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Dark Age of Empires(still accepting rp-ers)

Nyq said:
The captain looked at Luthar,before finally speaking:"Wir sind hierher gekommen, weil wir von Ihrem Volk provoziert werden, die ursprünglich Crystallite.His Majestät wünscht zum Tode zu kämpfen, aber die Pläne sind changed.With die unmittelbare Gefahr der Nationalsozialisten wollen wir für den Frieden, so dass unsere Kräfte darauf konzentrieren könnten der wahre Feind statt.(We came here because that we are provoked by your people,Crystallite.His Majesty originally wishes to fight you to death,but the plans are changed.With the imminent threat of the national socialists,we wish for peace so that our forces could focus on the true enemy instead.)"

Luthar Then Stared At The Commander, He Spoke Again In Guin Language. "That Was A Proposal For Alliance, If You Have Not Attacked Us, We Could Have Helped You On This National Socialists Thing, Nevertheless You Attacked Us, Unless You Tell Us The Secret About This Magic Disruptor, Or Best... Destroy Them, Then We May Assist You, We Will Return To The City, Go There When You Have Decided.". Luthar Then Ordered The Whole Army To Return To Treville.

2 Miles Of Treville

The Army Was Marching Back To Treville When They Heard Disturbing Sounds, Luthar Ordered A Halt, And The Army Stopped. Luthar Scanned The Area And Caught Something On The Other Side, Skeletons And People Who Are Like Dead, He Then Remembered What Agamon Told Him, Concerning About The Undead. Agamon Then Approached His Father. "Father...". "Yes, I Know". He Then Pointed His Hand Towards The Undead, And The Golems Walked And Stood Just Right At The Front Of The Army, Awaiting Further Orders From Luthar.

@Comrade Wubzin
((It's fine, Comrade. Real life comes first, after all.))

Old Narzuul

It took a few orcs to find one that would talk. Soon enough, one broke. "She-hunter! She-hunter!!" he gasped "Charging to forward! Old Narzuul! She-hunter!!"


The charge slowed; something was wrong. Above them, after the first volley, the arrows stopped. Yegoth looked over the heads of his soldiers to see the ridge; he was horrified: If they fought the undead, these strangers would surely finish them off. "IT'S A TRAP!!!" he cried. "RETREAT!! RETREAT SOUTH!!!" He repeated to each band of soldiers as he past them, making his way desperately to Mazoga. He then grabbed her arm and pulled her along. "What wrong with you, Ruzh?! Let go!" she growled, yanking her arm away.

"It's a trap!!" he shouted, drawing her attention to the ridge. By now the undead were coming in droves to the east, and the jermanians to the west would see the army halting and turning south. Mazoga was furious. She started west with purpose and anger, but Yegoth stopped her. She turned with fiery rage to stare him down. "Your too important to lose today!" Yegoth insisted, which took her aback. He dragged Mazoga south, they both ran with the retreating army.


The Great Sage instructed the comrade to be secretive, he is not in friendly turf. The change would be slow. If this deal was ever found out, it would be the end. The comrade was further instructed to leave the city as though he was expelled by the Great Sage, and to return quietly later to spread his doctrines.


"Es tut mir leid, aber ich kann auf dieser matter.You nicht entscheiden müssen warten, bis Huang Shang Entscheidungen kommen.(I'm sorry,but I can't decide on this matter.You will have to wait until His Majesty's decisions arrive.)"said the captain


Nazi Support


"Mein Führer, der Kamerad zu Dur Grothor geschickt hat gute Nachricht zurückgemeldet .(My fuhrer,the comrade sent to Dur Grothor has reported back good news.)"said a Nazi comrade to the Fuhrer.

"Also, was eine gute Nachricht hat er berichten, Genosse?(So,what good news did he report back,comrade?)"said the Fuhrer.

"Der große Sage der Citystate von Dur Grothor bereit ist, den Nationalsozialismus zu übernehmen und hat uns die Erlaubnis gegeben nationalsozialistischen Propaganda zu verbreiten und einen nationalsozialistischen Putsch zu inszenieren, so lange er noch führt.(The Great Sage of the citystate of Dur Grothor is willing to accept national socialism and has given us permission to spread national socialist propaganda and to stage a national socialist coup,as long as he still leads.)"

"Gut, werden wir einige infanterie und auch ein paar Militärberater schicken um ihnen zu helfen.(Good,we shall send some infanterie and also a few military advisors to help them out)"

"Shi, mein Führer.(Yes,my Fuhrer)"


Dur Grothor

The comrade 'left' the nation,only to buy a small piece of property to house the secretive Dur Grothor National Socialist Party,which would bring a great change to the nation.

The people continue to work hard on the new colonies. The Emperor has noted that there are strange occurrences happening in the lands nearby.
Crystalia, Crystal Keep

The Council Was Talking About The Recent Magical Advancement About Controlling The Golems, And Creating Some Out Of Ice, And Rocks. Pelona Then Proposed A New Plan To Improve The Equipemts Of The Army. The Rest Of The Council Members Agreed To It, As It Was A Good Plan.

Effects: Mass Production Of New Crystal Equipments


The Crystal Sword


The Crystal Dagger


The Crystal Bow

If A Magic User Would Get Hit By Any Of These Weapons, Part Of Their Magic Energy Would Get Sucked.
Nyq said:
"So,the imperialists killed one of our comrades?"said Fuhrer Auth'sar Hoth

"Yes,mein Fuhrer.The imperialist scum has rejected the idea of national socialism."

"This shall be a declaration of war against the NSRG,comrade.Prepare our armed forces,we are going to war."

"Yes,mein Fuhrer."

"Send comrades to other nations in this realm to spread national socialism.Tell them to be slightly more cautious in their words,we don't want another comrade killed by imperialist scum"

"Yes,mein Fuhrer."

Nazi comrades are sent to all empires in Eidan.
The Comrade Arrived At Crystalia, He Walked Pass Through The Outer Wall, The Garrison Looking At Him Suspiciously, He Then Arrived At The Inner Wall, After He Got To The Other Side Of The Inner Wall He Was Stopped By Red Warriors With A Horse Emblem On His Hat With The Name "Police". "Halt! What Business Do You Have Here". The Comrade Looked At The Guy. "I Will Repeat Again, What Business Do You Have Here?". Still No Response. "You Filthy!-". "Stand Ground, Soldier!" Said A Guy Behind Him. The Police Looked Back And Exclaimed. "WHO ARE YOU TO-". He Then Realized It Was Commander Lance, Assistant Commander Of The Police. "Commander....". "Move, Who Are You? And What Business Do You Have Here?" Lance Asked The Comrade In A Calm Voice.

The Comrade in Crystalia


The comrade looked at Commander Lance,before speaking:"Ich bin ein Kamerad der nationalsozialistischen Guin Arbeiterpartei hier im Namen der state.Now gesendet, kann ich erfüllen Ihre Führer?(I am a comrade of the National Socialist Guin Workers Party sent here on behalf of the state.Now,may I meet your leader?)"

Nyq said:
The Comrade in Crystalia

The comrade looked at Commander Lance,before speaking:"Ich bin ein Kamerad der nationalsozialistischen Guin Arbeiterpartei hier im Namen der state.Now gesendet, kann ich erfüllen Ihre Führer?(I am a comrade of the National Socialist Guin Workers Party sent here on behalf of the state.Now,may I meet your leader?)"

The Military And Police Studies Most Of The Languages Of The Continent So They Understood Him, But Just As Soon As He Said Guin The Warrior Drew Their Sword. Lance Then Raised His Hand, And The Warriors Sheathed His Sword. "Our Leader Is Away, Fighting These Creatures That Are Also Called 'Guins'. But You May Talk With His Brother, The High Prince Edward." Lance Said.

A Not Really Happy Trip


"Als Mitglied des Guin Rennen, ich finde Ihre scheinbare Feindschaft extrem anstößigen. Wenn Ihre Nation eine gute Beziehung mit der NS-Republik der Guin haben will, rate ich, dass Sie eine bessere Haltung gegenüber uns haben Guins.But Ich werde dies nicht zu ernst nehmen, denn es gibt keinen Nutzen für den Staat bringt.(As a member of the Guin race,I find your apparent hostility extremely offending. If your nation wishes to have a good relationship with the National Socialist Republic of the Guin,I advise that you have a better attitude towards us Guins.But I shall not take this too seriously,as it doesn't bring any benefit to the state)"The comrade frowned at the apparent hostility of the Crystallites,before proceeding to the palace.

Nyq said:
A Not Really Happy Trip

"Als Mitglied des Guin Rennen, ich finde Ihre scheinbare Feindschaft extrem anstößigen. Wenn Ihre Nation eine gute Beziehung mit der NS-Republik der Guin haben will, rate ich, dass Sie eine bessere Haltung gegenüber uns haben Guins.But Ich werde dies nicht zu ernst nehmen, denn es gibt keinen Nutzen für den Staat bringt.(As a member of the Guin race,I find your apparent hostility extremely offending. If your nation wishes to have a good relationship with the National Socialist Republic of the Guin,I advise that you have a better attitude towards us Guins.But I shall not take this too seriously,as it doesn't bring any benefit to the state)"The comrade frowned at the apparent hostility of the Crystallites,before proceeding to the palace.

Lance Looked Back At The Guin "There Are Good Reasons For Our Hostility, As The Guins Attacked Our Empire When We Were Trying To Form An Alliance With Them."
The Jermanians

A quarter of a mile away, the lord commander watched the orc army retreat south. "Now, signal the Grailia Knights to take the fortress and put our dead back to sleep. Some of our cavalry is to surround the orc forces and hold them there until I arrive." He ordered to one of his mages, whom bowed and used a magic portal to communicate to the Holy Justicar.

"Alright, release them! Take the fortress!" The Holy Justicar ordered, unsheathing his golden blade as his knights released the orc archers and advanced towards the fortress. Some of them retreated to their pegasi and started flying inside the fortress.

Down south, near the retreating orc army, the rumble of cavalry can be heard. A short while later, 80 Grailia Knights riding pegasi gallop towards the orcs. "Remember, the Lord Commander wants them alive!" A Grailia Knight ordered.


The undead of crystalia

Thousands of skeletons hiss and march in excellent formations towards the crystalians. At least a hundred march behind ten larger skeletons wielding greatswords.

An all out invasion

A few days ago,the Wall

The 1st Infanterie Division took a while to observe the Wall,while discussing:"Kan, was für eine große Mauer hatten diese Imperialismus gebaut.(Look,what a big wall these imperialists had built.)."

"Nun, es würde nicht lange gegen unsere artillerie dauern, als wir kamen diejenigen, die hinter diesen Mauern zu befreien.(Well,it wouldn't last long against our artillerie,as we came to liberate those behind these walls.)"

"Für unsere Brüder!(For our brethren!)"said the soldiers before they attacked.

The Ju Empire soon lost contact with the Border Guard.


The comrade responded:Selbst wenn sie wirklich etwas für Sie getan, das ist die Frage der Alt Guntania, nicht wir sollten neue Guinatanians.You wissen, dass gut, Kristallite.(Even if they really done something to you,that's the matter of Old Guntania,not us New Guinatanians.You should know that well,Crystallite.)"


The Response

Gulai city

A servant entered the throne room,bowing to Emperor Ulgi as he speaks:"Huang Shang,Die Kristallite hat ihr Angebot für den Frieden erklärt(Your Majesty,the Crystallites has stated their offer for peace)"

Emperor Ulgi,who looks extremely tired due to the impending Nazi threat:"Sha?(What is it?)"

"Qi bing Huang Shang,Die Kristallite will, dass wir ...(Your Majesty,the Crystallites wants us to...)"Sweat drops has formed on the servant's face as he slightly trembles.

"Kuai shuo.(Speak.)"said the Emperor with a hint of displeasure.

"Sie wollen, dass wir ihnen unsere Magie Disruptoren zu geben(They want us to give them our Magic Disruptors)."

"Fang ci!(Outrageous!)"said the Emperor as he slams the table.

"Huang Shang.da shi bu miao!(Your Majesty,I have grave news!)"said a general as he rushes into the throne room.

"Kuai shuo(Speak.)"

"Die Nazis brach durch die Wand!(The Nazis broke through the wall!)"

The Emperor fainted at the report,and was taken to his bedroom.After he is finally awake,the Emperor immediately approved the request of the Crystallites.

(OOC:Sorry if it seems strange that I didn't mention the battle with the undead any further,but I just feel like concentrating on the NSRG now)

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The undead of crystalia

Thousands of skeletons hiss and march in excellent formations towards the crystalians. At least a hundred march behind ten larger skeletons wielding greatswords.

The Undead Of Crystallia

The Undead Army Rushed Towards The Crystallian Army, The Ten Large Skeletons Fought With 10 Large Golems, Both Has Breached Each Others Line, Spells Were Casted, Swords Were Swung, And Bows Were Notched.

Nyq said:
An all out invasion
A few days ago,the Wall

The 1st Infanterie Division took a while to observe the Wall,while discussing:"Kan, was für eine große Mauer hatten diese Imperialismus gebaut.(Look,what a big wall these imperialists had built.)."

"Nun, es würde nicht lange gegen unsere artillerie dauern, als wir kamen diejenigen, die hinter diesen Mauern zu befreien.(Well,it wouldn't last long against our artillerie,as we came to liberate those behind these walls.)"

"Für unsere Brüder!(For our brethren!)"said the soldiers before they attacked.

The Ju Empire soon lost contact with the Border Guard.


The comrade responded:Selbst wenn sie wirklich etwas für Sie getan, das ist die Frage der Alt Guntania, nicht wir sollten neue Guinatanians.You wissen, dass gut, Kristallite.(Even if they really done something to you,that's the matter of Old Guntania,not us New Guinatanians.You should know that well,Crystallite.)"


The Response

Gulai city

A servant entered the throne room,bowing to Emperor Ulgi as he speaks:"Huang Shang,Die Kristallite hat ihr Angebot für den Frieden erklärt(Your Majesty,the Crystallites has stated their offer for peace)"

Emperor Ulgi,who looks extremely tired due to the impending Nazi threat:"Sha?(What is it?)"

"Qi bing Huang Shang,Die Kristallite will, dass wir ...(Your Majesty,the Crystallites wants us to...)"Sweat drops has formed on the servant's face as he slightly trembles.

"Kuai shuo.(Speak.)"said the Emperor with a hint of displeasure.

"Sie wollen, dass wir ihnen unsere Magie Disruptoren zu geben(They want us to give them our Magic Disruptors)."

"Fang ci!(Outrageous!)"said the Emperor as he slams the table.

"Huang Shang.da shi bu miao!(Your Majesty,I have grave news!)"said a general as he rushes into the throne room.

"Kuai shuo(Speak.)"

"Die Nazis brach durch die Wand!(The Nazis broke through the wall!)"

The Emperor fainted at the report,and was taken to his bedroom.After he is finally awake,the Emperor immediately approved the request of the Crystallites.

(OOC:Sorry if it seems strange that I didn't mention the battle with the undead any further,but I just feel like concentrating on the NSRG now)

All Of The Guin's Magic Disruptor Were Delivered To Crystalia, The Engineers Examined It, And Tried To Make Armors That Would Counter The Effects.
Old Narzuul - Retreating

Vibrations are felt as an army of cavalry charges to cut the orc army off. The Sage Guard, see no other way out and assuming hostility, draw their swords and axes. But Yegoth knew the risk was too great for fighting. Stopping with Mazoga they ducked into something akin to a small cave or overhang that was overgrown, and buried the entrance with vines and branches.

The captain-chief that was left came to realize that Mazoga and Yegoth had both disappeared, his Heart dropped. But if he was going to die, he knew atleast he would die surrounded by Dur Grothor's finest. He just wished he knew who his enemy even was...

@Comrade Wubzin

((Sorry for taking so long to write such a short post, guys, I blame writers block.))
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Jermanians and Dur Grotharians

The Grailia knights had surrounded the orcs and had pointed their lances towards them.

Silence. Albeit a few seconds, but they felt like hours. Then, the knights parted ways for another whom trotted on horseback towards the orcs.

"Greetings on behalf of Jermania, I am Lord Commander Edgar Von Vislened. Now, who are your leaders? I would like to ask them a few questions." The human asked. The Grailia knights remained silent, facing the orcs, bearing symbols of grails upon their chest-pieces and pouldrons and helms.


Jermania and the Nazi's

The monarch smiled and nodded. "Of course there'll be trade, we Jermanians are very fond of trade. We almost have everything on your minds." He chuckled.

Fall of the Ju

In the past few days,the Nazi forces marched through the Ju Empire's territory with virtually no resistance,thanks to the support of freed slaves and Nazi sympathizers. With the fall of all major cities within the Ju Empire,the Nazis had begun to surround Gulai city.Seeing no hope against the incoming Nazi forces,Emperor Ulgi and the Imperial Guard fled the country,while the Ju government surrendered unconditionally to the NSRG. The NSRG soon established the National Socialist Republic of Guintania,under the lead of Prime Minister Rokee.

(OOC:I'm trying to pave the way for a world war,and Emperor Ulgi will still play a vital role in world politics)



Despite the fact that it is late in night,the citizens paraded on the streets of the city,celebrating their victory over the Ju Empire.The Fuhrer looked at the parade full with joy,with the ministers congratulating him with the recent victory.Fireworks filled the night sky,with the military firing their cannons towards the sky to celebrate the victory over the imperialists.

(OOC:Don't really have ideas for the celebration.Forgive me if this seems short to you)


The comrade asked the Jermanian monarch:"Also, was Waren Ihres Staates sind für den Handel ab sofort verfügbar?(So,what goods of your state are available for trade now?)"

@Comrade Wubzin
Crystal Keep Plaza

The Police Escort Remained At The Gate Before The Royal Bridge, As They Are Forbidden To Enter The Crystal Keep Without Permission From The Royal Family, Or Any Of The Commanders.

Lance And The Comrade Was Now In The Plaza Walking Towards The Keep Doors When Someone Approached Them.

Lance Looked At The Man And Smiled "Sol, Hello". Sol Smiled And Then Looked At The Comrade "Who Would This Guy Be? He Is Not From Here.". "Ah, He Is A Guin... Of A New Empire, His Empire Is The Enemy Of Our Enemy, And He Wants To See His Majesty, But His Majesty Is Not Here So I Am Gonna Bring Him To High Prince Edward.".

"Mm-Hmm, I Will Bring Him Inside Then, You May Return Outside... And Thank You" Lance Then Smiled, And Told The Comrade "I Must Go, I Believe We May See Each Other In The Future". Lance Then Walked Towards The Royal Bridge.

Sol Then Spoke Up After A Couple Moments Of Silence "Well Then, Please Follow Me".

Sol Led The Comrade Towards The Throne Room, Where A Man Sitting On The Throne Left To The Emperor's Throne.

"Your Grace, This Guin Wishes To Speak With You". Edward Then Looked At The Guin Carefully "Speak..".


Outside Of Treville

The Battle Was Over... Luthar Looked Around The Battlefield Where Corpses And Injured Soldiers Were Laying On The Ground. Luthar Called For Healers From Treville. The Police Also Assisted On Disposing Dead Bodies And Helping The Healers Treat The Wounded. They Piled The Bodies Of The Undead And Burned Them, As There Is A Possibility That They Would Rise Again. The Surviving Golems Crumbled Back To Dust. Luthar Called For Agamon "Yes, Father?"

"Reports..." "10,000 Dead And 12,500 Wounded From Both Battles With The Guin And Undead, The Guin Also Approved Of Our Request And Sent Us All Of Their Magic Disruptors. The Engineers Are Currently Working On Something To Help Neglect Their Effects" "Good, Continue Treating The Wounded And Help Dispose The Dead Bodies. I Will Head Back To Crystalia With Lady Visca." "As You Wish, Father".
South of Old Narzuul - the Jermanian conflict

Captain-Chief Ignorg stepped forward, heavy mace in hand. Not knowing where Mazoga went, he confronted the cavalry, in the best common-speech he could muster. "'Greetings'. Speak you arrive to me, stranger. What wanting is you?!" the knight could tell a certain amount of defensive aggression in his voice, or perhaps the fact that the orcs spears were out in from to protect him. He spoke with authority and the others were protecting him, which might have made the knight believe he was the leader. Although, on the other hand, he didn't say or even imply it.

@Comrade Wubzin
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South of Old Narzuul - the Der Grotharian conflict

The lord commander looked the orc from head to toe, he then lifted the visor of his helmet up, revealing his face. He sighed at the lack of common-speech, but he understood why. "Are you the leader of this band, sir?" He asked, taking into notice the lack of admittance.

Footsteps and the clink of armor could be heard near Mazoga. "Keep searching! They could be watching us right now!" The Holy Justicar barked to some of his Grailia Knights. He then leaped down, in front of the hiding orcs, thankfully not facing them. "Your holiness, why are we searching for them?" A knight asked from above. "We don't know what they plan to do, keep looking! They could have a loaded bow aimed right at the Lord Commanders head!" He barked, the other knight bowed and rushed off.

After that, he slowly turned around. Then, his eyes met those of Mazoga's. He gasped and unsheathed a glowing, golden blade. "To me, sons of the Grail!" He called out, then he held his blade to the orcs. "In the name of the monarch and the Grail! I, Adolf Von Wishlington, Holy Justicar of the Grailia Cathedral, order you to drop your weapons and follow me!" He shouted towards the orcs, by then, ten other knights stood at his side.


Jermania-Holy Teuton-NSRG negotiations

"Nun, was haben Sie im Sinn? Wir haben große Vorräte an Tuch , Rüstungen, Waffen , Mineralien, Lebensmittel und Getränke. Wir verkaufen auch Schiffe , hehe . Oder können wir Ihnen einige attraktive Männer oder Frauen geben? Durch einige unserer ... wie soll ich dieses ... Sexuelle Nachbarn setzen , haben wir diese Option hatte.(Well, what do you have in mind? We have large stocks of cloth, armor, weapons, minerals, foods and drinks. We even sell ships, heheh. Or, we can give you some attractive men or women? Due to some of our... how shall I put this... Sexual neighbors, we've had this option.)

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The comrade looked at the monarch:"Wir möchten Mineralien, Lebensmittel, Getränke, und auch die Männer und Frauen, wie Sie suggested.It ist in Ordnung, wenn sie nicht attraktiv, obwohl wir attraktive Männer oder Frauen bevorzugen, nur sicherstellen, dass sie alle eine Reihe von Fähigkeiten, die dazu beitragen könnten auf die development.So des Staates, was würden Sie im Austausch dieser Ressourcen wie? Wir haben eine stetige Versorgung mit moderner Waffen und gepanzerten Fahrzeugen, bieten wir auch technische Unterstützung, wenn Sie wollen.(We would like minerals,foods,drinks,and also the men and women as you suggested.It's okay if they are not attractive,although we would prefer attractive men or women,just make sure that they all have a set of skills that could contribute to the state's development.So,what would you like in exchange of those resources? We have a steady supply of advanced weapons and armored vehicles,we also offer technological support if you want.)"

@Comrade Wubzin

Dur Grothor

The 3rd Infanterie Division with several military advisers had arrived in the city-state in order to train troops for the coup.

Jermania-Holy Teuton-NSRG negotiations

The monarch nodded at everything else, taking notes. He then stopped when the comrade mentioned the men and women. "I am sorry sir, I'm afraid they're only used for... pleasing needs, like I said before, due to our neighbors." He explained

Further negotiations


The comrade continued:"Es ist okay, wir müssen nur die Arbeitskräfte(It's okay,we just need the manpower)."

@Comrade Wubzin

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