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Realistic or Modern Dark Lord

tomato modest

it feels like i'm drowning.
He had hit the ground, hard, this time. He could feel himself falling, falling at an incredible speed. How could he have lost this badly? One second he was fighting who they call the White Wizard and now he was falling, suffering from terrible defeat this time.

His head hit the concrete and he groaned. Everything seemed rather blurry to him and the sensation going on in the back of his head hurt like hell. Once he finally got everything together in him he looked down and his eyes went rather wide. Was he.. human?

@Bea @Gabriel Ivanov
Derek felt a pain in the back of his head. He winced and touched the back of his head with his hand and stared at the liquid. Blood? He blinked twice before realizing he didn't have giant massave claw like hands anymore. But tiny, worthless, human one's. He grunted. "What is this witchcraft...." He muttered, looking around for the wizard. He looked down at a letter he had lying next to him. It wad from the white wizard. He was taunting him on hiw he had suceeded and how Derek had failed. He crunched up the letter and tossed it to the ground with a sigh. He wouldn't have to worry. He would get out of here soon enough and be able to challenge the white wizard again. And this time, he will be victorius. Yes! Fantastic! He could just feel everyone bowing before him already. He sat up and looked around the area. Though, this was hard because he was very dizy. Perhaps there would be some civilians to enslave here?


Finnick Elliott Silverfox

He'd gotten up early to go on his morning run. Despite not being in school anymore he still wanted to stay fit so he ended up usually running a few miles every morning though today was a bit later, as he rounded a corner he noticed something...odd. A boy, sitting in the middle of the street with what looked like blood on his hands. He frowned a little and slowed his run to a walk and stood on the street across from him in yoga pants and a black hoodie with his school logo on it "Are you okay?" the blonde asked as he looked him up and down and realized that really was blood, but he saw no cars? Maybe he just fell?

@tomato modest​
It wasn't exactly the best way to wake up and start the day. Without looking, he could already tell that it was way too early for consideration as the boy sleepily came to; his eyes slightly opening, he groaned, looking over at the clock - 6 AM. Really? Of all times to be unnecessarily forced awake, it was the early morning? Quaint.

He had hoped he would be able to go back to sleep - but after a few moments of fruitless attempts he quickly came to realise that this was an impossibility; so, he responded by rolling to the edge of the bed and nearly falling off before catching his balance, not-very-gracefully getting his footing and meandering to his apartment window, opening it to combat the stuffiness of the moderately-sized bedroom he inhabited. Somewhere below him, he could hear the faint inflections of someone calling to another, and he looked down out of curiosity towards the usually-silent road below him after narrowing his eyes at the coffee shop across the street, judging how busy it was and if he was awake enough to run down there and grab a coffee of his own to shock himself awake some more.

The cold air was a shock against his bare chest, as was the sight of a boy sprawled on the street below, who looked to be injured. He felt a twinge of sympathy for him being how he was - fuck, was that blood smeared on his face?! - and he immediately felt the urge to run down and make sure the male was okay; of a similar impulse, he shouted down "Are you okay?!" to the boy. Hell, did he fall somehow? ...If so, how was it so perfectly situated so that he would land in the middle of the street? He knew for a fact the apartment balconies only extended at about half the sidewalk length just from looking up - if he fell, from where? And how?

Then he saw someone else jog up on the sidewalk besides the injured male, and it looked as if the person - a rather strapping male - were talking to the one in the middle of the road himself. So that's who he had heard. At least someone else was down there to assist - he was about ready to run down there himself.
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He glanced up at what appeared to be another human. This one appeared to be better built than most others, but that still didn't matter. Because as long as he had his powers he would be fine. "'Tis merely a flesh wound. Now bow before me, mortal!" He said as he threw up his hands in hopes to use a spell on the human but blinked slowly. He tried to do it again but failed miserably. Damn it, now he was stuck in some human filled realm with zero powers and in the weak body of a human. Could things possibly have gotten any worse. He grumbled and tried to rise to his feet but found it difficult due to the dizziness he felt. If he was in his normal body, this would be nothing. It seemed like human beings experienced pain much easier. He heard another voice ask him if he was okay. He looked up, trying to find the source but couldn't see much. His vision was still pretty blurry from the fall. He huffed and looked back up at the human. "Do you humans have any instant healing potions?" He asked.

@Finnick @Gabriel Ivanov
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Finnick Elliott Silverfox

He blinked a few times, Perhaps he'd gotten a concussion and was hallucinating? "Dude are you alright? You hit your head pretty good" he said before noticing the other male and frowning "Wanna help me get him out of the road?" he asked with a worried tone before putting a hand on the strange males shoulder to keep him from trying to get up "We're gonna have to move him slowly, he may have a concussion" he added as he leaned over to look at the nasty gash on the back of his head

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@modest mouse @Gabriel Ivanov



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The boy rolled his eyes, having second thoughts about going down there. "Jesus, he sounds insane," he muttered, dawdling at the window for a bit before snapping into action, pulling on a T-shirt and blue skinny jeans - which he uncomfortably noted showed off everything below the waist, but these were the only clean pair of jeans he had, and no way he was going down there in shorts with this weather. "Well, a little insanity never hurt anyone," he hummed to himself, donning a black cardigan and black running shoes before hearing the other sane (hopefully) person distinctly call out from the ground, asking for help.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," he grumbled, making sure that his cat Luna was safely on the bed and not about to run out with him before hurrying to the door, shoving keys into his pocket with difficulty and opening the door with a click, pushing it open and quietly closing it behind him so as to not disturb everyone else who still had the liberty of sleep.

Speaking of sleep, his hair was completely, utterly messy, falling down in front of his eyes in black waves, which he had trouble coercing out of his face as he darted to the elevator, hitting the corresponding key to the ground floor, muttering something about ripping his hair out as the doors closed in front of him.

They opened again in the lobby, and he stepped out, having given up on his hair halfway down the ride. Striding to the doors, he pushed them open, stepping outside into a blast of cold morning air, not yet heated by the rising sun and still humid from yesterday's rain. "Are you okay - is he okay?" He asked the more sane one. Hopefully he had a better grip on reality than this... Person... Sprawled out on the street babbling about 'potions' and the like.

A little insanity never hurt anyone.

@Finnick @modest mouse
"How many times must I tell you idiots I am fine!" He grumbled as he tried standing up. He couldn't though, it felt better just sitting there. "Ugh, why is this human body so weak." He mumbled. He sighed and looked back up at the humans, kind of wishing he could be standing on their backs or something like that. Boy, that would be fun. Good times. He knew he needed them though in order to fix his wound that for some reason felt like hell. Humans really were weak, weren't they? He almost pitied them. He grumbled quietly.


Finnick Elliott Silverfox

He groaned in annoyance when the guy tried to stand again and with the other male who appeared's help he managed to get him out of the center of the road "Dude your head is bleeding bad, We should probably get you to a hospital" he said as he looked at the other guy "I'm Finnick, by the way" he said with a nod "Thank you for helping" he said politely before going behind the strange man to part his hair carefully and check out the damage

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/heart_border__blue_green_yellow__by_revpixy-d6a2mfa.gif.95452a16c2e642b164a2755840865292.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143314" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/heart_border__blue_green_yellow__by_revpixy-d6a2mfa.gif.95452a16c2e642b164a2755840865292.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@modest mouse @Gabriel Ivanov



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"No problem, Finnick. I'm Tristan," he said, giving a small smile before he was interrupted by the other male's raised voice, calling them idiots. Groaning, he rolled his eyes, about to walk away when he remembered that the man was injured. Out of curiosity he slipped behind Finnick to assess the wound on his own, eyes slightly narrowing as he assessed the damage.

"...He's had cranial trauma," he suddenly said, eyes widening. "Parietal fracture, left side... That's his cognitive and speech functions right there. No wonder he's acting insane."

Giving a quick glance to Finnick, then back to the injured man, he pulled out a small white rectangle from his pocket, tapping on it a few times before looking back up at them. "I've paged Medical. Head of Nuero and Head of Trauma are gonna have a field day when they see this - if there's breakage splintering into the frontal lobe..." He lowly whistled, looking back up from the pager. "...I'm a field medic. I'm not being crazy, I swear," he elabourated, taking a closer look at the male before turning back to Finnick. "He's lucky to be alive," he whispered to him, his expression of surprise not fading. "Very, very lucky."
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Finnick Elliott Silverfox

He frowned and rolled back to flop onto the grass as the other male assessed the damage, surprised by what he was hearing and just looked over at him "How could he get all that from just...falling?" he whispered worriedly as he pulled his long legs to his chest, not entirely surprised by the man being a medic though felt incredibly lucky to have him of all people come out and help "How are we going to get him there? I live about 2 miles away" he said quietly

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/heart_border__blue_purple_pink__by_revpixy-d6a2jsc.gif.f8d05b36de504a2cea8953fc7dd225ee.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143326" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/heart_border__blue_purple_pink__by_revpixy-d6a2jsc.gif.f8d05b36de504a2cea8953fc7dd225ee.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@modest mouse @Gabriel Ivanov



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He blinked and sighed, following them though he kinda just felt like sitting in the middle of this road. Whatever it was used for. Back where he was, they only had sidewalks for walking. He graoned quietly at the other's explanation about his head. "I am not any more insane than I always was, fool." He hissed and sighed, grumbling. "Where do you plan on taking me anyways?" He said, releasing a sigh. If he had his powers, he would surely knock some sense into these idiots. Then he would proceed to take over the world, which wouldn't be hard considering how weak humans were.

"High heights can do this, but he landed at a soft angle. For all we know he could've landed on his feet and just decided to fall over and crack his head," he wryly said, taking a quick look into each of the injured male's pupils. "He's dilating fine... Doesn't look like there's any internal bleeding in the skull or it would redden his eyes - still, it's always good to be sure. I'll add Cardiothoracics onto that page," he murmured, more to himself now than anyone, clicking away on his pager before looking up, taking Derek's arm and turning it to where his forearm was visible, checking for unusual blood flow signs. "Sir, can you tell me your name?" He asked, looking up at the male, pressing the back of his hand to his forehead to check that his temperature wasn't sky high - instead, he felt unsually cold, and... No swelling. "Your name and age, please, and could you also explain how you got your injury, sir? It'll assist in diagnostics..."

By this time, he had grown used to the man's ramblings, and took it in stride, releasing him and stepping back to check for any imbalance. "I bet you are, sir," he said, not seeing any and frowning. "It's like his brain wasn't touched... Which is odd. Odd..."

"The hospital, sir," he replied. "I've paged for ambulatory transportation, they should be here relatively soon. ...Do you feel any numbness, Mr..?"
He looked over at the other and winced a little, wondering what in hell he was doing and what he wad rambling about. He shook his head. "I am the Dark Lord of Gargon. Age? Ummm.." How old even was he? He lost count a long, long time ago. "I lost count." He said, looking down. "Though I look about 18 in human years if your talking about in this weak body." He murmured. "And as for numbness I don't feel much I guess. I don't understand why it... hurts so damn much..." He grumbled quietly. "Human bodies really are weak. I almost feel sorry."


Finnick Elliott Silverfox

He watched the other male work and frowned a little "We need your real name" he said as he moved to be infront of him and watched him cautiously before standing up and slipping his thumbs into either side of his yoga pant waistband, looking over at the medic worriedly, He was starting to get concerned now as the boy seriously seemed to be delusional. "Where do you live?" he asked calmly, hoping to be able to maybe find someone who knew who he was.

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@modest mouse @Gabriel Ivanov



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He blinked, slowly bringing up the pager. "...Yeah. I'll page Psych as well."

His eyes met the other male's - the sane one - and he felt the same twinge of uncertainty that Finnick showed in his eyes, although it was more mystified than uncertain at the injured one's condition.

"Ambulance is a few moments out," he reported as a buzzing emanated from his pager. "...Sir, your name. Your REAL name, please."

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