• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy DAWN

It's ok xD , yush there are some completed apps o3o. I'm just posting random things in the ooc since it felt so empty~
Dont worry too much, but there is one rule that might have been missed. Don't worry too much about it, but if you can draw something for your next post, it will be cool :D
Lol No worries! I just had to think on how she was gonna be, and deciding the trees shapes to lol, sorry for the ruffy look though!
I've been looking for a drawing RP! Hope nobody minds me coming in later today? Don't wanna crowd the place or anything, but I'm excited about this definitely!

I might just type up an application between classes and add the picture later if that's okay?
[QUOTE="Princex Jee]I've been looking for a drawing RP! Hope nobody minds me coming in later today? Don't wanna crowd the place or anything, but I'm excited about this definitely!
I might just type up an application between classes and add the picture later if that's okay?

Oh nah, you are not crowding the place. You are very welcome here! This rp is kind of slow going lol.

Yeah, certaintly. A lot of the ppl here did that already xD
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So sorry I haven't posted anything. I've been busy with a new job and finding time to draw on top of all my other responsibilities has been... challenging. I'm pretty far along with a reference image, though, so hopefully that'll be up this weekend.
Could I add in like one or two beasts to the chart? Or do you have it where you already know what you'd like?

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