• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy DAWN


Tripping Time
Character Sheet:





(A short intro about the character)


(Strengths or hobbies they have. Optional and may be added to and edited later. )


(What are their worries?)


(Mandatory to non-drawers. Make this as detailed as you can. Other may add notes about the characters. No point forms. Character image, please try it full body. If not, down to the thigh, at least.)

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Accepted Characters

  • @Meiima

    Name: Adira Dravis

    Nickname: Ads, Vis, Drav

    Age: 19

    Occupation: Hunter/Medic


    Adira like her name suggests, is a strong AND loud person. She loves anything bright and happy, being from a very happy family of fighters herself. Not until she got separated from them. From that point on, a part of her died, seeking the comfort and needed love that obviously cant be given when she woke up to the reality that she's away from her loved ones. But that didn't stop her from being thankful and happy, for she believes that if she's alive, there's still hope that she'll be able to find her family and reunite with them again.This present day, Ads trains as a Medic in the Spirah governmental school while working as a Hunter for hire.

    Talent: Adira excels in strength required works with the help of her Gauntlets and her families training routines that she still practices until today. She's fast even with a heavy weapon but weak in stamina. Ads can be of use in terms of scouting or snooping around if she's not clumsy.

    Worries: Adira's greatest worry or fear is that she won't be able to find her family, or even be part of a family. Adira lacks the attention, love, warmth that a family gives as to why she'll readily accept anyone she meets as someone close to her and makes her trust easily.



    **I'd like to receive critiques please >u< it's good to hear on how to improve!**

Let me know if there any changes to your character sheet! I love making things up-to-date and bother me with the minor changes too xD
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Damn my scanner is being serviced right now. I'll upload a camera picture until it's fixed


Name: Aerius "Air" Vonn

Age: 17

Occupation: Student - Mechanic


His family have a mechanical shop, and claims to be the best in town. After school, Aerius will work together with her father until dinner time. Aerius have one older sister and one younger sister. The older sister have married to a cop.


  • Fixing stuff
  • Breaking stuff
  • Creating stuff


Losing something forever. Aerius is an amazing mechanic, he fixed stuff, breaking down old machine, and created a new one from it. He is scared to see something breaking down permanently.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/20150921_192607.jpg.b0e619d55f77e988a197cc7ac0073226.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76263" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/20150921_192607.jpg.b0e619d55f77e988a197cc7ac0073226.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Arun

Age: 19

Occupation: Scavenger

Intro: Arun is, first off, of the species called Reithel. Although she doesn't appear especially feminine, that's the way she prefers it like many others of the species. (I'll send you a picture for use as a species label as the very humanoid look is not always how they appear, but I still gotta draw it if that's okay.) She's rather quiet and a bit of a loner, though she does enjoy company at times and will sometimes search out a short-term companion. If people are looking for a certain item or type of material/supply, she's one to go to -- she'll find what you need.There's little known about her past as she simply doesn't talk about it, but she's been on her own since she was around ten.

Talent: Perceptive, loves searching for rare items, is quite adept with several types of weapons as she's had to fight it out to keep her scavenged possessions

Worries: Dying is a big one, though she's often worried about stumbling upon something that she shouldn't and getting people after her. Being caught during her occasional theft is also a concern of hers.



** I'm huge on receiving input on my work! My main goal is to improve posing and proportions as those are two things I tend to struggle with. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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Name: Gwyn Wilhelm

Age: 18

Occupation: Helps out at her grandmas antiquity store, Student, plans on becoming an archaeologist


She lives with her grandmother who owns an antiquity store. Her mother and father are both busy with their government jobs, hence the reason she stays with her grandma. It was also from her grandma that she found a fascination in the past and hopes to learn more of what happened back then.


Quite good at making Tea, and has abundant knowledge of the past as well as random facts from books.


She has a very beautified image of the past which is unlike the society that she lives in now. She is worried that what if the past is not what she expects it to be. Along with the fact in which she may never find it out, as more and more years go by, the things from back then will continue to slowly fade, and erode away.



**Yes I would like criticism, and some tips and references, such as for shading and body positions (bleh anatomy, why do you exist, need to work on feet and hands too. ;^;
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Name: Roark Rivemore

Age: 19

Occupation: Fisherman as well as a student of mechanics.


Roland Rivemore is a laidback and jovial young man. He has taken up his father's job as fisherman after he passed away, and spends a good amount of his day fishing. Living a bit outside of the town, he rarely gets to spend time with other people outside of the market. As such, he gets most of his companionship from his pet chorvask Ticker.


If there is one thing Roark is good at, it would have to be fishing. Seeing as fishing the floating rivers requires a gunpowder fishing rod, it can be said that he is also quiet a good shot.


With the rarity of spare parts for the rifle rod, as well as its constant wear and tear, Roark is afraid that it will one day break and leave him without a job. This eventuality is what led him to become a student of mechanics, so that he may be able to make the spare parts later on.

Also worries for Ticker, who wanders off from time to time.

Appearance: He is almost always found with both Ticker and his fishing rod.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Roark.jpeg.8f51eaf544e54c20af20073d05cc77e3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76090" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Roark.jpeg.8f51eaf544e54c20af20073d05cc77e3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

**Yes, I would really enjoy criticism. As you can plainly see, I'm just starting drawing and would like any advice that I can get.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Roark.jpeg.85dc4fe35090a9a547ff958cdcc03fcf.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76087" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Roark.jpeg.85dc4fe35090a9a547ff958cdcc03fcf.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Thank you! I'm drawing with a Microsoft surface and pen on Gimp.

Finally my two favorite activities, hunting and fishing, are now one!
Ohh niice! I hope you are enjoying drawing digitally! Im be looking foward to Roark's fishing line xD (does he fight with rifle rod?)
Name: Eloui


Occupation: Nomadic Glass forger/seller(mid year, mostly Winter), hunter(Spring to Autumn)

Intro: Traveling from a nomadic tribesmen of hunters, sellers, and the like, Eloui doesn't necessarily hail from one place or the next, where the campfires light is where home is. Strong roots of spiritual/tribal instinct are heavily rooted in the young woman, having grown up with her father and grandmother she appreciates the spring and winters, the rivers over head and the darkened bounty below. Eloui is rather down to earth, she enjoys her solitude but when the hustle and bustle that comes with visiting cities arises, she will grin and bear it until she can once again tear off her boots and wander the vast wilds, spirited when she is investigating foreign goods and lands, and quiet when difficult matter arise.


Keen hearing, as a tracker but ultimately puts her ethics into her glass blowing/making and forge workings.


Ashes, and the darker corners/creatures of this realm, she just never trusted then and until she sees fit never will, often when she's alone or when nightfalls she finds elevated corners or trees to sleep in and keep surveillance.


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@Destry and @Yunn Ohh dang, looks good guys! Accepted I look foward to hear more about the Reithal. I will open a Specie tab in the overview with the info and such.

@yonmita rae looking good and cool intro!

((Rushing cuz im at school orz))
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[QUOTE="too much idea]Have you tagged those who showed interest in the Interest Check thread?

I have tagged them in the OOC.

Critiques and such will be discussed in there. If there are any questions and things people want to improve on we can do it there. I will try my best to help and it's a good place to bounce ideas from each other too.
Name: Jamie Sivyrn

Age: 16

Occupation: Amateur journalist

Intro: One of the kids who dropped school the second he got the chance to. While he never speaks - whether because he just can't or doesn't want to is unknown - his actions and gestures are usually enough. If that fails, he always has his journal on hand to write in. Other than that, Jamie's rather reserved and keeps to himself. Anything involving his family in particular is avoided.

He's very generous, oddly enough. Jamie often gives out what he doesn't need to others, leaving himself with only the bare essentials. At least he doesn't mind. Just don't touch his chest.


Jamie has a powerful will, and it holds him together even during the toughest times. Plus, he's very adaptable to situations and people, knowing when to lower his head or speak up (figuratively). He's also skilled at sleight of hand tricks, writing, and clobbering things with makeshift weapons.


The things that gibber in the dark and creep through the shadows, leaving him sleepless and haunt every waking moment. Simply put, Ashes. They unnerve him greatly and sometimes he can hear them speak, and none of it good.


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Name: Febreesine Comsolidatin

Age: 20

Occupation: Philosopher/Merchant


The only daughter of nomads, Febreese was encouraged early on by her parents to carve a life for herself. In her teens and deemed with the skills to be considered self-sufficient, she went to a city to find her goal in life. While walking the streets wondering what to do, she saw a philosopher discussing with her peers about so many things. At first she found the whole situation ridiculous, why would one question life when one has so many problems? To discuss about such things is to ignore the hardships of reality. However, as each day passed and she would see the same group of people, she would find herself voicing an opinion and slowly become part of the discussion. The conversations made her think. About what could be done, what should be done, and why these answers had to appear. The philosopher she first saw was impressed, and she invited the young nomad girl to become her apprentice. Thus, later that day, she would start her first day as an apprentice and from then on would think of things her teacher asked. She would go on walks to think, ponder, wonder, and hypothesize until she found an answer she could be sure of.

As for being a merchant? Philosophy, while exhilarating, does not pay the bills. Fortunately, she knew the forest well and she could build some knicknacks and miscellaneous goods. Not to mention she was taking trips to the forest pretty often. Thus, she can sell what she finds as well as make those small quaint nomadic souvenirs that they were known for. Hey, the bills were getting paid.


Is handy with a long staff




Making Knicknacks




The state of the world.

Her clan.

The forest beasts, obviously.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/img041.jpg.95152324a051a99e2e8b2a9e6928dbd6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76777" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/img041.jpg.95152324a051a99e2e8b2a9e6928dbd6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Edit: critiques would be nice.



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Name: Adira Dravis

Nickname: Ads, Vis, Drav

Age: 19

Occupation: Hunter/Medic


Adira like her name suggests, is a strong AND loud person. She loves anything bright and happy, being from a very happy family of fighters herself. Not until she got separated from them. From that point on, a part of her died, seeking the comfort and needed love that obviously cant be given when she woke up to the reality that she's away from her loved ones. But that didn't stop her from being thankful and happy, for she believes that if she's alive, there's still hope that she'll be able to find her family and reunite with them again.This present day, Ads trains as a Medic in the Spirah governmental school while working as a Hunter for hire.

Talent: Adira excels in strength required works with the help of her Gauntlets and her families training routines that she still practices until today. She's fast even with a heavy weapon but weak in stamina. Ads can be of use in terms of scouting or snooping around if she's not clumsy.

Worries: Adira's greatest worry or fear is that she won't be able to find her family, or even be part of a family. Adira lacks the attention, love, warmth that a family gives as to why she'll readily accept anyone she meets as someone close to her and makes her trust easily.



**I'd like to receive critiques please >u< it's good to hear on how to improve!**
Sorry for the silence folks, but oh wow! So much people!

@Princex Jee looking goo so far! A journalist into the mix is intresting uvu

@CoconutLeaves: ooh your style remiddnds me of an old school manga. Niice. Accepted!

Seeing that there are a couple traveling characters, maybe thet know each other or have meet together? Who knows xD

@Meiima: Ohh gauntlets, intresting weapon! Wow! Sweet drawing! Accepted!
TripTripleTimes said:
Sorry for the silence folks, but oh wow! So much people!
@Princex Jee looking goo so far! A journalist into the mix is intresting uvu

@CoconutLeaves: ooh your style remiddnds me of an old school manga. Niice. Accepted!

Seeing that there are a couple traveling characters, maybe thet know each other or have meet together? Who knows xD

@Meiima: Ohh gauntlets, intresting weapon! Wow! Sweet drawing! Accepted!
Wowowowow thanks so much! ;u; so we gotta post our into rps aye? Anyone wants to be friends with Adira-//slapd
@Meiima : Well most of us will probably meet in town, but since both our OC's are into hunting they could be like those friends that meet during hunting seasons, or when they are scouting?
yonmita rae] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22482-meiima/ said:
@Meiima[/URL] : Well most of us will probably meet in town, but since both our OC's are into hunting they could be like those friends that meet during hunting seasons, or when they are scouting?
Ohhh!! Yes! Or they could have seen each other from time to time and hang with each other on their hunting basis ouob

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