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Fandom Dark Souls I

Garl took the rags she handed to him and wrapped it around his wounded shoulder. He realized he couldn't properly tie them off to form a bandage and sighed in frustration. He instead held the two ends of the bandage and pulled on them so that pressure was applied. Almost immediately the rags were soaked in blood. After a moment Garl answered her question, although it seemed as if he were musing to himself. "I have the strength of ten men. At least I did before....." His voice began to trail off and he started muttering to himself. It seemed blatantly obvious he had lost enough blood to push him into a state of near unconsciousness. His breathing was still labored but it began to stabilize as it became clear that he was no longer in a life-threatening condition.
Alexhei perked his head up to the orange door marred with flakes and brittle metal. He could hear voices outside, voices unlike the ones he spoke to in his cell. Perhaps it was his mind playing tricks upon him once again? Blah, fictitious voices never stopped him from getting enraged before! "Who lurks about the corner?! Show yourself before I splay you in half!" He shouted, his voice tinny and bellowing from the poorly kept helm obscuring his face.
scratching the cell door with his broken knife 'how did i get here, what is this place, why did a demon smash me into the ground making me end up in here' those are the thoughts that are going through sans head until his already broken knife shatters into pieces "why did it have to brake now" he starts to look around the room finding bricks on the ground that are from the hole in the roof "surprised i even lived" he goes back to the door trying to catch anyone's attention
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guardianshadow guardianshadow
You can't actually see anybody but you can hear the distinct tone of voices -- male and female -- holding somewhat casual conversation in one of the corridors adjacent to yours, and some madman shouting for them to show themselves. At least he isn't hollow? The hole in the roof, though sizable enough to perhaps climb through, is far too tall for you to

@Deathrattle BB
Although the makeshift catalyst is doubtlessly secondhand quality, the bars of the cage door are weak enough that it appears the transparent blade begins to cut into one. After enough struggle and patience and what seems like several minutes, the soulspear manages to cut through one of the corroded, orange bars. Perhaps, with enough time, you'd be able to sever enough irons to shoulder-check yourself out?
san thinks that there are to ways this is going to happen the two people are ether guards or sane people that could either help or try killing him not to mention the screaming man that could most likely be insane
"HEY STOP YELLING THERES NO ONE THERE!" this was proboly a bad thing trying to talk to someone thats insane but at least he may find someone that can help him get out of this cell
The Chosen Undead The Chosen Undead

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