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Darkened Dreams (StoneWolf18 & Morris)


A Hunter Must Hunt
Tumbling over, burning from within with invisible fires, he was plunged into the depths of the abyss. It was release he sought, yet the threshold he had to cross was nothing like he expected. Unspeakable pain. Relentless agony. He felt as if time ceased to exist. Only this torture was left, and a deepening hatred of the indifferent hypocracy that indirectly condemned him to this hell.

What would seem an eternety flew by, and the torment receded, bringing him back from the very precepice of either madness or oblivion. Life and death claimed him both. And yet... he existed.

As did she.


Gabriel, the half-elven bard woke up with his hair in tatters, breathing heavily. He wiped off the sweat from his brow with a relieved sigh. - "Geesh, what a nightmare..." - he huffed and puffed for a moment or two, before recollecting his thoughts. Every other day, he'd have been the shining portrait-like depiction of confidence and smug self-assurance, but it was like some dream demon hopped on his chest during the evening and danced some tavern-wrecking dance atop of it.

Shaking the bad feelings and afterthoughts of his experience from his head, he busied himself fixing his shoulderlength black hair, tying it up behind his neck in a small bun. He stretched his arms and legs, taking a deep sip from the fresh morning air, enjoying the shine of the risen Sun. If nothing else, his early awakening gifted him with a lovely view of the horizon. How artistically inspiring!

The untended, grassy wild field he claimed as his sleeping spot was nothing to write about. So plain and usual. Maybe he should liven it up a bit. Would be a fine alarm to his half-sister as well. This time he was deliberately not going to nudge her side; it's not like he needed his nose bent sideways.

Taking up his troubadour guitar, he took a moment to appreciate nature's beauty in the sky, before letting his fingers slide into the chords. And he wouldn't stop for a good while.

At the behest of magic expressed in musicality, the field was coming to life, despite the flowering season being long past. The vegetation was coerced into blooming once more, filling Gabriel's line of sight with abundant colors and smothering him with gentle breeze. - "Ahh, the power of music." - he smirked. - "Hey. Sis. Ralphie. You up yet?" - he inquired, not looking behind him. - "We should figure out where we're headed."

Raphael had been lying on the bed appearing to still be asleep though was wide awake and had been for some time. Damned nightmares plaguing her dreams, and it wasn’t just a simple falling sensation. Jumbled sensations and what felt like possible memories all wrapped up in a confusing package. Though she still sat up and gave a nod whilst stretching, the small fragments of what remained of the dream now nothing but whispers in the back of her mind. Moving to the edge and standing, she finally replied. “Yes...would you have any ideas? I slept so hard I must’ve forgotten…” Ending the phrase with a half hearted chuckle, the white-haired woman moved to the window of the room they were in and gave a quick glance outside. The sun had just finally chosen to peak its glorious rays up over the horizon, the town they were currently in just seeming to wake from its slumber as well. Merchants finally opening their stalls, children rushing out of their homes, among other things. It was quite the site to see, actually.

Turning back to her brother while gathering her things, it being a rapier and pack that slung over her shoulder, filled with all sorts of alchemical ingredients, equipment, and recipes. “Come, the innkeeper won’t be pleased if we say longer than we rented the room for.”

"Correction, sis - the room you rented. I slept in the outskirts. Besides, it's not like you couldn't afford a small manor with what you've got, Ralphie." - Gabriel remarked to his unusually masculinely named sibling. - "And you call yourself an elf? Shame on you. But I do admit, unlike so many others, this town has its charms." - he nodded as he gazed about. Children were storming into the flower field he conjured outside, and he eyed the milkmaids driving the cattle outside. Blumfeld was appropriately named for a rural settlement, but it was also well on its way to prosperous urbanization. Gabriel only hoped it would not ruin the surrounding environment in the coming years.

For now, he shrugged. - "Ah well, on to wherever adventure calls." - he nodded to her. - "There's going to be a rally on the town square a hour or two from now, if I recall well. We could hang around, see what the commotion is all about." - he suggested while he tidied up his own belongings. Unlike his half-sister, he travelled light, more content with poaching and gathering his meals whilst underway, feeling it was more rewarding in taste. He flung his guitar over his back, claimed his own sword and hand crossbow, a small bag and a scroll holder, and thusly he was good to go.

"Come on then, we don't have all day... oh who am I kidding? We do!" - he let out a hearthy chuckle as he stepped outside - the window, that is, not the door, doing an elegant flip in the air as he landed on the cobblestones of the paved road beside the tavern's side. Whistling to himself, he waved to Raphael to follow.


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