Other Day Of Silence


New Member

Hey, my school did a activity today to support LGBT people where people could sign up to not talk for the day. They did it because it was supposed to symbolize the voices that were silenced in these groups. Do any of your schools do or have done this?

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Heck to the know, doing that in one of the more conservative places in Texas would end with at least a dozen children assulted, and none of the adults that organized it would keep their jobs for long.
When I was still in high school in TN I chose to do this. It wasn't an opt-in or opt-out school sponsored event, though. A group of us just saw it on the internet and decided to show our support. One of my teachers was very supportive of it. Another made fun of me for it and told me I couldn't send a message with my mouth closed. The rest didn't seem to care or notice. :/

But I think it's a great thing.
We don't have something like this, at least not this year. Next year we will though, as well as a Suicide Awareness month with special bracelets and a guest speaker. Me and a friend organized all of it with the principal.
[QUOTE="The Dinkster]We don't have something like this, at least not this year. Next year we will though, as well as a Suicide Awareness month with special bracelets and a guest speaker. Me and a friend organized all of it with the principal.

Its cool to see that students are getting involved with things like this! We actually finished up a suicide awareness unit in health.
Yoshibros said:
Its cool to see that students are getting involved with things like this! We actually finished up a suicide awareness unit in health.
Nice! Yeah, I believe September or October is Suicide Awareness month!
Hunnyhelp said:
Heck to the know, doing that in one of the more conservative places in Texas would end with at least a dozen children assulted, and none of the adults that organized it would keep their jobs for long.
im actually from texas. Where I'm from I find that it's relativly untrue. We're pretty accepting of it.
Demonhunter said:
im actually from texas. Where I'm from I find that it's relativly untrue. We're pretty accepting of it.
Yeah. Even in very red states, once you go into a city people get are really accepting and progressive, in my experience. I think it's just what happens when you have to live so close to so many different kinds of people. It's rural places (all across the country) that you have to worry about.
[QUOTE="Elena Firebird]Yeah. Even in very red states, once you go into a city people get are really accepting and progressive, in my experience. I think it's just what happens when you have to live so close to so many different kinds of people. It's rural places (all across the country) that you have to worry about.

lol i live in one of the most rural places ever. us rednecks are pretty "you do you and as long as it dosn't affect me negativly we're fine." we use the "mind your own buscuits and life will be gravy" mentality.
Demonhunter said:
lol i live in one of the most rural places ever. us rednecks are pretty "you do you and as long as it dosn't affect me negativly we're fine." we use the "mind your own buscuits and life will be gravy" mentality.
That's great! Guess it all depends on where you're from then. Part of my childhood was spent in MS. Don't ever go there. 'Tis a dark place. D:
Texas is a very large state though, and there are hotpockets of every kind of thought all over the state, sadly I believe that I am in one of the more bigoted.

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