damn someone already said meowdy


New Member
good on ya, internet world.

hi! I go by Reece I've been doing this RP thing for over a decade (yikes that makes me feel old) and i am a huge fan of abandoning capitalization and punctuation OOC because, after studying language for so long, i have concluded that it is all fake and hierarchical literacy is the Biggest Fake of them all. i don't expect anything from my RP partners other than mutual respect, matching quality, and a love for story-telling! i could care less about tiers (to that end..... what is semi-literate? all these years and i still.... don't..... i just...........)

ok you'll either vibe or you'll scroll past. hmu if you ever wanna do the following:
~ Star Wars RP
~ Harry Potter RP
~ Modern day magical realism RP
~ Plot-driven character development (aka putting characters in specific settings to sharpen them up/clarify them, this is a great exercise if your character is new or you are getting used to a Canon!)

sooooooooooooooooo yes. proceed with love
Hello and welcome to Rpn! You aren't the first user here to not use capitalization, but as for reasoning, I believe yours is a first I've seen.

If you reach out to more users for certain fandom you can post under the 'Looking for Players' section, and depending on where you want to roleplay, you can post in Off Site Ads or Looking for Partners.

And after checking out the site rules, guidelines, and regulations, I wish you the best on your Rp searches.
Hello! Welcome to the land of RPN.
I haven't been roleplaying for that long, but you aren't old.
If you need any help navigating the site, you can simply ask me or the staff.
Anyways, I will let you on your way now. Good luck finding an RP partner and have fun on the site c:

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