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Days Left of VIP


Dragon Knight
I'm not sure if this exists already, but would it be possible to have somewhere that tells you when your VIP ends. I know you should know how long it is, if you buy for 30 days or whatever.

But I think it might still be useful to have a little line that justs says, you have 3 days left of VIP and maybe even a small notification that says: You are no longer a VIP, please purchase another month if you wish to continue to something along those lines.

I often log in, wander around then and only after a few seconds say: "Hey where is my orange? Oh right, my VIP must be up. Time to buy some more."

Anyway, just a possible suggestion if it doesn't already exist.
This feature does already exist, by the way. Go into the option "Account Upgrades" under your name at the top of the screen. You should now see "Available Upgrades" and "Purchased Upgrades." Looking under the "Purchased Upgrades" area should tell you the day and minute that your VIP upgrade ends.

Hope this helps.
PyroWarriorZ said:
Oh wow, I see it now. Thanks, could also be useful to have it on main page, but not necessary. Thanks Chaotic!
I may have a notification reminder instead. Less clutter on the home page is better =)

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