Dark's Pantheon


Three Thousand Club
Roleplay Type(s)
I'll post all my characters here. Below is a list of my characters. All code is made by Anaxileah.

  • Helios, "God of The Sun", WIP
  • Calder Dullahan, "The Gladiator", WIP
  • Bjorn Eirikson, "Wildman", WIP
  • Azrael, "The Death Angel", WIP
I'll post more detailed applications below.
[div=background: url(http://backgroundcheckall.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/ancient-greek-background-10.jpg) fixed; background-size: cover; border-radius: 25px; border: 2px solid black; padding: 5px;]

[/column][column=span5][div=position: relative; width: calc(100%  - 20px);height: 350px; overflow: hidden; background: #ffffff; background-size: cover; border-radius: 25px; border: 2px solid black; padding: 10px; opacity: 0.6;][div=width: 100%; padding-right: 150px; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; font-align: justify;]

[COLOR=black][B]Hero/villain name:[/B]

[COLOR=black][B]Civilian identity:[/B]


3500 years[/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][B]Eye colour:[/B]

[COLOR=black][B]Hair colour:[/B]
Light brown; glows sometimes[/COLOR]


> Heliokinesis
> Pyrokinesis
> Photokinesis
> Superhuman strength
> Durability
> Advanced healing
> Light-healing
> Flight (god)
> Sight of Helios (god)[/COLOR]

> Lunakinesis
> Hydrokinesis
> Erebokinesis[/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][B]Skills and abilities:[/B]
> Archery
> Swordsmanship
> Chariot-driving
> Fishing[/COLOR]

> Sun-Bow - A golden bow that shoots light/fire arrows
> Enchanted Spartan falcata[/COLOR]

> Golden Cloak - A white cloak weaved with patterns of golden thread; provides armour as well as invisibility when powered enough.
> Whip of Helios - A red whip seemingly made of pure flame that can be deactivated. Sometimes used as a weapon.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][B]Other items:[/B]
> Sun Chariot (currently unused)[/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][B]God Appearance:[/B]
In full godhood, Helios's skin is golden, and he can emit a glow from anywhere from his body (skin, hair, etc), the intensity of which is under his control. Helios also becomes more muscular, though not as muscular as most other Olympians like Ares. He is most powerful in this form, gaining the abilities of flight and "The Sight of Helios", which is the ability to see whatever sunlight touches; however, this power exhausts him greatly, and he can use it very rarely. He can't invoke his godly form too much, for it consumes a lot of his energy, making it an emergency-only state. In this state, his other powers become amplified.

[B]Normal Appearance:[/B]
In his basic mode, Helios has olive skin and black hair. His eyes are brown, and he has a decently-built body. He can create light from his hands as well as solar constructs and fire.



[COLOR=black][B]Quotes (optional):[/B]

[COLOR=black][B]Theme song (optional):[/B]

[COLOR=black][B]Other (optional):[/B]




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