated threats such as Majin Buu. Seeing how a planet like this was a magnet for odd events he decided to stay for the time being. Despite his past affiliations he was quick to have a change of heart and work for Capsule Corp seeing how much money was made in the industry attracted him like a moth to a flame. Since then his goals have been uncertain but he enjoys his less dangerous work and the things money can buy on Earth.
(Sorry if this is a mess I may be more than a bit rusty with backstories)
Accepted! Don't worry, it was great!
Name: Drako|Dragoon

Race: Human

Age: 16

Height: 5'9

Appearance: Drako wears an all-black martial arts uniform with a symbol on the back, this symbol is strange and those without intel about His clan wouldn't know about it. His hair Is red and extremely messy with little form to it at all. His eyes are a blood-red color.

Battle Power: 6


Cannon Moves: Kamehameha, Afterimage, Solar flare, Mind reading(passive), Multi-form, Tri-Beam, Spirit ball, Dodon ray,
wolf fang fist. (Uses some more than others. Doesn't use some period)

Clan Specific:
Dragon Flame
: One of his most versatile attacks, this move allows the user breath fire. This attack consumes little ki and is mostly used to catch the opponent off guard but can do serious damage/burns.

Dragon Claw: The tips of the users fingers become pointed and sharp to the point where they can easily pierce steel, this attack is VERY potent at delivering death-blows.

Pressure point Assault: The user uses their knowledge of Pressure Points to deliver a quick flurry of sharp strikes all over the targets body, as a result the opponent is rendered unable to move for a certain period of time, stronger opponents may be able to resists this effect to a certain degree. This move also hinders ability to perform attacks even after the effects wears off. This attack only works on humanoids. (Androids may not be affected)

Dragon-Soul Shield :The user surrounds themselves in a sphere of their own Ki that completely protects them from attacks. Can be sustained for as long as the user can maintain it, requires a surplus of energy.

Dragon-Soul Cannon: The strongest attack of both the Dragoon clan and Drako. The user charges their Ki to the absolute max. The aura around the user forms into the shape of a Dragon head
(this is the sign that the technique is ready to fire.) , the user is then able to fire a maximum of 3 blasts of energy. Each blast is capable of obliterating entire mountain range. This move consumes all of the users Ki and the strain can be enough to cause death.

(Will only ever use under VERY strict circumstances.)

Dragon Soul Burst: Drako's personal spin on the DSC; it's much smaller and the aura doesn't take the form of the dragon head. While it isn't as powerful as the DSC It costs much less Ki to use. Drako uses this attack when he needs something with a little more power than the Kamehameha.

Limit Breaker: This technique is a result of the training he endured growing up but not directly taught; Drako is able to tap into the inner workings of his mind at will and force his brain to release the limits put on his body, by doing this he is able to do things he physically shouldn't be capable of. The burst of power is short and can only be sustained for 10 seconds at a time. This move also renders Drako unconscious after using.
(This technique is incomplete and he knows it's impossible to use in combat without more training. Never uses.)

Death/Ki Disk: (Basically a weaker version of the kienzan)
Eye Beams: (Weaker version of the actual thing. Used for surprise attacks)
Mouth beam: (Basically just vomiting his ki out at opponent. Usually must be very desperate to use.)

Forms: N/A (Yet)

Master/Mentor: Father/various tutors he has had over the years

Personality: Drako is a quiet person, usually only talks to other people when it's about martial arts, this being said, Drako lacks any friend or people he holds dear, in fact he doesn't have opinions on people in general, the only thing he cares about is who can give him a good fight and or help him improve his skills. Drako is a really smart person, his intellect far exceeding that of a normal person, especially a martial artist, this intellect is what gives him such a great edge in combat.

Backstory: Drako comes from a powerful clan known as "Dragoon", this clan of martial artists has existed for thousands of years and are known as some of the most powerful humans to ever have existed, this clan has completely devoted themselves to the quest of breaking the limits of human power and have been successful in doing so, even lesser branches of the Clan are leagues above the average martial artist.
Drako happens to be the son of the current leader of the clan, Lord Doragon. Drako's only other (notable)living relative is his older brother, Ren, who is the rightful heir. Drako's training started from the moment he was born, the Dragoon clan is located inside a series of maintain ranges, living at such high altitudes teaches a persons body to waste less energy while moving.
By the time he was 10 Drako had already been through the toughest training imaginable, ranging from enduring torture, to scaling the mountain's without help of equipment, and now his basic training was complete and as per tradition he was told to explore the world for himself and not to come back until he was ready to continue onto his advanced training.
Since then Drako has traveled all over the world, challenging strong opponents and learning new techniques from various strong masters.
Name: Drako|Dragoon

Race: Human

Age: 16

Height: 5'9

Appearance: Drako wears an all-black martial arts uniform with a symbol on the back, this symbol is strange and those without intel about His clan wouldn't know about it. His hair Is red and extremely messy with little form to it at all. His eyes are a blood-red color.

Battle Power: 6


Cannon Moves: Kamehameha, Afterimage, Solar flare, Mind reading(passive), Multi-form, Tri-Beam, Spirit ball, Dodon ray,
wolf fang fist. (Uses some more than others. Doesn't use some period)

Clan Specific:
Dragon Flame
: One of his most versatile attacks, this move allows the user breath fire. This attack consumes little ki and is mostly used to catch the opponent off guard but can do serious damage/burns.

Dragon Claw: The tips of the users fingers become pointed and sharp to the point where they can easily pierce steel, this attack is VERY potent at delivering death-blows.

Pressure point Assault: The user uses their knowledge of Pressure Points to deliver a quick flurry of sharp strikes all over the targets body, as a result the opponent is rendered unable to move for a certain period of time, stronger opponents may be able to resists this effect to a certain degree. This move also hinders ability to perform attacks even after the effects wears off. This attack only works on humanoids. (Androids may not be affected)

Dragon-Soul Shield :The user surrounds themselves in a sphere of their own Ki that completely protects them from attacks. Can be sustained for as long as the user can maintain it, requires a surplus of energy.

Dragon-Soul Cannon: The strongest attack of both the Dragoon clan and Drako. The user charges their Ki to the absolute max. The aura around the user forms into the shape of a Dragon head
(this is the sign that the technique is ready to fire.) , the user is then able to fire a maximum of 3 blasts of energy. Each blast is capable of obliterating entire mountain range. This move consumes all of the users Ki and the strain can be enough to cause death.

(Will only ever use under VERY strict circumstances.)

Dragon Soul Burst: Drako's personal spin on the DSC; it's much smaller and the aura doesn't take the form of the dragon head. While it isn't as powerful as the DSC It costs much less Ki to use. Drako uses this attack when he needs something with a little more power than the Kamehameha.

Limit Breaker: This technique is a result of the training he endured growing up but not directly taught; Drako is able to tap into the inner workings of his mind at will and force his brain to release the limits put on his body, by doing this he is able to do things he physically shouldn't be capable of. The burst of power is short and can only be sustained for 10 seconds at a time. This move also renders Drako unconscious after using.
(This technique is incomplete and he knows it's impossible to use in combat without more training. Never uses.)

Death/Ki Disk: (Basically a weaker version of the kienzan)
Eye Beams: (Weaker version of the actual thing. Used for surprise attacks)
Mouth beam: (Basically just vomiting his ki out at opponent. Usually must be very desperate to use.)

Forms: N/A (Yet)

Master/Mentor: Father/various tutors he has had over the years

Personality: Drako is a quiet person, usually only talks to other people when it's about martial arts, this being said, Drako lacks any friend or people he holds dear, in fact he doesn't have opinions on people in general, the only thing he cares about is who can give him a good fight and or help him improve his skills. Drako is a really smart person, his intellect far exceeding that of a normal person, especially a martial artist, this intellect is what gives him such a great edge in combat.

Backstory: Drako comes from a powerful clan known as "Dragoon", this clan of martial artists has existed for thousands of years and are known as some of the most powerful humans to ever have existed, this clan has completely devoted themselves to the quest of breaking the limits of human power and have been successful in doing so, even lesser branches of the Clan are leagues above the average martial artist.
Drako happens to be the son of the current leader of the clan, Lord Doragon. Drako's only other (notable)living relative is his older brother, Ren, who is the rightful heir. Drako's training started from the moment he was born, the Dragoon clan is located inside a series of maintain ranges, living at such high altitudes teaches a persons body to waste less energy while moving.
By the time he was 10 Drako had already been through the toughest training imaginable, ranging from enduring torture, to scaling the mountain's without help of equipment, and now his basic training was complete and as per tradition he was told to explore the world for himself and not to come back until he was ready to continue onto his advanced training.
Since then Drako has traveled all over the world, challenging strong opponents and learning new techniques from various strong masters.
Name: Jean

Race: Human

Age: 17

Height: 6'2

Appearance: upload_2017-9-14_20-13-19.jpeg

Battle Power: 5.5

Forms: Kaioken x 1-15

Master/Mentor: Kami, King Kai

Personality: Few know the true Jean, but two things you'll never forget are that he's sensitive and appreciative. Of course, he's also balanced, romantic and good-natured, but in a way, they're lesser traits and tainted by behaviors of being incapable of certain things as well.
His sensitive nature though, this is what he's most well-liked for. People often count on this and his decisive nature when they're feeling down.

Nobody's perfect of course Jean and has plenty of rainy days too. His disappointing and grim ways pose plenty of problems and reach all around.
Fortunately, his appreciative nature helps lighten the blows and moods when needed.

Backstory: Jean spent most of his life in a coma. He went from hospital to hospital, eventually to a CC lab. Just when his parents had given up, he awoke. When he did, he had immense power. A day later, he told his parents he trained with a god, and that he was potentially the strongest kid on the planet.
Name: Jean

Race: Human

Age: 17

Height: 6'2

Appearance: View attachment 351927

Battle Power: 5.5

Forms: Kaioken x 1-15

Master/Mentor: Kami, King Kai

Personality: Few know the true Jean, but two things you'll never forget are that he's sensitive and appreciative. Of course, he's also balanced, romantic and good-natured, but in a way, they're lesser traits and tainted by behaviors of being incapable of certain things as well.
His sensitive nature though, this is what he's most well-liked for. People often count on this and his decisive nature when they're feeling down.

Nobody's perfect of course Jean and has plenty of rainy days too. His disappointing and grim ways pose plenty of problems and reach all around.
Fortunately, his appreciative nature helps lighten the blows and moods when needed.

Backstory: Jean spent most of his life in a coma. He went from hospital to hospital, eventually to a CC lab. Just when his parents had given up, he awoke. When he did, he had immense power. A day later, he told his parents he trained with a god, and that he was potentially the strongest kid on the planet.
Accepted! Not sure if this is still going, though.

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