✦ ✧ Dare to Live ✦ ✧

The Joker

Elder Member

Gangster Role-Play!


You have pretty much a bad history... your parents where any kind of abusive or did drugs or any kind of badness. you were token away from them and put into adoption. you never got adopted. your heart grew broken and dented. you now live on the streets, forming up gangsters and always holding a gun in your pocket. you could never trust anyone, and you live on your own. good luck with that.


1.) no killing without permission

2.) you can swear, dont all gangster?

3.) no inappropriate 'words' and descriptions

Skelly Example

Name: (regular name)

Nickname: (gangster name)

Age: (can be any age you want)

Gender: (what sex are you?)

Appearance: (now tell me, what do you look like?)

Family: (got any family? sibling, pets?)

History: (besides the Story, tell me more about your person)

Other: (what else is about you?)










My Skelly

Name: Robert Schanze

Nickname: Yummy (on account of his need for sweets)

Age: 11

Gender: male

http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime gangster/Capster17/g.jpg?o=6

Family: grandma, ma and pa

History: his father did drugs and mother was a prostitute, she was always in and out of jail. Yummy was sent to an adoption center, he never licked it. all the other kids picked on him because he was little. because he always had a teddy bear. he escaped them and lived on the streets. he would go to his grandma's house to sleep there for the night, and eventually had to return to the adoption center. he finally escaped there for good and now was living on the streets, holding a water gun, looking to impress.

he young, but dont fool with him and likes to be called YUMMY

Name: Tony Godwell

Nickname: Big dog (since he is the leader of a gang called 'Bloodless')

Age: 18

Gender: male

http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime gangster/LuciieSF/AnimeGuy16.jpg?o=5

Family: no thanks, i dont need them

History: his parents smoked crack and pot, and were sent to jail. Tony followed in their footprints. now one of the most powerful gang members.

he is trouble, dont care if you call him Tony or Big Dog, but if you in his gang please call him Big Dog



he walked on the streets, it was cold. all the other kids would get in groups whispering and making gangster groups. life on the streets wasnt safe. Yummy was always looking to impress. he held out his water gun (which looked like a real gun) at people to tried to grab him. he was his own world. he might be small, but he is a big man inside.


he lay against the wall, in a alley. a cigarette in his mouth. as girls walked by and winked at them. he lowered girl in sometimes, make them slaves. even though some girls knew he did that, they still liked him. other boys were with him, they were with the gang he made.

Name: Victoria Lovewell

Nickname: Lover ('Cuz she suduces people)

Age: 17

Gender: Chicka!



Family: Nope

History: Her parents were druggies and she ended up smoking pot...

Other: She's a christian even though most don't know it.
Name: Justin Shard

Nickname: Razor

Age: 21

Gender: Dude


Family: Has a twin brother named Jonah who looks like a blonder version of himself, Justin despises him and Justin has a very good best friend named Jordan who allows Justin to live with him sometimes. His family where killed in a tragic accident mainly because his twin started a gang and when things went sour they turned against Jonah. They raped and sexually assaulted Justin and shot and tortured their parents right in front of them, he lies and tells everyone they died in a freak accident when he knows it was murder.

History: People would describe him as angry, a little pathetic and very violent at times Justin's irrationally low self-esteem comes out badly when he pretends to be cocky and a bad ass but really Justin doesn't want people to see the real him and make fun of him or feed of his weakness. Justin just wants people to not give up on him, usually when he's upset or determined its hard to change his mind.

Other: He's bi-polar and does not have any medication yet.

Razor saw the other boys, he had heard of the gang from brief gossip 'a bunch of brats playing wise-guy huh?' Razor thought with a smirk he had been on the streets far to long he had developed a sense of raw skills after all if you don't learn from your past then you where nothing more then a sucker for punishment.

He ambushed the boys and crossed his arms "There's a toll nowadays, they call it a entrance fee, you boys got ten bucks?" Razor asked, Razor/Justin looked at the three boys and pulled out his razor blade he could already tell the gun was a bust.

"Is that a fact? Who am I dealing with a bunch of punk ass kids who think they can Scar-face it up?" Razor asked with a smirk he looked to find more people surrounding him he quickly sized them up 'Hmm maybe four I could take on my own the other half I'll ditch and alert Jordan' he decided as he looked at the two bigger boys prepared for an attack.

"**** it, oh and did you pick out those word yourself? real piece of work, *****" he said holding up the gun to his eye. his girlfriend hid behind him, gripping onto his shoulders. "back of now, or you die." he said cigaret still in his mouth
"Maybe I did, maybe I did not what's it to you, your the one whose going to die if you don't give me all your money" he said as two other boys a bit taller then Justin appeared with a rifle and had arms crossed "This is TigerShark territory boys" he stated naming one of the big gangs in the area.

"hmm.. well Bloodlust is taking over this place... unless you let us go" he said spitting out his cigarette. he was trying to make a bargain, so they can live. dont risk lives.


he walked to what seemed a alley. "h-hello?" he said as he saw some older boys with guns. he was scared so he got out his water-gun (which seemed like a real gun) "p-please dont hurt me" he said, he was shaking.
Victoria rolled her eyes and followed Yummy. She frowned as she saw the older boys. She pulled out her gun and pointed at them "Drop your weapons and back away or I shoot." she said.

he stood behind the girl, and was scared. he kept out his "gun" and was shaking "kill them" he said "but let me" he added, looking to impress.


"hey, hey" he said chuckling. he threw down his gun and kept his arms up. "whoa whoa, no need to guns. just a friendly gang up" he said chuckling, closing his eyes. his girlfriend let go of him and now sat on a bunch of boxes. Tony spit out his cigaret and smiled, most of his teeth made out of pure gold.
Victoria rolled her eyes again and lowered her gun and walked slowly towards him. A sneaky smirk crossed her face. SHe pressed him against the wall and leaned towards him. Their faces merely half an inch apart, "Leave. Or die." She lifted her gun and pressed it to his temple ready to splatter his brains across the alley.

his head boggled. he smiled and chuckled "fine, ill leave. come on Bone and Shane... lets go" he said looking at the boys who were with him. he looked back at the girl and smiled "ill see you soon" as he pushed her aside. he carried the gun over his back and walked out of the alley.


he ran to Victoria and tears where in his eyes "are you OK?" he asked. she was the only person close to a parent to him. he needed her for help, support. A lot of things.
Victoria nodded "I'm fine, buddy. Now, let's get back to the warehouse." she said. THey were currently living in an abandoned warehouse.

he was chuckled as he walked down the streets. maybe he could mess with that girl... get her feelings hurt or something... murder her? nawh. not murdering, he wasnt THAT evil.


he nodded "im cold and hungry" he said as his stomach crumbled. he forgot where home was, but didnt want to tell her. he didnt want her to think he was stupid.
Victoria nodded "I have some cash. I'll go get a pizza and a few blankets once we're back home." she said as they continued walking. She caught a glimpse of the boy whom she had just pressed a gun to as she walked. She stopped and frowned.

he smiled and jumped up and down. he followed Victoria and stopped at her feet. he looked straight and saw the boy. "whats wrong?" he said tugging on Victoria's shirt. he didnt know what was going on.
Victoria pressed one finger against his lips as she pulled up her hood. She watched the boy closely as she backed into a nearby alley.

Her hoodie-


he went into a bar. and grabbed a couple of alcohol. then went back out. he and his buddies, started to drink and laughed. they hit on girls and spanked some of their butts.


"ewwww" he said as he saw the boy spanking the girls butts. "gross" he said sticking his tongue out and closing his eyes.
Victoria shushed him "Quiet." she whispered and took off her hoodie revealing a strapless shirt and a pair of white shorts. She walked out a smile on her face.

"why are you smiling? are we going somewhere? whats happening??" he asked demanding attention and answers. he thought that it seemed that he had so much questions, and everyone didnt bother to tell him. he hated it.


he chuckled as some girl glared at him. he was always cheating on his girlfriends, everyone knew that. but some still liked him because he was the leader of 'Bloodlust' one of the most popular gangs.

he pouted, folding his arms. whatever she was doing, he didnt like it. he watched her, beside some boxes. ready to pounce on the teenager if he hurt my 'sister'


he burped. "hello" he said woozy. "and who are you?" he said not remembering her from the alley.

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