Day 2: Recovery


Three Thousand Club
  • OOC note: Participation in this topic is purely optional.

Current Day: Tuesday

Starting Time: 08:45

Current Weather: Slightly Overcast

Average Temperature: 6°C

The city was already stirring with activity as people prepared for another day of the week. The citizens of Northpointe felt unusually groggy and listless as if their nights sleep had done little to replenish their energy. News of the accident in the industrial sector was the top story on the local channels. It wasn't often you had a warehouse full of explosive material level entire buildings and damage several city blocks. Authorities and city workers were already at the scene of the accident checking things over and working diligently to clear the rubble. While the officials did their best to assure everyone there was an air of unease through the city, first the gas explosion at the school and now the industrial sector. Nevertheless, while some spoke out about their faulty infrastructure the majority of the inhabitants continued on with their day even as the culprits of these incidents roamed the streets.
Damian ended up falling asleep on the side of the road that night, he awoke and walked home early in the morning as he realized it was 8:00 AM

he didn't know if Assassin knew where he was or anything about that to the slightest. When he got home he felt drained and slightly distressed. Whatever happened last night clogged his memory up a little bit and he completely forgot he was going after Sam. He immidietely dials Sam's number and while doing so asks assassin "hey, are you alright? What happened last night?"

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Outside of Town

In the clearing of a well-built house, the servant, Semiramis, hobbled back towards it. She had been reckless the night before. Calling her Noble Phantasm out was supposed to have taken care of both her problems. She couldn't confirm the conditions of Caster, or of Rider and she couldn't stick around to find out. She had been too close to her target when the two powers clashed and it had damaged her considerably. After being tossed upon the ground from where she was, she had made her way back here as quickly as she could. She had finally made it. No doubt that woman would have something to say. She was almost insufferable, the way she looked down on others, but she hadn't looked down on Semiramis so far. Before Semiramis made it to the house, it opened on its own. Out walked a woman, wearing a white buttoned up shirt along with beige pants that were held up by a black and gold belt. Her hair was white and short, with a few strands falling over a very prominent 'x' scar on her forehead. Her eyes shone with intensity. This was not the original woman that she had contracted with, but it seemed she had bested her master, along with those who were helping her. That was enough for Semiramis to accept the change in administration. As the woman walked towards her, she folded her arms and looked at Semiramis' condition. Without further notice she raised her hand towards Lancer and spoke. "By the authority granted to me by these command seals...I, Katsu Suzuki, command you, Lancer, to never speak again." 

Semiramis' eyes opened wide at the command. She opened her mouth to protest, but nothing came out. What was she thinking? The command seemed entirely arbitrary, but be that as it may, she had acted openly against her goddess. That was enough to cause Semiramis to move. She moved in on the girl, spear in hand, with the intention to kill her. She struck forward with her spear, and the girl deftly took one step to the side, then inwards with her fist. The moment her punch connected with Semiramis, a blast a blue magical energy with off, with Semiramis being the recipient. She felt her ribs cracking under the force and she was sent sprawling back on to the ground. Coughing up blood, she could see the scorch marks where she had been struck. The girl stepped forward and held out her hand once more. "I, Katsu Suzuki, command you, Lancer, to die." The second command seal disappeared from her hand and the effects were immediate. Semiramis grasped the spear with two hands, struggling against it. Her will was overpowered however, and there was the sound of flesh being pierced. Semiramis sat there, kneeled over with her own spear through her body. Her hand still outstretched, the girl narrowed her eyes at Lancer.

"I'm not done in this war. Not by a long shot. Unfortunately for you, I have no use for someone who can't complete their missions." A blue sigil swirled around her wrist and she placed her free hand on the one that was aimed towards the servant. The sigil expanded and sped up, before a blast of magical energy exploded towards Semiramis. Once the aftermath of the explosion had been cleared, Semiramis was gone.

Location: Master's Hideout


Her hands reached down touching upon her toes as she bent over to stretch. A fine silk robe held onto her frame, left open in the front teasing off a small portion of her chest, the dark orange outfit clinging down roughly to her knees is length. The young woman seemed to be relaxed stretching herself keeping her body loose as part of her normal everyday routine.She crouched down extending her leg out in the form of a side kick working out her muscles practicing some style of martial arts. It had been a long night the night before, one that had left her feeling far from pleasant with the weight of the ritual having weighed upon her body for so long. 

She stood up, doing a few more stretches before her eyes lingered over looking towards her Master having kept close to her since returning back. "...and you... are you feeling more refreshed after last night?" She questioned the young Master, uncertain of just what type of toll it might of had on her. She had made sure she had as much distance as possible to the conflict, but a ritual with such an unexpected large scale wasn't something she had planned on occurring that night. Given the burn that weighed upon her shoulders, she could only suspect an unprepared master would likely of suffered a much harsher penalty upon them.

Her mind still recalling Lancer, quite uneasy with how the woman seemed to act, even if they did draw upon a temporary alliance for the battle they face. It didn't help either when it seemed Rider was under some order of his own. She was almost certain he had been compelled by a command seal to act the way he did. It didn't seem very much something a man of his stature would do on his own, and even less so just obeying some order from another in such a way. There was no question in her mind there were indeed Master's at play who were far from honorable in their approach, and more so ruthless in how they were willing to act.

@Happy Red Mage

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Ozymandias - Building Rooftop

The previous night had not gone as he had planned. With his Master's frivolous usage of command seals he had been forced to unveil his ship and fight numerous servants. While he had succeeded in killing Caster it was only at the cost of damaging his ship, a fact that left him exceedingly irate. Were it not for Andrew's second command he would have killed the man the moment he was released from the order to slay the enemy servants. Nevertheless the relationship between him and his summoner was more than a little strained, to put it lightly. Such insolence would never have been tolerated under any normal circumstance. The wind whipped through his hair and caused his jacket to flutter lightly. As before he was clad in stylish modern attire with golden jewelry adorning his wrists and neck. The situation with Andrew aside the more time he spent in this world the more he came to understand just how much had changed since his rule. While they had certainly progressed in a multitude of ways they were lacking in many others. If he could maintain their current attributes while purging them of their weakness, modern man would be something capable of truly shining before the gods. With that in mind he took a step forward, walking off the edge of the building as his body dissipated into golden particles. He had the entire day to waste away and much to think about. The most pressing issue being how to deal with Andrew as it was abundantly clear that the man could not be trusted. Rematerializing in an alley below he strode out onto the bustling city streets.

Katsu Suzuki

Outside of Town

"Primary target has been spotted heading northwest on foot. We have clear line of sight." The woman closed her eyes, as she heard the reports come in. She had sent her teams out to locate and track two particular individuals. One of them had already been spotted, the other would very soon too. "Secondary target has been spotted within local business. We are ready to go on your command." Katsu was looking at topographic map of the area from the helicopter she was in. Using the software on the laptop, she drew an arrow in the direction her first target was headed and circled the area where one of her teams had said the second was located. She committed them to memory and closed the laptop, looking out over the town as they flew past. It didn't take long for them to find a suitable dropoff point. They had commandeered control of most of the transportation routes they would require through unofficial channels, so something like this would be no issue. The helicopter, an uncommon site in this town, touched down briefly enough for Katsu to get off and it was off again. She wasted little time and headed directly for her primary target. Kept up-to-date on his whereabouts by the team tracking him, she was able to intercept his path easily enough. They found themselves alone on this particular street, as she was sure the servant would notice. The authority of the local law enforcement had already been usurped. All it had taken was the correct promises and the right money passing in to the correct hands. With nobody allowed to pass in to this location now, it was easy to have a conversation with the only other person present in front of her.

Despite having her arms folded in front of her, she seemed to be in a rather good mood. There was a smile on her face while she talked to him. "Yo. You're Ozymandias right? Pretty crazy fight last night. I actually had to miss it on account of Semiramis' field though. She caused a lot of trouble for me and the other folk around her. She had to be punished for that." The mention of Semiramis made the smile disappear from her face. "The only thing I really care about is fighting really strong opponents. I've traveled all over the world to fight stronger and stronger foes and where else, but the holy grail war can you find the strongest of foes?" She had forgot to do this from the start, but she gave a quick and shallow bow with her arm stretched over her midsection. "My name is Katsu Suzuki and to get to the point, I think you're wasting your time with that master of yours. How about it? Team up with me and we can fight till our heart's content. All you have to do is call off that guardian and I'll take care of the rest." She was referring specifically to the sphinx which had been guarding Rider's master the last time someone tried to strike him.

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Ozymandias - Empty Street

As he made his way through the city he noticed the population thinning out. Before long the streets were entirely devoid of activity with not even one single soul in sight. He came to a stop as a young woman stepped out to bar his path. The two of them were the only ones out and about and it was more than obvious that this was no natural occurrence. His gaze flowed over the woman as he quirked a brow at her entrance. She stood tall and confidant with her arms folded over her chest. Soon enough the woman spoke up, her words causing him to don a bemused expression. Had the command seals on her arm not given her status away her words certainly would have. There were few in this world that would know his identity and even fewer who knew the details of the previous night's events. Nevertheless he remained silent as she spoke, allowing her to carry on with her long-winded introduction. As she finally finished he simply held his gaze on her, allowing a silence to linger between the two. After a fair bit of time the corners of his lips tugged into a smirk. "If you are seeking to fight strong opponents then perhaps I can oblige your request for there are none stronger than the King of Kings." Despite his words he took no aggressive action. Instead he merely let out a small hmph of air as he folded his arms across his chest.

"Unfortunately, Katsu Suzuki, I am not so foolish as to succumb to the poisonous words of my enemy. As disagreeable as my Master may be I am not about to throw away my grasp on the Grail because some mere girl proposes it." As he finished speaking he allowed his gaze to drift around their surroundings. The mention of Semiramis made it clear that the woman was Lancer's master and he very much doubted she would put herself in such a position without an escape plan in mind. Unable to locate any nearby enemies he turned his attention back on the white-haired girl. "I suggest you give up on this endeavor and return to your servant. As I'm sure you are well aware there is no one around." To make his point clear numerous golden portals of light appeared behind him, all of which were aimed directly at the girl. "I am not forbidden from combat during the day, merely in the presence of the commoners. So if you value your life you will take my gracious offer and leave me." Unlike the bemused expression he had before he now held a cold look in his eyes. He had no interest in dealing with the magi of this war and he still had to deal with the false Goddess directly. But even he was not so benevolent as to let this woman live should she choose to test fate.

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Katsu Suzuki

City Streets

"That's exactly why I sought you out, you see! For there is no servant here stronger than the King of Kings! It's perfect! None of these other servants were even worth my consideration." She let out a hearty laugh after saying this. His response wasn't what she was looking for though and after listening to what he had decided she pulled two books out from underneath her clothing. One was The Art of War and the other was The Art of the Deal. She looked between them for a moment before tossing The Art of War to the side and read from the other. She picked a page and read from the line at the top.  'Leverage: Don't make deals without it..' She nodded, seemingly understanding what the message was telling her. Closing the book up, she put it away before looking back at Ozymandias. "Truthfully, I didn't think you were that attached to the man. I suppose I can always just cut off his arm, if you are that concerned about his life. I don't care if he comes back with another servant, that's just another opponent to fight." She put The Art of the Deal back where she had taken it from before continuing. "Besides, I killed Semiramis. She went too far, and to tell you the truth I always found the whole thing about her being a goddess a load of bull. She was a pretender who forced her ideals on the people beneath her, selfishly allowing them to suffer immeasurably.  I can't stand people who throw away potential resources like she was willing to do last night." She was of course, speaking of the fact that she was going to sacrifice the entire town for the sake of drawing out the servants.

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Ozymandias - Empty Street

He couldn't help but wonder what it was, exactly, that this woman desired. She claimed to seek out challenging fights and yet when presented with the ultimate opponent she wishes an alliance. He watched the woman fetch a pair of books before tossing one away and reading from the other. Soon enough she redoubled her efforts causing him to merely hold an unamused look upon his features. However the mention of her killing the false Goddess did pique his interest. "I believe you are mistaken. After his betrayal I care not for the life of my Master. Alas even I am bound by the will of the Grail and if not for him I would be unable to attain the Grail." The golden portals at his faded back into nothingness as he held his gaze firmly upon the woman. "You seek to partner with me but tell me, Katsu Suzuki, what reason do I have to partner with you? As detestable as my master may be I can deal with him if I so choose. What do you offer over him? If you are willing to kill your own servant than what is to prevent you from committing the same act of betrayal against me?" He lowered his arms to his side and for the first time since their meeting made his way towards the woman. He stopped mere inches before her and reached out, grasping her arm to maneuver it so that her command seals were clearly visible. Two parts of the mark were faded and smeared, signifying their usage. He locked his gaze with hers as he roughly squeezed her arm. "You have already abused the marks given to you by the Grail to kill your servant. And you would see me put my existence in your hands?" A small laugh slipped past his lips as he unhanded the woman and turn to walk from her.

"You may think well of my strength but you clearly think very little of my intelligence." After about ten paces he again came to a stop before pivoting around to face the woman. "You are an incredibly simple woman. Fortunately for you I do not dislike such straight forward thinking." He paused as he folded his arms over his chest once more, a grin adorning his lips. "Very well. I will accept your request and join your side. However you must take my Master's command seals without killing him and once you have those seals you are to use them. If you wish to be my Master then you are permitted nothing more than is necessary to sustain the contract." With that he turned to walk away, leaving her with one last parting message before dissipating into golden particles. "You will have to surpass my Guardian as well. Prove yourself to be more worthy than my current Master."

Katsu Suzuki

City Streets

"Hahaha, that's what I like to hear!" She seemed entirely unperturbed by what could be taken as the outright rejection of her notion, as well as what seemed like an insult of her actions. The only thing that mattered was there was a way forward. The challenge had been issued and all that was left was to act on it. "It seems I have a challenge. Look forward to my victory, King of Kings!" With that declaration, she pivoted and and dashed off in an extremely measured and nimble movement that should be beyond the capabilities of humans. She had already memorized the location she was headed to in her head and was going that way now. On the way there, she reached in to her pocket and put an earpiece in. "Contact with objective A has been made. Heading to secondary objective now. Prep for action." This was the most alive she had felt in a long time. Lancer had a hard time doing anything to that guardian, so at the very least it would be a strong opponent. She would enjoy this immensely. It didn't take too long before she arrived in front of the shop her next target had been said to be residing. Her team was already in place and ready to go. "Smoke him out." With the command, tear gas canisters were fired in through the windows of the business and began to fill up the building almost right away. Katsu started to stretch while she waited. Taking a few practice punches in the air, she called out. "I know you're in there, guardian. Come out and face me. Andrew Millennium, as well. Only cowards hide away while there is battle to be had!" She called out her challenge to the ones who were residing within.

Assassin materialised across the room from Damian, gazing out of the window sadly. "I'm afraid I failed, Master. After the skirmish, I couldn't locate any of the other enemies, though I suspect at least one died. I was also unable to regroup with Saber. It's as if they simply disappeared."

He sighed, and scratched at his bandaged hand. "Next time, I'll do better, or die trying."

"What are your plans for today, Damian?" He asked, forcing a smile, and turning towards him.

Damian sighs and lifts his head "my phone is charged now, I will

be calling Sam and meeting up with him and Saber to see what the next course of action will be" he stands up, pulls out his phone and dials his number. It rings and goes to voicemail. When he finishes he says "I guess we will be heading over to his hut, but you want some clothes don't you? Or have you come across regular daily garb, obviously your hand isn't very fixable with modern wear but... everything else"


Mysterious Heroine S - Candy Shop

Within the candy shop lay an invisible presence lurking in the corner. It was relatively peaceful as Andrew contemplated his next moves behind the counter. The peace was broken as numerous canisters broke through the windows and started spewing out gas that quickly filled the small building. There was no doubt that this was an attack and as Andrew began to have a coughing fit the invisible presence quickly moved forward. Within moments the windows of the shop exploded outward as a blast of fire exited every opening of the structure. From within came the mighty Sphinx, it's regal appearance dwarfing the woman that stood outside the building. The gas that had been filling the building was gone, the blast vaporizing the canisters and brushing the lingering gas aside. The faint sound of coughing could still be heard from within, however the entrance was now guarded by the phantasmal beast. "You have made a terrible mistake in attacking. It will be a mistake you will never learn from." The feminine voice echoed throughout the streets, reverberating in on itself to give it an almost otherworldly feel. However there was no time given to the woman as the Sphinx quickly lunged forward, it's claw burning with crimson flames as it swiped down.

Katsu Suzuki

City Streets

A smile curled up her lips at the sight of fire blasting out of the open parts of the building. It was the sight she had been waiting for and very soon the guardian made an appearance in front of the building. Her smile turned in to a hearty laugh at the proclamation. "I never intended on learning in the first place!" The creature wasn't intending on giving her any time to react, but Katsu didn't intend to stay back on the defensive. She rushed forward towards the opponent closing in on her and closed her own hand in to a fist. A blue sigil lit up around her wrist and started to rotate faster and faster. She delivered an overhead punch that was angled down and towards the incoming claw. Moments before impact she called out, "Shoot!" and a blast of magical energy erupted and took form in the world right in front of the beast. She didn't waste any time, pivoting back and sweeping her body around to deliver a kick towards the beast. Like her punch,  a blue sigil that was twirling around her ankle released an explosion of energy moments before any contact was made. Similar kicks followed, all charged with her magic, before she she jumped above the creature flipping forward and using that momentum to bring her heel down over It's head. "Fire!" She yelled out as a blast of blue energy emerged as she came down upon the creature. There was a smile on Katsu's face. She was enjoying this.

"We're going in." On top of the roof of the building, a team had secured their rappel lines and started down the building, Once reaching their destinations, they swung in through the windows and started to move. Their objectives were clear. Secure the premise, and secure Andrew Millennium. Once they had all entered and secured their rooms they began to sweep through the floor. Once the all clear had been given, they started moving on to the next floor.

"Clothes..." Assassin frowned, thinking. "Perhaps if we had the luxury of more time." He wasn't opposed to the idea, but this war was full of dangerous people, and there wasn't a second to waste.

"I believe it would be better to stick to the shadows, for now." He said, with a minuscule smile. It would be better to stick to his strengths, rather than reveal himself to the world. With that said, he faded into spirit form, hiding his presence.


Mysterious Heroine S - Candy Shop

Before it's claw could make contact with it's target a sudden blast of energy sent it rocketing into the ground below, the sheer heat and force shattering the concrete below. This initial blow was quickly followed up by a series of kicks that kept the creature off balance until one final blow was brought down upon it's head. Or, that is, would have been brought down on it's head had the creature's golden wings not been brought up to shield against the kick. Within moments the wings thrust apart, throwing the girl into the air above the sphinx. The head came into view as the wings parted, a torrent of crimson flame pooling around it's face which was promptly unleashed at the girl as she was thrown upwards. The pillar of fire raced upwards in an attempt to consume the attacker. However the woman was a stronger opponent than originally anticipated and the Sphinx found it difficult to pull away to guard against the other assailants. After unleashing the blast of fire the beast turned and moved to engage the other attackers. Meanwhile Andrew was stumbling out the back of the building and making his way away from the fight. Try as he might to contact Rider the servant remained ever silent. Thoughts of some sort of barrier jamming him played out through the master's mind as he continued to cough up the tear gas. Combat was not something he was suited for so all he could do is try and flee and wait for Rider's intervention.

Katsu Suzuki

City Streets

She was feeling pretty good about her flurry on the creature, but it was stopped abruptly by a pair of wings that apparently served as a defensive function. Once thrown to the air, she used the momentum to twirl her body to an angle that allowed her to be looking down towards the creature. It was just in time to see a torrent of crimson flame pooling around It's face. In this position there wasn't anywhere to go to avoid what was coming next. The only option she had was to go straight through it. Putting her two hands together, she opened her palms and aimed towards the creature, magic sigils rotating around her hands. The circuits inside of her body spun. Scorching her nerves with imaginary flame , Katsu circulated magical energy. This method of attack was the most effective for counter-attacking as well, but it left her with no plan B if things went terribly wrong. Accepting this, she took a breath. It was still too soon. The flame lept up at her and closed in. 'Still too soon.' It was getting closer and closer and finally she unleashed it with a howl. "Don't underestimate me!" From her hands, there was a blue light, and a beam of energy shot out of them straight down towards the encroaching flame. Piercing the veil, it tore a hole open within it, continuing straight down to the ground in the direction of the creature. It would impact it unless it acted to mitigate the beam. 

"Taking the shot." From a rooftop, a sniper spotted his target fleeing the premise. Without any hesitation, he fired. The round found It's mark, tearing through Andrew's right leg and sending him to the ground. It didn't take long for two of the armed men to approach Andrew on the ground. "You're coming with us, Andrew Mil...His words were cut off, as one of the men screamed and crumpled to the ground. The other pointed the gun to something behind Andrew, but after a gust of wind tore through the area, the weapon fell in to two pieces. Another gust of wind and the man was on his back, ten feet back. A figure bent down to aid Andrew. He was cloaked, but it was easy to see underneath there was an elderly man. Elderly, but strong. He helped Andrew back to his feet and supported him. "Quickly. Before more show up." He took him down a nearby alley, and then down another, before ducking in an abandoned meat shop. "Are you alright friend? How badly are you injured?"


Mysterious Heroine S - Candy Shop

The beast had already turned to go after Andrew when it heard the shout from above. It had barely turned before the beam descended down upon it. An ethereal screech echoed throughout the streets as the sphinx was thrown into the front of the candy shop, shattering the walls as it came tumbling to a stop. Waves of heat emanated from it's golden armor as it's cosmic body smoldered with the residue of the blast. While not anywhere near enough to be lethal to the creature it was still shaken as it got back to it's fight. Up until this point the beast had been more focused on disengaging and returning to Andrew, however against this opponent it was obvious that was not an option. As it got back to it's feet it turned to face the woman directly, it's entire posture changed into a far more aggressive stance than before. "It would seem you are not someone to be trifled with. I will remember this." A wreath of blue flame erupted around the beast's body, enveloping it's form and further masking it's features. It had an almost hellish appearance as it took a slow step forward. "For the sake of my Master I can entertain you no longer." The golden wings on it's back spread out high overhead forming a pair of towers where the flames coalesced between them. The fire rebounded in on itself, building into an ever greater sphere of energy between the tips of the wings. If this woman was capable of piercing through it's normal attack then it would simply have to unleash the full might of the Father of Terror.

Meanwhile Andrew still made his way down the street. His fleeing was brought to an abrupt halt as a gunshot rang out and he fell to the ground, the bullet tearing through his leg and eliciting a cry of pain from the man. Nevertheless he continued to drag himself along the ground, yet again calling for Rider to no avail. It was only when a pair of gunmen came up to him that he stopped crawling forward. One way or the other he would have to make his stand there, or so he thought. Within a blur of motion the two men were taken down, replaced with an elderly man that was quick to help him up. "I'll be fine, who are you? Why are you helping me?" The questions were quick as they made their way through the sporadic coughing caused by the gas. Regardless of who the man was he wasn't in a position to turn down assistance.

Katsu Suzuki

City Streets

The screech from below, as the beast went crashing in to the building was a satisfying one. If it could be hurt, then it could be beaten. The fire dissipated around her, as she dropped to the ground, landing in a crouched position. Getting to her feet, she readied herself for the beast's next move. Normally, she would be the one to continue on the attack, but It's new demeanor gave her reason to pause for the first time. Watching the flame rebounding on itself between the two wings, she knew there was an attack coming that she wouldn't be able to stop if she recklessly attacked. The dread washing over her screamed at her to run away. Her survival instinct was telling her that if she did not leave that spot, she was going to die. 'I do not run from anyone.' She planted her feet firmly on the ground and grasped one wrist with her hand, aiming it towards the beast, "It seems I have no choice, but to go all out then." A magic circle appeared under her feet, twirling around her hands, as well as another directly in front of her, in the direction of the beast. The familiar scorching heat could be felt all throughout her nerves, as her circuits spun. There was a very real possibility that she could completely fry her nerves with the amount of energy she was going to be attempting to output. As it built, she had to fight just to keep her legs steady, but if she didn't have to then what was the entire point of all this? The only thing that mattered was defeating the warrior in front of her. A look of pain spread across her face, as her heart stopped. The curse of the magic crest forcibly revived it. So long as there was magic available to be expended, it wouldn't let her die from something like that. Her thoughts were far from Andrew at that point.

"My name is Claudio." After being certain the man was not in danger of death, he stepped away and gave a bow. "I have a vested interest in making sure those hired soldiers don't get what they want. You see..." Claudio sighed before starting off on his emotional tale. "Once, we butlers were the pride of the Suzuki family. We acted as butlers, confidants, personal guards, everything. However, then 'that' happened and we were stripped of all honor. Now, these soldiers are given all of the favor of the Suzuki household. I've saved you in order to regain our honor, but for that, I will need your hand." Claudio slashed his hand diagonally upwards through the air and a gust of wind blew through. Andrew's forearm was immediately severed and it dropped to the ground. Claudio pushed his hand to the side and another gust of wind rolled in, sending Andrew tumbling down the alley. By the time he looked back, both the man and the part of his limb containing his command seals would be gone. Claudio emerged near the scene of Katsu and the beast. He knelt down near her and presented the limb. "I have retrieved the command seals of Andrew Millennium, my lady. They are now yours to do as you please with." Truthfully, Katsu had forgotten completely about Andrew, but the presence of her servant here was almost sending her out of control with diverting her concentration. Her face was etched in pain, as her crest once more forcefully revived her heart. "Sorry Claudio...but if I back down, this creature will kill me. I have to face it." She was just about at her limit.

"I apologize Assassin, but I must see to my friend" he begins to walk outside as assassin disappears. "I was unable to reach him last night and he has not answered his phone" he begins to run, no longer feeling the weight on his shoulders of the bounded field. "If you wish to appear then you may once we find you some clothes, if you see some you'd like feel free to bring it to my attention"

Kypher opened his eyes, his brow drawn right together in what one could suppose was an angry expression, but was instead a look of concentration. Phase two of his plan had just been completed and it was time to move on to phase 3. The preparations for the two sites had been made and he had already gathered the men, equipment and vehicles necessary. Now all Kypher had to do was initiate the next step. Or, he had been about to until the sound of a conflict had come from somewhere further into the centre of town. Frowning again, for real this time, Kypher clicked on his radio to get an update. The crackled voice came through immediately, "An armed force with a vehicle or two, sir. It seems they are assaulting the candy shop of Mr Millenium, the master of Ramasses. There is currently a female magus engaging with the powerful sphinx-type familiar outside, magical appearance seems to feature spinning magic circles and blue energy, in the form of lasers and enhanced melee combat. Your orders, sir?" Kypher considered all of this new information for a moment. Ramasses' master is under attack, most likely from a magus that lost their servant last night, hence the girl. And apparently she had back up. The fact that Ramasses wasn't helping to defend his master personally must mean that he doesn't care or perhaps wants his master dead. And that meant if the girl magus succeeded in stealing the command seals, she would have more than Kypher, a powerful servant and quite possible a small army. All just like or better than all of Kypher's resources in this war. He sighed, yet another problem he had to worry about. Shaking his head, he clicked the radio's button to speak, "Do not engage, continue to observe from a distance and remain hidden. We will move on with the operation, stay on standby until further notice." No point wasting all of his set up and it wasn't like this small firefight at a candy shop was going to affect something much more larger than what Kypher had planned. He switched channels on the radio and spoke again, "Commence phase 3. Activate the seals surrounding the location and move in. Secure the perimeter and await for my mark." With that done, he then mentally contacted his servant, "Berserker, the plan is under way. Make your way to the cathedral and climb upon its highest point. On my command I'll need you to use one of those roars to make some noise, attract attention, magical or not." Of course, the location that Kypher's plan was taking place was a venue for a concert near the edge of town. Some popstar was singing and there were quite a few people attending that would be drained of what little mana they had. But that wasn't enough, a second location had already been prepared for when and if anyone decided to show up and ruin it all. Again. As of now Kypher's men were moving in around the corners of the crowd, slowly activating each sigil there. The big barrier that actually drained the people would be remotely activated by Kypher on enough from his location in an armoured vehicle one way away from the venue. He just had to wait for Berserker to get into position. 

@Phayne (Right, exams are over. Time to fuck some shit up baby)

Ozymandias - Candy Shop

The mighty Sphinx was slightly taken aback as the woman began charging her own attack. It should be evident that a mere human was no match for the Lord of Terror and yet there she stood, ready to match blows. While her bravery was commendable it would ultimately prove foolish. Back in the alley Andrew was stood silently as he listened to the old man's explanation. His eyes widened slightly as he realized too late the full gravity of the situation. With speed Andrew couldn't anticipate the old man stole his arm and threw him back before he could even let out a cry of pain. By the time he looked back up the alley was empty, save him. He clutched his bleeding arm as he grit his teeth in pain. He could stop the bleeding with his magic. As he worked a bright golden light filled the alley as his servant finally materialized in front of him. "Ozymandias! Finally! You need t---" His words were cut off as an ornate golden sword was stabbed into his chest. He shakily turned his gaze down to look at the blade before tracing it back up to Rider's hand, finally resting his gaze on the stone cold face of his very own servant. His own face was awash with emotions, his servant killing him was the last thing he expected. That was why he placed that command via the seal. If he died so too would Ramesses! As his life slowly left him his servant ripped the sword from him eliciting a gasp of pain followed by a fit of coughing. As the sword dematerialized into those familiar golden particles Rider finally spoke up, his voice as cold as his expression. "I gave you my trust and you chose to betray me. To think you could command your King and escape unharmed... Had you but stayed by my side you would have attained the wish you sought." Rider gave a small hmph of air as he turned from his former Master, his body dissipating as his sword had to once again leave Andrew the sole occupant of the alley until his dying breath.

Out front of the candyshop there were a pair of pooling energies threatening to collide. It was directly between these two forces that Ozy chose to reveal himself. Ignoring the woman he turned his gaze upon the Sphinx as he let out a simple command. "Stand down, this fight is over." The Sphinx, for it's part, was immediate in it's obedience as the fire that had been building up was quickly snuffed out of existence. With it's mission over the Sphinx stepped back into the shadows and seemed to vanish entirely. With his summon out of the way he turned his attention to the young woman and the older man that stood near her. "I commend you for standing against my servant as well as making good on your promise of securing the command seals. However, I have little need for a Master who is so eager to end their own life. Had I not stepped in you would have been killed right then and I would be without a Master. In war there are times when one must retreat from the immediate battle so they can attain victory. While you may be willing to give your life in every battle I very much desire the Grail, and for that I require a living Master." With that he turned to face the woman entirely, folding his arms over his chest as he glanced over at the arm held by the Butler. Sure enough the command seals of Andrew were adorned upon it's hand. He had not expected the woman to field her own troops to secure the seals while she distracted his Guardian. Most of the combatants in this war seemed to directly handle situations. Her usage of her soldiers reminded him of his many campaigns and the glory he achieved with them. Nevertheless she still had much to learn on being a General if she was willing to stand her ground against such a superior foe.


Valencia Smith-Artix.

"I am alright Archer, merely some bed rest and a hearty meal and I'm fine." Valencia said. She has been watching from a distance with a drone, technology was extremely useful when it came to subterfuge and surveillance. Right now she was watching Archer continue with her exercises, going through all the motions and all that. "Tell me, what do you think of the others you've encountered?" She asked her Servant in curiosity. If there was anything she had learned from last night it was that fighting Servants and Masters head on would be a terrible idea, to her, this war needed both the precise hand of a surgeon, figuratively speaking, and the clean and heavy strikes of a maddened butcher, also figuratively speaking.

It was incredibly fortunate that she was capable of both and more.


Location: Master's Hideout


Archer heard her voice, not fully convinced but nodding her head in response. It wasn't her place to pry that much into how she felt after all if she was trying to downplay things. It was completely possible she was just overthinking things after all. She shifted her stance, her arms moving in a more sweeping motion lightly practicing her fighting stances, slow in her motions as if attempting to loosen her body purposely to aid in her combat practices. It looked more as if she was performing some ancient dance then attempting actual Martial Arts of a certain style. It tended to blend quite a bit, and in truth it did help her quite a bit for dancing on those rare occasions when she might do such a thing. It likely wouldn't come off in such a way given how modern day seemed to shift so many traditional elements from her time period in a completely different direction.

She looked over in thought at the mentioning of the Servants. She closed her eyes in thought, as if thinking more in-depth. "The one I suspect to be Berserker seems... brutish... to say the least. I could feel the bloodlust in his gaze towards me earlier in the day.... although I suppose an ounce of humanity I could feel as well... however distant. His Master however... I fear it might put the cold ruthless nature of berserker to shame in some regard. I have doubts about him heading my warning at all... although I think he will act more cautiously in his approach... at the very least not exposing himself to such a degree. I fear if I witness his presence again... I might be forced to lift my blade to him." She spoke her words ending more figuratively having to potentially kill him. It was still something she disliked to do to someone who still had their life to live, but if he sought to harm the innocent she would have no choice but to end him. 

"Ozymandias... Rider... I must say he is intriguing... and very dangerous. Reminds me quite a bit of my husband when I first met him. A bit crude but I have some respect for him." She spoke with a light smirk. She shook her head a bit. "His master.. however... I am more then convinced is forcing his hand having acted far out of character and his words make me believe he is acting against his own wishes. It leaves him to be a dangerous opponent for certain. Hopefully I might be able to rememedy his situation and... convince... his Master given it his is doing that has altered his behavior to release his command over him." She spoke a bit less pointed about him then towards the other Master, tough showing quite evidently she wasn't pleased by it.

"Semiramis, whom I learned to be Lancer... I must say I am uneasy about her presense. While I did take part in a temporary alliance, her acts with the ritual make me believe her to be a risk to keep around wherever she might be. I'm afraid she might be a risk and a servant to be cautious of. While I believe Rider will be more willing to act orderly in battle without being forced to act if my suspicion of a command seal being used is correct, I believe she likely acted of her own accord and isn't afraid to inflict harm on the innocent." 

"From what I witnessed of Saber and Caster... I am not fully certain of either of them. Saber seemed to show a great sense of honor and desire to protect the innocent. Caster... I am less certain of. It seemed as if he was playing by his own accord. I suspect it was his doing to release many of the minions I witnessed earlier in the night. I would be more cautious about his intentions. I am uncertain as far as Assassin nor what his motives might be, nor do I know of the intentions of any of the other masters." She spoke what little she knew of the rest by the limited to no interaction she witnessed.  It was perhaps more then what was expected for her to say but she liked to give at least as much detail as she could about it.

@Happy Red Mage

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Evelyn Martell


Evelyn sighed as she leaned her scepter on the cold wall of her living room. The circle had been completed and now she only needed to being the summoning. Her hands didn't stop shaking and her voice was trembling. She tried to chant the words necessary to summon the servant but she stopped mid way. "Come on... focus" she said to none other than herself. Her father had bought this house for her to live in during the war. He didn't want the Martells' house to be attacked so he threw her away. Evelyn wanted to make her father proud, but she was too nervous to even start. The moment she would summon the heroic spirit, she would enter the war where she had low chances of getting out alive. Evelyn wasn't a skilled magi so it was amazing that the Grail would choose a little girl like her. She took a deep breathe and her face changed, from a scared one to an expression of determination. She slapped herself with her both hands and looked at the red circle made of blood with runes that she couldn't understand."Ok here we go!" she talk reather loudly and raised her hands. She closed her eyes and started chanting.


"Fill, fill, fill, fill, fill

Repeat five times

But when each is filled, destroy it


Heed my words.

My will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny.

If you heed the Grail's call and obey my will and reason, then answer me.

I hereby swear that I shall be all the good in the world.

That I shall  defeat all evil in the world.

You seven heavens, clad in the three great words of power, come forth from the circle of binding

Guardian of the Scales!"


As Evelyn finished, the red blood circle glowed as rays of white energy were shot from the center of her living room. Evelyn's right eye glowed of green as her magic activited to help the Martell girl to summon the servant. Evelyn could see a figure forming but she couldn't see anything else. The circle exploded and she was pushed away flying and hitting the couch. "Ouch..." she said as she rubbued the back of her head. She looked again and saw a woman of long black hair and dress. She was really pale, but that wouldn't hide the beauty of the servant standing infront of Evelyn. She smiled at the Heroic Spirit, silently saying 'Good Job!' to herself. She felt proud and couldn't wait to tell her father. She slowly got up and showed the back of her right hand showing the red Command Spells, proving that she was the servant's rightful Master.



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