Dark Disney


New Member
Hey everyone.

I'm back in the recruitment section for another round. Did you miss me? I bet you didn't.

Anywho, I've been wanting a one on one that's slightly.. different in subject than I've seen requested here on this lovely site. I was debating this idea for a while but hadn't found the time to write something out and post it. Now, as you can see, I have. If you can read and understand the English language, you've clicked on this thread because the title says ‘Dark Disney’ — either you've been intrigued and want to voice your interest, your funny bone has been tickled and you want to be amused even further, or you're just wondering why I've come up with such a strange little idea. Frankly, that doesn't matter in my quest. What does matter is that you've decided to take a peek at the contents of this link. So, I thank you for that.

I'm moving on to the not so fun part now: my regulations. Yes, I know this is the most boring part and clearly not what you've clicked for — sorry. But I've got to have them, y'know? However, because I'm feeling quite lazy, I've chosen to just copy and paste the ones from my first search and tweak them slightly.

First: is it too much to ask to have proper grammar? I understand the occasional typo and the sporadic mishaps, for I have those too (there are probably some in this very post!), but please — capitalize the beginning of sentances. Use correct puntuation. Try your best to spell correctly. Things along those lines, yeah? I hope that isn't too hard. Alrighty; now that that's covered, we'll be moving on to number two. I trust that it's alright to require a certain posting length? See, I tend to write a decent amount, typically ranging from three to eight paragraphs on average. See the things that are italicized? Those are the key words. If I'm becoming disinterested, you'll see the amount dwindling, and if I'm extraordinarily into it, then you'll see it rise. I would appriciate it if you could manage at least three, but more would be lovely-jovely. After that, I suppose I don't have anything else to mention. If I do think of anything else to add, I'll edit it in as soon as the thought flows to my brain.

Now on to what you've actually been waiting for — the plot. It's quite simple and pretty self-explanatory. Disney movies tend to be rather froo-froo, cookie-cutter, and light/happy, so, in this roleplay, I intend to change that (hence ‘dark Disney'). This can be written out in more detail through PM after you've shown interest. The two Disney films that I really want to try this out with are Tangled and Frozen, although I can be persuaded into doing another movie.

As a side note, I prefer to play the female role(s).

I suppose that's it. PM or comment here if you'd like to start something!
If I weren't so busy, and already swamped with RPs that I haven't replied to in forever, I'd ask to get involved with this. I get this feeling like "Dark Disney" is going to be more along the lines of "How Disney Films Were Before Disney Got Hold of Them." For example, Cinderella. Go look up the original transcripts of Cinderella pre-Disney.

Also, I feel like an old man saying this (despite being only 19), but... Tangled and Frozen? Are those Disney movies? Cause, like, I've never even heard of them. When I think of Disney movies, I'm thinking of Cinderella, Beauty & The Beast, Pinocchio, Peter Pan, etc.

Anyways, yeah. Maybe if I get a significant amount more free time, I'd be down to join... so yeah. Wanted to write something down and get notifications for this and yeah. Yup.

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