Day One




Age (18-25):

Short personality ( This will be detailed further more in the RP.)):








Can you pull the trigger to a human?:
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Ace Elan

Age (18-25):


Short personality ( This will be detailed further more in the RP.)):

Quiet and efficient, the definition of ''soldier.'' The hellhole that this place is now affected him drastically, from a normal, energetic guy, to a cold soldier. He will fight for anything he needs, even if he needs to kill someone, even tough he hates doing so. He is trustfull, honest and kind to troubled survivors, willing to help them, but not hesitating to kill everyone if it's a trap


Aluminium bat


9mm with 10 bullets





Very good fighter

Can shoot well

Very stealthy




Normal build, yet very strong


Long range combat

Can you pull the trigger to a human?:

Name: Christine "Christa" Drake

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5'0"

Build: Petite yet muscular; small and lithe


Personality: "I drink, swear, and if you get in my face, I'll take you out. I've been told I'm a smart-ass, but that was from people that were too weak and idiotic to even talk to. When it comes to killing, I tend to be ruthless and incredibly cruel, maybe because I like to leave a bloody mess, or it could be because I love to tear others apart just for the hell of it."

Despite being actually quite beautiful, Christa always tries to hide it, because she—in this currently apocalyptic world—has to be intimidating, not pretty. Being attractive won't kill the Eaters. She won't ever be told what to do, and is incredibly defiant to people who think they can boss her around just because of her young age.

At times, she can actually be quite nice, and can be a total doll to you if you happen to get on her good side. On the other hand, if you become unfavored by Christine, she will be the biggest bitch in the world to you, and constantly ponder on torture methods and the best ways to kill you. She also is a little hot-headed and has a quick temper. Killing's her specialty, and she won't hold back or back down either in a fight. She is ruthless and fierce.


· A pair of switchblades (blades being about as long as her forearm)

· Bow and large quiver of high-quality arrows

· A box of matches and a lighter (if that counts)

· Add-on boot spikes

· 3 bullet burst 2.7mm pistol with multiple extra cartridges

· Heavy wrench

· Medium sized black rucksack

(Will further edit.)


· Machinery and repairment

· Torture/punishment to people

· Feminine charm and manipulativeness

· Riding a motorcycle/small automobiles

· Expert in acrobatics/gymnastics

(Will further edit.)


· Hot temper


Outfit: Christine wears pretty much what can be seen in her appearance image. It's nothing fancy, really, being only a light colored faded tank top (often with dark oil stains) and denim shorts, not to mention her clearly visible black lacy bras. At the right situations, she will pull on a biker's leather jacket, because she can, in fact, ride a motorcycle like stated above (and owns quite a badass one). She also wears heavy steel-toed combat boots.

Appearance: *see image* Christine is a pretty, blonde individual who tends to have her hair up in a tie more often than not. Her hair is often messy and quickly thrown up. She will always be seen with a traditional black handkerchief with white curlicued designs and swirls tied around her head; that being to keep light white flyaway strands back and out of her face.

She has bright pale green eyes and long fake eyelashes, in addition to soft and light red lips. Bright and flavorful tattoos cover her body.

Can you pull the trigger on a human?:

"Hell yeah, I can. I'll kill 'em with my bare hands if I have to."

"This band saves lives." ~ Gerard Way

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Name: David James Blackburn

Age: 20

Height: 6'0"


Build: Lean, strong

Short Personality: In short, David is a pretty laid-back kind of guy. Tends to stay calm, even in the midst of a crisis, and keeps a level head about anything and everything. He is brutally honest, and doesn't like holding back any information to anyone, friends or not. Though silent most of the time, he has no issue being around people; he just doesn't voice his thoughts as often as other people. Observant, he reads a situation before engaging into it, and often tries to be wise when it comes to choosing friends and accomplices. All in all, he's honest, laid-back, silent and observant.


- knife

- semi-automatic rifle, AR-15 (14 bullets left)

- black backpack


- recon

- fast runner

- excellent memory

- hand-to-hand combat


- mid-range combat

Appearance: David is your average American guy; light brown hair that is often too messy for his own good, somewhat tan skin, and blue eyes which he had gotten from his father's side of the family. Though his hair is somewhat short, he hates growing it out too long, as it bothers him for no apparent reason. Having had braces in seventh grade, he has pretty darn straight teeth to add to his appearance. A sharply defined jaw, along with a few scars scattered through his body he doesn't like speaking of, he looks pretty run down most of the time. Not to mention he always has dark circles underneath his blue eyes.

Outfit: Not very picky of what he wears, he'll throw on a t-shirt, and maybe some cargo pants. Jeans, on a good day, too. David couldn't care less what he wears--or how he looks, really--and often pays no mind to what outfit he wears. If he chooses not to wear a old t-shirt, he doesn't mind to wear a red, plaid flannel shirt with a white t-shirt underneath. Though, he only really does this during the winter to stay warm, he does in fact like wearing flannels for no apparent reason. All in all, he likes to keep his appearance, and outfits, simple.

Can you pull the trigger to a human?:

"Yes, I can. Only if my own life, or other's lives depend on it."

UnknownRunner said:
Name: David James Blackburn
Age: 20

Height: 6'0"


Build: Lean, strong

Short Personality: In short, David is a pretty laid-back kind of guy. Tends to stay calm, even in the midst of a crisis, and keeps a level head about anything and everything. He is brutally honest, and doesn't like holding back any information to anyone, friends or not. Though silent most of the time, he has no issue being around people; he just doesn't voice his thoughts as often as other people. Observant, he reads a situation before engaging into it, and often tries to be wise when it comes to choosing friends and accomplices. All in all, he's honest, laid-back, silent and observant.


- knife

- semi-automatic rifle, AR-15 (14 bullets left)

- black backpack


- recon

- fast runner

- excellent memory

- hand-to-hand combat


- mid-range combat

Appearance: David is your average American guy; light brown hair that is often too messy for his own good, somewhat tan skin, and blue eyes which he had gotten from his father's side of the family. Though his hair is somewhat short, he hates growing it out too long, as it bothers him for no apparent reason. Having had braces in seventh grade, he has pretty darn straight teeth to add to his appearance. A sharply defined jaw, along with a few scars scattered through his body he doesn't like speaking of, he looks pretty run down most of the time. Not to mention he always has dark circles underneath his blue eyes.

Outfit: Not very picky of what he wears, he'll throw on a t-shirt, and maybe some cargo pants. Jeans, on a good day, too. David couldn't care less what he wears--or how he looks, really--and often pays no mind to what outfit he wears. If he chooses not to wear a old t-shirt, he doesn't mind to wear a red, plaid flannel shirt with a white t-shirt underneath. Though, he only really does this during the winter to stay warm, he does in fact like wearing flannels for no apparent reason. All in all, he likes to keep his appearance, and outfits, simple.

Can you pull the trigger to a human?:

"Yes, I can. Only if my own life, or other's lives depend on it."

Name: Alexis

Age (18-25):23

Short personality ( This will be detailed further more in the RP.)): Despite his monstrous appearance, he is quite, polite and sophisticated, never needing to change his tone or manner. He is friendly, always accompanied with a gentle smile and a questionable sense of humor to provide comedy relief when it is needed, and perhaps not needed. This character remains in dark moments which can come of as psychotic at times.

(the "he" not an indicator of gender. Or is it?)


  • Fireman's axe
  • AK-74 with 2 magazines
  • switch knife
  • Knuckle duster


  • Some first aid training
  • Literate
  • Pain tolerate as he is always in pain
  • fair shooter.



Rarely seen without gas mask.



Height:6ft 5in

Build: Athletic


  • Hurts when touched,
  • not good in long range combat,
  • not overly quick

Can you pull the trigger to a human?:

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Name: Alexis
Age (18-25):23

Short personality ( This will be detailed further more in the RP.)): Despite his monstrous appearance, he is quite, polite and sophisticated, never needing to change his tone or manner. He is friendly, always accompanied with a gentle smile and a questionable sense of humor to provide comedy relief when it is needed, and perhaps not needed. This character remains in dark moments which can come of as psychotic at times.

(the "he" not an indicator of gender. Or is it?)


  • Fireman's axe
  • AK-74 with 2 magazines
  • switch knife
  • Knuckle duster


  • Some first aid training
  • Literate
  • Pain tolerate as he is always in pain
  • fair shooter.



Rarely seen without gas mask.



Height:6ft 5in

Build: Athletic


  • Hurts when touched,
  • not good in long range combat,
  • not overly quick

Can you pull the trigger to a human?:

Accepted! Will be fun to see this guy in the roleplay.

Carmilla Bondie

Age (18-25):


Short personality:

Carm's pretty light weighted, not ever wanting to stick around in a place for too long. She doesn't take many things serious, unless they break her "Personal Survival Maintenince Rules". for example, Running away from eaters? She's probably tripping all over herself from laughing so hard at the fact as they wont be able to swing over pipes like she is, and how they often trip while following her. But the moment someone that's been put under her care decides it's a great idea to go somewhere without telling anyone or puts them in danger, she'll explode. Any eaters in her path will be falling to the floor with a bashed in skull and any person that does is going to get pushed to the floor until she finds who ever is MIA. She's a protector but she doesn't do well when there's a risk of losing someone. She's also extremely superstitious, and is always scared of jinxing something. For this reason she no longer makes promises.

Carmilla's Rules of the road:

  1. Keep your hands and feet out of an eater's mouth at all times.
  2. Do not lie about being hurt. Rather me patch you up than it getting infected. Pride doesn't exist out here.
  3. When you aren't eating, sleeping, or doing your homework you're training or helping with something. Staying active helps a lot.
  4. Tell me before you go anywhere. Tell someone. Knowing where someone was last is very valuable information. It saves lives.
  5. No eating an hour before swimming.
  6. If I tell you to be quiet for the love of god be quiet!
  7. I make a lot of stuff up as I go. Chances are it's best to just go along with it.

A large Survival blade, with it's holster always on her hip, never anywhere else.

Small tomahawk blade, with the back blunted and widened like a hammer

A zippo lighter

A metal club, somewhat bent up and in poor condition but with some paracord around the handle.

A brown canvas hiking bag


Carmilla was a gymnast before the war, so she can make her way around rubble very quickly and quietly.

A pretty decent driver, as far as having no formal training goes.

Speaks a little bit of spanish, thanks to her constant studying before the war in highschool.


Her knuckles have arrows tattooed on them, and on her upper forearms are matching skulls, of a cat and a lion. Her shoulder has a bite mark scarified onto it, done by someone she helped a year back who used to be an artist before the war. Pretty sure he's dead now.



Carmilla wears usually the same thing. A bunch of paracord and leather bracelets, and a metal cuff on the other. She's got one extra pair of jeans in her bag, with one extra long sleeve shirt. She keeps her hair short to avoid someone grabbing onto it, and the only long thing she tends to wear is a locket, usually tucked into her shirt. Her jeans are tucked into her black combat boots, and a grey hoodie underneath of her jacket.




Pretty lean, and slightly muscular.


Carmilla often gets cysts on her ovaries, which cause her a great deal of pain. This can be very distracting, and has been the reason for her nearly getting killed by an eater before when she let her guard down. At least now that she is older they don't occur nearly as often as when she was a teenager.

Can you pull the trigger to a human?

Yes. She's had to before, but only will if she's pushed to her limit.
ayezombie said:
Carmilla Bondie

Age (18-25):


Short personality:

Carm's pretty light weighted, not ever wanting to stick around in a place for too long. She doesn't take many things serious, unless they break her "Personal Survival Maintenince Rules". for example, Running away from eaters? She's probably tripping all over herself from laughing so hard at the fact as they wont be able to swing over pipes like she is, and how they often trip while following her. But the moment someone that's been put under her care decides it's a great idea to go somewhere without telling anyone or puts them in danger, she'll explode. Any eaters in her path will be falling to the floor with a bashed in skull and any person that does is going to get pushed to the floor until she finds who ever is MIA. She's a protector but she doesn't do well when there's a risk of losing someone. She's also extremely superstitious, and is always scared of jinxing something. For this reason she no longer makes promises.

Carmilla's Rules of the road:

  1. Keep your hands and feet out of an eater's mouth at all times.
  2. Do not lie about being hurt. Rather me patch you up than it getting infected. Pride doesn't exist out here.
  3. When you aren't eating, sleeping, or doing your homework you're training or helping with something. Staying active helps a lot.
  4. Tell me before you go anywhere. Tell someone. Knowing where someone was last is very valuable information. It saves lives.
  5. No eating an hour before swimming.
  6. If I tell you to be quiet for the love of god be quiet!
  7. I make a lot of stuff up as I go. Chances are it's best to just go along with it.

A large Survival blade, with it's holster always on her hip, never anywhere else.

Small tomahawk blade, with the back blunted and widened like a hammer

A zippo lighter

A metal club, somewhat bent up and in poor condition but with some paracord around the handle.

A brown canvas hiking bag


Carmilla was a gymnast before the war, so she can make her way around rubble very quickly and quietly.

A pretty decent driver, as far as having no formal training goes.

Speaks a little bit of spanish, thanks to her constant studying before the war in highschool.


Her knuckles have arrows tattooed on them, and on her upper forearms are matching skulls, of a cat and a lion. Her shoulder has a bite mark scarified onto it, done by someone she helped a year back who used to be an artist before the war. Pretty sure he's dead now.



Carmilla wears usually the same thing. A bunch of paracord and leather bracelets, and a metal cuff on the other. She's got one extra pair of jeans in her bag, with one extra long sleeve shirt. She keeps her hair short to avoid someone grabbing onto it, and the only long thing she tends to wear is a locket, usually tucked into her shirt. Her jeans are tucked into her black combat boots, and a grey hoodie underneath of her jacket.




Pretty lean, and slightly muscular.


Carmilla often gets cysts on her ovaries, which cause her a great deal of pain. This can be very distracting, and has been the reason for her nearly getting killed by an eater before when she let her guard down. At least now that she is older they don't occur nearly as often as when she was a teenager.

Can you pull the trigger to a human?

Yes. She's had to before, but only will if she's pushed to her limit.


Clarissa (Rissa) Sterling

Age (18-25):


Short personality ( This will be detailed further more in the RP.)):

Breathe. Breathe like papa told you to do in these situations. Concentrate.

Rissa tends to be on the quieter side. Not that she's ignoring you or trying to be rude, but she's not easy to trust people and refrains from talking when concentrated. When she does speak to you, it usually consists of sarcasm or scolding. She aims high, even in the apocalypse. Ambitious and stubborn, a pair of traits that can be extreme when put together. Rissa isn't the type to give up.

Once you earn her trust, she'll look out for you no matter what. She's got your back as long as you have hers. Although, if you get on her ugly side, she tends to hold grudges. Rissa won't do anything rash, but once you cross her, you're on your own. Don't expect her to save your ass if you are in imminent danger.

She also doesn't share much about her past, but she hints towards her aspiring career to be a singer, if that even matters anymore these days.


A few extras are that she is fascinated by weapons that gleam, like swords and knives and if she's not fully concentrated, she tends to be very clumsy.


She likes to stick to swords and knives, but can handle a small gun if needed.

- A small pocket knife

- About twenty throwing knives

- A katana, usually resting on her back if not in combat

- Suppressed .45 ACP (given to her by an old friend, deceased)

She also carries a dark, camo green backpack on her shoulder.


- Her main skill is close combat.

- She is getting better at throwing knives, but she isn't the best

- Quick and nimble when focused

- A very good liar

- Does not crack under pressure (most of the time)


Brown wavy hair, usually put in a ponytail. She has a very feminine look, with soft big eyes and a sharp nose. Rissa also owns a sophisticated charm. (< Just a short description.)



She doesn't care much about what she wears, it's the apocalypse. Rissa throws on whatever she can acquire, but also trying to keep it comfortable. She is usually seen wearing her favorite, warm jacket in the cold (as seen in this gif).





She is a bit lanky, but it helps her be quick on her feet.


- Clumsy when not concentrated

- Lack of communication

- Not very strong, depends on her knives and swords

Can you pull the trigger to a human?:

She definitely can, assuming it's for everyone's own good.
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Idyllia said:


Clarissa (Rissa) Sterling

Age (18-25):


Short personality ( This will be detailed further more in the RP.)):

Breathe. Breathe like papa told you to do in these situations. Concentrate.

Rissa tends to be on the quieter side. Not that she's ignoring you or trying to be rude, but she's not easy to trust people and refrains from talking when concentrated. When she does speak to you, it usually consists of sarcasm or scolding. She aims high, even in the apocalypse. Ambitious and stubborn, a pair of traits that can be extreme when put together. Rissa isn't the type to give up.

Once you earn her trust, she'll look out for you no matter what. She's got your back as long as you have hers. Although, if you get on her ugly side, she tends to hold grudges. Rissa won't do anything rash, but once you cross her, you're on your own. Don't expect her to save your ass if you are in imminent danger.

She also doesn't share much about her past, but she hints towards her aspiring career to be a singer, if that even matters anymore these days.


A few extras are that she is fascinated by weapons that gleam, like swords and knives and if she's not fully concentrated, she tends to be very clumsy.


She likes to stick to swords and knives, but can handle a small gun if needed.

- A small pocket knife

- About twenty throwing knives

- A katana, usually resting on her back if not in combat

- Suppressed .45 ACP (given to her by an old friend, deceased)

She also carries a dark, camo green backpack on her shoulder.


- Her main skill is close combat.

- She is getting better at throwing knives, but she isn't the best

- Quick and nimble when focused

- A very good liar

- Does not crack under pressure (most of the time)


Brown wavy hair, usually put in a ponytail. She has a very feminine look, with soft big eyes and a sharp nose. Rissa also owns a sophisticated charm. (< Just a short description.)



She doesn't care much about what she wears, it's the apocalypse. Rissa throws on whatever she can acquire, but also trying to keep it comfortable. She is usually seen wearing her favorite, warm jacket in the cold (as seen in this gif).





She is a bit lanky, but it helps her be quick on her feet.


- Clumsy when not concentrated

- Lack of communication

- Not very strong, depends on her knives and swords

Can you pull the trigger to a human?:

She definitely can, assuming it's for everyone's own good.


Devany Harris

Age: 21

Short personality: Though she keeps a calm and laid back type of attitude, Devany can be pretty hardheaded and tries her very best to get along with everyone. She likes doing things herself before she'd ask for help. Likes to start up conversations with strangers and likes to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. An optimist, but sometimes has a morbid sense of humor and can be a little inappropriate at times.


"Well, I got this pocketknife I stole from my older bro when I was thirteen; this crowbar from the garage; and this backpack to keep my shit in."





-Close range combat

-Can scream pretty loud

Outfit: Consists of tight clothing, like a shirt and skinny jeans, so it won't snag or get grabbed easily; boots and a hoodie when it gets chilly out. She wears a hairband on her wrist in case she needs to tie her hair up.

Height: 5'5"

Build: A very slim frame


-Discerning a person, whether they're good or bad.

-Not very fast

Can you pull the trigger to a human?:

"Three words for you... Fuck. That. Shit."

In other words: No.
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xSparrow said:

Devany Harris

Age: 21

Short personality: Though she keeps a calm and laid back type of attitude, Devany can be pretty hardheaded and tries her very best to get along with everyone. She likes doing things herself before she'd ask for help. Likes to start up conversations with strangers and likes to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. An optimist, but sometimes has a morbid sense of humor and can be a little inappropriate at times.


"Well, I got this pocketknife I stole from my older bro when I was thirteen; this crowbar from the garage; and this backpack to keep my shit in."





-Close range combat

-Can scream pretty loud

Outfit: Consists of tight clothing, like a shirt and skinny jeans, so it won't snag or get grabbed easily; boots and a hoodie when it gets chilly out. She wears a hairband on her wrist in case she needs to tie her hair up.

Height: 5'5"

Build: A very slim frame


-Discerning a person, whether they're good or bad.

-Not very fast

Can you pull the trigger to a human?:

"Three words for you... Fuck. That. Shit."

In other words: No.
Super accepted!
Name: Gregory Talbot

Age (18-25): 25

Short personality ( This will be detailed further more in the RP.)): Quiet, cautious, and pragmatic. And intelligent. Greg intends to survive, but before the apocalypse he was a nice guy, and he is learning it is much harder to be a nice guy in this day and age. You can't trust anyone that easily. It is fear and desperation that he distrusts, he knows how it affects people. But that doesn't stop him from trying. He is very observant of those around him, and often thinks deeply into situations and personalities. Sometimes too deeply, thinking too much can take its toll on someone. So he likes to stay busy.Has a tendency to keep people grounded and holds no reservations about playing devils advocate if it means thinking a plan through all the way.


Remington 870 12 gauge shotgun, 12 shells


Commercial grade Dynamite, two sticks

Backpack with standard tools:Hammer, screwdriver, etc


Basic understanding of human psychology

Analytical thinking

Breaking in and breaking out of places

Breaking stuff in general

Experience in architectural construction and engineering

Can operate heavy and commercial machinery.



Outfit: Beyond a simple t-shirt an jean combo, wears a motorcycle jacket and a ball cap. Never lets his backpack out of his sight.

Height: 6'2"

Build: Lean, but fit from hard labor


Not a good shot(hence the shotgun)

Not quick to take risks

Brutal when his hand is forced

Not afraid to call things as he sees it

No appreciation for stupidity



Can you pull the trigger to a human?:

You gotta do what you gotta do.
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Name: Angela

Age (18-25): 20

Short personality ( This will be detailed further more in the RP.)): She tries to see more than one side to every situation so that she can weigh her options. She is serious about a lot of topics, but can make jokes and laugh among friends. She used to be very lighthearted, until the world was destroyed and her family died. Because of this, she tries to save everyone else that she can. She believes that she must carry the burdens of living in the apocalypse because her mother and father would not want her to die.

Weapons: A fancy katana she had on display in her room. It was the only weapon she had when the world went to shit.


Skills: She has been trained in swordplay and is very versatile with sharp weapons. She can use knives and swords with extraordinary skill. However, her skills with a gun aren't quite up to par.

Appereance: She has black hair that goes slightly past her shoulders. She has light grey eyes.


Outfit: She wears a blood and dirt stained white shirt, along with jeans that are ripped in one of the knees. The jeans' belt loops are used to hold her sword's scabbard. There is a cloth belt wrapped around a hook on the scabbard and looped through, and then tied back to the hook.

Height: 5'7"

Build: Average female body weight/build.

Weakness: Is not a good gunfighter.

Can you pull the trigger to a human?:

Only if they've done some really terrible things.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c147ca3cb_Angela(2).jpg.340b6177208bf3ed3480cf55a1c004be.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39494" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c147ca3cb_Angela(2).jpg.340b6177208bf3ed3480cf55a1c004be.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Angela (2).jpg
    Angela (2).jpg
    43.7 KB · Views: 55
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Ceros said:
Name: Angela
Age (18-25): 20

Short personality ( This will be detailed further more in the RP.)): She tries to see more than one side to every situation so that she can weigh her options. She is serious about a lot of topics, but can make jokes and laugh among friends. She used to be very lighthearted, until the world was destroyed and her family died. Because of this, she tries to save everyone else that she can. She believes that she must carry the burdens of living in the apocalypse because her mother and father would not want her to die.

Weapons: A fancy katana she had on display in her room. It was the only weapon she had when the world went to shit.


Skills: She has been trained in swordplay and is very versatile with sharp weapons. She can use knives and swords with extraordinary skill. However, her skills with a gun aren't quite up to par.

Appereance: She has black hair that goes slightly past her shoulders. She has light grey eyes.


Outfit: She wears a blood and dirt stained white shirt, along with jeans that are ripped in one of the knees. The jeans' belt loops are used to hold her sword's scabbard. There is a cloth belt wrapped around a hook on the scabbard and looped through, and then tied back to the hook.

Height: 5'7"

Build: Average female body weight/build.

Weakness: Is not a good gunfighter.

Can you pull the trigger to a human?:

Only if they've done some really terrible things.
Accepted! Jump in!
A storm is coming can you feel it?
Name: Zara

"That's the name, don't wear it out"

Age (18-25): 19


Short personality: Calm and calculating, Zara is very tactical and proud of his skills. She does not try to make friends with people, In this world you can't trust anyone but yourself is her philosophy. She will help people out if they are in trouble, she does have a heart, Zara just has a hard time showing it. She has a sense of humor and comes across as sarcastic from time to time to time, but overall is a very dependable person if you get on her good side. Zara longs for the day that she meets someone who understands her and her situation.

"Wanna judge me? Go ahead and do that while I put this bullet through your eye"


1 M24a2 sniper rifle (875 yard Accuracy)

2 CZ 75 Sp-01 (9mm pistols)

1 Fighting/Hunting knife

"Yeah don't F*** with me!"

Skills: A trainer marksmen, her aim is as true as it gets, you will have a hard time finding anyone who can match her skills with the guns. Zara preferred weapon is her M24A2 sniper riffle but if she is fighting at a closer range she will use her dual CZ 75 SP-01' as equally skilled. She does keep a hunting knife for just in case, but is mostly used for carving up meat and what not.

"Fire in the whole"







She carries extra mags. on her Gothic Combat boots, at least 4 mags. of 9mm for her pistols and her hunting knife on her belt. Zara also carries around a bag with miscellaneous items such as towels, matches/ lighters, food, toilet paper, make-up, her gun and knife cleaning equipment, and flashlights.

Height: 6'3/ Weight: 130 IB

"Who cares what I look like, you are dead before you could even drool"

Build: Athletic; skinny yet resilient


Is not good at hand to hand combat.

"Don't need to be good if you are dead!"

Can you pull the trigger to a human?:

"You have to fight in order to survive in this world, and I don't care who you are, mess with me and you will meet the end of my gun"
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