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Dawn of Life [Always open to ALL]

Through what can only be described as divine providence, the Rizan are gifted a brief period of extraordinary evolution, owing to their immense success at dealing with the first largest extinction event. With this, they evolve an improved tail, improved optics, a more advanced nervous system, and more potent toxins.

This renaissance of development also, through coincidence, grants them a temporary boon in behavioral complexity, allowing them to make much more advanced choices and organize greatly. Other species do not benefit from this sudden change and are unable to compete for the time being. However, changes are on the horizon for the Rizan.

For now, the Rizan population soars.

(Barebones update, and delayed to boot. Sorry. Been busy. :( )


Mind: 8 [Cerebellum + Nervous System]

Optical: 6 [Eyes]

Tactile: 3 [Can feel pressure, can distinguish direction and a decent range of variance]

Chemoreception: 3 [Can detect the presence of particles and mostly identify from shape from M distance]

Photometabolism: 3 [All common reactions and some energy storage using radiation energy]

Mobility: [Multicellular mobility]

-- Control: Fin Musculature

-- Propulsion: Flexible Tail, Fins


-- Acidic Spray [Linked with digestion systems]

-- Frontal Chitinous Spikes [Elongated]

-- Toxin [Linked with defensive Toxins]


-- Acidic Cell Membrane [Linked with digestion systems]

-- Epidermal Chitin Cell Layer

-- Scaled Chitin

-- Toxin Production Organ [Cluster of specialized cells producing dangerous toxins]


-- Acidic Denaturation [Most non-complex compounds can now be denatured]

-- Digestive Enzymes [simplistic reaction-based enzymes for minimizing energy use]

-- Nutrient Access Pores [Embedded in membrane, used for transporting nutrients]

-- Widespread Vascularization [High capacity pathways for linking many cells at once]

-- Gastrovascular Cavity [Expanded to much of the organism]

-- Muscular Contractions

-- Intercellular Contractions

-- Thin Layer of Hair

-- Heat retaining, compact Cellular Energy Storage

-- Counter-current gas exchange (faster access to vital gasses)

-- Anti-freeze proteins


Behavioral Choices (Combine any SEVEN):

[Any <verb> + <modifier> + <noun> formulaic actions]

Adaptation Choices (Any TWO):

Examples: IMPROVE optics, DEVELOP chemometabolism -> do not include the RESULT of an improvement- that is for Biology to decide.

Any TWO Improvements, Your choice!


Please use the tabs above, 'Out of Character' section for discussion. This section is used ONLY for updates and votes. Thanks!

This voting cycle will end on Tuesday, December 29th.
Develop Heart

Improve chemoreception

Have scouts swim around large huddled group

When scouts sense an apex predator, the group disperses and runs away

Scouts, when sensing an apex predator, will distract it to save the group

Sting predators that get too close

Hunt with other Rizan

When not hunting, huddle with other Rizan to share warmth

Go closer to surface
The Rizan as a species move lethargically as if having woken from a long sleep despite their rapid advances in heat retention, or perhaps because of- while they move slowly through the cold media, their insides are abuzz with fervent activity, and a few members of each grouping of Rizan are active, scouting the surrounding areas as is typical for members of the Rizan species, protecting them against predators that, as of late, are few and far between as a result of the recent Extinction Event.

The species, after many cycles of exodus, reaches the surface of the media they dwell in. While it is closer to the light, temperatures are still frigid, and the media is rough and turbulent at times, disrupting Rizan movements.

Occasionally, a superpredator interested in hunting the Rizan out of desperation will appear, receiving only a meager scout that, after alerting the rest of the group, could not get away. The Rizan population grows to burgeoning levels after a great deal of time spent with minimal predation and after mastering the climate changes.

Coupling these changes, the Rizan improve their chemoreceptive abilities, allowing them to detect more fine particle appearances in the media surrounding them, and the sensory organ curves into a 3 dimensional shape, allowing them to tell were the particles are coming from. The Rizan also, for the sake of efficiency, develop a rudimentary 'Protoheart' which rapidly, but weakly, pumps vital nutrients throughout the transport channels in the Rizan bodies, allowing them to have faster access to the resources required for operation.

However, success is not without its own costs. The prey that the Rizan traditionally hunted has all but been eaten to extinction, and after a few more successful hunting groups, the Rizan have immense difficulty finding sufficient sources of food, despite their new and improve chemoreceptive abilities. While they have no trouble locating prospective prey, it doesn't help very much when there simply isn't enough to go around. While the Rizan do have very basic nutrient generation via sustainable photometabolism, they rely heavily on the excess nutrients provided by prey, and starvation becomes relatively widespread throughout the Rizan. Population numbers begin dropping unsustainably.


Mind: 8 [Cerebellum + Nervous System]

Optical: 6 [Eyes]

Tactile: 3 [Can feel pressure, can distinguish direction and a decent range of variance]

Chemoreception: 4 [Can detect the presence of particles and mostly identify them from shape, as well as roughly how far they came from]

Photometabolism: 3 [All common reactions and some energy storage using radiation energy]

Mobility: [Multicellular mobility]

-- Control: Fin Musculature

-- Propulsion: Flexible Tail, Fins

-- Muscular Contractions [Linked with Homeostasis]

-- Intercellular Contractions [Linked with Homeostasis]


-- Acidic Spray [Linked with digestion systems]

-- Frontal Chitinous Spikes [Elongated]

-- Toxin [Linked with defensive Toxins]


-- Acidic Cell Membrane [Linked with digestion systems]

-- Epidermal Chitin Cell Layer

-- Scaled Chitin

-- Toxin Production Organ [Cluster of specialized cells producing dangerous toxins]


-- Acidic Denaturation [Most non-complex compounds can now be denatured]

-- Digestive Enzymes [simplistic reaction-based enzymes for minimizing energy use]

-- Gastrovascular Cavity [Expanded to much of the organism]

-- Heat retaining, compact Cellular Energy Storage [Linked with Homeostasis]


-- Widespread Vascularization [High capacity pathways for linking many cells at once]

-- Nutrient Access Pores [Embedded in membrane, used for transporting nutrients]

-- Thin Layer of Hair

-- Counter-current gas exchange (faster access to vital gasses)

-- Anti-freeze proteins

-- Muscular Contractions [Linked with Mobility]

-- Intercellular Contractions [Linked with Mobility]

-- Heat retaining, compact Cellular Energy Storage [Linked with Energy]

-- Protoheart [Weak, rapid muscular contractions of vital nutrients throughout the body]


-- Seek potential mates

-- Protect young Rizan

-- Hunt all prey


Behavioral Choices (Combine any SEVEN):

[Any <verb> + <modifier> + <noun> formulaic actions]

Adaptation Choices (Any TWO):

Examples: IMPROVE optics, DEVELOP chemometabolism -> do not include the RESULT of an improvement- that is for Biology to decide.

Any TWO Improvements, Your choice!


Please use the tabs above, 'Out of Character' section for discussion. This section is used ONLY for updates and votes. Thanks!

This voting cycle will end on Friday, June 10th.
<p>Improve Digestion Efficiency (Metabolism?)</p>


Improve Photometablism</p>


Have scouts swim around large huddled group</p>


When scouts sense an apex predator, the group disperses and runs away</p>


Scouts, when sensing an apex predator, will distract it to save the group</p>


Sting predators that get too close</p>


Hunt with other Rizan</p>


When not hunting, huddle with other Rizan to share warmth</p>


Go closer to surface</p>
Improve Digestion Efficiency

Improve Photometablism

Have scouts swim around large huddled group

When scouts sense an apex predator, the group disperses and runs away

Break up and travel in smaller groups.

Sting predators that get too close

Hunt with other Rizan

When not hunting, huddle with other Rizan to share warmth

Stay close to surface
Last edited by a moderator:
Improve Digestion Efficiency

Improve Photometablism

Have scouts swim around large huddled group

When scouts sense an apex predator, the group disperses and runs away

Break up and travel in smaller groups.

Sting predators that get too close

Hunt with other Rizan

When not hunting, huddle with other Rizan to share warmth

Go closer to surface
Improve Digestion Efficiency

Improve Photometablism

Have scouts swim around large huddled group

When scouts sense an apex predator, the group disperses and runs away

Break up and travel in smaller groups.

Sting predators that get too close

Hunt with other Rizan

When not hunting, huddle with other Rizan to share warmth

Stay close to surface
The Rizan develop improved Photometabolism and improved digestive efficiency- this permits them to make better use of the scare food available, allowing the population to once again stabilize for the moment- their proximity to the surface grants them a high amount of available stellar radiation to metabolize.

The other species also evolve, and as the Rizan adapt to be better suited for the difficulties of scarcity, the species that remain after the First Great Extinction have improved their hunting capabilities, apparently now hunting in frightening packs of 4 or 5 of the massive creatures. They use decoy tactics in order to better encircle groups of Rizan and section off parts of the group for easy feeding. The Rizan fight back desperately when sectioned off by stinging them, but the toxin appears mostly ineffective- or if it is, the desperate predators don't care enough about it.

On the bright side, the movement of the media has been much calmer than usual in recent times, and the temperatures have begun to slowly rise- it is no longer frigidly cold, and is instead just chilly.


Mind: 8 [Cerebellum + Nervous System]

Optical: 6 [Eyes]

Tactile: 3 [Can feel pressure, can distinguish direction and a decent range of variance]

Chemoreception: 4 [Can detect the presence of particles and mostly identify them from shape, as well as roughly how far they came from]

Photometabolism: 4 [All common reactions and energy storage using radiation energy]

Mobility: [Multicellular mobility]

-- Control: Fin Musculature

-- Propulsion: Flexible Tail, Fins

-- Muscular Contractions [Linked with Homeostasis]

-- Intercellular Contractions [Linked with Homeostasis]


-- Acidic Spray [Linked with digestion systems]

-- Frontal Chitinous Spikes [Elongated]

-- Toxin [Linked with defensive Toxins]


-- Acidic Cell Membrane [Linked with digestion systems]

-- Epidermal Chitin Cell Layer

-- Scaled Chitin

-- Toxin Production Organ [Cluster of specialized cells producing dangerous toxins]


-- Acidic Denaturation [Most non-complex compounds can now be denatured]

-- Improved Digestive Enzymes [Reaction-based enzymes for minimizing energy use]

-- Gastrovascular Cavity [Expanded to much of the organism]

-- Heat retaining, compact Cellular Energy Storage [Linked with Homeostasis]


-- Widespread Vascularization [High capacity pathways for linking many cells at once]

-- Nutrient Access Pores [Embedded in membrane, used for transporting nutrients]

-- Thin Layer of Hair

-- Counter-current gas exchange (faster access to vital gasses)

-- Anti-freeze proteins

-- Muscular Contractions [Linked with Mobility]

-- Intercellular Contractions [Linked with Mobility]

-- Heat retaining, compact Cellular Energy Storage [Linked with Energy]

-- Protoheart [Weak, rapid muscular contractions of vital nutrients throughout the body]


-- Seek potential mates

-- Protect young Rizan

-- Hunt all prey


Behavioral Choices (Combine any SEVEN):

[Any <verb> + <modifier> + <noun> formulaic actions]

Adaptation Choices (Any TWO):

Examples: IMPROVE optics, DEVELOP chemometabolism -> do not include the RESULT of an improvement- that is for Biology to decide.

Any TWO Improvements, Your choice!


Please use the tabs above, 'Out of Character' section for discussion. This section is used ONLY for updates and votes. Thanks!

This voting cycle will end on Friday, June 17th.
Focus on chitin spike development on one side more than the other

Advance venom potency

Have scouts swim around large huddled group

When scouts sense an apex predator, the group huddles together, chitin spikes facing outward

Break up and travel in smaller groups.

Sting predators that get too close

Hunt with other Rizan

When not hunting, huddle with other Rizan to share warmth

Stay close to surface
Increase Venom potency

Develop the ability to puff out with a special organ like a puffer fish

Have scouts swim around large huddled group

When scouts sense an apex predator, the group huddles together, chitin spikes facing outward

Break up and travel in smaller groups.

Sting predators that get too close

Hunt with other Rizan

When not hunting, huddle with other Rizan to share warmth

Stay close to surface
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Focus on chitin spike development on one side more than the other

Advance venom potency

Have scouts swim around large huddled group

When scouts sense an apex predator, the group huddles together, chitin spikes facing outward

Break up and travel in smaller groups.

Sting predators that get too close

Hunt with other Rizan

When not hunting, huddle with other Rizan to share warmth

Stay close to surface
Improve Venom Potency

Increase Body Acidity

Have scouts swim around large huddled group

When scouts sense an apex predator, the group huddles together, chitin spikes facing outward

Break up and travel in smaller groups.

Sting predators that get too close

Hunt with other Rizan

When not hunting, huddle with other Rizan to share warmth

Stay close to surface

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