daniel reaver

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Oh thank god I though you wernt going to beleive me

xD yea I remember
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Really wow... So what's happens in my unwanted absence

Nothing really shorty stopped role playing due to irl stuff
Only one problem I have know seeing as how every o e will probably beleive me. How am I going to start up again (TAT)(TAT)(TAT)
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]HOLY SHIt!!!! *hugs back*

how is you?? ^.^
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Great now

cool! wanna go to the roleplay or...yeah? or maybe? sure? xD i dunno, i was hella hyped up for doing a roleplay in world studies roleplaying a French Financial crisis meeting and i hella bombed it so im like a kid really hyper lol
Wow that's a lot of words.but I have a problem. What if no one in the thread believes that im me and all my relationships are gone most likely >~<
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Wow that's a lot of words.but I have a problem. What if no one in the thread believes that im me and all my relationships are gone most likely >~<

theres no way there not gonna believe you xD your user name is Daniel reav...ing. that sounds hard to Not believe
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Yeah but you know people. They will always find a way to try and make some thing wrong. xD

just...come with me to the roleplay xD i could get chu started. surely, my plan is, if im interacting with someone's character and the user is roleplaying just like that character or something, then surely, that'll convince them
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Alright Lea do this...... What character do I start with again!! xD

uhhh...Shira and Myuki xD Mitsu maybe. oh and Mika. idk choose w/e xD

Shira - Yuki's her wife...

Myuki - snake. she with Kikuri

Mika - kid. under Neo's care

Mitsu - just dating Neo.

(that should refreshin some memories xD )

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